NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #3

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@ melmoth, i agree but by the time he was identified as the shooter, he'd be through security.

Maybe, maybe not. Since the gunsmoke set off the smoke alarms and he'd blown windows out, it wouldn't have taken anyone long to work out where the shooting had come from and then to check the hotel register to see who was in that room.

glasses, a tan, a shaved head...how would anyone have recognized him from that first awful photo released? he'd watch the chaos from the airport bar and introduce himself "hey i'm dave, wth is going on at mandalay?"

Agreed - there are distinct advantages to there not being many photos of you readily available.
Amazing how much SP and his brother look alike. Makes me wonder if he didn't have some fake ID.
(This was published before the shooting in Las Vegas)

What do most mass shooters have in common? Hint: It isn’t politics, video games or religion.

For the past two years, I’ve covered killings like these as a reporter for the Trace, a nonprofit journalism outlet dedicated solely to covering guns in America. I’ve become accustomed to the standard public discussion that follows mass shootings: What could have possibly motivated such senseless acts of violence?

But my experience suggests that the outsize attention paid to the shooter’s particular beliefs obscures the real connections between mass shooters. What binds them together and elevates their likelihood of killing in this particular fashion is a history of antisocial, sometimes violent conduct, not any particular belief set.

Before shooters actually kill, they usually assault, abuse or threaten people close to them, such as spouses or co-workers. They are often profoundly alienated from society. James T. Hodgkinson, who opened fire on a Virginia baseball field last summer, for instance, threatened his daughter with a knife, punched his neighbor in the face and struck his neighbor’s boyfriend with a shotgun before firing a round at the man as he fled. In the months running up to the shooting, he lived out of a van nearly a thousand miles from his Illinois home.

Likewise, Omar Mateen, who committed the Orlando shooting, routinely beat his first wife, threatened co-workers and could barely hold down a job. Even those shooters without violent histories, such as Dylann Roof, Elliot Rodger or Seung-Hui Cho, were known by friends, family or teachers to make disturbing threats and had withdrawn from normal social life.

But if we want to stop mass shootings before they happen, it isn’t extreme beliefs or motives we should be focusing on — it’s the antisocial, violent and threatening behavior, ideological or not, of those around us.
There will be tremendous public and political pressure on LE and FBI to lay the blame on some 'living person' in some way. I just hope if
M.D. is truly innocent, that she doesn't get railroaded as an accomplice. She better tell the absolute truth about
everything if she wants to come out clean.
The fact that she was out of the country when this went down does not look good for her.
I've heard L.E. say during many high profile investigations, "There are NO co-incidences".
I'm open to hearing evidence of an accomplice, but I wonder what LE thinks he needed help doing? Just seems to me that he was waiting for the perfect storm. MD may have helped him, unwittingly........but how? Or who? JMO

Geez GARDENISTA who ever thought we'd be getting updates/scoops from TMZ? Nonetheless (thanks TMZ) the booking in August.....Did he take his gf with him? Did he tell her he was going to a concert without her? If indeed she was "agreeable" to not wearing perfumes, etc (really weird info btw.....their first dates must have been awkward to say the least.) "I'd hug you good night if you didn't wear perfume." Sorry, but that spiked the weird meter!! Also gave SP excuse for not socializing with brother & others....I am allergic to your grooming products.??? Kind of seeing a lot of "BS" in his excuses, cuz different hotels use different cleaning products and detergents....none of those seemed to bother the high roller, huh??)
"It has long been known that people suffering schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis are often unable to correctly identify smells." (google it) But I digress....
More layers being revealed.....
I'm open to hearing evidence of an accomplice, but I wonder what LE thinks he needed help doing? Just seems to me that he was waiting for the perfect storm. MD may have helped him, unwittingly........but how? Or who? JMO

Wonder if she had any guns registered in HER name?
I'm open to hearing evidence of an accomplice, but I wonder what LE thinks he needed help doing? Just seems to me that he was waiting for the perfect storm. MD may have helped him, unwittingly........but how? Or who? JMO

I wonder if they mean they think someone helped him buy the bumper or the guns, or book the hotel, whatever, but not helped with his plan or with the killing. So, yes, helped him unwittingly. Or perhaps was somehow forced or tricked into helping him.
Is see flashes of light where people are running in front of spotlights. And if there were shots fired from any other windows, the glass would be broken.
Wonder if she had any guns registered in HER name?

Probably, but that wouldn't necessarily make her an accomplice....unless she lies about it........that would seem suspicious.

Ugh oh

It sounds like they might be trying to move this over to terror like they did with Oma and Pulse
I wonder if they mean they think someone helped him buy the bumper or the guns, or book the hotel, whatever, but not helped with his plan or with the killing. So, yes, helped him unwittingly. Or perhaps was somehow forced or tricked into helping him.

I did not see yesterday's pc but one news source (DM) said today that the sheriff said Paddock had an excape plan, meticulously planned out and IF he had pulled it off he would have been a 'super hero' but would have needed an accomplice.

Now I'm really curious about that escape plan.
sounds absolutely correct.
warning signs: anti-social personality disorder with bursts of uncontrollable rage and domestic violence. Too bad we cannot take domestic violence more seriously to prevent these massacres in the future.


mental illness -- which is our responsibility as as a society

Suicide is typically related to mental illness

mo kinda how it works!!

Adam Herbets Retweeted
Paul Joseph Watson‏Verified account @PrisonPlanet [video=twitter;915352233440628736]https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/915352233440628736[/video]More

That '4th floor muzzle fire' light is seen here AFTER the shooting was long over. Debunked.


mental illness -- which is our responsibility as as a society

Suicide is typically related to mental illness

mo kinda how it works!!

prevention, catching it early on when people are toddlers and early years of school. Teaching better anger management throughout life. Not ignoring red flags, bullies and letting it go as boys will be boys. Also, take bullying, and domestic violence dead serious.
I wonder if they mean they think someone helped him buy the bumper or the guns, or book the hotel, whatever, but not helped with his plan or with the killing. So, yes, helped him unwittingly. Or perhaps was somehow forced or tricked into helping him.

They are legal (ugh) so he probably did not need any help.

He started 11 months ago from many locations so he would have time not to draw any attn
(link snipped by me, because it's probably not allowed here, not being MSM)

IMO, those flashes are the reflection of car lights driving by on the street... you can even see a red tail light at one point.

I removed my post. A lot of folks say now that it was a strobe light flashing beside the flashing sign.
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