NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #3

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On CNN a professional ( I didn't catch his name) said that the public only knows about 5% of what there is to know about this case.

As it should be. I feel people believe that investigations happen overnight and they should know everything. I don't even know the whole process of what would be done, but I know there are so many areas to cover - victims, hotels, concert, vehicles, houses, phone/internet records, etc. Investigators are people too and not magicians that figure everything out and run to tell the public within hours. (Although, they are very impressive in my mind and it's my dream job. )

Unfortunately, social media makes it seem that LE isn't doing their job if people don't know everything within hours or days. Videos and images can be edited and it seems people believe anything and just share it. Not only do they have to search through and locate areas and evidence, they have to piece it all together. It can be frustrating to constantly read and hear how the people need the truth and more information, like this is a crime tv show, and it all is figured out instantly.

I remember when events such as Columbine happened and it was talked about at school, work, or gatherings with friends and family. I was young when it happened, but you waited for TIME magazine or the newspaper to print the story and all the details on a special insert in the newspaper. It's crazy how fast time changes and how big of a role SM plays today.

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On CNN a professional ( I didn't catch his name) said that the public only knows about 5% of what there is to know about this case.

Unfortunately that info not going to stop some people from making wild assumptions and conjuring up conspiracy theories in their heads.

I can’t understand why it’s so hard to believe there was one shooter who ultimately ended up taking his own life. Why are some people assuming the sheriff is “mind reading” about the shooter planning to escape? Is it so hard to believe LE has hard evidence of a planned escape? I mean really. We don’t know much of anything going on behind the scenes. Frankly the conspiracy theories are disrespectful to both LE and the victims. JMO
Very curious about the woman he was seen with now that LE has identified her apparently. Was she a hotel employee, a side chick, a prostitute, a friend, a stranger he met while gambling, a random innocent person he was walking with, etc.

Morning TV news GMA, said she is a prostitute. Other prositutes have acknowledged SP was a past customer who was
"unemotional and CHEAP".
I agree. With social media, everyone expects to know everything straight away. I feel it will be months from now and there will still be new details about the case emerging. It is such a horrible act that I think everyone wants an answer to the question "why".
has anyone seen any bullets on the ground outside ? Where do 1000s of shiney bullets go

lots of folks that like guns here - if you fired two thousand bullets in your background would your yard look different than before you did that

Might your wife direct you to a serious cleanup !

if you did not for some reason pick them up do they vanish.

global tv was crawling all over the place

where did these 1000 of bullets go to

its like socks in dryers -- where do they go

In the mayhem they lost what one cop ? Any paramedics

any cop cars damaged

no food service entities looked bullet riden>

how can this being keep so little datapte

Good luck seeing bullets in the grass amongst all of the trash. Come on CARIIS not every single case is a conspiracy. Frankly almost none of them are.

Photos here of fbi/crime scene technicians at field.

The teams of FBI investigators were seen meticulously exploring the abandoned festival ground where so many bodies fell


More than a dozen investigators, most wearing jackets marked 'FBI' and all in blue protective booties, entered the concert site Tuesday to pick through the scene for clues
If he had a script for valium i would hope that the Dr. has been interviewed.
Unfortunately that info not going to stop some people from making wild assumptions and conjuring up conspiracy theories in their heads.

I can’t understand why it’s so hard to believe there was one shooter who ultimately ended up taking his own life. Why are some people assuming the sheriff is “mind reading” about the shooter planning to escape? Is it so hard to believe LE has hard evidence of a planned escape? I mean really. We don’t know much of anything going on behind the scenes. Frankly the conspiracy theories are disrespectful to both LE and the victims. JMO

The issue here for a lot of people is that there is no transparency at all. It would be one thing to just say "We have a good idea of what is going on, but we can't discuss it" like in every other investigation ever. Instead, we have a sheriff that gives out piecemeal information, claims certain things, and then things get leaked to the public and he backtracks and changes the story. It feeling like there's something weird going on with what the public is being told isn't just because people don't want to believe something. It's perfectly reasonable to question how they claim to have no idea of a motive, when it's unlikely something this meticulously planned was done without leaving some sort of note, manifesto, trace of ideology. It's perfectly reasonable to wonder how a door is still largely intact after allegedly 200 rounds were fired through one section of it. It's reasonable to wonder about statements from the sheriff such as (paraphrased), "What note? There isn't a note. Oh, that note. Well, I don't remember what was on it. But it's definitely not a suicide note."

Asking questions on its face does not equal conspiracy theorizing. No one in this thread that I have seen doubts any of this happened. Some parts of this just don't add up yet, and if we're not to discuss odd appearances or things that the police may be deliberately leaving out/misleading on for whatever reason (and not even necessarily for nefarious reasons), then why even have the discussion? Just watch the press conferences and read the press releases.
How in the world is the door intact when photo shows that a large section of the door is missing?
Yes. After a shooting law enforcement will often use metal detectors to look for bullets buried in the ground.

The bullets being fired in Las Vegas were going faster than the speed of sound. Fast enough to pass through one victim and wound another. Some will be found in the victims. Others will be imbedded in equipment or walls or vehicles.

ETA: Counting the brass shells in the shooters hotel room will give us a precise figure on how many rounds were fired.
Somebody fired through our porch window last year (accidentally, we assume) and we still haven't found the bullet. A cop and 3 others combed the porch. I assume someday I'll run across it. Bullets can be hard to find.

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How in the world is the door intact when photo shows that a large section of the door is missing?

I believe the door was removed and it is laying on its side so you can only see part of it. I'll assume you're referring to the one pic everyone keeps seeing.

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I believe the door was removed and it is laying on its side so you can only see part of it. I'll assume you're referring to the one pic everyone keeps seeing.

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What other photos I am supposed to be seeing?
Please link to the photo you're looking at. :)

The photo in daily mail shows a large section of the door missing. Since you are the one claiming the door was intact, do you have a link to that?
I was looking at (the few) pictures of Paddock to try to determine whether he was left or right handed. And, whoa...came across a crime scene photo that shows his face. It's very graphic so I certainly won't link to it. I wasn't aware that photo had been leaked in addition to the others until just now.

Anyway, the photo is really strange. He is laying face up, flat on his back. About three feet above his head lies a handgun. It looks to me like he might have been shot in the back of the head with that gun, as there is a line of blood straight to it. But how on earth could he have done that himself?

Also, in other photos, it appears he may have been left-handed. He is holding a drink in his left hand, and appears to lead slightly with the left in other photos. But in the crime scene photo, his left hand is straight down at his side, over the stock of long gun (which extends under him at 90 degrees).
I am right handed. As I was reading this I realized I was smoking and drinking my coffee with my left hand. I am not the least bit ambidextrous. So I'd say holding a glass in left hand is normal for a right hander.

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If he had a script for valium i would hope that the Dr. has been interviewed.

I am going to assume here that the medical examiner would have access to medical records as a routine part of their examination. Again, I am not from the United States so I am only going from how it works where I am. The police/FBI would interview as part of the criminal investigation.
They took photos of the crime scene in the hotel room and there were scattered bullet casings on the ground. The carpet should have been littered with casings, completely covering the area. There was 3,000 to 4,000 bullets fired but you couldn't tell by the pictures. Where did they go. The trajectory of the fired bullets would be backwards into the room, not outside the window. Once again, very strange.

One thing to remember is that the hotel room he was in was 1700 square feet.


That's the size of a decent sized house. We've seen very few photos of the room yet, I'm sure the casings are there, just not in public view. Even if the pile of casings was 5 feet wide, it's still understandable that we wouldn't be able to see them because that room is probably about 20 feet from door to window.

Also, he shot from 2 different windows so the casings would be spread between those 2 areas and it's likely he wasn't near the windows when he died.
when you have an arsenal in your suite
bringing a hammer along to break out a window is peculiar no
Not if you wanted both of the windows gone in preparation with little noise.

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Photos here of fbi/crime scene technicians at field.

The teams of FBI investigators were seen meticulously exploring the abandoned festival ground where so many bodies fell


More than a dozen investigators, most wearing jackets marked 'FBI' and all in blue protective booties, entered the concert site Tuesday to pick through the scene for clues

Those photos really got to me. I cannot imagine what these people went through.
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