NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 5

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Leaving voluntarily does not equate to dying voluntarily. And even if she died out there somewhere and her body fell prey to wild animals, there would be *something* to find - a bone here and there, articles of clothing, etc. A person doesn't simply vanish into thin air.

Wish the person I'm addressing could read this, but I guess it's better that she (or he?) is banned.
Does anybody else think that Maura Murray committed suicide??

At this point no one can deny the possibility of Maura taking her own life. However, as a close friend of both the family and mutual friends of Maura, I assure you we have considered *every* possibility: suicide, run-a-way, hypothermia and foul play. While it may seem morbid, based on all of the available information, hypothermia and foul play seem the most likely. Hypothermia seems less likely than foul play because Maura's body has not been found. Likewise, it would seem most probable that IF she had taken her life, her body would have been found. Most importantly, Maura's case was assigned to the Major Crimes Unit of NH in July of 04. This alone suggests that the state of NH considers foul play. Also, at the court hearing wherein Fred Murray sued for the release of certain documents regarding Maura's case, the attorney representing the NH Attorney General's office stated to the judge that it was his/her opinion that they had a "75% chance of conviction". These are legal facts about Maura's case and there would be no investigation by major crimes or an announcement of a possible conviction IF the state of NH did not believe Maura's missing was tied to foul play. Those of us who love Maura will never give up hope that she may be alive until there is definite evidence that she is not, but KNOWING Maura, it is very difficult to let our hearts rule our heads; our hearts want her living - our hearts are broken, not only because she is missing, but also because our "heads" tell us she is no longer with us in this life.

I've thought this- almost from the beginning... this nagging feeling that she chose to end her life.
It is very understandable that you would have "thought this"...from the beginning....that she chose to end her life." After all, Lt Scarinza of the NH State Police has made suicide the major spin since he first spoke to the media. He went so far as to outright lie about Maura leaving a note in her dorm room. At one time, Scarinza issued a corrected statement on the Vermont Website of missing person's (re: a joint meeting of LE re: Maura and Brianna Maitland) in which he stated the note "was from Maura's boyfriend to her" NOT ***from*** Maura to her boyfriend. I believe this correction has been removed, but you can do an archive search of the Caledonian Record and find an article in July of 04 wherein the mother of the boyfriend is quoted as calliing the NH SP "liars" - although there were other actions/statements by NH LE that she specifically addressed as misleading and untruthful, the repeated annoucement in a special on Boston television by Scarinza (series named What Happened to Maura Murray) aired in May 04 of a note ***from Maura to her boyfriend*** is the reason that Sharon Rausch called out NH LE as "liars". However, IF you had researched the case, you would have read the Caledonian as well as the UMass student newspaper articles in which these "lies" were addressed. And isn't it most interesting that NH LE have not discussed Maura's case with any of the media since July 04? They are always "unavailable for comment". Scarinza made a correction on a website, but NEVER gave a written or oral statement to media in which he repeatedly issued the first misleading reports. Only the Attorney General's office has made any statementssince July 04, and those were re: the lawsuit. Even on the 5th anniversary, the AG's office made a comment that totatally conflicted with their earlier remark about a 75% conviction possibility. What gives with them? None of us know why they will not cooperate with the family. If it is because of Fred Murray, Sharon Rausch, and a few family members and friends informing the public of the misinformation released by LE, then it speaks volumes of their unprofessionalism. Fred Murray has been tarred and feathered by many, but I know for a FACT that for 3 weeks after Maura's missing,he did everything within his power to work with NH LE (yes, he asked the FBI to work with them, but actually the Rausch family brought them into the picture because of the strange phone call received by Billy Rausch that he believed to be Maura sniffing crying and cold) My guess is it would be the rare if not extinct person that would continue to cordially talk with LE about their missing daughter when they are being misquoted by LE to the media, and even denied the time of the accident -- yes this happened -- and was the beginning of Mr Murray even being denied the accident report about HIS car being found on Rt 112.

It is believed that she was overwhelmed and over stressed at school..

Family and friends have no reason to agree when you say "it is believed". Maura loved school; she was on Dean's list. She was extremely intelligent, and while she had to do her work to obtain excellent grades, getting excellent grades was not a difficult thing for her to do.

She *may* have felt overwhelmed and stressed that her boyfriend (unofficially engaged) was stationed in OK as a LT in the army which prevented them from seeing each other as often as they would have liked. And yes, she most likely was very stressed over wrecking her father's car the weekend before her car was found in NH. But, neither of these seem reason for a plan to commit suicide. After all, she could move to OK (she had all ready arranged for a job there in the summer of 2004) and even finish her education there. Aside from feeling quilty over wrecking her father's car, I can't imagine that one would take one's life over such an incident........These reasons could have been the motiviation to "get away" for some thought and mediation and decision making. Many have attested to as about taking time off during their college years - my very own daughter confessing to us much and I never knew! (saying they, lilke Maura, took a trip(s) without informing anyone - the only difference is they were able to come back).

she lied to people at school, saying that their was a family emergency.. death in the family, something like that. Seems to me like she couldn't deal and ran away to try to figure out what her next step would be.. Would explain the suspected drinking and driving she was doing.. when she was last seen, alive and near her vehicle. (It has been said that there were liquor bottles found near the crash site where her car was found).

Yes, Maura lied when she emailed her professors that that was a death in the family. Her lie is morally wrong and I know of no one who gives Maura a "pass". However, I also do not know of anyone who has not lied in order to get out of work or school. Maura's lie makes perfect sense because she was on scholarship, had to maintain her grade point average, and had to make up her nursing clinicals as well as be allowed to turn in assignements for full credit ***upon her return***. The only way to do that was to say she was either sick or there was a death in the family. I personally read on the UMass 2004 Website that professors were urged to be cautious about asking for "proof" of a family member's death - as soon as I read that, it made perfect sense that Maura chose to email her professors with that lie in order to be able to return to school, picking up where she left off and maintinging her gpa as well as her scholarship.......moral - absolutely not! out of the ordinary - sady, it is certainly not!

I know that Maura's family would never say they know she was not drinking and driving. However, everyone that knows her says that drinking and driving was out of character. But, please stick to the facts! The police report which you may read at www.mauramurraymissing.com states there was a coke bottle with a red liquid that smelled of alcohol - not BOTTLES. While circumstantionally, one must say there is the possibility of Maura's drinking and driving, I assure you, having been to the location where Maura's car was found that she would NEVER have made it from Wells River VT (where she would have gotten off of the interstate) to the location on 112 where her car was located. That particular stretch of road is difficult to manuever for a totally sober person - it must be near impossible to drive that far in the dark while inebriated and ***unfamiliar*** with the road.

These reasons could have been the motiviation to "get away" for some thought and mediation and decision making.

Yes, the family and I agree with you that her plan was to "get away" for some thought and mediation and decision making.

There was a book in her vehicle regarding hiking in the mountains. Perhaps she hiked up the mountain and jumped at some point.. or maybe she fell. I have always believed in the suicide theory, or perhaps a hiking accident that caused her death.

Along with Maura's college textbooks, also found was the book "Without Peril" which is about **surviving** hiking trips in the White Mountains. Maura had been camping/hiking in the White Mountains since she was a child - she actually was taken on her first camping trip at 6 weeks. The book was considered her favorite easy reading book and according to her various hosts, she brought it with her on visits........therefore, it seems that the book has no other significance than she enjoyed reading and re-reading it.

I have never ever believed that she met with foul play.. and there isn't any evidence to say that she was abducted or anything. I am originally from NH, not far from where she was last seen.. and this area is so rural that I will never, for as long as I live, believe that she was abducted in this area.

Believe what you may - but do try to consider only the facts - indeed there are few of them, but they should not be thrown to the wind. Mr. Cecil Smith, the deputy from Haverhill said that there were about 6 vehicles that he met on the way to the scene of the accident - that means there were at least 6 individuals who could have harmed Maura. And while, I have NO reason to suspect Mr Smith, he, and the school bus driver were in the area of her missing as well as the construction worker who reported 3 months after her missing that he saw a "youngster" that fit her description. I stress here that I am not accussing **anyone**! I am saying there were people in the very rural area that could have abducted Maura, that Maura could have willingly gone with who later harmed her or who perhaps accidentally harmed her (hitting her by mistake along the road - she was after all dressed in a black coat and jeans - very difficult to see in the dark)

All that is known points to her being depressed.. and overwhelmed, ...

The facts known by her family do not support your statement that "all that is known points to her being depressed.

and I can't fight this feeling that her father was an overbearing man.. that she was forced into her major, and rather than face her father as a failure, she ended her own life.

You fight a feeling, yet you don't know Maura and you don't know her father? Let me end your mental battle. I know both. Fred did not force her into her nursing major. Maura long defended ***her decision*** to change from a chemical engineering major to nursing. Many that knew her felt she was too intelligent to be "just a nurse". this was a discussion long ago on Websleuths. Maura wanted to help people. And her goal was not to end her education with a BA in Nursing, but to further her education in the medical field. Maura was not a failure. Therefore she did not have to choose to end her life in order to avoid facing her father as a failure.

I believe that her father chooses to believe the foul play theory, because the alternative is just too aweful to bare...

what alternative is just too awful to bear? - Is it worse to have your child take their life than to have them lose their life at the hand of another......I disagree with you. If I were Maura's parent, and my choices were suicide or foul play, I would choose suicide. I would rather she took her life than to have perhaps been raped, tortured and killed in a brutal fashion - oh how differently our minds work!

act! SHE chose to leave school, Fact! SHE is the one who lied to school faculty, and Fact! SHE is the one who willingly left school grounds with no explanation. SHE is ultimately the one who was responsible for her own fate.

Maura is only responsible for her own fate IF she ran away or took her life. You do not know if either of these are fact and you are spinning your opinions/beliefs into fact.

Remember.. the fact that she did not leave a suicide note does not matter. She did leave a note (the family will not discuss exactly what was in the note),

There was NO suicide note - the only "note" was an email to her professors stating whe would be gone "about a week due to a death in the family." Therefore the family cannot discuss what never was.

not everybody who commits suicide leaves a suicide note. And we can't believe everything we see in Hollywood movies regarding young pretty damsels in distress being kidnapped off a rural road, 99.9% of the time- this does not happen!!

I am certain that 99.99% of damsels in distress on our highways, back roads, and rural roads are not kidnapped, BUT too many of our young men and women do vanish seemingly into thin air. Statistics prove that the vast majority of them are not run-a-ways. They are the victims of foul play.

Also, If her family will not publish exactly what was said in Maura's final letter that was left in her dorm room.. I wonder what it is that THEY are hiding.

Maura's family works very hard at keeping Maura's story public. If they were wanting to hide something, wouldn't they just let it fall into oblivion?

And, why do you think AMW did not wish to broadcast a story about Maura Murray?? It is because all evidence suggests that she ran away.. and was NOT a victim of Foul Play.

You are absolutely incorrect. The reason AMW *would not* (not wish not) broadcast Maura's story was because Haverhill Police would not release the accident/police report. Go to the AMW website and you can easily confirm that a police report is necessary for them to air a story........now I wonder why the police would not release the report in Feb 04 - it was finally released when Fred Murray went to court about a year ago........Was the police hiding something?

Miss Ella, I see that you have been banned. Not sure of the reason, but I do hope that although you can no longer post on Websleuths that you can read here. Whatever motivates you to have such strong beliefs that Maura is responsible for her "own fate" which you make very clear is that she took her life, it is my hope that someone/something softens your heart and that you will begin to empathize with the broken hearted people affected by Maura's missing. I full well understand that you and many others suffered heartache when a member of your family committed suicide. Having also known a suicide victim and the survivors, I know it take a cruel hard-hearted person, even though in the case of suicide it is true, to say that one who takes their own life is responsible for their own fate --- how callous, how cruel, how unsympathetic to heartache. Even more so in Maura's case. There are no facts to support Maura committing suicide.

Valid opinions need supporting facts.

Here we are, more than 5 years after Maura's missing. The archives show that at first I spent a lot of time ***trying*** to keep opinions, speculations and rumors separated from facts.

Honestly, it just became too time consuming for me. I would love to be able to monitor the sites that keep Maura's name in the public eye and keep the facts straight. But it seems that there are those who are interested only in speculation not fact.

I strongly suggest that if you want to focus on Maura's case that you remember there are very few known facts and that her family is working to learn more. They are not trying to hide anything. Fred Murray has done just the opposite by suing the state of NH under the Freedom of Information Act.......any and all information that he has received is available to anyone! And he wanted more, which would have given you more information!

It is with regret that I am unable to address *every* misleading post. I guess the timing of Miss Ella just got to me. :furious:

Thanks to all of you who care about Maura and her family.

I know that many of you continue to pray for answers and for comfort. God bless you! :angel:
IMO Miss Ella, if Maura had taken her life, her body would/should have been found by now. Your statements are very very troubling to me. You just joined in Feb, which means that other than just reading what you have read here, you really don't have alot of knowledge of this case. You say that you have followed this from the beginning? Are you a local? Do you have some personal stake in the outcome of this? Why would you ever discourage a family from searching for answers??? :( This entire board is about finding answers for people, so what are you even here if you do not want to help find answers for people? Your statements are just so bizarre to me, I really cannot believe the comments you are making...

Are you Maura and are trying to lead people off the trail?

Are you somehow involved in her disappearance? JMO, because I cannot believe that anyone would come to this board and post comments like you have!?!?!!?

Peabody has graciously kept this thread going, and has tried to update us with whatever information is available to this case. Peabody, do not let this person get to you, you have been an invaluable link to the answers for Maura and her family.
If you are truly from this area, then you would be well aware of the fact that there have been several missing persons from NH and VT over the past 30 yrs and a suspected serial killer (s), so the idea of foul play is very, very relevent! The bus driver was not completely forthcoming, I believe her scent was picked up leading to the house too, correct?
Does anybody else think that Maura Murray committed suicide?? I've thought this- almost from the beginning... this nagging feeling that she chose to end her life. It is believed that she was overwhelmed and over stressed at school.. she lied to people at school, saying that their was a family emergency.. death in the family, something like that. Seems to me like she couldn't deal and ran away to try to figure out what her next step would be.. Would explain the suspected drinking and driving she was doing.. when she was last seen, alive and near her vehicle. (It has been said that there were liquor bottles found near the crash site where her car was found). There was a book in her vehicle regarding hiking in the mountains. Perhaps she hiked up the mountain and jumped at some point.. or maybe she fell. I have always believed in the suicide theory, or perhaps a hiking accident that caused her death. I have never ever believed that she met with foul play.. and there isn't any evidence to say that she was abducted or anything. I am originally from NH, not far from where she was last seen.. and this area is so rural that I will never, for as long as I live, believe that she was abducted in this area. All that is known points to her being depressed.. and overwhelmed, and I can't fight this feeling that her father was an overbearing man.. that she was forced into her major, and rather than face her father as a failure, she ended her own life. I believe that her father chooses to believe the foul play theory, because the alternative is just too aweful to bare... Fact! SHE chose to leave school, Fact! SHE is the one who lied to school faculty, and Fact! SHE is the one who willingly left school grounds with no explanation. SHE is ultimately the one who was responsible for her own fate. Remember.. the fact that she did not leave a suicide note does not matter. She did leave a note (the family will not discuss exactly what was in the note), not everybody who commits suicide leaves a suicide note. And we can't believe everything we see in Hollywood movies regarding young pretty damsels in distress being kidnapped off a rural road, 99.9% of the time- this does not happen!!

Also, If her family will not publish exactly what was said in Maura's final letter that was left in her dorm room.. I wonder what it is that THEY are hiding. And, why do you think AMW did not wish to broadcast a story about Maura Murray?? It is because all evidence suggests that she ran away.. and was NOT a victim of Foul Play.
I am still missing something, it seems. There really is no proof that what Miss Ella said is wrong. It really seems unless one says the family line, one can't post an opinion. There does seem just as much for her leaving voluntarily as foul play. And I have been on it since the beginning. I have read all of this board, all of the MM site board (the old one) most of the Topix, articles, etc. I have two binders of material on this case. For several reasons, it is on of the ones I am most interested in. It is a shame that this seems to be of the few cases that can never be truly discussed.
This post is in response to Medusa’s comment that there is “really…no proof that what Miss Ella said is wrong.” Without finding Maura alive or finding her body if she is dead, we have no “proof” of anything. But let me explain what is so distressing about the original post. I don’t know how to quote in snips, so I will put original points in quotation marks.

“I've thought this- almost from the beginning... this nagging feeling…”
This statement announces from the beginning that the post is just the “thought” and the “nagging feeling” of the poster. If she starts off from her “nagging feeling” that Maura is a suicide, she will filter all the evidence through her filter.

“It is believed that she was overwhelmed and over stressed at school.”
I teach college students; they are always stressed and overwhelmed. They take a few days off, they cut class, they visit friends, they get mysterious flus and have multiple dead grandmothers. That is just what they do. And—“it is believed by” WHOM? The passive construction of the sentence leaves out the AGENT—who believes that she was overwhelmed and over stressed? I don’t necessarily disagree with the poster’s point, but the thinking here does not add up to an argument—what evidence is there that the people who would know (fiancé, friends, family, classmates) thought she was overwhelmed to the point of suicide, rather than just needing a break?

"Seems to me like she couldn't deal and ran away."
The fact that she bothered to invent a family emergency and contact her professors actually points to an intention to return to school. Kids who drop out just..drop out…go away…. And "seems to me" is not a convincing argument from evidence.

"Perhaps she hiked up the mountain and jumped at some point."
In the dark and snow. The poster has clearly never “hiked up” a mountain. What, exactly, is Maura supposed to jump off? How was she supposed to get there? Did she have ropes? Climbing shoes? Night vision goggles? How does this plan explain her calls to find places to stay?

"I have never ever believed that she met with foul play.. and there isn't any evidence to say that she was abducted."
Well, back to my first point. If you eliminate foul play and abduction from the beginning you won’t see the evidence. Why did she pack stuff in the car and leave it? Why hasn’t she been heard from? Why couldn’t multiple searches find a body (if she had, for example, injured her head and collapsed in the woods?) Why does LE consider this a criminal investigation?

"All that is known points to her being depressed."
“All that is known.” That statement explains itself. Was she on anti-depressants? Gaining weight? Cutting class? Avoiding social contacts? Unless the poster is a psychologist, I don’t think she is in position to diagnose Maura Murray or anyone else.

"I believe that her father chooses to believe the foul play theory."
As do others, including law enforcement.

"Fact! SHE chose to leave school, Fact! SHE is the one who lied to school faculty, and Fact! SHE is the one who willingly left school grounds with no explanation."
FACTS: Students “[leave] school grounds without explanation” all the time. They are adults with free will. They also lie to their teachers about having the flu, dead grandmothers, flat tires, blown-up computer printers, etc. They start spring break early and come back late. They stay up all night and cut class. They quit, transfer, flunk classes and do too much partying.

“…the fact that she did not leave a suicide note does not matter."
Now here is a fact that the poster simply dismisses. And the fact is that it may not have been the family’s decision to withhold the note, if in fact there was one. (This is a point in some contention among people who follow the case.)

Medusa, there are limited answers to the question of what happened to Maura. 1) She was murdered immediately and her body was left in the vicinity of the car. 2) She is dead from accident, exposure, or a head trauma from the accident. 3) She was kidnapped and is still alive. 4) She was abducted, moved to a different location and murdered. 5) She ran away. 6) She committed suicide in such a way that her body was never found.

The biggest problem I have with the "suicide" post is the sloppiness of the thinking. Show me an argument for suicide. How would Maura commit suicide and hide her body? Why would she stumble around in the dark to commit suicide when she could get a room, wait till morning, and carry out her plan the next day? How often is suicide a real surprise to family and friends, especially if the person is not a teenager?

I don't know Maura's family, although I surely can imagine the pain and horror of what they've gone through. Think of how many people, including law enforcement, were sure that Chandra Levy was killed because of her affair with Gary Condit. And it turns out she was just jogging in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
"The more details are revealed, the more baffling the case becomes, police acknowledge. Yesterday, Thrasher said that Maura had fastidiously packed all her belongings into boxes before she left school, even removing the art from her dorm room walls. Meanwhile, one UMass friend has seemingly withheld information from police, saying she didn't want to get Maura "in trouble."

I don't remember reading this before (that's not saying much) but thought I would put it out here. I wonder if that friend has since spoken with cops and told them what she knew.
Could someone direct me to the report of Maura being sighted in the convenience store, mouthing "help me"? Where was this convenience store and how far from where she went missing? I would really like to read that report. I live within easy driving distance of where Maura went missing and would like to maybe do some sleuthing of my own.


I was going to direct you to another website which had a really long, in-depth article about Maura but the link is dead.

This Wiki entry mentions the sighting you are referring too:


That sighting was in NH.
"The more details are revealed, the more baffling the case becomes, police acknowledge. Yesterday, Thrasher said that Maura had fastidiously packed all her belongings into boxes before she left school, even removing the art from her dorm room walls. Meanwhile, one UMass friend has seemingly withheld information from police, saying she didn't want to get Maura "in trouble."

I don't remember reading this before (that's not saying much) but thought I would put it out here. I wonder if that friend has since spoken with cops and told them what she knew.

From what I've read, no one is certain whether Maura was packing up her stuff or had just never unpacked when she returned to school. That is one element of the case that is maddening.

In regard to the friend, here is a quote that one of Maura's relatives posted on another site. I have seen other family members/friends post the same information elsewhere.

As to the comment that appeared in the paper about what her friend allegedly said, several of us have spoken to this friend and believe she was misquoted. She was very upset about what appeared in the paper.

It seems likely that the friend was either misquoted or misunderstood-- thinking about relatively trivial issues like cutting class or just wanting to avoid saying anything in public that might upset Maura when she came back--or just wanting to avoid saying anything to a reporter.
A Theory:
Maura had been in 3 car accidents. Maura was upset by a phone call.
Maura spoke to a sister. Maura emailed her boy friend.
Maura packs up her room. She emailed her professors saying there is a death
in the family and she will be gone a week.
She searches online for resorts and condos.
She buys liquor and stops at atm.
She drives.
She has another car accident.
She is hit by another car.
She does not want the police called.
The police are called and arrive within
Maura M is nowhere to be found.
With all respect, I post the following ideas:
I agree with some posters that she is under some kind of emotional stress.
Was she raped at college as some have suggested? Did she have a traumatic brain injury from the car accidents?
She obviously wanted to get away and be alone, think about things, drink some wine.

I try to keep things simple when I look at what may have happened.
If I were a young college student, close to a degree in nursing, scheduled to move closer to my boyfriend who is in the military in OK. What would make me
cry over a phone call, have car accidents, pack up my room, tell people there was a death in the family and leave school?
1. boy friend was cheating
2. marriage would not happen
3. would not graduate on time.
4. cheated on a test.
5. discovered she did not want to be a nurse.
6. felt she did not love the boy friend any longer.
7. pregnant.
8. disappointed parents and self.
9. numerous small things, boy friend seems coolish,
grades lower, might be pregnant, might have slept with someone
else, wrecked dad's car, no one could possible understand her life,
someone threatened to kill themselves because of her.

So, she leaves school.
Another accident.
Do not call police.
Four minutes tops and she disappears.
Check everything about the next two;
1. the first police officer.
He offers her a ride and then..
2. one of the neighbors.
They agree to let her hide in the house and then..
Contact Necrosearch.org.
But, LE has to request the search.
When I was at college one of my best friends disappeared for 2 days once. We shared a flat with her at the time and knew enough not to call the police, because we knew her very well. (It sounds odd now and as a fully formed adult I can't say I would do the same thing).

Anyway, it was the anniversary of he mothers death and she was really struggling with the pressures of our course at drama school (she cried during one class that I remember). No matter what we did she didn’t seem to do any better.

We were worried but had a sense she needed to be on her own. Turns out she'd been wandering around nearby park and drinking cheap cider for 2 days! She reappeared, a bit hungover but none the worse.

I also had a similar thing where I took off for a day when I was at college.

What I mean to say Dreamweaver is that I kind of sense your theory is half right. I have always thought that Maura took off. She panicked after her car crash and either hitchhiked or walked out of there, meaning to get away fro a few days, As theres no evidence that anything happened to her, she may feel like shes left it too long to come back.

The first thing my friend said when she reappeared after her 2 day hiatus? "I thought you would all be really p*ssed off with me".

As a young adult, it does often feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.
I've been over to the Topix forum and I will attempt to summarize key pieces of information here. Please correct me and add what I miss. I still haven't read the whole thing.

Here it is: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/franconia-nh/T66DK0TLH7PP4VJ36

Background: There are a number of folks posting there that were former members of the Maura Murray Missing Forum at the (official I suppose) website. One of the private investigators from a team has posted there and has made some comments about what the team has concluded on and the makeup of the team. I can't be sure but even some of the early posters may have been members of her family - and it appeared a private investigator the family hired would read and post.

Basic timeline

At the start, a poster named "OH MY" alluded that he knew something. His posts, as judged by others, but not myself, appeared to them to be more then 1 person.
OH MY finally blurted out a name and then appeals were made for him to contact them.
I don't know what came of it.

There are references to a "BB" making some assertions, but I don't know what they were or how they were resolved.

The board has a belligerent feel at times - somewhat divided - but I am not sure why.

I entered very late. The PI explained what his group does on Page 193. I posted some new thoughts on page 192 and reposted my earlier theory from here on page 194 and asked him if Mr. Atwood knew for certain that it was Maura at the scene of the accident by comparing his memory to a photo.

I thought it was a yes or no question that would either place Maura as a run away or a victim of Mr. Atwood.

But the answer was "Maybe" with added pieces of information. You can read what the PI said on Page 194.

In summary he said that:

1. The broken window was created inside the car
2. The hood damage indeed is not consistent with the crash
3. They ruled out accidental death and suicide.
4. All of the after-disappearance sightings have been investigated and it was a not her

I then asked when he believed that Maura's actions were no longer voluntary

He said he believes after the hood was damaged.

I don't know what evidence he based his conclusions on - I believe he is a PI and he says he speaks for the team, but the team only releases a limited amount of information - no one contradicted him.

The conclusion was that the accident was staged and another woman was probably in the car instead of Maura and talked to Mr. Atwood.

I will continue later - but you can see all of this at Topix if you like.


if i may say so, thanks for the update! succinct and informative TY
Just stopping in to see if anything new has turned up.
It doesn't seem as if much of anything new and concrete has surfaced but I have only had time to read a few pages back so far.

Dont know how many remember me but "hi" to those who do :)
Just stopping in to see if anything new has turned up.
It doesn't seem as if much of anything new and concrete has surfaced but I have only had time to read a few pages back so far.

Dont know how many remember me but "hi" to those who do :)

Doc-welcome back!!! We have missed you!!!
I am from Mass and was checking out local message boards when I saw an anonymous post that stated:

"Maura Murray was seen in Montreal. She is alive and well."

found here: http://www.masslive.com/forums/amherst/

post number 3520 by user Sage2009

I take it completely for what it is worth, an anonymous unsubstantiated claim. Immediately I did an internet search thinking that there had been an official break in the case. Unfortunately that was not so. I found it unsettling and thought to share it here.
I am from Mass and was checking out local message boards when I saw an anonymous post that stated:

"Maura Murray was seen in Montreal. She is alive and well."

found here: http://www.masslive.com/forums/amherst/

post number 3520 by user Sage2009

I take it completely for what it is worth, an anonymous unsubstantiated claim. Immediately I did an internet search thinking that there had been an official break in the case. Unfortunately that was not so. I found it unsettling and thought to share it here.
Certainly seems like a very mean hoax.
Certainly seems like a very mean hoax.

I agree. Maybe I am reading far too much into it, but I find it so bizzare that anyone would make such a claim without some ulterior motive. Then again I am sure those who are more experienced with missing persons cases have seen the like of this before.
I agree. Maybe I am reading far too much into it, but I find it so bizzare that anyone would make such a claim without some ulterior motive. Then again I am sure those who are more experienced with missing persons cases have seen the like of this before.

This has been posted in other places on the internet. Please know that the proper authorities have been notified of these posts and that the family has no knowledge of this alleged sighting beyond what was posted.

If there are any official updates of the status of Maura's disappearance it will be posted on the website www.MauraMurrayMissing.com as soon as possible.
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