NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#30

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As I have confirmed, and has been confirmed in MSM subsequently(sorry no link for that now), the Captiva was mostly driven by Allison. This would most probably have been the car she drove to the hairdresser and back that night.

This would mean that more than likely those toys were placed in the car AFTER she returned home on Thursday night from hairdresser, just by the looks of how neatly they were stacked. After a drive to/from Kenmore, they wouldn't have looked this way.

Either: Allison herself put the toys in the car, after she got back from hairdressers, ready to take to her friend the next day - as friend reported in msm (perhaps this was what Allison was going to be dropping off?) Her friend would have confirmed this and QPS would be aware of the reason for these being in the back of the car.

IF the car was used to carry Allison's body, the murderer could have removed the toys, moved the body, and replaced the toys neatly to make it look like everything was left untouched.


They were placed by GBC to cover up the evidence. Somehow these look too structured and not close enough to the edges to actually cover up the sides where the stains were seen. If it was a cover up I would have expected soft toys out of boxes, up against and covering up the sides where the main stains were.

My feeling is that Allison was going to be taking these toys to her friend the next day, perhaps for a child/ren of a specific age, since the toys were limited to an agegroup/type. She took them out to her car in preparation for the next day, AFTER she returned from the hairdressers. They might then have been removed in order for her to be taken away :(, and then replaced VERY neatly and TOO precisely afterwards, by murderer.

I think you could be right, Allison's friend did say she was dropping stuff over after the conference. She also mentioned she would have been prepared for the next day. In retrospect this may have been significant for her to mention because she may have been questioned about the contents of the boot as part of the police investigation, given it was one of the few quotes given from her.
What tha......... ? Nyst ISN'T GBC's appointed legal representative - he knows the rules, why does Nyst think the rules shouldn't apply to him ?? I think it's completely outrageous of him to be making statements about Corrective Services, that seem to imply that they (CC) are acting unjustly in regards to GBC. I'm agreeing with other bloggers that Nyst smells a book in the offing.
The BC clan have (from my understanding) asked for privacy blah de blah blah, yet it appears to be them who are courting the attention.

Also, note that most of his celebrity clients were found guilty and served time, Tomic currently exempted. So not able to pull rabbits out of hats necessarily.
Gerard Baden-Clay's family want this man to help the accused killer. First, he has to meet him

What tha......... ? Nyst ISN'T GBC's appointed legal representative - he knows the rules, why does Nyst think the should the rules shouldn't apply to him ?? I'm agreeing with other bloggers that Nyst smells a book in the offing.
The BC clan have (from my understanding) asked for privacy blah de blah blah, yet it appears to be them who are courting the attention.

This is MOO.

Why do I get the feeling Mr. N might be a little like GBC?

Narcissistic perhaps?

JMO of course.
Morning all :)

Just a couple of thoughts for a Monday morning:

1. The wifi thing - as far as I'm aware - and I have an iPhone - FaceTime will ONLY work on wifi, not on 3G. At least not yet - they're talking about it working on 3G, but I think the carriers are concerned about the amount of bandwidth it uses over the 3G network. Skype, I think, is the same - at least the free version is, as far as I know. The nearest McDonalds is a few Km away at Kenmore Plaza. And most people's home wifi is password protected - there has been enough publicity from our excellent head of the hitech fraud squad, Brian Hay, over the last year or more, that most people would have WPA passwords on.

2. I just hope that GBC's legal team don't try on the Stillnox defence. That way, no matter WHAT happened that night, or WHAT evidence the QPS have got that GBC did or did not do whatever, it would all be "excused" as nocturnal goings on under the influence of Stillnox. For our American friends, it is known over there by the trade name of "Ambien". The drug itself is zolpidem

Just a thought - a worrying one, that I'm sure that his legal team have already thought of.... And part of that defence would, I'm sure, be the total amnesia these "victims" have of their nocturnal adventures.
His legal peacocks will put on a good show, no doubt. But dont underestimate the Crown - unless Cando DOES NOT reinstate their frontline support team after the Black Friday debacle here in Qld. For those outside of Qld, a large number of temporary staff mostly admin did not have their contracts extended on 30 June.

I think the police and prosecution do realise who they are dealing with and are exceptionally careful. For them, it is not business as usual.
Just found out today that when an iPhone registers itself on a wifi network it immediately connects to the apple push notification servers and sends to the server the ip address of the wireless router they are connected to.

To register on the wifi network the phone must have previously connected to the wifi network and the user saved the network password.

Now this will be the case for GBC, NBC and Allisons iPhone.

What this means is that the QPS can find out from apple when these phones registered on the wifi network at GBC house. For Allisons phone they should be able to find out when Allisons phone last registered on the wifi network by asking apple for the logs. They should also be able to find out when apple was last successful in sending a push notification to Allisons phone. Push notifications are sent out regularly to notify users of an app update.

Even better,fever if NBC had location services turned off, if he was within range of GBC wifi that night, and his phone had previously connected to that wifi this will still have resulted in apple receiving the ip of GBC wifi via NBC phone. Similarly if GBC was within range of NBC wifi that night.

It all hinges on how long apple keeps logs of the ip registrations as iPhones register onto wifi networks.

I really hope the QPS are aware of this and are following up, or have already followed up, with Apple. If anyone has a contact at QPS please run this info past them.


How does Apples (FaceTime) Server know the IP Address of the 2nd (to be called) iPhone*?

Easy, every iPhone registers itself at Apple's push notification server whenever WiFi is available ("calls" Home).
Basic Process:
iPhone detects Wi-Fi Connection
iPhone gets IP address via DHCP (if not set to static in Settings)
iPhone sends a HTTP request to
Apple's servers send back a HTML page containing only the word "Success" in the title and body
iPhone knows it is connected to the Internet
iPhone gets to enable a quick GPS fix for Location Services; LTO stands for long-term orbit. This is unrelated to FaceTime.
iPhone contacts the FaceTime server,
iPhone downloads
iPhone joins Apple's Jabber server at
Apple knows the iPhone's IP, which is then used for FaceTime and other push notifications.
Morning all :)

Just a couple of thoughts for a Monday morning:

1. The wifi thing - as far as I'm aware - and I have an iPhone - FaceTime will ONLY work on wifi, not on 3G. At least not yet - they're talking about it working on 3G, but I think the carriers are concerned about the amount of bandwidth it uses over the 3G network. Skype, I think, is the same - at least the free version is, as far as I know. The nearest McDonalds is a few Km away at Kenmore Plaza. And most people's home wifi is password protected - there has been enough publicity from our excellent head of the hitech fraud squad, Brian Hay, over the last year or more, that most people would have WPA passwords on.

2. I just hope that GBC's legal team don't try on the Stillnox defence. That way, no matter WHAT happened that night, or WHAT evidence the QPS have got that GBC did or did not do whatever, it would all be "excused" as nocturnal goings on under the influence of Stillnox. For our American friends, it is known over there by the trade name of "Ambien". The drug itself is zolpidem

Just a thought - a worrying one, that I'm sure that his legal team have already thought of.... And part of that defence would, I'm sure, be the total amnesia these "victims" have of their nocturnal adventures.

Maybe it's a genetic condition, as whoever answered the FaceTime call also appears to suffer from somnambulism ;D

This is MOO.
Morning all :)

Just a couple of thoughts for a Monday morning:

1. The wifi thing - as far as I'm aware - and I have an iPhone - FaceTime will ONLY work on wifi, not on 3G. At least not yet - they're talking about it working on 3G, but I think the carriers are concerned about the amount of bandwidth it uses over the 3G network. Skype, I think, is the same - at least the free version is, as far as I know. The nearest McDonalds is a few Km away at Kenmore Plaza. And most people's home wifi is password protected - there has been enough publicity from our excellent head of the hitech fraud squad, Brian Hay, over the last year or more, that most people would have WPA passwords on.

2. I just hope that GBC's legal team don't try on the Stillnox defence. That way, no matter WHAT happened that night, or WHAT evidence the QPS have got that GBC did or did not do whatever, it would all be "excused" as nocturnal goings on under the influence of Stillnox. For our American friends, it is known over there by the trade name of "Ambien". The drug itself is zolpidem

Just a thought - a worrying one, that I'm sure that his legal team have already thought of.... And part of that defence would, I'm sure, be the total amnesia these "victims" have of their nocturnal adventures.

Oh, oh and OH !!!!!!! Maybe this is why QPS wanted the beard hair - to rule out the amnesia by Stilnox claim ......

This is MOO.
Morning all :)

Just a couple of thoughts for a Monday morning:

1. The wifi thing - as far as I'm aware - and I have an iPhone - FaceTime will ONLY work on wifi, not on 3G. At least not yet - they're talking about it working on 3G, but I think the carriers are concerned about the amount of bandwidth it uses over the 3G network. Skype, I think, is the same - at least the free version is, as far as I know. The nearest McDonalds is a few Km away at Kenmore Plaza. And most people's home wifi is password protected - there has been enough publicity from our excellent head of the hitech fraud squad, Brian Hay, over the last year or more, that most people would have WPA passwords on.

2. I just hope that GBC's legal team don't try on the Stillnox defence. That way, no matter WHAT happened that night, or WHAT evidence the QPS have got that GBC did or did not do whatever, it would all be "excused" as nocturnal goings on under the influence of Stillnox. For our American friends, it is known over there by the trade name of "Ambien". The drug itself is zolpidem

Just a thought - a worrying one, that I'm sure that his legal team have already thought of.... And part of that defence would, I'm sure, be the total amnesia these "victims" have of their nocturnal adventures.

Oh Doc this really brought a smile to my face. I actually was going to pose the ludicrous question - " Has there ever been a case where someone has claimed a sleep-walking or drug affected condition where they might not recall murdering their spouse, driving a car, dumping the body, calling people in the night, cleaning up the mess? " but thought it was silly until I read the impact of stillnox

I do believe certain drugs can affect people to the point that they do things and it is as though they really didn't happen - I do wonder if he was using any prescribed medication?

Perhaps his father also can't remember answering his phone whilst asleep or heading down to Kenmore and behaving oddly at the bus-stop.
Maybe it's a genetic condition, as whoever answered the FaceTime call also appears to suffer from somnambulism ;D

This is MOO.

Must have both have been on Stilnox. Will have to show a doctor's referral though. Hard to do retrospectively.
When I was a teenager I used to do some amazing things in my sleep.

My parents told me once that I had come down the stairs, gone out into the garden,picked fruit off the trees, come back inside and had a chat with them about really random stuff. Another time I came down and started getting everything out of the pantry to make a cake before they encouraged me to go back to bed. On another occasion I apparently had gone to bed very happy but came down a while later and started getting really mad at them about something, they actually don't know what it was about.

The next morning I would have zero recollection of what had occurred.

Might have been something odd in the local mushrooms we used to pick!!
My latest assumptions are:

ABC arrived home after hairdressers and they all had dinner. Kids went to bed somewhere between 7:30-9:00 pm. Discussions about affair, next day's conference attended by TM, even maybe divorce, escalate into loud argument at around 10:00-10:30 pm (Footy Show is playing in the background). Maybe the TV volume is loud enough to disguise the argument. ABC subsequently storms off to bed. The perp plans his next move and sizes an opportunity to strangle or suffocate (no noise) her around 11:30-12:00 pm while she sleeps. She manages to scratch his chest, face and the palms of his hands trying to release his grip. Perp panics and contacts someone at seniors house (most probably father), using FaceTime (wi-fi internet) thinking it would not be traceable by authorities. He + someone else (woman) come over. ABC is dressed, probably with the help of a woman, into walking gear. Woman stays home in case the girls wake up. Captiva with body in the back drives off, with Prado trailing behind with dimmed lights due to earlier front end damage. Both dispose of body under the bridge (caterpillars bite the perp whilst walking through bushes) then return home to do the necessary staging and get the story straight for early morning call to police. Others go home. All is just speculation.

Sounds very plausible to me. Could Allison be asleep that soon, after bad news (TM, separation, etc)? If the perp suffocated her the traditional old way (with a pillow), the autopsy would not show that. That fits with the cause of death "uknown". The scratches on GBC's torso also fit nicely with this scenario. The blood in the car could be from Allison's split lip. The facetime call incriminates father big time. If there was a woman on the scene that night, the most convenient candidate would be EBC rather than TM, in my opinion. EBC is totally controlled by the clan, she is an integral part of, willingly or unwillingly. JMO. Thanks for putting it all together.
Sorry, but I would lawyer up even if I were innocent. Why? Because I have watched hundreds of police crime TV shows and know how dirty it can get during the interview process. I prefer to "prevent" rather than "regret" later.

I think GBC was smart in doing so very early.

No , he was a smart arse :maddening:
Oh, oh and OH !!!!!!! Maybe this is why QPS wanted the beard hair - to rule out the amnesia by Stilnox claim ......

This is MOO.

Not sure how that would help if GBC took sedatives to help him sleep after Allison first went missing? Wouldn't that chemistry be in his hair?
Not sure how that would help if GBC took sedatives to help him sleep after Allison first went missing? Wouldn't that chemistry be in his hair?

True that.
Would all come down to when/if he got any prescriptions for sedatives that ALSO can cause amnesia.

This is MOO.
If I were a defence lawyer, trying the Stillnox defence, I would be saying that my client had taken the drug, and I would have no idea if his father had taken it too. And maybe the father DOES have full recollection, which is why he refuses to cooperate with the QPS? But the point, from the defence point of view, would be that GBC would have been operating under the effects of the drug.

Pure hypothesis, of course, but it has been documented, and there is even precedence in court.

The guilt or otherwise of another party is currently not in question, in legal terms as far as I know (no other arrests have been made) and even if it were, the Stillnox defence may still apply to GBC's alleged actions that night.

Just a possibility - I hope they don't try that one. But if they do, as I mentioned above, then ALL proof of what GBC is alleged to have done becomes irrelevant if the Stillnox effects are accepted by the court.....

Personally, I have to say that the adverse effects of Stillnox have probably been hyped out of all proportion by the media, to the point where is have become a very convenient drug with extremely convenient side effects. But that's just cynical old moi....!
Just found out today that when an iPhone registers itself on a wifi network it immediately connects to the apple push notification servers and sends to the server the ip address of the wireless router they are connected to.

To register on the wifi network the phone must have previously connected to the wifi network and the user saved the network password.

Now this will be the case for GBC, NBC and Allisons iPhone.

What this means is that the QPS can find out from apple when these phones registered on the wifi network at GBC house. For Allisons phone they should be able to find out when Allisons phone last registered on the wifi network by asking apple for the logs. They should also be able to find out when apple was last successful in sending a push notification to Allisons phone. Push notifications are sent out regularly to notify users of an app update.

Even better,fever if NBC had location services turned off, if he was within range of GBC wifi that night, and his phone had previously connected to that wifi this will still have resulted in apple receiving the ip of GBC wifi via NBC phone. Similarly if GBC was within range of NBC wifi that night.

It all hinges on how long apple keeps logs of the ip registrations as iPhones register onto wifi networks.

I really hope the QPS are aware of this and are following up, or have already followed up, with Apple. If anyone has a contact at QPS please run this info past them.


How does Apples (FaceTime) Server know the IP Address of the 2nd (to be called) iPhone*?

Easy, every iPhone registers itself at Apple's push notification server whenever WiFi is available ("calls" Home).
Basic Process:
iPhone detects Wi-Fi Connection
iPhone gets IP address via DHCP (if not set to static in Settings)
iPhone sends a HTTP request to
Apple's servers send back a HTML page containing only the word "Success" in the title and body
iPhone knows it is connected to the Internet
iPhone gets to enable a quick GPS fix for Location Services; LTO stands for long-term orbit. This is unrelated to FaceTime.
iPhone contacts the FaceTime server,
iPhone downloads
iPhone joins Apple's Jabber server at
Apple knows the iPhone's IP, which is then used for FaceTime and other push notifications.

Just wondering how much of this information is registered on the SIM card...any of it??...or is it all from within the phone itself??...

I keep going back to the report which mentioned the discovery of the face time call was made only hours before the first aborted bail hearing. That same night police returned to NBC's house to search his car & house.

Could NBC have had two SIM cards for his phone??
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