NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #5

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It sounded to me like he knew squat and used him for his money. So who knows if he even gave Eric money. Maybe it was given to Mom, and Eric did as he pleased. JMO

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-There are some eerie similarities between the two in my opinion.
-Why a new plaque? Are there mistakes on this one?

Oh idk about mistakes. It just doesn't match the timeline the Sheriff put out today.

Lombardo now says Jesus Campos attempted to access the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel at 9:59 PM, but had to go to a different floor to access, and was shot from the gunman’s suite on floor 32 just minutes before shots sprayed the country music concert-going crowd.
See now this article is from MSM and I see zero difference between this and a conspiracy theory. JMO

(not at all saying anything about you posting it HMSHood, just to be clear)

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This does not in any way meet the definition of conspiracy theory. This looks like a comparison between two mass shootings.

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It sounded to me like he knew squat and used him for his money. So who knows if he even gave Eric money. Maybe it was given to Mom, and Eric did as he pleased. JMO

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ETA knew squat about his brother either by accident or on purpose
I agree. I don't actually think it's all that odd for siblings not to know real in depth stuff about each other, especially men from that generation. What's odd is that he seemed to think he did know him better.

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This does not in any way meet the definition of conspiracy theory. This looks like a comparison between two mass shootings.

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Asking questions doesn't meet the definition of one either buttttt.....

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It seems something similar happened at Mandalay Bay early last year:

"As you know I am employed there. Just an FYI--One of our officers was shot in the leg.

I have something that needs to be said because it WONT be said by anybody else because it's an "in house" event. In 2016--early in the year, the EXACT same scenario almost played out.

A young man in his early 30's was arrested by police for having a "long range rifle" on a tripod in his room. He had a etched a small hole in the window and was in the process of making his way thru the glass. He was a convicted felon out of California. There were over 4000 rounds of ammo and numerous handguns found in the room as well. He was caught because when he left his room, he neglected to hang the do not disturb sign on his doorknob. Housekeeping came to clean the room and obviously freaked out when they saw the guns. Police were waiting for him when he returned.
Our local news NEEDS to the world what really happens in these casinos.

But then again, if that happens we'd ALL be out of work. Sad sad sad... What a horrible day to live and work in this town."

<Modnote: Starting around 2:20 in the following video>

One thing I'm surprised about is MB has no cameras in the hallways. Do other hotels have cameras? Is it just MGM properties that don't?? Or just the MB? Did SP know this from being a frequent guest of these hotels? I was sure there were cameras everywhere except the bathroom in Vegas

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Asking questions doesn't meet the definition of one either buttttt.....

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Not strictly true. If the questions are geared towards a conspiracy theory, then it's headed into CT-land. There is a big difference between asking questions geared towards CT theories and what was discussed in the article (a comparison and partial analysis of two mass shootings).

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Is Nevada an at-will employment state? Talk, you're fired. Pretty easy, actually.

This is somewhat off-topic but I've always wondered what the difference is been a non at-will employment state versus an at-will one? I'm from SC and we are "at-will" -- I know employers can fire their employees without cause at any time (with the exception of discriminatory reasons like race, sex, gender) and they aren't required to give their reasons to the employee or otherwise.

So, does that mean employers in NON at-will states are required to show just cause to fire an employee? If so, who decides the cause is legitimately worthy of termination?

(This is a true question... I've always been curious.)
He was clearly homicidal and suicidal. There can be a thin line between the two at times, especially with these types of rampage killers/attackers. He stopped when he decided to kill himself , likely because he knew he had been discovered, and was operating on borrowed time.

The majority of these shooters and attackers kill themselves before the police can take them alive. It happens over and over again. It's like the same exact rendition of the same story on repeat, from Columbine to today. Very few do not commit suicide when they believe police are closing in or have been alerted. Which is also why we have such a research gap around these killers. Few are left alive because most take their lives when they decide its time to do so. What is not adding up about that?

This is so true. The only two mass killers I can think of who didn't commit suicide (by killing themselves or suicide by cop) are the Dark Knight Rises shooter and the Charleston AME church shooter (I refuse to say their names). I think both of those guys actually had planned to kill themselves, as well... but they ultimately couldn't find the cajones to do it when the time came, spineless cowards.

ETA: I just remembered the Boston Marathon Bombers. IDK what the hell those two thought they were going to do. I guess they thought LE would never find out they were responsible.
This is so true. The only two mass killers I can think of who didn't commit suicide (by killing themselves or suicide by cop) are the Dark Knight Rises shooter and the Charleston AME church shooter (I refuse to say their names). I think both of those guys actually had planned to kill themselves, as well... but they ultimately couldn't find the cajones to do it when the time came, spineless cowards.

ETA: I just remembered the Boston Marathon Bombers. IDK what the hell those two thought they were going to do. I guess they thought LE would never find out they were responsible.

There's a few more perps who lived through their crimes: San Bernardino shooting, Fort Hood shooting, Seattle shooting, PA prison guard, New Jersey shooter, Buddhist temple shooting, Salon Meritage shooting, Manson family killings, Appomattox, VA shooting, DeFeo murders, Carthage, NC murders, 1911 axe murders, OKC bombing, Happy Land fire, and I probably missed a few more.
There's a few more perps who lived through their crimes: San Bernardino shooting, Fort Hood shooting, Seattle shooting, PA prison guard, New Jersey shooter, Buddhist temple shooting, Salon Meritage shooting, Manson family killings, Appomattox, VA shooting, DeFeo murders, Carthage, NC murders, 1911 axe murders, OKC bombing, Happy Land fire, and I probably missed a few more.

WOW... I didn't realize there were that many.

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Whoa! Nice find!!!

Well this is really something.. Is sheriff‘s office in USA a political position? I respect the sheriff, and can think he is doing his best to solve this, but to say he is completely indifferent to results of culpability would be an understatement. FBI should take charge in this case — if I understood correctly the yesterday’s press conference something is already happening in that way.
Yes, I did read your prior post. Thank you. Just because a news agency is a conservative site I am puzzled how that makes them unacceptable when the majority of all MSM news agencies are far left leaning sites.:confused: That seems biased itself. Are they too to be dismissed because of their agendas and left leaning ideology? Some of them have a very poor rating for accuracy and truthfulness. Its obvious to me that most do not trust any media site, online or otherwise, and that is why the media is rated even lower than congress in many polls.

I always make sure I read more than one site to see if what has been said by one is being validated as truth by others. What is aggravating is to see many MSM sites now who do not do their own reporting/vetting anymore and will simply copy and paste an AP article. It shows how lazy many have become in the media. imo


I think it is unfair to say that "the majority of all MSM news agencies are far left leaning sites." It's just not true. They do get some things wrong. All the media sources I know of get some things wrong. Some of the editorial writers have a political bias of some sort in MSM - left, right, center, what have you.

The second report said that Paddock checked into anothe room on the 25th because his RSVP wasn't until the 28th for the room and suite he reserved.

Originally, before this earlier check in became apparent, we were told SP used MD's card to check in.

I googled the type of card reportedly used and it was like a club card. It said one would definitely not gamble without using this card. IMO It sounds like a frequent flyer or reward card. It made me wonder if he was using her points to stay in the suite? I have no idea how the casino gives their freebies away. There might have been a freebie stay on her card. Who knows what he was up to!

My thought was that since he was paying for the suite himself, he wanted the points to go to MD. But, seriously, did he think the hotel was going to honor those points?
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