NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 4

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czechmate7 said:
Thanks for the reply Peabody. I find it odd that with her "introvert" personality (I'm speculating from articles I've read about Maura...I didn't know her so I could be off base...it's just an educated guess I've formed from reading articles describing Maura...I too am introvert and can usually tell other introverts) that Maura would prefer to work with people.

Do you know what Maura's ultimate goal was in her career path? A doctor?

You know, if she would have married Lt Rausch, basically she would have lived the military life she so did not like. I am both ex military and after discharging, married into the military...not much difference. If Maura had planned to further her career in the medical field, she would have had to do it on Lt Rausch's schedule (him getting transfered from state to state,etc..

I agree with your comment about the poster stating "just a nurse"!! But the comment Maura made about Chemical Engineers isn't any nicer...
I do not know her utimate career goal.

Have been told the following by more than one who was close to her:

Maura knew that while in the military as the wife of an officer, who would often be transferred to various locations, that a nursing career would be "perfect" because there is always a demand for nurses in any location.....she also felt that nursing would be "perfect" as a stepping stone in the medical field. I don't think anyone has mentioned "doctor" as a certainty, only possibility.

The one thing she often stated (and was slightly touched upon in the 20/20 episode by her friend "Liz" who stated that "after meeting Bill, she never stopped talking about him or wanting to be with him......") that all she really wanted to do was "marry Bill and have lots of little Billies".....so I am not sure that she was a career oriented female; she may have been a family oriented female (I realize that you can be both, but I am saying that she may have preferred devoting her time and efforts to a family FIRST, and I personally do not find that demeaning)

I also do not find Maura's ***general statement*** that "many" Chemical Engineers were nerdy and not people persons offensive. Knowing several engineers personally, they jokingly refer to themselves as a nerdy bunch........guess it's just your take on the matter. If Maura had called someone in Chemical Engineering this "name" in a derogatory tone, I would agree completely that she would have been out of line. However, this is not the case.

I was forwarded some descriptive emails about Maura from a few friends - I am fairly confident that I could obtain permission to post them. ONE thing they made clear was her 100% acceptance of all people and her choice to not be critical or judgmental of others. Frankly, the reason that I have not asked for permissionto post them is the RISK that posters will then attack Maura as they have her family...........I am continually amazed at what some posters read between the lines..........opinion is opinion, and I will be honest enough to admit that it is my opinion that her family does not need additional attacks made on Maura.

I also do not think it is a consensus that Maura is/was an introvert. By all accounts, she was **slow** or cautous about letting a person into her close circle of friends, but if you read about her, everyone speaks of her witty remarks, her constant, contagious giggle, etc - not the decription of an introvert.........fairly certain that these descriptions or simiilar are in Kelly Jolkowski's blog http://voice4themissing.blogspot.com/

Kelly's blog is featured on Maura's site along with the full video of The Montel Show - I believe it also has a few remarks by her friends;
Link to blog and Montel Show: http://mauramurray.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=21
murraydwyer said:
First, I don't mean this question as a challenge. I think the questions you asked are intersting and given your perspective, understandable. You ask:

I know you've done a lot of research into voluntarily missing persons. How would one be admitted to a college, let alone finish college without transcripts proving attendence and completion of either high school or college courses. I suspect post Katrina it would be easy to say you were from the south, but prior to this past fall not as easy.
People with a false ID with some false documentation evidently can attend school, get jobs and other things. One adult runaway I read about evidently eluded detection for years and then for some reason when some years had gone by and she thought the heat was off she went back to using her old SS number and got found because a cop decided to again check her old SS number for activity after all those years.
My original post was to ask 3 questions. People do not have to believe that Maura is an adult runaway to take their best guess on answering the questions as if she was an adult runaway. Assuming Maura had the needed documents:
1. If Maura is an adult runaway where do you (the reader) think she went to start a new life?
2. Do you think she finished college and if so what do you think she studied?
3. What sort of occupation would you think she would choose to make her living?

Note: To set the record straight about my research so people don't get the impression that I know certain details that I do not know:
Yes I did do some online research into adult missing persons as in learning that it can take years for them to be found as some on that list provided by cyberlaw proved. From my research I learned that it is relatively easy to get a new name and that even a new SS# can be legally obtained (I posted about these things previously in other thread parts.) I did not go into all the details of getting other false documentation but I know that there have been places online for years where you could get all sorts of false documentation (Ever see those adds for buying a diploma? A few years back those were spamming my email constantly.) and I suspect that a college town has its share of people selling false documentation for all sorts of things.

What I do know is that people can and do go to school, get jobs and live lives under their new identity and they manage to do it for years. I don't know all the details of how they get the documents for school but I know it happens because adult runaways have been living for years and in some cases going into professional jobs under their new identities.

People who have committed crimes sometimes use false documents too. I remember recently watching a TV special about some woman that was wanted for something and she had such good false ID that even after she was profiled on one of those American Justice type shows and a tip came in that showed her whereabouts the cops checked her documentation and, although false, it was so good that they let her go thinking they had the wrong person.
Peabody said:
I also do not think it is a consensus that Maura is/was an introvert. By all accounts, she was **slow** or cautous about letting a person into her close circle of friends, but if you read about her, everyone speaks of her witty remarks, her constant, contagious giggle, etc - not the decription of an introvert.........fairly certain that these descriptions or simiilar are in Kelly Jolkowski's blog http://voice4themissing.blogspot.com/
I must have misunderstood your comment about Maura wanting to further her medical career...PA is one of the only careers I know of between nurse and doctor or you could have meant specializing in a certain area (ie,Physical therapy)
I completely understand what *introvert* is (being one myself). I am, also very guarded about letting insiders in; but once I get to know someone I can feel comfortable, joking around with them and such HOWEVER even those indivduals don't know everything there is to know about me....I giggle and ooze sarcasam (which I remember being one of Maura's traits in the article...witty remarks=sarcasm; trust me I'm the queen of it).
To say someone is introvert doesn't mean they live their lives under a rock, but they aren't center of attention or life of the party, but are very private and aren't quick to let people into their lives and have only a small circle of friends, as Maura has been described..it isn't a bad, awful thing...you make it sound as though being called an introvert casts a bad light or is a bad characteristic..no one thinks less of people who are introverts.
Czechmate....your description describes me perfectly.....witty and loves to laugh, but VERY guarded about who I allow into my circle of friends, so I
understand what you mean.

Also, girls of that age often change a lot.
I mentioned that Maura probably would have had a helper if she
intentionally disappeared.

I'm curious....have the police commented about that, at all?

I'm sure they have a theory. Why won't they share it with Maura's family?
Does anyone know how far Mr. Murrays' hotel was from the dorm on the night of Maura's 1st wreck? In the article it said Maura got into the wreck an hour after she left the dorm. Also, does anyone know for sure if LE was called out to that wreck?
czechmate7 said:
Does anyone know how far Mr. Murrays' hotel was from the dorm on the night of Maura's 1st wreck? In the article it said Maura got into the wreck an hour after she left the dorm. Also, does anyone know for sure if LE was called out to that wreck?
I don't know all the details of that first wreck, but according to Sharon Rausch on mauramurray.com LE did not ticket Maura. I will try to find the post, but it led me to believe that police came to the scene and Maura was not cited.
1. If Maura is an adult runaway where do you (the reader) think she went to start a new life?
2. Do you think she finished college and if so what do you think she studied?
3. What sort of occupation would you think she would choose to make her living?

About a thousand or so miles away. In this country.

No, not yet. I think she will but not yet.

I think right now she is a homemaker and staying home with baby(s) but when they go to school that will change.
Masterj said:
I don't know all the details of that first wreck, but according to Sharon Rausch on mauramurray.com LE did not ticket Maura. I will try to find the post, but it led me to believe that police came to the scene and Maura was not cited.
Masterj~ I'm not concerned whether Maura was ticketed or not...I'm curious about what time the accident occured and how far Mr. Murray's hotel was from the dorm.
czechmate7 said:
Does anyone know how far Mr. Murrays' hotel was from the dorm on the night of Maura's 1st wreck? In the article it said Maura got into the wreck an hour after she left the dorm. Also, does anyone know for sure if LE was called out to that wreck?
czechmate7 said:
Masterj~ I'm not concerned whether Maura was ticketed or not...I'm curious about what time the accident occured and how far Mr. Murray's hotel was from the dorm.
I was responding to your last question which i bolded above.
My question was how far did Maura have to travel from the dorm room to her father's hotel and what time accident occurred. The article I read stated from the time she left the dorm room, an hour later Maura she had an accident. Did it take an hour from the dorm room to fathers hotel?
I would just like to remind everyone that a team of private investigators has gathered and donated their time, money, and efforts to getting the answers to this because they don't feel that it is a simple runaway situation, and something more sinister has taken place.
armywife210 said:
I would just like to remind everyone that a team of private investigators has gathered and donated their time, money, and efforts to getting the answers to this because they don't feel that it is a simple runaway situation, and something more sinister has taken place.
Since this group isn't LE and basically just a group of individuals that have donated time and have no legal obligation to keep their findings private are they willing to share the information which led them to believe something sinsister has happened?

I just need some shred of evidence that something sinister has taken place. I have no problem believing if any kind of factual evidence is given. I have yet to see any. Make me a believer please....I want to believe something awful has happened also (I'm starting to feel out of place on this thread!)
armywife210 said:
I would just like to remind everyone that a team of private investigators has gathered and donated their time, money, and efforts to getting the answers to this because they don't feel that it is a simple runaway situation, and something more sinister has taken place.
Cool. We know that.
czechmate7 said:
My question was how far did Maura have to travel from the dorm room to her father's hotel and what time accident occurred. The article I read stated from the time she left the dorm room, an hour later Maura she had an accident. Did it take an hour from the dorm room to fathers hotel?
That sounds like a reasonable question to me. Maybe someone who really knows exactly can answer it.
Medusa said:
1. If Maura is an adult runaway where do you (the reader) think she went to start a new life?
2. Do you think she finished college and if so what do you think she studied?
3. What sort of occupation would you think she would choose to make her living?

About a thousand or so miles away. In this country.

No, not yet. I think she will but not yet.

I think right now she is a homemaker and staying home with baby(s) but when they go to school that will change.
Interesting answers. What makes you think she chose homemaker?
My question was how far did Maura have to travel from the dorm room to her father's hotel and what time accident occurred. The article I read stated from the time she left the dorm room, an hour later Maura she had an accident. Did it take an hour from the dorm room to fathers hotel?

I spent some time searching my 'way back' info...I thought I had an answer print...I could not find it ...Based on a conversation I had with Maura's dad a couple of weeks ago (unrelated to Maura), and what I believe I was told by Sharon Rausch, I believe he would have stayed at one of the serveral motels in Hadley, about 5 minutes from the campus...but I do not know that to be a fact.

I don't know where the party was in relationship to Maura's dorm. It would appear from one article that it was in a dorm room, but if it was not in Maura's dorm could have been a long walk (short ride) away...the informaton I have indicates that Maura was with others and 'left at her dorm' which could indicate walking or driving. We don't know whether they stopped and chatted for a while. I also don't know whether Maura may have stopped to pack some clothes for the next day...she had arranged with her father to car shop and also had to work that day. I don't know how far away Maura may have had to park...on Campus parking is a major problem for students and she may have had to walk quite a distance to get to the car. We do know she did not head directly from the party to the motel because we know she went back to her dorm and if any or all of the above factored in it could easily have taken an hour.
I really don't know the complete details, but nearly two years of reading posts has given me the following impression.

Maura would have left Sara's room sometime after 2.30am and walked to the lot where Dad's car was parked.

She left Amherst on Rte 9 the main road to Northampton although the motel where her Dad was staying is in Hadley. I would guess the distance was at the most eight to ten miles from Amherst.

The road was slippery and sometime after 3am the car slid off to the road hitting the guard rail damaging Dad's car to the tune of a 10K damage estimate although this "fact" was something mentioned later to the press by the much reviled Lt Scarinza of NHSP in his June 04 summary at Vermont St police barracks--a joint press conference about the cases of Maura and Brianna Maitland who had gone missing across the state line in Vermont.

The main reason she was not cited according to family posters is that the road was very slippery and icy.

A local Hadley policeman came up to the scene. Evidently he did not think she required any kind of alcohol testing.

The car was drivable so she continued to Dad's motel. The only other specific item which came out much later was that she called her boyfriend in Oklahoma at 4.49am Eastern time using Dad's cellphone because her cellphone was at Sara's. This is the conversation in the early press story where she was very upset not only (he thought) about the car accident but about something else and it took him a while to calm her down.

There was some kind of accident report either in the police log or local paper.
Hydemi..Thanks for the info.
You mentioned Maura left Amherst on Rte 9 on the main road to North Hampton although her dad's hotel was in Hadley. Forgive me because I don't know the area, but you made the statement as though Maura wasn't going toward the hotel. I pulled up a map that looks like Hadley is in the same direction as North Hampton?
nnglas.....as much as that is a good story, in that the woman's son was found alive and well, I truly do feel that is is downright MEAN to disappear like that
for over 20 years....especially for no apparent reason.

Unless you were fleeing from a VERY abusive family situation, then I don't feel it is right to let your family think you're dead.

Maybe others will disagree, but just stop and think for a minute about how
you would feel if your wife, husband, son, daughter or brother or sister
were to do that. You would be distraught and sad....and then if you found out later....especially years later, that they were alive and well, it's nearly impossible not to have some semblance of anger and resentment.
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