GUILTY NJ - Kara Alongi, 16, charged in abduction hoax, 30 Sept 2012

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I'm concerned with all the anger on the Internet, Facebook, even on here. Trust me, I'm not defending any "hoax" behavior here. But if Kara were to read these posts here, much less those on MSM & Facebook, do you think she would return home? Do you think she would apologize?

The last thing she needs is any reason to remain missing for an extended period of time, putting her in REAL danger.

Her parents have most likely avoided further media, slowing the process of finding their daughter, in order to protect her from further maliciousness from the public. Whether I agree or not, it's not helping matters at all.

If you can find it in your heart to forgive for now, can we research possibilities & help a family recover their daughter?
My feeling is that there is at least one friend she confided in...that friend knows either where she was going or who she might be meeting up with. My suspicion is even if this person knows they should tell, they are fearful she will be angry if they do. I'll bet this person may have even told someone else what's going on, but also swore them to secrecy. Kids, especially girls, can't keep anything to themselves, but are also often very afraid of drawing ire from their friends and losing the friendship. Her family needs to put some serious pressure on whoever her closest girlfriend is, and I'll bet they find out where she was headed.
Penn Station has to have surveillance everywhere...surely...
I feel pretty sure that LE has talked to her friends, or is talking to them, but it's possible that she didn't tell anyone what she planned to do, or if she did, then that friend is too scared to tell the truth.
At her age, she should be well aware of the dangers of the internet, and of being out on her own roaming the streets. I don't think she was running away from anything, she was more like running to someone.
Her Twitter name is her actual name and public. shouldn't be difficult for her parents or other family member to find her account. Some of her tweets are just hurtful and foul (IMO). If I ever found that my daughter used that language or tone she'd be off the Internet so fast!

I agree with you. I remember the way I felt when I saw some of the things my daughter said online. I never said anything to her, as it wasn't extreme. But definitely not something she would have said around her Dad and I. Being a sneaky Mom, I preferred to read unbeknownst to her.

Sierra Lamar's writings were pretty foul, but no one stopped looking for her. They still haven't stopped, thank heavens.

I do find it a little curious that her parents have not spoke out on camera. I have looked at her Mom's facebook page, not very much on Kara. More of the little brother. Not that it means anything, just an observation.
Caught on surveillance camera


This is from the train station. She's got her purse, and a rather large backpack with her, which leads me to believe she has planned to be gone awhile. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing.

Photo from:

She certainly doesn't look like she's just planning a night on the town...or a Sunday night concert in NYC. Or meeting a "love interest" for the first time.

UPDATE 11:55 p.m.: Clark police chief Alan Scherb has dispelled rumors that Alongi was kidnapped.

"We don't feel any foul play was involved," he said. "There was nothing disturbed inside the home."

Dozens are now tweeting that Kara has been found. But Scherb said she is still missing.

He asked Alongi to call police.

"Obviously, our concern is for your safety," Scherb said.

UPDATE 11:55 p.m.: Clark police chief Alan Scherb has dispelled rumors that Alongi was kidnapped.

"We don't feel any foul play was involved," he said. "There was nothing disturbed inside the home."

Dozens are now tweeting that Kara has been found. But Scherb said she is still missing.

He asked Alongi to call police.

"Obviously, our concern is for your safety," Scherb said.

This story is from yesterday, before Kara was classified as a runaway.
This story is from yesterday, before Kara was classified as a runaway.

Oh, okay, sorry. I thought the update on the article was at 11:55pm tonight, but I guess that was last night. Oops!
I agree with you. I remember the way I felt when I saw some of the things my daughter said online. I never said anything to her, as it wasn't extreme. But definitely not something she would have said around her Dad and I. Being a sneaky Mom, I preferred to read unbeknownst to her.

Sierra Lamar's writings were pretty foul, but no one stopped looking for her. They still haven't stopped, thank heavens.

I do find it a little curious that her parents have not spoke out on camera. I have looked at her Mom's facebook page, not very much on Kara. More of the little brother. Not that it means anything, just an observation.

When Sierra's bag was found, I think that solidified any lingering doubts that she ran off, for LE. Also, her phone stopping so soon after she left her house, etc.

LE can only do so much to try to locate the thousands of teen runaways. And some other cases are probably lacking attention right now, some that possibly are abductions, due to this gal's decision to get some attention in a big way.

As far as the internet attacks-she won't have to face most of those people, just locals who know her. Sooner done, best result, in my opinion. Get it over with and come home, or at least call home.
I'm concerned with all the anger on the Internet, Facebook, even on here. Trust me, I'm not defending any "hoax" behavior here. But if Kara were to read these posts here, much less those on MSM & Facebook, do you think she would return home? Do you think she would apologize?

The last thing she needs is any reason to remain missing for an extended period of time, putting her in REAL danger.

Her parents have most likely avoided further media, slowing the process of finding their daughter, in order to protect her from further maliciousness from the public. Whether I agree or not, it's not helping matters at all.

If you can find it in your heart to forgive for now, can we research possibilities & help a family recover their daughter?

I couldn't agree more.

Whether a hoax or not, this girl is still missing, and her family and friends are likely worried sick. 16 may not be a child, but I'm a strong believer that no 16 year old should be out there on their own, fending for themselves. It's not a safe world out there, I'm hoping she hasn't stumbled across some kind of danger in her travels.

We have no idea why she left, maybe she left to meet up with someone who groomed her via the internet and she's now in more danger than anyone can imagine. Whatever the reason, I'll be reserving my judgement until this beautiful girl is brought home safely. Whether she's out there by choice or not, I in no way feel that she's safe.

And all the accusations flying around on the internet are not going to bring her back safely.
I think its very strange that a 16 year old girl who typically has her cell phone attached to her hip was okay leaving it behind when she ran away. I'm really beginning to wonder if she met someone online who manipulated her into running away to be with him. Why else would a 16 yr old girl leave her lifeline behind? Maybe she was promised a better cell phone and/or computer.

I don't know.. i'm just not comfortable thinking this girl knowingly ran away without her lifeline. It had ALL of her friends contacts. Kids these days don't know a single phone number without their phones. Its not like how it used to be where you had to remember phone numbers and use a landline or pay phone to make a phone call. She also used tweeter pretty frequently.

Ok.. enough thinking out loud for me.
If she planned to leave, and it sounds to me like she did, then she may well have had another phone to take with her.
If she planned to leave, and it sounds to me like she did, then she may well have had another phone to take with her.

My thoughts exactly!!!!

I am thinking she may have run off to meet someone who may have been the one who told her to tweet the original message, with the thinking that it would give her time to get out of town. I think this was all part of the plan that LE would be focused on the house instead of her leaving.

If she has met someone online then its possible that they have set her up with a "burn" phone. I would be interested to know if anything has been delivered to the address in the last couple of weeks. She seemed to have everything planned right down to the minute, from the tweet to the train timetable. Her organising skills seem to be quite particular for someone of 16. I am sure LE is pulling her internet usage apart and hopefully they will come up with something. This just doesn't strike me as a "had a crappy day/week/month...think I might suddenly run away from home" situation.
Her grandfather had stated he had spent the night passing out flyers at Penn Station. So, it sounds like police (and her family) believe that's where she went.

Now the question is where did she go from Penn Station? Did someone pick her up, and they left the city? Did she take a taxi to someones apartment?

he's doing the right thing...penn station is NOT that big and usually people run into the same crowd if they commute. the train should've been semi-crowded on a sunday night heading back into the city (people tend to travel out for the weekend, to family or friends, then go back in before the workweek).

that said, didn't someone mention a 21-year old boyfriend? i can't find anything on it. but regardless, if it's someone known to her, maybe they should start with recent ALJ (her high school) graduates. young adults cannot afford an apartment in the city; my guess is she went to a dorm. they should check/post flyers at NYU and columbia, as well as other nearby colleges. if (big if) we're not talking about an internet predator.

i cannot see her leaving her phone because some RSO told her to. she doesn't seem like the type to be manipulated that, she's done this before. where did she go?
Police haven't told us if Kara has her phone with her or not. Is this still correct or do we have additional info that I missed?

from link => Scherb would not confirm whether or not Alongi's phone was found in the home.

good question...and differing reports from differing sources. this one says she did:

"It is not clear whether she got on a train, police said. She left her cell phone at home."
new article.

Alongi was described by family and friends as a "sweet" girl, the oldest of three children who could be counted on to look after her two younger brothers, popular in school and talented at tennis.

At Arthur L. Johnson High School in Clark, students had mixed reactions. Some were concerned for Kara’s well being. Others were not taking it seriously. Several students said that neither teachers nor the principal addressed the issue during the day, and many left school unsure if Kara was really kidnapped or if it was a hoax.
Penn Station is a major hub. This young lady could have traveled on. Many think of Penn as the end of the line, but ....She may have got on the Long Island Railroad from there and gone to any points east from there. Also ...if it was an internet set up type date, you can catch the "train to the plane" out of Penn Sta.

I also know there is a place a few blocks walking distance from Penn Sta. called, "Under 21", if things were bad at home she may have arranged to go there. They take in youth up to the age of 21 and do long term housing and assistance. Just some thoughts here....IMHO

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