NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#28

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Yeah of course the lawyer costs.....and also the set up costs again. I know if I considered leaving my husband (which im not), I would need to consider rental, bond, furnishings (atleast some), money for bills, some set up of phone costs......It could quickly run into the thousands. Thousands, I just can ill afford. I could not afford to divorce my husband currently.

In the case of Allison and GBC they each had parents who would clearly have taken them if they were desperate IMO.
i think saying to TM that he couldn't afford to get a divorce was just his way of pretending he still had assets and money, and Allison would get half of them.

I wonder how TM thought he was going to be free without getting a divorce then, after he said that?

Yup - use the scenario that wife would get bigger split of the pot having primary care of 3 kids as well as he would be whacked by child support. What a prize.
In the case of Allison and GBC they each had parents who would clearly have taken them if they were desperate IMO.

I think it is very possible that she was already making plans for it, however he would have lost face and would not have wanted that.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

This particular forum is littered with women who trusted their husbands. That's why they are now giving this advice.

Don't be so hard on them. Mine went past Kholo Bridge without me today. He just confessed that he stopped and checked the flowers. They aren't all bad.
An interesting thing happened with my last 'post'. part of a word I used was erased and replaced with asterisks. I thought it was the Mods, but googled my word to see if it was a problem, and came across the following term "Scunthorpe problem" which indicated that the word was probably attacked because a 'bad' word could be formed by removing letters from the front and end of my word - so automatic editing!!! (The term originally referred to the residents of a town called Scunthorpe, who were originally unable to join AOL because of the same problem with their town name - if you get the drift)

WOW - learnt something new.

Sorry Mods if this is off topic, but relevant to my post.
In regards to the 'can't afford a divorce' quote. I reiterate what I wrote in an earlier post - a half of nothing's nothing right?

From the MSM reports (re: the financial difficulties), it seems they had nothing to distribute. If ABC left him, I guess the value of the business is the rental roll only. It seems they didn't own a home and were up to their bazooka's in debt.

So, I think the comment 'I can't afford a divorce' was another delusional pork pie and if TM bought that suggestion, she had no idea about the dude she was horizontal folk dancing with.
... maybe she already has one? :floorlaugh:


If not, I'll set one up for her, how much does she need?

She's an awesome Mum and a cracking wife (No, not the whip) so i Imagine i'll have to cough a bit?
Couldnt agree with you more, I have always taught my daughters this.

I have my own money and property in my own name. If my husband left tomorrow he would be in a much weaker financial position than me, he just doesnt know how much lol.

Isn't that sexism ?
The woman should have a secret bank account so she's financially ok if the marriage ends, but if the husband has secret bank account - its grounds for divorce.
And before I get hung, drawn and quartered I'll make my position clear. I'm a single mum raising two sons.

It's getting closer to the end of the Sica trial. I've found it interesting as Sica had similar alibi to GBC & it was all circumstantial evidence.

Just noticed today a coincidence with the dates in that case & Allison's case. Both almost the same date in April even though nine years apart.

June 25, 2012 11:42AM

He said the defence claimed Sica was at home between 11.10pm on April 20 2003 and 7am on April 21, 2003, when he picked up his children from his ex-wife's home.

Some interesting info today from Judge Byrne...

"Lies told by an accused may point to guilt only if motivated by a consciousness of guilt," Justice Byrne said.

"For a lie to have a tendency to prove guilt, it must be a lie which an innocent person would not tell, and which was told for the reason that the accused perceived that the truth is inconsistent with his innocence."

What Justice Byrne explained is called the Edward's Direction.

Edward's Direction...

Lies Told By The Defendant
(Consciousness of Guilt)
If I can give one piece of advise to any woman, no matter how good their relationships are at the moment, is to have a separate bank account and slowly put money away for any unexpected event in their marriage. Trust me, you never know what the future holds. I am speaking from experience ... twice!

Good words of advice. My dear father told me exactly that when he was 92. "Always have some money of your own that only you know about". When Dad died, Mum was astounded at how much money he actually had! But I knew...
Don't be so hard on them. Mine went past Kholo Bridge without me today. He just confessed that he stopped and checked the flowers. They aren't all bad.

You're right. Many are very good ... I just fell in love with the wrong ones!
The mere fact that you may have to consider doing that, rings warning bells for me. If I thought it was necessary, I suspect I would end the relationship poste haste. Trust is the real test in marriage, not love.

Sorry off topic.:waitasec:
I would think that most people who marry truly love each other when they say "I do". As life unfolds pressures related to raising children ,paying the mortage etc. etc. etc.emerge as we know. Sometimes and I suggest more often than not (where divorce results) the partner who wants out has shown no evidence of wanting to leaves prior to announcing it at a time convenient to them.Happened to me. Just said "I don't love you anymore and haven't for 2 years" on Easter Sunday morning. I had absolutely no doubt in my mind that we were perfectly and wonderfully happy at the time. So how could I have got out of the marriage if I did't know 'what he was thinking'. I figured if the money I had put aside was not needed by me it would be a nice surprise in retirement, to produce the savings.I have put Trust in two men and have been sadly disappointed. If I hadn't had savings I would have been penniless prior to property settlement as one had stripped our joint savings account.
It's called self preservation and independence.
Isn't that sexism ?
The woman should have a secret bank account so she's financially ok if the marriage ends, but if the husband has secret bank account - its grounds for divorce.
And before I get hung, drawn and quartered I'll make my position clear. I'm a single mum raising two sons.


... in most cases, the woman is left raising the kids (as you and I know - single mums) ... and sometimes you get peanuts child support too. If a man wants to stack money away, I have nothing against that, but I will too!
Couldnt agree with you more, I have always taught my daughters this.

I have my own money and property in my own name. If my husband left tomorrow he would be in a much weaker financial position than me, he just doesnt know how much lol.

You never know what the other party is doing behind the scenes either.

My ex-husband managed to get himself into both of my parents wills for as much as, or more than, my share (without my knowledge) while convincing me that he was still committed to me.

Needless to say I divorced him soon after I found out. He managed to get away with an inheritance of well over 100k though.
An interesting thing happened with my last 'post'. part of a word I used was erased and replaced with asterisks. I thought it was the Mods, but googled my word to see if it was a problem, and came across the following term "Scunthorpe problem" which indicated that the word was probably attacked because a 'bad' word could be formed by removing letters from the front and end of my word - so automatic editing!!! (The term originally referred to the residents of a town called Scunthorpe, who were originally unable to join AOL because of the same problem with their town name - if you get the drift)

WOW - learnt something new.

Sorry Mods if this is off topic, but relevant to my post.

HAHAHAHA....S.********** naughty person you....

I tried to post a word yesterday that means slyly-chuckling-whilst-whispering-something and the site kept telling me that I meant S*********.
:rolleyes: really!
Don't be so hard on them. Mine went past Kholo Bridge without me today. He just confessed that he stopped and checked the flowers. They aren't all bad.

Aww thats so nice of him Possum. :gthanks:
HAHAHAHA....S.********** naughty person you....

I tried to post a word yesterday that means slyly-chuckling-whilst-whispering-something and the site kept telling me that I meant S*********.
:rolleyes: really!

YEP. Sounds familiar. Weird huh ?? :what:
Isn't that sexism ?
The woman should have a secret bank account so she's financially ok if the marriage ends, but if the husband has secret bank account - its grounds for divorce.
And before I get hung, drawn and quartered I'll make my position clear. I'm a single mum raising two sons.


My account is not secret, my account balance is lol.
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