NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#30

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From memory the story went that NBC acted "oddly" at the bus stop (which to me sounded as though he was probably freaking out that someone he knew saw him). I'm not sure where the "looking distressed" part came from - I wonder if squizzey or biker chick could verify (bearing in mind this was a rumour not a reported fact)?

There was more than one rumour about this as far as i recall. the first one reported he was seen in a bus stop and the person who posted it said their freind asked him if he was OK because it was after buses ended, and he acted strangely. I think another person posted at a later stage and backed this up (might have been the same person, not sure on this bit.)

Then at a later stage again, someone else said that NBC was sighted at the bus stop with his head in his hands, crying.

All are rumours. Depending on the scenario, I believe it's possible.
New article in CM

ACCUSED wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay is bringing in celebrity lawyer Chris Nyst as a legal adviser as he steps up the fight for his innocence.

But Mr Nyst - who has acted for high-profile defendants including "Postcard Bandit" Brenden Abbott, One Nation founder Pauline Hanson, the Gold Coast's Lacey brothers and tennis star Bernard Tomic - has so far been refused an audience with the alleged murderer.

The Courier-Mail can reveal the Gold Coast lawyer, author and filmmaker was turned away by prison authorities when he tried to see Baden-Clay in Brisbane's Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre last week.

Mr Nyst yesterday slammed Corrective Services' refusal to let him see his would-be client, who hired another Gold Coast criminal lawyer, Darren Mahony, soon after his wife Allison Baden-Clay disappeared in April.

"Repeated efforts" to make an appointment to see Baden-Clay had been refused by prison officials, Mr Nyst said.

"In 35 years of practising in criminal law in Queensland, I have never struck such behaviour by prison authorities," Mr Nyst said.

Mr Nyst said his unsuccessful attempts to see Baden-Clay followed reports that Mr Mahony had only been able to see his client for an hour.

"As I understand it, he has been placed in a protection unit without his request, and has had limited access to his lawyers or other advisers since," Mr Nyst said.

"I know very little of the case other than what I read in the newspapers, but I fear that the way this man is currently being treated by the authorities, when so far absolutely nothing has been proven against him, raises the very real spectre of a grave injustice being done to him."

A Corrective Services spokesman said Mr Nyst had been informed last Friday that he would be allowed to see Baden-Clay once he was officially appointed as a legal representative.

It is understood Baden-Clay is bringing in three legal advisers - Mr Mahony, Mr Nyst and a third unnamed lawyer - to bolster his defence team. Mr Nyst is believed to have been approached by Baden-Clay's family.

Mr Mahony said he had been confirmed as Baden-Clay's lawyer during a prison visit last Thursday, and Baden-Clay had confirmed those instructions to prison staff when other lawyers have attempted to see him.

Baden-Clay, who has been charged with murdering his wife and interfering with her corpse, was last month refused bail in the Supreme Court. He could reapply for bail but only if his legal circumstances changed.
New article in CM

ACCUSED wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay is bringing in celebrity lawyer Chris Nyst as a legal adviser as he steps up the fight for his innocence.

But Mr Nyst - who has acted for high-profile defendants including "Postcard Bandit" Brenden Abbott, One Nation founder Pauline Hanson, the Gold Coast's Lacey brothers and tennis star Bernard Tomic - has so far been refused an audience with the alleged murderer.

The Courier-Mail can reveal the Gold Coast lawyer, author and filmmaker was turned away by prison authorities when he tried to see Baden-Clay in Brisbane's Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre last week.

Mr Nyst yesterday slammed Corrective Services' refusal to let him see his would-be client, who hired another Gold Coast criminal lawyer, Darren Mahony, soon after his wife Allison Baden-Clay disappeared in April.

"Repeated efforts" to make an appointment to see Baden-Clay had been refused by prison officials, Mr Nyst said.

"In 35 years of practising in criminal law in Queensland, I have never struck such behaviour by prison authorities," Mr Nyst said.

Mr Nyst said his unsuccessful attempts to see Baden-Clay followed reports that Mr Mahony had only been able to see his client for an hour.

"As I understand it, he has been placed in a protection unit without his request, and has had limited access to his lawyers or other advisers since," Mr Nyst said.

"I know very little of the case other than what I read in the newspapers, but I fear that the way this man is currently being treated by the authorities, when so far absolutely nothing has been proven against him, raises the very real spectre of a grave injustice being done to him."

A Corrective Services spokesman said Mr Nyst had been informed last Friday that he would be allowed to see Baden-Clay once he was officially appointed as a legal representative.

It is understood Baden-Clay is bringing in three legal advisers - Mr Mahony, Mr Nyst and a third unnamed lawyer - to bolster his defence team. Mr Nyst is believed to have been approached by Baden-Clay's family.

Mr Mahony said he had been confirmed as Baden-Clay's lawyer during a prison visit last Thursday, and Baden-Clay had confirmed those instructions to prison staff when other lawyers have attempted to see him.

Baden-Clay, who has been charged with murdering his wife and interfering with her corpse, was last month refused bail in the Supreme Court. He could reapply for bail but only if his legal circumstances changed.

WOW nice to have the money (or no money) to get all these legal people and i see that Mr Mahony is still involved
Well if that's the case then NBC is withholding crucial information from the police, and was also withholding this the whole time Allison was missing, almost 2 weeks while hundreds of people searched for her.

It's disgusting that he and his stupid wife won't talk, so they deserve everything they get. I am so furious about this! Who the hell do they think they are? If I saw NBC in the street I would feel like spitting on him (yes I know that's assault). I hope they throw the book at him, and the mother if she knew too.

As for OW, well she might not have known anything then, but she didn't do herself any favours with her lame attempt at "Gerard loves Allison blah blah" and her "Just let us be normal" Normal?? Are you freaking kidding me? Nothing that family has done is normal, by any stretch.

I think those people are the ones that should be looking inside for their better selves, but they'd probably be looking bloody hard, with no luck in finding it.

NBC (I have seen on news) wears a hearing aid on his glasses on the left ear. So I cannot see him being an initial answerer to an unexpected call at that time of night.

I see the mother, EBC answering and knowing her son rang before perhaps he asked for Dad (when he got time to put his glasses/ear aid on).

Hence mother would be awake and know everything that went down from then on.

Then the whole house is awake deciding what to do and how to get NBC or the others to help with Gerards' request...................

So they ALL KNOW.


Sorry to make another comment but i forgot to put something in the last one. Can someone please (in easier terms to understand) explain what this part means??

"I know very little of the case other than what I read in the newspapers, but I fear that the way this man is currently being treated by the authorities, when so far absolutely nothing has been proven against him, raises the very real spectre of a grave injustice being done to him." :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
WOW nice to have the money (or no money) to get all these legal people and i see that Mr Mahony is still involved

friends in high places i guess? it must be costing someone thousands!
Remembering that from shortly after Allison was reported missing, GBC and his daughters were staying at the BC grandparents house, perhaps this is just taking some of the toys from home to the grandparents place. The youngest girl is only 5and she would want her dollies and their paraphenalia with her. My little granddaughter is the same age and she has all this stuff in use all the time.

Maybe, but I doubt it. The police seized the cars pretty much straightway. And as the house was a crime scene he was not free to remove anything without permission.
I disagree. Even would lawyer up because he/she has had that experience already and knows what it's like. The average person who has never been interviewed by police before wouldn't know it would be like that. An innocent person would be more focussed on finding their loved one, or would be so wracked with genuine grief they wouldnt be thinking about self-protection, they would be thinking only of their lost loved one.

IMO he lawyered up because he was guilty. He remained silent because he was guilty. Innocent people don't behave the way he did. If he is innocent, it is incredibly weird that he has behaved as a guilty person would behave the entire way through. What are the odds?

Sorry, but I would lawyer up even if I were innocent. Why? Because I have watched hundreds of police crime TV shows and know how dirty it can get during the interview process. I prefer to "prevent" rather than "regret" later.

I think GBC was smart in doing so very early.
another scenario, if the plastic bag and water in lungs rumours are true,
allison came home from hairdressers, it was reported recently she left about 6.30pm, had a quick tea with the girls, maybe takeaways, made their lunches and got things ready for friday, settled the girls into bed,. its around 10pm, the loud arguing starts, allison goes outside so it doesnt wake the girls, he follows her and it escalates, she storms back inside and runs a bath, maybe a glass of wine to unwind in the bath. if she didnt have a shower cap, she could have used a plastic bag over her hair to stop the steam, maybe there was more arguing, or just seething silence, the killer pulls the bag over her head pushing her under water, drowning, suffocating and strangling her, she fights for her life scratching hard, breaking her nails and chipping her tooth on the bath or tap. the bag is kept on her head because the killer doesnt want to see her face and makes it less personal. he dresses her in her walking clothes and either carries or drags her body down the stairs and out to the car, remembering the footy show is on tv, so thats his alibi. he drives her to kholo creek, leaving the girls alone, and drags and rolls her down the bank to up under the bridge to where she is found.
he gets back home all hyped up, covered in scratches from allison and the bushes and possibly catterpillar bites. he goes crazy on the car with the bleach spray, then stages the toys in the back of the car.
maybe by this time he thinks to call nbc and tell him allisons stormed off and hes worried etc, can he help him find her? another alibi?
maybe one of the girls called nbc like someone suggested, because she woke and no one was home?
i still cant fit nbc at the roundabout in this version of events though or the two cars spotted at the roundabout?

I have one problem with that. If NBC was the alibi, then why did it take pulling phone records to find out that call was made? Why did none of them mention it?
I know we have had local confirmation that someone saw NBC at the bus stop, but I am still not convinced this is the case. From memory, he was allegedly seen there at around 11:00pm/12:00am. If this is the case, why the FaceTime call to seniors house at 12:30 or so? It just doesn't add up IMO.

The facetime call was to NBC iphone. Its not to say he was at home when he took the call...
Sorry to make another comment but i forgot to put something in the last one. Can someone please (in easier terms to understand) explain what this part means??

"I know very little of the case other than what I read in the newspapers, but I fear that the way this man is currently being treated by the authorities, when so far absolutely nothing has been proven against him, raises the very real spectre of a grave injustice being done to him." :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I see this "film maker" dude as just wanting his name up in lights.

ps...& he's throwing a wobbly because he's not allowed
Sorry, but I would lawyer up even if I were innocent. Why? Because I have watched hundreds of police crime TV shows and know how dirty it can get during the interview process. I prefer to "prevent" rather than "regret" later.

I think GBC was smart in doing so very early.

But does everyone watch "hundreds of police crime tv shows"??...we know you do...but the majority of people I don't think so.
Sorry to make another comment but i forgot to put something in the last one. Can someone please (in easier terms to understand) explain what this part means??

"I know very little of the case other than what I read in the newspapers, but I fear that the way this man is currently being treated by the authorities, when so far absolutely nothing has been proven against him, raises the very real spectre of a grave injustice being done to him." :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

That just means he's not yet proven guilty and if he is innocent, then there has been a lot of unjust or unfair action against him.
I have one problem with that. If NBC was the alibi, then why did it take pulling phone records to find out that call was made? Why did none of them mention it?

because maybe nbc realized (while looking for allison, and sitting at the roundabout?) what gbc had done so decided not to say anything or gbc broke down and confessed to him and begged him not to say anything so the family closed rank and have stayed silent, and also they may have realized it didnt fit in with the story gbc told police that morning?
so many scenarios!!!
My latest assumptions are:

ABC arrived home after hairdressers and they all had dinner. Kids went to bed somewhere between 7:30-9:00 pm. Discussions about affair, next day's conference attended by TM, even maybe divorce, escalate into loud argument at around 10:00-10:30 pm (Footy Show is playing in the background). Maybe the TV volume is loud enough to disguise the argument. ABC subsequently storms off to bed. The perp plans his next move and sizes an opportunity to strangle or suffocate (no noise) her around 11:30-12:00 pm while she sleeps. She manages to scratch his chest, face and the palms of his hands trying to release his grip. Perp panics and contacts someone at seniors house (most probably father), using FaceTime (wi-fi internet) thinking it would not be traceable by authorities. He + someone else (woman) come over. ABC is dressed, probably with the help of a woman, into walking gear. Woman stays home in case the girls wake up. Captiva with body in the back drives off, with Prado trailing behind with dimmed lights due to earlier front end damage. Both dispose of body under the bridge (caterpillars bite the perp whilst walking through bushes) then return home to do the necessary staging and get the story straight for early morning call to police. Others go home. All is just speculation.

BBM.. Home to a nice cozy bed after just helping to dipose of a body of someone(possibly an in-law- speculation of course)..and have nice sleep before wanting to get on with their lives and be normal.. MOO
Gerard Baden-Clay hires high-profile Gold Coast lawyer Chris Nyst to defend charges he murdered wife Allison

July 02, 2012 12:00AM

ACCUSED wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay is bringing in celebrity lawyer Chris Nyst as a legal adviser as he steps up the fight for his innocence.
But Mr Nyst - who has acted for high-profile defendants including "Postcard Bandit" Brenden Abbott, One Nation founder Pauline Hanson, the Gold Coast's Lacey brothers and tennis star Bernard Tomic - has so far been refused an audience with the alleged murderer

The Courier-Mail can reveal the Gold Coast lawyer, author and filmmaker was turned away by prison authorities when he tried to see Baden-Clay in Brisbane's Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre last week.

Mr Nyst yesterday slammed Corrective Services' refusal to let him see his would-be client, who hired another Gold Coast criminal lawyer, Darren Mahony, soon after his wife Allison Baden-Clay disappeared in April.

My thought...where the hell does he get the money for this??? Who on earth is bankrolling it.....
Guilty or not, this reminds me of the Greg Domaszewicz trial. Right or wrong, i will be Very surprised if GBC is found guilty!
The facetime call was to NBC iphone. Its not to say he was at home when he took the call...

Yes, we don't know where they were, but FaceTime only works with wi-fi, hence both had to be either at home or where a free wi-fi spot is, which are not many around Brisbane suburbs (except McDonalds).
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