NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 5

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Remembering Maura and praying for answers

this Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Maura has been missing 4 years and 10 months today
I really want to see this case resolved. I would really like to know what happened to this beautiful young lady. This case is such a mystery in so many ways. I wonder where she was going and why. Was she meeting someone or just wanted to be by herself? Why did her car end up where it did? Did a cop come by and offer to help her get help? So many questions and no answers. I can't even imagine what life has been like for her family over the past years with no answers, no body, and no justice.
Hi all, I don't know if anyone's already posted this, but a new forum started up over the last few days dedicated to Maura Murray:


It has pictures, facts, references, links, timelines, and a lot of helpful stuff. People have begun posting there and I do see new information and directions emerging!
does anyone wonder if maura tried to call her boyfriend for help. maybe she couldnt say anything on the phone ? it sounds like she was upset and was crying alot on the phone. was she kidnapped while walking on the hwy or did she hitchhiked?. there is alot of questions that needs to be answered.also i thought i read when a vehicle approached which was a bus driver. he tried to help her but she declined his help. i think they need to check more into his story. somebody could have picked her up and something terribly happen to her.
I've been reading a lot about this case and have a couple of questions. I read were someone called her and upset her so bad that her boss had to walk her back to her dorm room. Did they ever figure out who made that telephone call?
I find the eye witness accounts to strange. They couldn't tell the difference between a man smoking a cigerette and a woman on the telephone. I really hope Maura's family gets the answers their looking for.
I've been reading a lot about this case and have a couple of questions. I read were someone called her and upset her so bad that her boss had to walk her back to her dorm room. Did they ever figure out who made that telephone call?

Supposedly this is a misinterpreted point (like so many things in this case). The telephone calls from her sister were made earlier that night and the reason Maura began crying later remains unclear-- http://www.whitmanhansonexpress.com...ura-is-missing-part-i-the-departure&catid=912

Edit: I should say that it is possible she did receive a call but that has not been confirmed that the call was what made her cry and it seems like there may not even have been a call at al..
On a Monday, February 9, 2004, Maura Murray want missing.

Today, 5 years later:

Still No Answers!

Praying for Maura and those who love her.
On a Monday, February 9, 2004, Maura Murray want missing.

Today, 5 years later:

Still No Answers!

Praying for Maura and those who love her.
Could someone direct me to the report of Maura being sighted in the convenience store, mouthing "help me"? Where was this convenience store and how far from where she went missing? I would really like to read that report. I live within easy driving distance of where Maura went missing and would like to maybe do some sleuthing of my own.

you can also put the rag in and the car might choke up but it will still run it will just keep missing but m suggestion would be carbon monoxide would come all through your car if it infact stayed running wouldnt take her long to pass out maybe thats why she hit the tree she was going in and out of conciousness..
On a Monday, February 9, 2004, at just about this very time,

Maura Murray want missing.

Today, 5 years later:

Still No Answers!

Praying for Maura and those who love her.
5 years is too long. I hope that both MA and NH le are still taking her disappearance seriously and pursuing the investigation.

On a Monday, February 9, 2004, at just about this very time,

Maura Murray want missing.

Today, 5 years later:

Still No Answers!

Praying for Maura and those who love her.
Does anybody else think that Maura Murray committed suicide?? I've thought this- almost from the beginning... this nagging feeling that she chose to end her life. It is believed that she was overwhelmed and over stressed at school.. she lied to people at school, saying that their was a family emergency.. death in the family, something like that. Seems to me like she couldn't deal and ran away to try to figure out what her next step would be.. Would explain the suspected drinking and driving she was doing.. when she was last seen, alive and near her vehicle. (It has been said that there were liquor bottles found near the crash site where her car was found). There was a book in her vehicle regarding hiking in the mountains. Perhaps she hiked up the mountain and jumped at some point.. or maybe she fell. I have always believed in the suicide theory, or perhaps a hiking accident that caused her death. I have never ever believed that she met with foul play.. and there isn't any evidence to say that she was abducted or anything. I am originally from NH, not far from where she was last seen.. and this area is so rural that I will never, for as long as I live, believe that she was abducted in this area. All that is known points to her being depressed.. and overwhelmed, and I can't fight this feeling that her father was an overbearing man.. that she was forced into her major, and rather than face her father as a failure, she ended her own life. I believe that her father chooses to believe the foul play theory, because the alternative is just too aweful to bare... Fact! SHE chose to leave school, Fact! SHE is the one who lied to school faculty, and Fact! SHE is the one who willingly left school grounds with no explanation. SHE is ultimately the one who was responsible for her own fate. Remember.. the fact that she did not leave a suicide note does not matter. She did leave a note (the family will not discuss exactly what was in the note), not everybody who commits suicide leaves a suicide note. And we can't believe everything we see in Hollywood movies regarding young pretty damsels in distress being kidnapped off a rural road, 99.9% of the time- this does not happen!!

Also, If her family will not publish exactly what was said in Maura's final letter that was left in her dorm room.. I wonder what it is that THEY are hiding. And, why do you think AMW did not wish to broadcast a story about Maura Murray?? It is because all evidence suggests that she ran away.. and was NOT a victim of Foul Play.
If you know Maura and her family soooo well.. can you explain why she took off??? And.. yes, all evidence points to her leaving of her own accord. If she were so unhappy with school- yet happy with her family.. common sense would suggest that she would've escaped school to be with her parents. NOT, take off and go to NH where she didn't know anything. There is a lot you DO NOT know, there is a lot that none of us know about this case- and for you to scold somebody for their opinions (last I checked, we all have the right to our opinions in the United States of America!!), is just disgusting!! The people closest to this case, ie: friends and family of Maura Murray are so closed minded that this case will most likely NEVER be solved because they will not accept any other theory but FOUL PLAY- which there is absolutely no evidence of! It is more likely that she took off and either committed suicide or died accidentally. Don't ignore the fact that she did TAKE OFF on her own, and lied to faculty staff as to why she was leaving.. she was obviously running away... she was not abducted. FACE THE FACTS.

Your kid disappears, what are you going to do? Stop looking? I think not.
Your kid disappears, what are you going to do? Stop looking? I think not.

No.. I wouldn't stop looking, but I would be realistic too. Seems to me like they choose to believe what they want to believe and ignore the facts that she ran away. I know that it is difficult to believe that your child may have committed suicide... but someday they will need to own up to that possibility..

My brother-in-law committed suicide when he was 21 y/o.. he did not have a suicide note, but being that he was home alone and hanging from a chandelier.. made it all that much harder to deny.. Had he taken off and chosen to die somewhere else, we would probably be wondering too...
It's true that suicide is a common cause of death among college age students. However, it's likely that most people who choose to commit suicide do not leave this many unanswered questions.

Jmo, there is much more evidence to suggest that foul play is involved. Yes, it seems that Maura left on her own accord, and perhaps she even had suicide in mind. However, there is no body. Most of the time when there is a suicide, there is a body. fwiw

P. S. Miss Ella, I'm so sorry that your family had to endure such tragedy. Suicide has to be one of the hardest things for a family to ever deal with.
It's true that suicide is a common cause of death among college age students. However, it's likely that most people who choose to commit suicide do not leave this many unanswered questions.

Jmo, there is much more evidence to suggest that foul play is involved. Yes, it seems that Maura left on her own accord, and perhaps she even had suicide in mind. However, there is no body. Most of the time when there is a suicide, there is a body. fwiw

P. S. Miss Ella, I'm so sorry that your family had to endure such tragedy. Suicide has to be one of the hardest things for a family to ever deal with.
However.. if Maura died in the Mountains- it is very likely that her remains would have been devoured by bears, coyotes, etc. If she died in the Mountains, or fell in a Lake or something- chances are (after 5 yrs) there would be no body to recover..
On occasion, I watch Forensic Detectives on A&E and there are times when after several years maybe scattered bones would be discovered, at most.. if anything at all..
Wow, five years already...I can hardly believe it. I remember when the story first broke, feeling it was "closer" than many others, bc of the proximity of CT to MA/NH, and my age to Maura's.

I hate to say it, but at this point, it may well be that nothing further will ever be uncovered...or if it is, probably accidentally/coincidentally, i.e. a camper stumbling across a bit of something. *sighs*
I believe that her father chooses to believe the foul play theory, because the alternative is just too aweful to bare... Fact! SHE chose to leave school, Fact! SHE is the one who lied to school faculty, and Fact! SHE is the one who willingly left school grounds with no explanation. SHE is ultimately the one who was responsible for her own fate. Remember.. the fact that she did not leave a suicide note does not matter. She did leave a note (the family will not discuss exactly what was in the note), not everybody who commits suicide leaves a suicide note. And we can't believe everything we see in Hollywood movies regarding young pretty damsels in distress being kidnapped off a rural road, 99.9% of the time- this does not happen!!

Also, If her family will not publish exactly what was said in Maura's final letter that was left in her dorm room.. I wonder what it is that THEY are hiding. And, why do you think AMW did not wish to broadcast a story about Maura Murray?? It is because all evidence suggests that she ran away.. and was NOT a victim of Foul Play.

I'm sorry but several things listed here are NOT facts! You BELIEVE her father chooses to believe it is foul play and not suicide because it is too awful to bear - that is not a fact, that is an opinion. Saying she is ultimately responsible for her fate is not known at this time. If she was abducted and killed then her fate would not be in her hands.

The family has a right to privacy and if they do not want to publish what was said in the note Maura left that is their choice. If it was a suicide note I don't think her family would still be deadset on the idea that Maura was taken.

Personally, I think you are being pretty presumptious and unnecessarily aggressive.

Oh, I just noticed this poster has been banned...oh well.
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