NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 5

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I've always thought that the reason why Maura left school is very important. I just don't think that a random stranger took her. I think that her leaving school like she did was out of character for her. But it seems that the attention has always been focused on what happened on that road that her car was found on. I just think that whatever became of Maura started at that school.

I live in NH and sometime after her disappearance a trooper was killed by a man and then the man was killed by another person. There has been controversy and gossip about the man who killed the shooter. There are rumors that the man who killed the shooter is himself a sketchy character. (Some subsequent brushes with the law support this)

Anyways... there's a local blog that suggests Maura's disappearance could have been at the hands of the shooter's kid. Apparently there's some property nearby.

The local blog is quite compelling to read... (you'd have to do a search for Kingscast or kingcast) but so many of the theories the author spouts are pretty fantastic. I don't know how to separate the rumor from fact.
I live in NH and sometime after her disappearance a trooper was killed by a man and then the man was killed by another person. There has been controversy and gossip about the man who killed the shooter. There are rumors that the man who killed the shooter is himself a sketchy character. (Some subsequent brushes with the law support this)

Anyways... there's a local blog that suggests Maura's disappearance could have been at the hands of the shooter's kid. Apparently there's some property nearby.

The local blog is quite compelling to read... (you'd have to do a search for Kingscast or kingcast) but so many of the theories the author spouts are pretty fantastic. I don't know how to separate the rumor from fact.

I live in NH too...i remember that story too i think...it was a strange story..
i've never heard the idea about his son being involved....
was there a motive for him???
I live in NH too...i remember that story too i think...it was a strange story..
i've never heard the idea about his son being involved....
was there a motive for him???

It's been awhile since I read the blog... but I believe the crux of the rumors were sexual......
I don't know... King definitely has written to the AG & says he met with Maura's dad...

I just tried to search back and find the board... but the only one I found isn't up any more. Searches for King + Maura Murray did yield some of his blog postings and some of his allegations about Franconia corruption covering it up.

Personally, I wonder if she ever made it to NH. I don't reject the possibility that it wasn't her in the car in NH and that whatever happened.. happened in MA
You guys mean Liko? If so, McKay wasn't a trooper, but a PO out of Franconia. I've read a bunch about MM, and I agree whatever happened started at Amhurst.
You guys mean Liko? If so, McKay wasn't a trooper, but a PO out of Franconia. I've read a bunch about MM, and I agree whatever happened started at Amhurst.

No... not Liko the son of the man who shot Leiko....
Like I said... most of the stuff is very twisted and I'm not sure I consider the source credible.... but... then again some of doesn't seem like it should be brushed off lightly either.

It seems funny that the details in Amherst haven't come out yet... that really makes me suspicious.
This is from Wikipedia and other readings I did. I have added my commentary in BLUE.

Thursday, February 5, 2004

10:20 PM - Maura talks on the phone with her older sister during a slow time during Maura's work (UMass Student Security). The two talk about guy problems (what kind of guy problems?) in what is described as a normal sisterly conversation. Maura's sister observes nothing abnormal in Maura.

Friday, February 6, 2004

1:00 AM - Maura receives a phone call at work, becomes upset early in the morning and is escorted back to her dorm room by her supervisor. Was this phone call traced?

Saturday, February 7, 2004

Time unknown - Accompanied with her father Fred, Maura goes used car shopping. She has not used her black 1996 Saturn much recently due to mechanical problems and has instead been getting rides from friends.
Time unknown - Maura and her father are joined by one of her female friends for dinner at an Amherst restaurant.
Time unknown - Maura drops her father off at his hotel room, and then borrows his brand new Toyota Corolla and goes back to the UMass campus to a dorm party with her friend.

Sunday, February 8, 2004

2:30 AM - Maura leaves her friend's dorm and heads to her father's hotel room.
3:30 AM - Maura hits a guardrail while driving her father's Corolla on Route 9 in Hadley. No charges are filed by the police. Damages total $8,000. Her father observes that she is shaken up and apologetic. [2] Was she intoxicated from the dorm party? Or did she simply lose control of the car in the snow (again?)

4:49 AM - Maura calls her boyfriend, who is stationed in Oklahoma, from her father's cell phone. What did they discuss?
Time unknown - Fred makes some telephone calls and informs Maura that his auto insurance should cover the damages.
Time unknown - Fred rents a car, drops Maura off at UMass, and heads to Connecticut for work.
8:30 PM - Maura checks her cellphone voice messages, most likely via her cellphone.
11:26 PM - Maura talks to her father and agrees to get the necessary forms pertaining to the accident from the registry on Monday. They agree to discuss the forms via telephone Monday night.
Time unknown - Maura searches for directions to Burlington, Vermont. (From New Hampshire State Police Troop F Commander Lt. John Scarinza's inspection of Maura's computer hard drive).
Time unknown - Maura searches for information on the Berkshires. (Source unknown).
Monday, February 9, 2004

12:55 PM - Maura calls for information about a condominium in Bartlett, New Hampshire that her family is familiar with. The call lasts for three minutes. No condominium is rented.
1:00 PM - Maura sends her boyfriend an e-mail, briefly stating she hasn't felt like talking to anyone, but that she will call him later in the day. was this email turned over to the police?
1:13 PM - Maura calls another student and leaves a voicemail. No significant information.
2:05 PM - Maura calls 800-GOSTOWE for approximately 5 minutes. Later research shows this number was out of order on this day and that only recordings were available for listening.
2:18 PM - Maura calls her boyfriend for approximately 1 minute. did they speak or did she leave a voicemail?

4:00 PM or earlier - Maura e-mails one of her bosses and some of her teachers to inform them that there has been a death in her family and that she would be out of town for several days. There is no death in her family. (What an odd thing to say, commenting on a "death in her family", perhaps a subliminal message as to how she was feeling? Where are these emails?)

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - A dorm mate reportedly sees Maura leave the UMass Amherst campus.
4:00 PM or earlier - Maura goes to an ATM and withdraws $280 from her account. Video surveillance footage shows her to be alone. Her bank account is left nearly empty. She is due to receive paychecks from her job in the coming days.
4:00 PM or earlier - Maura purchases $35-$40 in alcohol while still in Amherst, Massachusetts. Video surveillance footage shows her to be alone. That's a lot of alcohol, certainly more than one box of Franzia wine
4:00 PM or later - Maura apparently leaves Amherst, Massachusetts and likely heads up Interstate 91 north.
4:37 PM - Maura checks her cellphone voice messages.
7:29 PM - Dispatch receives a call from a Woodsville, NH area resident who reports an accident near her house on Route 112.
7:43 PM - Dispatch receives a call from another Woodsville, NH area resident who reports a black Saturn partially in the road.
7:46 PM - First known police officer (Haverhill Police) arrives on the scene. The girl who was seen by second caller is nowhere to be found. The officer notes the car is facing westbound in the eastbound lane, with a cracked windshield and two deployed airbags. A damaged box of Franzia wine is found on the passengers seat. Other items found in the car include her AAA card, the insurance forms she retrieved for her earlier accident, her gloves, music CDs, her makeup, directions for Burlington, Vermont and Stowe, Vermont, and the Nicholas Howe book, Not Without Peril.(she's reading a book about people who have come into danger in the mountains where she was headed) A rag from Maura's emergency roadside kit was discovered stuffed into the Saturn's muffler pipe. (you can do this for two reasons, one is a misdirected suicide attampt, the other is to get the engine to shut off if you can't do so by any other means)
7:56 PM - EMS arrives on scene.
7:57 PM - A fire truck arrives on scene.
7:57 PM - 8:49 PM - At some point, Maura's car is towed to a local auto repair garage.
8:02 PM - EMS clears the scene.
9:27 PM - The first known police officer to arrive on scene is dispatched to another call.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

12:36 PM - A BOL (Be On the Lookout) for Maura Murray is issued to Grafton, Littleton, Haverhill, and Lisbon.
3:20 PM - A voicemail is left on Maura's father's (Fred Murray's) home answering machine stating that his car (the Saturn Maura drove) was found abandoned near Woodsville, New Hampshire. Fred is at work out of state and does not receive this call until later in the day.
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM - Maura's older sister contacts Fred and tells him that Maura's car has been found abandoned.
5:44 PM - Fred Murray contacts the Haverhill, New Hampshire Police Department and begs them to start a search for Maura. The Police Department declines, citing that they do not start searches late in the day. The Police Department informs Fred that if Maura is not reported safe by the following morning, New Hampshire Fish and Game Service will start a search.
6:46 PM - Maura's family members contact the University of Massachusetts Police Department and request that her dormitory room be checked.

[edit] Timeline of Search Efforts
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Time unknown - Maura's father Fred Murray arrives before dawn in Haverhill, New Hampshire to beg police to start a search for his daughter.
8:00 AM - New Hampshire Fish and Game Service, the Murrays, and others begin to search for Maura, over 36 hours after her disappearance.
Time unknown - A police canine in the investigation tracks the scent from one of Maura's (rarely used) black leather gloves. The dog follows the scent 100 yards east from the location of where the vehicle, in the direction of a resident's house. It is not known if this was in fact Maura walking, being dragged, or a belonging of hers being dragged. It is implied that she or the item may have been picked up or placed in a vehicle at the end of the scent trail. It is also possible that the scent had vanished due to the incident happening nearly two days earlier. that is the most likely. Search dogs often lose the trail and sometimes miss it altogether
5:00 PM - Maura's boyfriend and his parents arrive at the Haverhill, New Hampshire Police Department from Oklahoma and Ohio. Her boyfriend is interrogated in private, and then joined by his parents for questioning.
7:00 PM - The police report to both Maura's and her boyfriend's families that they believe Maura came to the area to either run away or commit suicide. The family does not believe this to be likely.
Time unknown - Maura's boyfriend receives a voicemail message that he believes is the sound of Maura sobbing. His cellphone had been turned off so that he could pass through airport security on his way to help search for Maura. A New Hampshire State Police investigation traced the call to a calling card issued to the American Red Cross. Many believe this call was actually from Maura, not the American Red Cross, as it is unknown how the Red Cross would have his mobile number or why they would leave a voicemail with no actual message. The voicemail has since been deleted. This is incredulous. First of all, the ARC issued phone cards to people who need help and ask for them so it seems likely it was Maura. The fact that no one else heard the message and it has been deleted it unbelievable

I know this is a long post but I just wanted to post a factual timeline. It seems very clear to me that Maura was having boyfriend problems, had a drinking problem and wanted to get away for awhile (maybe permanently). I know it is difficult to accept for the family but honestly, this seems the most plausible. If she wandered off in the snow, after having been drinking, she could have easily succumbed to the elements. There are some unanswered questions but even so, in my opinion, she walked away into the winter night and has passed on.
I think saying she has a drinking problem based on a wikipedia summary is unfair.

She was in college. Her behavior during a small time should not be used, in my opinion, to make a determination such as that.
I know this is a long post but I just wanted to post a factual timeline. It seems very clear to me that Maura was having boyfriend problems, had a drinking problem and wanted to get away for awhile (maybe permanently). I know it is difficult to accept for the family but honestly, this seems the most plausible. If she wandered off in the snow, after having been drinking, she could have easily succumbed to the elements. There are some unanswered questions but even so, in my opinion, she walked away into the winter night and has passed on.

Thank you for that Anubis. I was a freshman at Umass when Maura disappeared and have been following her case for some time. Without saying too much, I will just state that I don't think Maura was the victim of a crime. I really hope her family will someday get the answers they deserve.
I think saying she has a drinking problem based on a wikipedia summary is unfair.

She was in college. Her behavior during a small time should not be used, in my opinion, to make a determination such as that.

I agree.
It seems funny that the details in Amherst haven't come out yet... that really makes me suspicious.

Just curious about which details you're referring to?

We do know Maura bought alcohol and went to an ATM in Amherst... according to a timeline I saw she checked her messages at 4:37. Is there anyway of checking where she was at that point from cell phone records? Since I live in the area I can say with some certainty she would have been around Greenfield, MA/ the Vermont border by 4:37 if she left at 4:00. Any other forms of identification of her between 4 and 7:40?

In the event that something happened in Amherst, why would the tow truck guy report that it was Maura in the car?
Thank you for that Anubis. I was a freshman at Umass when Maura disappeared and have been following her case for some time. Without saying too much, I will just state that I don't think Maura was the victim of a crime. I really hope her family will someday get the answers they deserve.

I don't want this to sound confrontational...

But, did you know Maura? Or is your basis on rumors?

Either way if you actually know something I would hope you would have shared it with LE or the family.
HMG - what do you mean by your last sentence about the tow-truck driver?

I thought the last person to see and speak to Maura was the bus driver.
My mistake, I did mean the bus driver, Butch Atwood.
I don't want this to sound confrontational...

But, did you know Maura? Or is your basis on rumors?

Either way if you actually know something I would hope you would have shared it with LE or the family.

I understand your feelings, and I would certainly never hold back on any information that I thought could be of use.

I never met or knew Maura, but I know those who did and were questioned by authorities, both students and administrators. To my knowledge there is no information I have heard second hand that has not been made public.

That said, I am basing my opinion on the same information available to anyone else. The one thing that I have never been able to get out of my mind was how brutally cold that February was, unseasonably so even for New England.

So do I. By all accounts Maura would have a few drinks socially - usually Franzia - but was not someone who drink alot or often. That is what makes her purchase of that much alcohol, the open Franzia box in the car and the cup with traces of wine it very strange. I don't think Maura was the type to drink and drive and the fact that she was indicates (at least to me) that she was under great stress.

It is Maura's actions leading up to her disappearence that make her case so intriguing and so damn frustrating.

The voicemail on her BF's phone is so eerie. I remember somewhere someone posted an interview with the BF's mom(I think) and she had listened to it and also thought it sounded like a girl who sounded very cold and upset. The fact it was deleted is just too ridiculous for words. The fact LE so quickly wrote it off as a call from the Red Cross is even more ridiculous.
There are two Maura threads....does anyone else agree that it would be advantageous to have them combined?
It's just that... the school I work in was in "lockdown" today because of a potential armed robbery across the street. The rumors that flew... the things people say they saw are all over the board.

I learned a very important lesson today that eyewitnesses...and such... really... not all that helpful in some cases and rumors can really distract from facts.

And I think it would be helpful to combine threads.
There are two Maura threads....does anyone else agree that it would be advantageous to have them combined?

This thread is in the area for "information and support". The other thread is in the area for "discussion". There is a difference, believe it or not... This area is suppose to be "safe" for family / friends to read if they so choose. The other area is more for the "nitty gritty" details that the family can avoid if that is their preference.
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