NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #3

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One cannot help but notice that a great many attractive people seemed to be in attendance at the concert.
Successful bands playing for and receiving applause from what appeared to be happy couples and families enjoying themselves,imo.

Two divorces- wondering If the shooter had children ( was he infertile, shooting blanks? no insult intended, making a point) i imagine if he did have kids, they would be about the same age as many of the people attending the concert.

The perp apparently liked country music and also attended concerts, did he wait to destroy till the end of the festival, so he could actually enjoy the music, or so his hate and nerves could build up to one final crescendo?
Thinking at this point, that resentment, jealousy, intolerance, one up man ship + crazy and nasty tendencies helped drive this monster.
just speculation, imo.

He waited for one of the most popular artists, who was artist of the year, to maximize the number of people he could kill. People might miss an opening act but not the headliner.

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Over 600 injured and 58 dead. The domino effect of this in the aftermath is astounding. So many that survived this, all who responded to this, whether civilian or First Responder will walk around with the "invisible" injury of PTSD. The reality, pain, and ramifications of trauma, and even vicarious trauma, on people's lives is under appreciated and often forgotten after the coverage stops and we move on to the next unfortunate horror that will inevitably take place.

As we mourn the dead and the 58 families that have been irreparably changed, we cannot forget the walking wounded , (Psychologically) that experienced, witnessed, and survived this horror. They will be in real psychological pain for a long time to come. The effects of trauma are so real and often go untreated , misunderstood, and under appreciated.

Canadian article about travel insurance.

The ripple effect is huge. The psychological injuries are going to effect so many and it may take a long time to manifest.
This video was posted upstream, but it's really powerful. Seeing everyone running, a man jumps a fence, but also how many people were helping each other. The man filming appeared to be just directing traffic, but he didn't turn and run. He and other traffic controllers helped direct the people fleeing rather than fleeing themselves. The man filming, Page, goes towards the shooting to keep people moving. There's a guy in a blue shirt who turns back into the festival to keep helping people get out a door. And then there's the off duty officer who helped the guy who got shot.

There is significant blood and language, so beware. https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/the-strip/escape-from-las-vegas-strip-shooting-raw-video/
Being able to take cover doesn't have anything to do with it. The point is, he seemingly would have been able to make a lethal shot to the security guard, but hit only his leg. The implication is either he wasn't a very good shooter, or he intentionally didn't kill the guard.

He shot through the door. It is not that easy to see what you are shooting at when shooting through the door. And the target can get away from the door pretty quickly.
Question, is there a breakdown of the casualties? How many women, men, children, officers, etc?
The First Responders just held a press conference and stated that erroneous reports of multiple attacks and shooters in different hotels in the area complicated their response. This occurred due to wounded people arriving at different hotels due to running away etc resulting in reports and fear that their were active shooters in those hotels as well.

Just goes to show how much chaos occurs in the immediate aftermath of an event like this which leads to false reports, confusion, and misinformation spreading very quickly. Whether on the internet or on the ground, which then become fodder for conspiracies that take on a life of their own and continue to be spread. The accurate information, and correct picture of the facts begins to take shape in the days following the actual tragedy. We see this over and over again with each new attack. Then add the repugnant people that purposely spread false information on social media etc, during and after the attack and you just have a complete MESS.
I think this shooter could have blended in with the chaotic crowd and escaped, "IF", the fire alarm hadn't gone off, other clients hadn't heard the gunshots, and the security guard hadn't gotten there so quickly. The stairwell was right outside the shooter's door. He could have taken a handgun, and left if he had more time to do so. As it was, he didn't know if the security guard survived, didn't know if there were LE in the stairwell, etc. The response was so quick, the shooter didn't have time to escape.

But, without knowing those things were going to happen, his plan may have been to walk out of his room and blend in. Afterall, no one knew who the shooter was, therefore staff nor LE would have been alerted to him in the crowd.

Was anyone staying in the hotel rooms next to him? Seems they would have heard the loud gunshots that close. When I stay in hotels I can sometimes hear people talking.
Was anyone staying in the hotel rooms next to him? Seems they would have heard the loud gunshots that close. When I stay in hotels I can sometimes hear people talking.

Yes. There was a couple right next to him that heard the gunfire coming from his room. I believe I saw that on MSM a few days ago. I'll look for a link. ETA: A man from Kansas directly below his room heard the shots. Linked in the post below.
Like many people at the concert below, the man in the hotel room directly beneath the Las Vegas shooter’s room initially thought fireworks were going off.

Floyd Conrade of Emporia, Kan., was in Vegas for business. He was getting ready for bed on the 31st floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. By his account, the moments leading up to 10:08 p.m. local time didn’t particularly stand out.

But then the rapid-fire shots sounded — like a finale on the Fourth of July.

Conrade, 50, noticed some debris hit his window as it plummeted toward the ground, where 22,000 people at a country music concert came to realize they were taking fire in a crowded pen with few escape routes.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article177047656.html#storylink=cpy

As others have noted, he had committed no crime as far as we know, until he blasted the security guy through the door. He was able to do what he did because he was a wealthy high roller who reportedly was appreciated by the corporate gambling enterprise, in general, and enjoyed comps and perks bestowed upon him. He knew that he wouldn't be bothered by anyone.....and there was apparently no reason for anyone to be suspicious of him or his activity. He is a product of THIS society. I am the last person to defend the rampant ownership of and questionable use of guns, but I do think that even if this creep had no guns, he would have found a way to create maximum terror, death and destruction of as many people as was possible, because THAT was his goal. Knowing why this particular person did this, sadly will not prevent the next one with perhaps a different reason, but ultimately, the same goal. JMO
Stephen Paddock booked rooms for Lollapalooza, possibly scouted Fenway Park before Las Vegas attack

Gunman Stephen Paddock scouted major concerts including Lollapalooza and near Boston’s Fenway Park before he settled on shooting at a crowd in Las Vegas, according to reports.

The 64-year-old mass murderer, whose rampage killed at least 58 people, looked at hotels near Fenway, a senior law enforcement official told NBC News. Hotels in the area typically have an obstructed view, however, if there is one at all.

“The Boston Regional Intelligence Center is in contact with our local and federal law enforcement partners here and in Las Vegas and continues to monitor the situation,” the Boston Police Department said in a statement. “There is currently no known threat to the Metro Boston Homeland Security Region related to this incident.”

Officers made it to shooter’s room within 12 minutes: police
There’s no indication that Paddock, who fatally shot himself before police reached his room, ever ventured to Boston.

Stephen Paddock, 64, booked rooms overlooking Lollapalooza in August, but never showed up.
Nor is it clear if he made it to Chicago, where he reportedly booked two hotel rooms during the popular Lollapalooza festival in August.

His reservations at the Blackstone Hotel started on Aug. 1 and 3, the day the show started, and lasted until it ended on Aug. 6, TMZ reported. The hotel overlooked the main stage.

How long ago did SP buy his two airplanes and what were they used for?

The only thing on the plane angle that has been confirmed is that he has not been able to fly for years.

I do not recall but am starting to wonder if the he owns airplanes came out of the brothers who describes himself as wildly rich cause he
has a motor home!!

He mentioned the name of it but did not catch it.
I have a strange feeling, the shooter's GF will not divulge any information, IF she has any, especially if she was involved. This reminds me of the murder of Dan Markel http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...r-Tallahassee-18-July-2014-5-*Arrests*/page18

Katherine Magbanua has been in jail, awaiting trial, accused of being a conduit in this case. There is a high probabability this was murder for hire, and many people feel she has valuable information, and would have sung by now. She is a young woman and mother, but she remains tight lipped, with no information for LE.

This report http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ing-concerts-vegas-shooting-article-1.3542741 and others that show that he was renting rooms that overlooked music festivals in different cities (possibly Boston, Chicago, and the other music festival in Vegas "Life is Beautiful") tell me a few things:

1) He was determined to do this and it did NOT matter what city he did it in. I originally believed that Vegas had subconscious meaning for him in this attack but I am not putting as much stock in that now.

2) He was either studying what to do or he was somehow thwarted in these other cities (Not showing up etc). This makes me wonder if it was Marilou who was unwittingly thwarting these attacks, and he maybe got tired of it and truly "sent her away" to the Philippines so that he could carry out his attack unfettered.

3) What happened in or around 10/16 when he began amassing a serious amount of weapons. He purchased the entirety of his guns over a period of 20 years. 33 of the 47 that he owned were purchased between October 2016 and September 2017. That is a HUGE jump in gun purchases in a short period of time and would indicate to me that this is when he decided he was going to do this and began planning.

4) I have already stated my feelings on the myth of shooters "snapping" . Methodically planning is the antithesis of "snapping" which occurs in the moment. What we are looking for with this guy is a probable life long history of being "off" and then a noticeable deterioration somehow in the past year or two.

What happened in his life prior or around 10/16. Isn't this around when Marilou got divorced? Just curious.
Chicago police investigating reports that Las Vegas gunman booked hotel rooms overlooking Lollapalooza

Chicago police are looking into reports that Stephen Paddock, the gunman in the Las Vegas mass shooting, booked rooms at the Blackstone Hotel during this past summer's Lollapalooza music festival across the street in Grant Park.

TMZ*reported Thursday that Paddock reserved two rooms on the park side of the hotel, with a clear view of the concert stages, one for Aug. 1 and another for Aug. 3, but never showed up.* It quoted no sources by name...

This report http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ing-concerts-vegas-shooting-article-1.3542741 and others that show that he was renting rooms that overlooked music festivals in different cities (possibly Boston, Chicago, and the other music festival in Vegas "Life is Beautiful") tell me a few things:

1) He was determined to do this and it did NOT matter what city he did it in. I originally believed that Vegas had subconscious meaning for him in this attack but I am not putting as much stock in that now.

2) He was either studying what to do or he was somehow thwarted in these other cities (Not showing up etc). This makes me wonder if it was Marilou who was unwittingly thwarting these attacks, and he maybe got tired of it and truly "sent her away" to the Philippines so that he could carry out his attack unfettered.

3) What happened in or around 10/16 when he began amassing a serious amount of weapons. He purchased the entirety of his guns over a period of 20 years. 33 of the 47 that he owned were purchased between October 2016 and September 2017. That is a HUGE jump in gun purchases in a short period of time and would indicate to me that this is when he decided he was going to do this and began planning.

4) I have already stated my feelings on the myth of shooters "snapping" . Methodically planning is the antithesis of "snapping" which occurs in the moment. What we are looking for with this guy is a probable life long history of being "off" and then a noticeable deterioration somehow in the past year or two.

What happened in his life prior or around 10/16. Isn't this around when Marilou got divorced? Just curious.

BBM I think it also means he didn't care who the victims were. Their politics, location, and taste in music had nothing to do with why he shot them.
[Originally Posted by Spice
3) What happened in or around 10/16 when he began amassing a serious amount of weapons. He purchased the entirety of his guns over a period of 20 years. 33 of the 47 that he owned were purchased between October 2016 and September 2017. That is a HUGE jump in gun purchases in a short period of time and would indicate to me that this is when he decided he was going to do this and began planning.
What happened in his life prior or around 10/16.

I wonder if he was robbed at one of the casinos and felt emasculated
not that its an excuse
The brother hadn't spoken to him in months. I believe he said the gunman texted him to check on them for the hurricane (Harvey, Irma?)....

The brother is talking out of his butt....

Hiandmighty....Excellent post.
@ bravo, i think there's some definite logic in your 'plan a' & 'plan b' scenario...

"In a press conference on Wednesday, Clark County Sheriff Lombardo was asked if he saw evidence that Paddock had planned to escape after the attack.

The sheriff said "yes". Asked what it was, he said: "I can't tell you."

Agree completely. There is something that just doesn't make sense about all the $$$.

I would not be surprised if he recently took out a second mortgage or something to get the money for the last two weeks moo
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