NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #5

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:tyou: These questions we need answers to.

ISIS came out and claimed responsibility early on. Yes yes I KNOW most were skeptical at the time and it does appear that there is no connection. However such things should be investigated again, particularly in the absence of a clear motive. And the fact that his brain was "unremarkable." :detective:

That's all I'll say before I get lectured to and wagged at again. :nono::nono:

As for the part I bolded, someone mentioned just watching Eric's body language with no audio. There's a youtube vid out analyzing the Sheriff's body language as well. He knows the suits are going to bring out the truth. The weight of the world is on his shoulders. JMO. :moo:

You nailed it, "The weight of the world is on his shoulders". Just what I thought when I watched w/ no audio. Honestly
I thought he had been ordered to his own hangin'.

I'm searching for my source on earlier comments of videos, phones being wiped clean. Will report back.
:tyou: These questions we need answers to.

ISIS came out and claimed responsibility early on. Yes yes I KNOW most were skeptical at the time and it does appear that there is no connection. However such things should be investigated again, particularly in the absence of a clear motive. And the fact that his brain was "unremarkable." :detective:

That's all I'll say before I get lectured to and wagged at again. :nono::nono:

As for the part I bolded, someone mentioned just watching Eric's body language with no audio. There's a youtube vid out analyzing the Sheriff's body language as well. He knows the suits are going to bring out the truth. The weight of the world is on his shoulders. JMO. :moo:
I've assumed all along that the FBI will continue to investigate this possibility until they have a clear motive simply because it's a matter of national security. But while they lack any evidence leading in that direction, I don't expect them to mention it simply because it's not logical for them to discuss a theory that lacks evidence. Lacking evidence, there can be nothing to say about it publicly. And of course, being a matter of national security, I assume they can't actually discuss some of the specific ways they are ruling it out. But I trust that they will be keeping this in mind up to the end, if only because if they mess up and miss a connection, then something else happens, they are going to be pilloried by the public.

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If you ever are in a situation where you record anything of news significance, the FIRST thing you should do, is send the pics and video to ALL your trusted family or friends.

Backup everything on the device. Hide the backup and tell no one.

Cariis, you said it right. There is something strange with all the linguistic acrobatics. Its bothering me also. So much clarification is always needed to decipher what they are talking about.
1. which door is open/ajar, Paddocks or down the hall.
2. What path is blocked, where did Campos have to go?
3. Where did he get shot at - hallway, stairway, blocked door, room door?
4. Adjoining room - locked, not locked, Paddock renting it or not?
5. Maintenance man/engineer or what?

thats from the top of my head..

The maintenance man was the most articulate, bright, groomed, best dressed , maintenance man I have ever come across!!!!

Polished- very white collar looking imo. His posture the way carries himself polished educated --.

He was in very shape !

I wish maintenace men I have encountered were as smashing as he was.

His cologne was oozing thro the tv screen!!

a maintenance man............yeh............moo
mentioned at 2.21, just a brief reference.

When he said that “something similar had happened”? I’m confused, he doesn’t say something similar had happened in 2016. I took it as him talking about reports that MD did not call authorities after SG and maintenance guy were shot at, and for the past two days he had received reports that something similar to that story had happened. Then he goes into the interview with LE, and talks about MB not calling LE to report it. Idk maybe I’m missing something but I am not connecting dots at all. I don’t hear anything about another separate incident. JMO

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I've assumed all along that the FBI will continue to investigate this possibility until they have a clear motive simply because it's a matter of national security. But while they lack any evidence leading in that direction, I don't expect them to mention it simply because it's not logical for them to discuss a theory that lacks evidence. Lacking evidence, there can be nothing to say about it publicly. And of course, being a matter of national security, I assume they can't actually discuss some of the specific ways they are ruling it out. But I trust that they will be keeping this in mind up to the end, if only because if they mess up and miss a connection, then something else happens, they are going to be pilloried by the public.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
ISIS is aLWAYS very very thoroughly investigated by the CT (counter terrorism) and AT (anti terrorism) people.

They will find evidence if he has had any involvement at all, even the slightest.
That aspect of the investigation will be thorough, far reaching and coherent.

I am not at all concerned about that.
When he said that “something similar had happened”? I’m confused, he doesn’t say something similar had happened in 2016. I took it as him talking about reports that MD did not call authorities after SG and maintenance guy were shot at, and for the past two days he had received reports that something similar to that story had happened. Then he goes into the interview with LE, and talks about MB not calling LE to report it. Idk maybe I’m missing something but I am not connecting dots at all. I don’t hear anything about another separate incident. JMO

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I agree with your understanding. I don't hear "early last year" NOR "2016"
Why are there so few photos of Jesus Campos?

Interestingly I tried to find out more about our maintenance man as well,

There was nothing.

We might be able to buy a 62 year old with SM stuff. I do not exist there. I hate all that junk. Don't even have a cell phone.

But now it seems any of :the "primaries"
are non existent on line.

They are young - they were born into SM. The "maintenance" man would present very nicely online no?

I have just learned (I thought oh boy are people gonna be pissed) that apparently
the FBI erased everything on their phones.

IMO thats mean. Nasty kinda!

By learning that I learned that evidently the Federal Bureau of Investigation seems to have the capacity to erase ones internet presence

Am I saying that is what happened, Yes, that has been reported .

Do I find it very interesting that a young internet generation age sec guard is internet free. I do . Is that a conspiracy theory no imo. is that odd, imo yes.

For some reason all primaries , across age ranges dont exist online.

And to think , I thought I was the only one!

Well now I have lots of company cause the

FBI scrubbed a bunch of people.

Lets think about this phenomena for a moment.

Thousands fled. Let just guess a lot of cell phones. I am amazed at the sheer volume of stuff you guys have them.

you guys would just wig out right if they gave you back a blank cell phone?

Actually how on earth do you start over after the fbi erases you off the internet?

423+ (I did not type this lady love bug did !

Its code for are we going out !

She types better than I !!
Did he fudge it deliberately? and then a no questions bark?

I am just going back a couple of days.

I said to me it will interesting to see how much he reads as opposed to talk.

On more than one occasion he actually stated I am now reading!

It was almost as if he reading from a script...........................

do i know that no

is that a conspiracy theory not imo

just sharing a observation.
I am just going back a couple of days.

I said to me it will interesting to see how much he reads as opposed to talk.

On more than one occasion he actually stated I am now reading!

It was almost as if he reading from a script...........................

do i know that no

is that a conspiracy theory not imo

just sharing a observation.
Pretty sure he was either reading from a script or notes.

It could have been done so much better.
Victims first.
Suspect second
Circumstances surrounding third.
Whereas he was correcting previous points he did not substitute or add anything new or coherent at the end.
If he spent more time reading websleuths and less on conspiracy sites he might have made a more useful press presentation.

Paddock’s body is being sent to Stanford University for study, Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said. He added he would await findings of multiple forensic analyses, including a neuropathological examination of Paddock’s brain tissue, before issuing a finding on a cause and manner of his death. That ruling is not expected for several months, the coroner said.

I wonder whats sending them down the neuropath line?

'before finding a cause and manner'?
A cause and manner should have been apparent from visual examination. bullet pattern and route etc..

The sheriff, who has become a regular fixture on news channels since the shooting, also said the FBI is now taking on a greater role in the investigation
Suspect's brain appears normal. They didn't find anything wrong with it by just visually examining it. So if they are doing further testing, it's not because they think something is actually wrong with the brain, they are still trying to figure out if there is anything wrong with the brain.
Another interesting thing is that in this day and age 911 calls are released really quick - and rather consistently.

Thus far none of have been released

911 calls imo tend to give info -- where I am what I am seeing and what I am hearing

Anyone have one of the news reports where they gave out the license plate numbers of both of cars??

We have never been able to figure out in this event how LE found the license plates but for some reason in this case he could not give out the color of each vehicle ..

Usually they are given like a red tauros with tag number XXXXX

on this he said color unknown

Knowing the color of a vehicle would be very helpful if trying to locate a vehicle would it not?

oK I'll try some of these
1 unknown.
2 it would appear Campos was taking the stairs and found it blocked when he was attending unknown. (why didnt he use the elevator?) Door at top of stairs leading into floor 32 was the blocked door. Sheriff did allude to that when he muttered something about C having to take a stairs down to go up a different way, thus explaining a time lapse, which is a whole story in itself Not sure where sound of drilling went down the plughole in the latest narrative but I dont recall it being mentioned.
3I could have been dead wrong on 2.
he could indeed have taken the elevator to investigate #unknown when he chanced upon the boarded up door which was either next to suite or the same boarded up door at top of stairs which was the original boarded up door.. from yesterday's presser impossible to know .. think the gist of it was that that SP saw him examining the carpentry and didnt think he was sufficiently appreciative and just shot him.. I'm again unsure how many doors had received carpentry. I assume there were 2 doors on suite he rented.. I am also unclear on how many and which doors received carpentry, i assume top of stairs was one , and 2nd door to his suite was the second.
The boarding of the suite door and top of stairs door lead me to believe that Paddock expected to be apprehended very quickly indeed.
Then how come the car laden with explosives was there?
5 Maintenance man arrived either before or after Campos had been shot, though originally it seems from coverage we read that Campas was already injured when SG2 arrived..
Sensing another critic of his handiwork about to give another unfavourable review, Paddock took a few potshots at him too
I no longer know whether he shot them through the door or whether he opened it first, this due to failed presser yesterday.

Going forward I have very little interest in Campos stories, I still see him as a 25 yr old kid doing a job he liked and getting shot and getting crucified by conflicted parties since then, not to mention being stalked by gutter press.

I still want to find out about Paddock and everything he touched in his lifetime..
I have no stomach for the brother's ravings, I took an intense dislike to him and I couldn't be objective so staying away from the narcissistic braggert.

So hdh do we go about sleuthing Paddock?

I am really not well with the effect of that presser yesterday.. it had the effect of locking me up and throwing away the key.. like a prisoner of isis..

But I dont see why it should prevent anybody researching, sleuthing this case..
Not waitin'!


Additionally we have heard nothing else about his apparent ability to drive his car and be inserting his room key at the same time .

I could offer a conspiracy theory here and try to convince people of transporting oneself via mind control to your hotel door a crusing around LV at the same time !!

OR I could up with the unlikely reality that he had company who either had his room key or his car keys.

i don't think people give either their room keys or car keys to strangers so I am going out on a limb here and concluding that he knew and trusted this other human being

Suspect's brain appears normal. They didn't find anything wrong with it by just visually examining it. So if they are doing further testing, it's not because they think something is actually wrong with the brain, they are still trying to figure out if there is anything wrong with the brain.

I'm sure a full examination will make for a fascinating study for medical scientists. My understanding was early results were only to rule out a brain tumour.
Additionally we have heard nothing else about his apparent ability to drive his car and be inserting his room key at the same time .

I could offer a conspiracy theory here and try to convince people of transporting oneself via mind control to your hotel door a crusing around LV at the same time !!

OR I could up with the unlikely reality that he had company who either had his room key or his car keys.

i don't think people give either their room keys or car keys to strangers so I am going out on a limb here and concluding that he knew and trusted this other human being

You lost me on the car?
I'm sure a full examination will make for a fascinating study for medical scientists. My understanding was early results were only to rule out a brain tumour.

I very much doubt they will find anything abnormal.
Suspect's brain appears normal. They didn't find anything wrong with it by just visually examining it. So if they are doing further testing, it's not because they think something is actually wrong with the brain, they are still trying to figure out if there is anything wrong with the brain.
Thats actually NOT what the article says Jenny.
here it is again
I copy pasted a couple of paragraphs from it, they weren't my words or opinions in my post

:tyou: These questions we need answers to.

ISIS came out and claimed responsibility early on. Yes yes I KNOW most were skeptical at the time and it does appear that there is no connection. However such things should be investigated again, particularly in the absence of a clear motive. And the fact that his brain was "unremarkable." :detective:

That's all I'll say before I get lectured to and wagged at again. :nono::nono:

As for the part I bolded, someone mentioned just watching Eric's body language with no audio. There's a youtube vid out analyzing the Sheriff's body language as well. He knows the suits are going to bring out the truth. The weight of the world is on his shoulders. JMO. :moo:

This is going to be interesting.

At the presser yesterday he clearly laid out that his brain had only been glanced at visually .

It is being shipped to a lab.

Wanna bet something abnormal is gonna found --- I vote sure

well see
Lombardo said Friday that while an initial written report of the night showed that Campos had been shot at 9:59 p.m., further examination revealed something different: Campos had tried to access the 32nd floor, but found a door barricaded. He ascended to another level in order to get to the 32nd floor.
He went to the door that was ajar, Lombardo said, “mitigated the situation and subsequently received fire from the suspect.” That happened around 10:05 p.m., which is also when Paddock began to shoot at the concert.

These are the kinda things that are bewildering .

Were 14 days in--this above , like a lots of other ought to go it would seem imo would go like this "

so what happened?

I went to 32nd floor - could not get in - went up 1 and then got back down to 32.

Person who did this JC was alive the night of this . We can assume he was interviewed, Its a person explaining where he walked

Is there something complicated about this?

How can a basic piece of uncomplicated ifo take 14 days to be reported on by officials?

alarm indicating that a room door was ajar,


Doors can open or not open. Where is all the confusion about the door was drilled closed .

So does that mean that night no one could figure out if he was initially sent for an open door

Or are we to think that a 3000 room facility does not write down what work orders are needed.

It just is we really have not learned anything new, meaningful or investigatory,

Honestly, for the rest of the world - hey ok he go there at 1004 or 1007 or whatever- move on

some door was open or not -- it fact none of this has anything to do with a whole bunch of other important stuff

Did we learn anything in the presser other than they are having trouble with the basics .

People make mistakes ok so now tell us something that means something - provides insight explains something provides insight

1004 1007 open closed

hopefully the investigation might do something that explains something

As it relates to more than one shooter it is more than a valid question. In fact imo it is likely.

Seems like some folks with some training in how to use sophisticated weapons might do it more effectively than a 62 year old "gambler"

Why people get so upset at the possibility that there was in fact more than a an old 62 year gambler ought not IMO be wiped off the table by day two cause a sheriff that is still trying to figure out basic thing or two.

How exactly would they be able to rule out multiple shooters by day 2 anyway? There were still bodies on the ground at that point. Doesn't make any sense. There is no possible way they could have determined that so early.
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