GUILTY NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death #2 *NG murder, Guilty endangering welfare, agg manslaughter*

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MOO - it is slang for the act of coitous

  1. (transitive, slang, vulgar) To penetrate sexually in an aggressive way.
    She got destroyed by her lover on the carpet.
It was meant as a joke. Until we can see all of the days' texts any explanation is fair game.

Somehow I don't see this pretty boy as much of a romeo, except maybe in his own mind. My younger self sure doesn't see any appeal.

I hope the jury is being treated to lunch in a cooled area. I want them awake and perky to hear Baden's cross. I have very high hopes the pros is gonna destroy him ;) Something I am greatly looking forward to.
Someday when he's sitting in prison talking a big game about being a former football player and inflating his ego IN PRISON, I hope we all can get ALL the texts which were part of this case.

What did Christopher mean when he said to Marci about 'setting it up'?

Texts from Christopher's phone on day Corey died:

12noon to Marci
Nice. I might take a nap so I don't fall asleep on you! LOL

12:23pm to Marci
Hand tossed, thin crust, or stuffed crust or deep dish?

1:01pm to Marci
Well just let me know when is the earliest you could come here.

1:46pm to Marci
I'll be able to set it up. I've done it before. I'm just super excited to cuddle after destroying you.
In party

who knows re the set it up text. May have meant a fire stick for you know, Netflix and "chill" (puke)

He wants to set it up then cuddle after destroying her? Omg. Must be some sort of s&m thing.

CG needs no help coming off as a bully and playboy but I think the context in this one case is benign. I think he is going to set something up -- gaming wise -- and he's going to destroy her by winning. I think it was all ego.

What is undeniably nasty IMO -- CG's priorities. Should have been father first. Protect, nurture. Find a way to speak decently of the other parent. Instead, poor Corey seemed to be CG's personal punching bag.

You know this occurs to me. Kids get sick. There are those markers... an hour or two or more where they're just out of sorts, later it becomes the illness. What if Corey just wasn't feeling so great -- whether the early start of whatever schoolhouse bug or whatever abuse his father doled out that day? Can you even imagine the anger and ourburst from CG if Corey had an accident -- or vomited -- on the couch? When a child needs the MOST gentleness and understanding, not the LEAST.

JMO but, with any due respect, I think Dr. Baden is wrong. I think Corey suffered a severe thrust to the chest while in the custody and company of no one but CG and it damaged his liver, lacerated his heart, and the tear just somehow wasn't immediately fatal, just ultimately. Because of the cascade affect.

I give CG only one piece of credit. He brought Corey to the hospital. We've seen too many precious children thrown away. Heroic efforts by the medical team who tried to save Corey's life.

IMO CG needs a very long time-out from life. Long enough to realize the enormity of what he's done. To Corey. To Corey's mom. I'm not sure he's capable of that ...

It breaks my heart that he cut Corey's life short, and worse, that he made parts of Corey's short life so awful. Corey deserved so much better.... CG could've worked to be the dad he maybe wished he'd had....

Here's the question I would like to ask Dr. Baden. Medicine is as much a science as an art. And it's an investigation.

After reviewing all of Corey's medical charts, but after seeing the treadmill video, which is just straight up abusive, can you make the case for traumatic injuries leading to death? Just as an academic exercise? Could it be that a blow to the chest could cause the injuries identified on his body, including internally? And in fact, isn't that exactly what we're seeing?

In my mind's eye, I almost see a car accident and an airbag. A child in the front seat where a child shouldn't be. One massive blow to the sternum. Obviously I'm not saying that's what happened to Corey. No car, no airbag. But a blow to the gut.

A man who is willing to unhinge his jaw and bite a child who is already trying to outrun injury, I can't say that man wouldn't lower his head and headbutt that same child in the abdomen. With all the force of a 200 lb football player.

Perhaps it's really a wonder Corey didn't die on impact... what a strong little boy.

Let there be justice.

What happened to the trial ?
It's 2:43pm in NJ -

earlier this morning, officer from Seabright testified about the arrest 1st. Meh. He was carrying a water bottle. OHKay. It was an uneventful testimony.

Then Dr Baden took stand, its hot in courtroom due to broken air conditioning so his droning on about stuff that was seemingly unrelated was not good for defense. Dr Baden mentioned broken heart syndrome in 60 year old widows and SIDS. OHkay.

He then went on to try to convince that the laceration in heart caused his death but then again CPR was done to help Corey survive from undiagnosed pneumonia that wasn't caught by the 3 other medical professionals who examined him on April 1. He accused them of being more focused on the abuse charges. He said Feingold was an old timer and didn't understand benefits of a CT scan in a corpse. OHKay.

Prosecutors argued Dr Baden cannot say things like "after unsubstantiated accusations of abuse by mother of Corey".... so to me it's obvious Baden has a very clear agenda.

Now they're at lunch and supposedly there is testimony going on. But not aired yet.

Someone online in chat saying that the youtube feed is messed up on law/crime end of things.
3pm est, the live feed is back with Dr Baden on Cross.

Didn't add details of forehead bruise in report ...
Says scrape on chest, bruise on chest happened many days before he died...
Didn't know about Christopher searching about red marks turning into bruises....
Didn't know he was kept out of school... didn't know about schoolteacher seeing bruises on Corey's face during virtual school.
Agrees that breathing and lungs were clear, no enlarged spleen, no enlarged liver, 14 areas of contusions/lacerations on body. Agrees he was sent to Jersey Shore medical center 8:34pm. Complaint was evaluation of bruising. Clear lungs. No wheezing, no distress, no low oxygen. 12 contusions documented on body chart. (He claims..... No lacerations at time of autopsy!!!!! Bruises weren't there!?!??!?!)
Baden can't refute Medical documentation from these doctors who treat living children LOL.

Less than 24 hours before admission to Southern Ocean Medical Center where he died.

Baden says he didn't go over every bruise, didn't think they had to do with his cause of death.
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State is asking Dr. Baden if he reviewed 11 supplemental reports.

She keeps asking, he seems confused. Finally he agrees, he only reviewed one supplemental report.

She asks whether he reviewed reports from various LE agencies.

Quotes him, "the manner of death is riddled with details". He didn't recall saying that.

Asking about bruises on Corey. Asking about specific incidences.

Asking Dr. Baden about CG's internet searches about bruises...

....that Corey missed school for an unspecified reason...

State continues describing incidences of bruising...

Dr. Baden sometimes doesn't recall or didn't include it in his report because he didn't believe those injuries and bruises did not cause or contribute to his death.

Now talking specifically about Corey's pediatric appointment on April 1. Temp normal, breathing normal, no red throat, lungs clear, spleen and lymph nodes and liver weren't swollen. Less than 24 hours before he died. Doctor noted bruising.

E.R hospital. Corey was afraid, didn't want to answer doctors questions. Lungs clear, not wheezing, not in respiratory distress.... at least 12 bruises or lacerations on Corey's body
Someday when he's sitting in prison talking a big game about being a former football player and inflating his ego IN PRISON, I hope we all can get ALL the texts which were part of this case.

What did Christopher mean when he said to Marci about 'setting it up'?

Texts from Christopher's phone on day Corey died:

12noon to Marci
Nice. I might take a nap so I don't fall asleep on you! LOL

12:23pm to Marci
Hand tossed, thin crust, or stuffed crust or deep dish?

1:01pm to Marci
Well just let me know when is the earliest you could come here.

1:46pm to Marci
I'll be able to set it up. I've done it before. I'm just super excited to cuddle after destroying you.
In party
There needs to be a barf emoji.
State continuing with ER visit. bBoodeork. WBC was within normal, chest xray at no significant findings. Corey was discharged at 1 am.

Three separate exams with no significant finding.

State has hit her stride.
State referencing CG's text messages. To Marci. And to B. Text to another woman that Corey was fine.

Dr. Baden did not review any tests.

State asks about CG calling CPS, then a screening officer. CG was asked if there were any signs of respiratory issues and he said no. Dr. Baden couldn't recall.

She continues with CG texts and searches -- list consciousness, sleepy.... we're you aware he deleted texts and searches....

Dr. Baden doesn't recall.

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