Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 9 *Arrest*

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Arrests are a matter of public record, correct? So we know that they haven't arrested anyone in this case.
In Mariha Smith's case they arrested the POI on a probation violation. Not for her murder, but he's there for 45 days.

What motive do they have to charge him with murder when he's already being incarcerated for another crime?

Why not wait on the murder charges, to build their case and hold off on the clock starting?

I see this case the same way.

What if they HAVE arrested their POI on a minor charge?

We don't know that they haven't, because we don't know who their POI is.
If their POI is secure wherever he is, there is no need to charge and arrest him right this second.
That starts the clock... they should take advantage of the extra time.


I was wondering about this...AFAIK, arrests are a public record, you just need to know where to look...and I don't know how quickly those records are publicized. Where would one begin?...if it was someone in the house, I still don't know...wouldn't it depend on who was arresting them? IOW, if the POI had minor, outstanding charges, but they weren't in would one look them up? Are they by county? It could be under any municipality I would guess depending on where the crime was committed(?)...Even in Vermont as it is so close...
Not saying anything about this case, but some people really are insane when they commit crimes and probably should be deemed as such...

I agree. And I agree that innocent people are convicted of crimes more often than people think as well. But the wording on Durham scares me, in that I believe that anyone who would kill a child would be someone with a "mental defect." The issue with Durham is that there is no real standard to go by. The jury just gets to decide for themselves. No doctor is necessarily needed. Other states don't use it because there is no real instruction to provide. I can see how that could end up with lots of people who aren't insane to be released. However, it would seem that NH takes that ability to do as they want with it and turned it into a very tough stance. As it should be. They are the only state that uses Durham, but overall, as a country, including states that use M'Naghten, A.L.I. and NH, the insanity defense is used in fewer than 1% of cases and is only successful in 26% of those. Most people, even with mental health problems know the difference between right and wrong.

Unlike some here, I have little confidence in the local prosecutors. Not because I think they are incompetent, but because this is going to be a very difficult case to successfully prosecute. Despite what some have said there is little to no reason to delay an arrest if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a charge. The prosecution does not need to have their entire case complete before filing charges, they just need enough to convince a judge that an arrest is warranted.

Respectfully snipped by me for space.

I disagree. The moment an arrest occurs, the defendant's speedy trial rights kick in. Arresting a suspect too soon, before all t's and crossed and i's are dotted could be a fatal mistake to the case.

It's only been a couple of weeks since Celina was found. That is not a lot of time to me. If we get into months, I will begin to share your concerns.

My feeling, based on watching this state in action in a prior case, is that LE feels it knows exactly who did this crime and are simply putting their ducks in a row. I may be wrong but that's my feeling. I think there is a ton of evidence in this case.

It took 14 days or so before there was an arrest in Krista Dittmeyer's case. I suspect there will be one in this case within the month. At least, I hope!

I was wondering about this...AFAIK, arrests are a public record, you just need to know where to look...and I don't know how quickly those records are publicized. Where would one begin?...if it was someone in the house, I still don't know...wouldn't it depend on who was arresting them? IOW, if the POI had minor, outstanding charges, but they weren't in would one look them up? Are they by county? It could be under any municipality I would guess depending on where the crime was committed(?)...Even in Vermont as it is so close...

I hadn't thought about looking in VT

Please disregard, I'm a little :crazy: and have been looking at the wrong thing, :floorlaugh:
Arrests are a matter of public record, correct? So we know that they haven't arrested anyone in this case.

We know they haven't arrested anyone specifically for harm to Celina. I think the point earlier in the thread was that a POI could have been arrested for another crime - outstanding warrant, traffic violation, drug possession, etc. - and is being held on that charge while they investigate the POI's involvement in Celina's death.
I enjoy speculating as much as the next person. I like trying to solve puzzles. But in this case there's next to nothing to go on, which I think leads to too much jumping to conclusions or wild speculation that I'm not really comfortable with. I'm not willing to accept that many (even most) elements and tidbits we've heard are facts at this point, which doesn't help. I like to look at what I know for sure and then see where that leads me, not t he other way around, and that's why this case is frustrating for me. There's almost nothing to go on!


And why we go over & over the same 3-4 theories... adding in a blanket here, a phone call there, and
every few days a newbie comes in (I love newbies, BTW).... and thinks we haven't thought of their theory...
when in fact, probably every detail had already been torn apart.

(Just woke up from a 30 min nap... so not sure that made sense.)
I do think local media would have picked up on any arrests of any kind relating to anyone in or around the household, JMO.
I do think local media would have picked up on any arrests of any kind relating to anyone in or around the household, JMO.

I agree and for sure any of the public posting boards.
Hi Guys! :great:

I`m a newby! Have been following the forums for the last few months but have decided to join! You are very friendly and this particular case is very frustrating!

I am about 5 hours ahead of you so have to catch up when I get to work! :blushing:

Hope I can join! :D
I took a break for an hour and lost my train of thought. What purpose would it serve to hide the fact that they have arrested a suspect on a charge unrelated to the case?
Hi Guys! :great:

I`m a newby! Have been following the forums for the last few months but have decided to join! You are very friendly and this particular case is very frustrating!

I am about 5 hours ahead of you so have to catch up when I get to work! :blushing:

Hope I can join! :D

Welcome, Mazz1969! :welcome:
I took a break for an hour and lost my train of thought. What purpose would it serve to hide the fact that they have arrested a suspect on a charge unrelated to the case?

No purpose in hiding it, except the LE in this case doesn't like to tell us anything.. But I think some are speculating that certain people in this case have gone underground, and maybe they are being detained on minor charges pending an arrest in this one.
I took a break for an hour and lost my train of thought. What purpose would it serve to hide the fact that they have arrested a suspect on a charge unrelated to the case?

If he were a flight risk?

Hi Guys! :great:

I`m a newby!
Have been following the forums for the last few months but have decided to join! You are very friendly and this particular case is very frustrating!

I am about 5 hours ahead of you so have to catch up when I get to work! :blushing:

Hope I can join! :D
I took a break for an hour and lost my train of thought. What purpose would it serve to hide the fact that they have arrested a suspect on a charge unrelated to the case?

I went back to double check, with a somewhat clearer mind.

Yep... I thought it said:

What purpose would it serve to arrest someone
on a charge unrelated to the case?

Never mind.
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