GUILTY NJ - Autumn Pasquale, 12, Clayton, 20 Oct 2012 - #2

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I am done. I have to take a serious break from this. I think I am going to have a breakdown. This is so unhealthy. What am I doing to stop this madness from happening? How is me being here helping anything? I need to step back, reassess, and see what I can do that can make a difference. Reading and posting theories is not helping stop this evil from happening. How about we all go give talks to local schools about ways to keep our kids safe? I don't know. I feel hopeless.

:tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears:

Ive thought the same thing before and its harder with cases that dont get solved I can tell you when Ivy was found it really brought about a good feeling... sadly there are so many missing people and when you are actually putting faces with names it can get overwhelming at least for me.... but you are here. You are one more person who cares for someone you have not met and that is awesome. even if you cant stop it from happening you are more aware than most!
Assuming the brothers are involved, I have a hard time believing this is about stealing a bike. The brothers' home was apparently a local hangout for teenagers and they lived only one block from Autumn -- these two things suggest to me that Autumn would have known -- or at least recognized -- them. "Normal" bike thieves would rarely steal a bike from a rider who would recognize them... and "normal" bike thieves wouldn't intentionally kill someone over a stolen bike.
I would expect a defense attorney will be making the argument it was some sort of accident, however when someone throws the body of a 12 year old away like garbage.... That screams INTENT to me.

I wasn't trying to excuse any behavior that led to Autumn's death. I hope it didn't sound that way. My question was more on the lines of a possible accident that killed this poor girl and some poor decisions led to an attempt of hiding her body. Accidental death then very poor decisions. Again, I am not excusing anything, bottom line is an innocent child is dead. Sorry if I offended.
For those of you who want to know what you can do to prevent these things from happening. Start at the local level in your own community. My husband and I have volunteered for 7 years now in a prevention program run by 3 paid prevention specialists, and all the other workers are volunteers. We try to prevent drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, child abuse, crime, violence, etc. We have a program where children come with their parents 3 days a week for classes, dinner, tutoring, homework help, and recreation. We give parenting classes, classes on nutrition, on bully prevention, communication skills, etc. We teach parents and kids how to settle differences without violence and we foster family and community bonding. We also, in the same place, have time sharing where people use their skills to help someone else and the person helped uses his/her talents to help a different person. That way people get needed services without having to pay money for them. We have a food coop there and a community garden. We, as a group, can and freeze vegetables and fruit that is locally and organically grown and divide it among us for use when fresh foods are out of season. My husband and I are the cooks for the program and we make a nutritious meal for about 40 people 3 days a week. Kids are tutored in school subjects where they need help and are given homework help so they will get good grades in school. We are doing this in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the most dangerous and violent city in the United States. The group is building a safe and clean house for college students to live in while going to college in this area. Empty lots are being bought to turn into gardens, and also hoop houses for all year around gardening are being built. Kids are offered movies and popcorn, bingo, speakers for various topics, games, and other things to do that keep them off the streets and safe. People volunteer to walk with the kids to school so they get there safely. Get together with other willing people and find a place (maybe a church or school) where you can meet and brainstorm what you can do. Check out resources in your town that can help. Write grant requests and ask for donations from businesses and churches to help with expenses. Form a 501C3 non-profit status for your group. Don't just wring your hands and wonder why things don't get better--get active and make them better! My husband and I don't even live in the city where we volunteer. We live in a reasonably safe, clean, and pretty suburb. But we care about the city kids and their welfare. Rally the troops and make things safer for our kids and grandkids. Also, teach kids how to be safe and avoid dangerous situations. Buddy kids up so they don't go anywhere alone. Form block clubs and watch out for each other. Be aware of who belongs on your street and who doesn't. People helping people makes a big difference. And do background checks on volunteers and no volunteer is ever alone with a child. Always have 2 unrelated volunteers with every child.

Jan - you and your husband are AMAZING! Thank you for doing what you do!!
Can any push bike, any BMX, be worth a human life? To anyone? Surely there are enough left around...enough locked up with an easily breakable chain lock...than be a motive for murder?
Ive thought the same thing before and its harder with cases that dont get solved I can tell you when Ivy was found it really brought about a good feeling... sadly there are so many missing people and when you are actually putting faces with names it can get overwhelming at least for me.... but you are here. You are one more person who cares for someone you have not met and that is awesome. even if you cant stop it from happening you are more aware than most!

Thank you. Every single case I have worked on here at WS since Lindsey Baum went missing in 2009 is either still unsolved (still missing) or found deceased. It's sad. I want a happy ending. I want happy endings for everyone. I just need to take a break for awhile. I know you find WS'ers will hold down the fort. :seeya:
I wasn't trying to excuse any behavior that led to Autumn's death. I hope it didn't sound that way. My question was more on the lines of a possible accident that killed this poor girl and some poor decisions led to an attempt of hiding her body. Accidental death then very poor decisions. Again, I am not excusing anything, bottom line is an innocent child is dead. Sorry if I offended.

I wasn't offended.

It's just my firm opinion that people report accidents. They try to hide crimes.
Can any push bike, any BMX, be worth a human life? To anyone? Surely there are enough left around...enough locked up with an easily breakable chain lock...than be a motive for murder?

There is no evidence that this tragedy occurred over a bike.

From Clayton NJ Autumn's Press Conference :(
I'm getting a vibe here of bike theft gone wrong, but its just a vibe. Autumn comes across to me like an outgoing young lady whose got some spunk in her. Certaintly not looking for trouble, but feisty enough to try to protect herself and her property. I could see something like this happening as a simple theft and escalating into the unexpected and unplanned death of Autumn.

Please don't anyone think I am blaming the victim here, but I guess it's my hope for her that she wasn't a victim of sexual assault and that she managed to put up a fight. But how could she possibly win against several teen boys, if that is the case.

Unfortunately, the result is the same, she is gone and her family and friends must mourn. This story is just getting more and more sad.

ETA-but when thinking about the possibility of one brother with a sex crime record....ugh...this case...
There is no evidence that this tragedy occurred over a bike.

From Clayton NJ Autumn's Press Conference :(

I don't know what scares me most...a senseless accident stemming from a simple bike robbery, or something much more sinister.
I honestly dread this PC. I'm afraid to hear the truth and be forced to let go of the hope that this was all an accident. I don't want to *know* that at least 3 young lives are forever ruined.

Both of my kids texted me within the last few mins to remind me about after school activities they have today and it took everything in me not to tell them to get on the bus and come straight home. I did tell my oldest it is weight lifting and straight home. No McDonalds, no stopping to see the gf. I'm just saddened beyond words at the way this case has unfolded. Kids killing kids? Why? Where are our children safe if this is the reality Autumn faced?

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With Autumn living that close to the house the boys live in, my guess would be that they knew each other. She probably passed by there many times. What made this time different???
Although I am in Australia, I have a teenage son who has told me about a 'choking game' that is popular in some areas.

A quick google search showed me this.

I'll put money on this being what has caused this terrible tragedy. :moo::moo::moo:

RIP Autumn.

self edit - I believe there are clips on youtube. My son has seen footage of girls he knows, whodrop to the ground and have seizures. I made him report it.
Thank you. Every single case I have worked on here at WS since Lindsey Baum went missing in 2009 is either still unsolved (still missing) or found deceased. It's sad. I want a happy ending. I want happy endings for everyone. I just need to take a break for awhile. I know you find WS'ers will hold down the fort. :seeya:

I feel like this too sometimes. When they found Whitney here in Oregon, I took the night off myself. :hug:

Jules, take some time to reflect on ideas to help prevent crime in your area while you're on a hiatus. I'm considering going to the school and suggesting a flyer to parents at the beginning of the school year. You might come up with something better to share!

If any of you come up with ideas, this is the perfect forum to start a new thread: General Information & Discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

It just takes an idea to help save a life. :grouphug:
Just saw a rumor on The Find Autumn Pasquale FB page. However, I know I can't say it. The person who posted this has the initials T.S.C and it's under the latest article posted there. I am hoping this rumor is not true.
Can any push bike, any BMX, be worth a human life? To anyone? Surely there are enough left around...enough locked up with an easily breakable chain lock...than be a motive for murder?

of course all of us here agree that no bike no nothing is worth murdering for. but seriously, these bikes are like 150 bucks. it's not like some sort of valuable jewel or museum painting. what in the world were they thinking?!! my kids leave their bikes in the driveway all of the time. surely they could have found a bike laying around. she probably would have just given it to them.

i think there is more to their motive than a bike.

as to COD, they most likely already know, but they may not release it for a day or a couple of days.
There is no evidence that this tragedy occurred over a bike.

From Clayton NJ Autumn's Press Conference :(

Oh no I know that there isn't any evidence pointing to that. Some people have theoried that bike theft was the primary motive, which just would be so pointless. Just thinking outloud I guess.
Very well said! I thought I would be insulated for the same reasons as you but that hasn't been the case. I was still raw from Jessica when Autumn went missing and now it looks like we have a 3rd young teen missing. It just feels like too much.

This case is really getting to me because as the mother of boys I always felt sort of immune, I 'know' they disappear too but it isn't so in our face. Anyway, it looks like the perpetrators here are teen boys about the age of my own children and I desperately want to know why. I want to know that their parents screwed up, that everyone knew they were bad kids destined for trouble. I want to be reassured that these weren't good kids that nobody expected this from because I need to feel immune from all aspects of this pain again.

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I have boys as well... But I also have my just turned 18 beautiful niece living with me.. With her 9 month old daughter. I came to WS for Mickey Shunick and have followed a few cases. I always talk to my niece about them so that she is aware of the evil in the world. I don't want her to live in fear- just to be on her toes when out and about and with the things she posts online. Last week, she took her daughter to a tiny local park to play on the playground. She got home 20 minutes later. She told me a truck parked a few spaces down from her car and there were two men just sitting in it. They were probably just having lunch and chose the park to do it but she left and came home because there was no one else there. She walked in from school this morning and asked about Autumn. :( I'm just so weary of the world beyond my front door these days.
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