NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #7

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Incredible. I have no doubt he was acting alone. After watching this it's clear he could have killed so many more if not for the big 1-minute break that allowed so many to flee.

Yes, after watching the video from NYTimes, the collective snippets of videos taken by various victims makes sense. There was a series of bullet firings during the 10 or so minutes, not quite constant although I'm sure to most of the terrified crowd it seemed continual.

I can't find the exact link I'm looking for iirc somewhere it was stated there were 12 semi-automatic rifles outfitted with bump stocks found in the room and 3 were jammed. Speculation only but the jamming or attempting to unjam them may have assisted in creating the breaks.

"Lombardo said he doesn't know why Paddock stopped firing, but he "could've kept continued firing, some were jammed but he could've continued."
I found this pretty interesting and helpful. Its not quite complete, but it is a decent attempt to string together video/audio of the complete shooting. It also supports (not quite confirms yet) something I was thinking, that the number of shots fired will actually be far fewer than originally estimated. Originally we were hearing things like 3,000-5,000 shots. This Times reports estimates around 900. I think it will be even less than that. Of course then we have the 200 rounds supposedly shot down the hallway, which I still think sounds like more than there should have been.

The Times video also indicates that the shooting started with several single shots fired that were possibly the ones taken at the fuel tanks. I think this is certainly likely. But it also shows that even from those first shots, people in the crowd at the concert were already concerned and many started for the exits already. Then the massacre began. Some of that cell phone video is really chilling.

That was one of the most disturbing videos I've ever seen. [emoji22]

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will you describe it, please? Anybody else welcome to respond to this question, too.
I dont have the faintest idea what atmosphere/vibe would be like-I imagine a tad frenetic with some desperation.. but thats just a guess..

For me, personally, LV was the exact opposite of what I expected. I traveled there with a group of girls for a bachelorette weekend. I expected everything to feel a bit seedy or grimy because LV always made me think of prostitution, crazy alcohol infused parties, strip clubs, and the like. Instead, the main strip was so clean and pristine, and all of the fancy hotels, with their bright lights and fountain shows, felt luxurious. They have some of the finest restaurants in the country and several amazing shows. Each hotel has some signature feature or theme to it, and I thoroughly enjoyed just walking around and exploring them.

PLUS, I live in SC where it's very humid... so the air felt so light and clean. I can't give credit to LV for this added bonus, but it made my trip more enjoyable all the same.

I didn't spend a ton of time inside the casinos or venture out further than the main strip, but I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with my stay in LV.
Here is a timeline released by the Nw York Times created by a variety of analysis,including sound:


The timeline offers the possibility that SP had already started to fire a limited number of shots into the crowd when interrupted by Jose Campos. The timeline also states that there is reason to believe that SP then started to alternately fire into the hallway and also into the crowd.

This could well have contributed to earlier "confusion" regarding exactly (all times were with in five minutes of each other) when SP started shooting, where SP shot and when it was reported. The timeline also states that Campos radioed with in 36 seconds (as opposed to 5 minutes) of being fired at by SP.

In short, there is no conspiracy regarding who was firing. The hotel notified police immediately and the police got there with in 7 minutes of the attack (though 2 whole minutes are not fully accounted for). Nothing short of having what- three fully equipped swat teams on permanent standby through out the hotel could have ended this attack any earlier.
The show “The Drs “ has victims from the shooting on right now.

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“The brother of Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock has been arrested for child *advertiser censored* ... TMZ has learned.

Bruce Paddock was taken into custody moments ago in North Hollywood, CA at an assisted living home.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... cops were tipped that there was child *advertiser censored* on his computer and they got a search warrant. Our sources say the investigation began before his brother, Stephen, shot up the Vegas music festival earlier this month.

Our sources say before the shootings cops were trying to locate Bruce without success, but after his brother committed his heinous acts a tip came in Bruce was living at an assisted living facility.”

http://www.tmz.com/2017/10/25/vegas...d-*advertiser censored*-bruce-search-warrant/

Hello Maroon10 - This may be a stupid question, but what does RP mean? Thanks a lot. Katt
I continue to wonder if this statement was a glimpse into SPs head. He appears to be boastful in his self-importance claims that he was at one time "the biggest video poker in the world", as if that's truly a significant accomplishment that everyone ought to be aware of.

I think you are correct in that it does offer a glimpse into his personality: It continues to illustrate SP's personality as a low to moderate level jerk:

- His schoolmates remember him a being willing to cheat on school assignments and being flippant when caught. They don't describe him as manipulative.

- A teacher who remembers him described him as being neither good nor bad.

- Neighbors and others described him as being shallow, unfriendly, and a "loner". They did not describe his as aggressive or manipulative.

- Casino employees remember him as being high maintenance and expecting immediate service etc. They have not, however, described him as a chronic problem person.

- SP was married twice. Though I doubt these women remember him as being modest and warm, they do not appear to have accused him of abuse either.

- SP was given to boasting on occasion (video poker claims). Yet, he does not appear to have been constantly grandiose. He could well have factually been one of the biggest playing video poker zombies in the world at one time.

- Casino employees and car salesman related that while he could be a jerk to his girl friend ("bit of a kept woman", demeaning her in public on occasion), he was not abusive.
Here is a timeline released by the Nw York Times created by a variety of analysis,including sound:


The timeline offers the possibility that SP had already started to fire a limited number of shots into the crowd when interrupted by Jose Campos. The timeline also states that there is reason to believe that SP then started to alternately fire into the hallway and also into the crowd.

This could well have contributed to earlier "confusion" regarding exactly (all times were with in five minutes of each other) when SP started shooting, where SP shot and when it was reported. The timeline also states that Campos radioed with in 36 seconds (as opposed to 5 minutes) of being fired at by SP.

In short, there is no conspiracy regarding who was firing. The hotel notified police immediately and the police got there with in 7 minutes of the attack (though 2 whole minutes are not fully accounted for). Nothing short of having what- three fully equipped swat teams on permanent standby through out the hotel could have ended this attack any earlier.

What that timeline suggests is It wasn't a drilling noise or the sound of a jack hammer that he thought he heard. From his location within the hallway, it was the sound of gunfire out of windows from inside the suite and adjacent room. And whatever SP had done in advance, including securing doors and rigging the food cart with a camera was already completed before JC arrived at the scene. That does make sense considering he found no open door that had earlier set off the open door alarm.

One thing that's not been mentioned - at what point in time did JC learn that a massacre across the street was taking place? Other than some lunatic shooting out the door of 32135 and down the hallway, sounds of drilling or jackhammers, was he aware of what was happening outside? If not, that had to have been a totally catastrophic shock to him when he learned of the full extent of the tragedy.
Its ironic that SP's opening fire on Campos when he did was unnecessary and ultimately brought police to the floor sooner that would have occurred otherwise. But once opening fire on him, SP's mistake was that he didn't ensure that he killed him before he could radio down. If he had, and taken care of the maintenance guy the same way, who knows how long it would have taken police to locate him. But that is often how things work out, the most detailed planning goes awry due to an unforeseen event.
I think you are correct in that it does offer a glimpse into his personality: It continues to illustrate SP's personality as a low to moderate level jerk:

- His schoolmates remember him a being willing to cheat on school assignments and being flippant when caught. They don't describe him as manipulative.

- A teacher who remembers him described him as being neither good nor bad.

- Neighbors and others described him as being shallow, unfriendly, and a "loner". They did not describe his as aggressive or manipulative.

- Casino employees remember him as being high maintenance (expecting immediate service etc). They have not, however, described him as a chronic problem person.

- SP was married twice. Though I doubt these women remember him as being modest and warm, they do not appear to have accused him of abuse either.

- SP was given to boasting on occasion (video poker claims). Yet, he does not appear to have been constantly grandiose. He could well have factually been one of the biggest playing video poker zombies in the world at one time.

- Casino employees and car salesman related that while he could be a jerk to his girl friend ("bit of a kept woman", diminished her in public on occasion), he was not abusive.

It would be very interesting to read the entire transcript of the 2013 interview and I'm certain forensic psychologists are making good use of it.

Since we don't have full transcript, this is merely my speculation. But when someone is interviewed, it's information they voluntarily reveal that is often far more indicative of their inner true character than answers to direct questions. What I mean by that - considering the issue involved a lawsuit filed by SP because he slipped and fell on water on the floor, it'd be highly unusual that he was asked how much time or how well he did playing video poker, let alone how much he won or lost.

So therefore my guess is he voluntarily took the opportunity to share the revelation that he was once "the greatest video poker player in the world" sometimes gambling a million a day. That's a very revealing disclosure reeking of grandiose and bizarrely based self-importance imo as opposed to, for example "yeah, I play video poker a lot and I do okay..".

Not to say people who exhibit similar personalities are dangerous but statements such as this that make it seem highly possible that SP acted alone.

As far as the media and the snippets of what various people have stated, given the horrific extent of the tragedy, just my opinion but anyone with greater insight should be sharing it only with LE. Particularly during the last year while SP was accumulating weapons, they'd be wise to not want their name publicly associated via the media.

Brother arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges. Would link from dm but have to run

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He must have erased, destroyed it prior to the shooting. how does a dead man hide a harddrive?
too large to swallow, he could have shot it, before he died, he could have chucked it out window.. wdh is this info only being made public a whole month after the event?? They must have discovered this immediately..
He must have erased, destroyed it prior to the shooting. how does a dead man hide a harddrive?

He gets rid of it before he starts shooting. Did you see the other shooters who had done the same?
too large to swallow, he could have shot it, before he died, he could have chucked it out window.. wdh is this info only being made public a whole month after the event?? They must have discovered this immediately..

Maybe it wasn't until now they gave up searching? Idk, it is weird like something they should have said earlier.

I think he'd planned this well enough to hide it or destroy it somewhere they'd never find it so not shot or thrown out a window. It would help if they told us more about his movements before that day but I have a feeling he destroyed it and hid it well. But why? Don't they always explain themselves somehow? Was there something on there he didn't want anyone to see even after his death?
Maybe it wasn't until now they gave up searching? Idk, it is weird like something they should have said earlier.

I think he'd planned this well enough to hide it or destroy it somewhere they'd never find it so not shot or thrown out a window. It would help if they told us more about his movements before that day but I have a feeling he destroyed it and hid it well. But why? Don't they always explain themselves somehow? Was there something on there he didn't want anyone to see even after his death?

The delay is worrying.
They stated early on that no links to terrorism had been found.. they failed to state why though..but there is no evidence of terrorism connections from isis experts.
It depends upon his mindset.. was this some kind of a game to him..
what was his point?
Unlikely its connected to his brother's child *advertiser censored* but one cannot even guess at this stage..
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-new...ody-child-*advertiser censored*-probe-n811461

If isis had his bay'ah, they would have published it by now.
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