GUILTY NV - Deborah Flores-Narvaez, 31, Las Vegas, 12 Dec 2010 - #1

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On Oct. 22, 2010, on a Las Vegas street, Debbie Florez Narvaez and ex-boyfriend got into an altercation. (not certain but) It was stated that the police report states that Debbie was in her vehicle driving behind ex-boy-friend. (not certain) it was said that her vehicle bumped his vehicle. Both vehicles stopped. Ex-boyfriend existed his vehicle making contact with Debbie. His reaction caused him to get arrested. It was said that he at one point told Debbie that he is not going to jail.

Debbie sent a text to her mother on Dec. 1, 2010. "In case there is ever an emergency with me, contact Blu Griffith in Vegas, "My ex-boyfriend. Not my best friend." Some have speculated that the ending of this text was in reference to Debbie's best-friend. It has been stated that it was confirmed that the entire text was solely speaking of the ex-boy-friend. (not certain)

A confused Narvaez (mother) told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "I asked Debbie what it means, and she says, "Never mind, mommy. Just keep it for your records."

If you put those pieces together, it would appear that Debbie at one point considered her ex-boyfriend to be her best friend, for what-ever reason the 2 must have exchanged some words which caused Debbie to say ex-boyfriend. "not best friend. (speculation).

Debbie Florez Narvaez has been missing since Dec. 12, 2010. She went to visit her ex-boyfriend. It was stated that ex-boyfriend said that he and Debbie only spoke at the entrance of his door, not for long. Two days later, she was absent from a performance. A no show. Days later her vehicle was located with tags removed. Some-one stated they saw the vehicle on Monday. By Wed they noticed the tags had been removed.

(speculation) Putting those pieces together would show that If they were on good terms, Debbie would have probably been welcomed inside (perhaps). (speculation) Debbie had to be located close to her vehicle, along with the keys to the vehicle in order for someone to have access to her vehicle to be relocated.

(speculation) Someone 9 out of 10 must have known the area where the vehicle was relocated.

After these events took place, Debbie's ex-boyfriend was due to appear in court for the charges against him. He is (not) considered a suspect. I would think that it would not be an issue with Debbie coming and going back and forth from her shows and practices. It was stated that there was good security to make certain the performers were safe coming and going from their vehicles. However, personal time is different.

It has not been stated that Debbie had any issues with anyone other than the ex. Again, He is not considered to be a suspect. Debbie did express concern of perhaps having stalkers but didn't say that anyone had been stalking her (to my knowledge)

What I do know is at the time of the fall out with her ex, one thing he did was take her phone away from her. When Debbie came up missing, someone turned her phone off so it could not be pinged. Phone off, car relocated (2 issues Debbie had with the ex) car and phone. Although, I'm not accusing anyone. It wouldn't be fair to do. Debbie can not be too far unless someone had enough time to travel. I wonder what the alibi is.

If anyone knows something, please make a phone call. Debbie's family misses her dearly. Do the right thing. Continue to show support and prayers. If anyone knows anything, step up to the plate so Debbie can be returned please. What if this was your family? enclosing, I'm not certain if all these points are facts (just things that have been mentioned) What is important is that Debbie is returned. Let her be return safe.
I find it very strange that her sister Celeste is on Blu's Myspace listed as a friend under
Those Spanish Eyes but can't seem to find her on her sister's Myspace.I can't see when
she was added because you have to be a friend.If he wanted nothing to do with Debbie,it looks like he would not want Celeste on there,since they are so close.If she was added
recently why would he do that,if he won't even talk to her,in a article I read?
A friend of hers said while they were shopping a few days before Debbie disappeared, she was getting calls from someone, possibly the ex she had broken up with in October. He wanted to discuss something, she wanted to wait.

I wonder if he may have found out just before Debbie disappeared, either a couple of days before or when she showed up at his house... that Debbie wasn't pregnant anymore.
Or hadn't been pregnant in the first place.
Or maybe she told him she was still pregnant.
Any of those may have been enough to cause him to go into a rage.

It would be REALLY nice to know how he reacted to the pregnancy news. Whether she was really pregnant or not would be irrelevant. Only what the man believed.
If he wanted the baby and she told him she was no longer pregnant... he might kill her.
If he didn't want the baby and she claimed to still be pregnant, he might kill her.

I think this is a good theory as to what happened to Debbie... until I hear otherwise as far as how he felt about the pregnancy. If they were both in agreement about it... then that's different.

This HAS happened before. Where a young woman told her boyfriend she was pregnant. He gave her money for an abortion. She didn't use it. When he found out she hadn't gotten the abortion, he killed her.

The autopsy showed she wasn't pregnant. I haven't seen anything official to dispute that... but there wasn't a lot of coverage on the case. (Sheila Williams.)

There was also the three teenage girls killed because he was afraid one "might" be pregnant. (Mindee Kalka, Aleisha Belcher, Rachelle Goodwin.)

Not to mention the countless girls/women who have actually been

Chelsea Brooks - 14 - 9 months pregnant

Mindee Kalka 14 - not pregnant

Aleisha Belcher 15 - not pregnant

Rebecca Stowe - 15 - no evidence of pregnancy - refused abortion

Helen Croudy - 16 - pregnant

Rachelle Goodwin 17 - not pregnant

Quinnisha R. Thomas - 18 - pregnant

Sheila Williams - 20 - not pregnant at autopsy - refused abortion

Ryann Crow -23 - probably pregnant

Laci Peterson -27 - pregnant

Lori Hacking - 27 - pregnant

Clarification - It has been stated that Debbie had issues with other people.

Blu - this most recent ex boyfriend who was charged with assaulting her

Possibly his current girlfriend who's house he was at when this assault occurred

3 men have taken out restraining orders on Debbie, which I would take to mean they had an issue with her. One said that she claimed to be pregnant with his child.

I don't personally feel anyone other than Blu currently had a motive... but there are others she had issues with.
Welcome to Websleuths Inspector Gidget, and investigate1, good to have you with us!!!

Been checking around different sites to see if I could find out anything. Found a profile on FB (facebook) of a person who knows Debbie & ex-boyfriend. Wall open for the public to view. I scrolled down the page and saw he posted a video of some work he did with Debbie's ex-boyfriend if anyone is interested.

I don't know how to work things here yet, such as links. Hope I did it correct. Just listened to video. Has a couple of bad words, so I removed video from here. I forgot to mention, who ever relocated or moved Debbie's vehicle, it would seem as if they had an accomplice or some assistance. Once the vehicle was moved, the person who moved the vehicle would have needed a way back to their destination unless they live in the area where the vehicle was located. Have a good evening.
It breaks my heart to watch the video of her and Jamie.She is a very good dancer.I just havea bad feeling about this.She upset a lot of people and ruffled their feathers.What seems to be most telling is that she disappears right before her court date with Blu.She loves to dance why would she leave that job to go away on her own?Answer:She wouldn't
It breaks my heart to watch the video of her and Jamie.She is a very good dancer.I just havea bad feeling about this.She upset a lot of people and ruffled their feathers.What seems to be most telling is that she disappears right before her court date with Blu.She loves to dance why would she leave that job to go away on her own?Answer:She wouldn't

Welcome Inspector Gidget!

I totally agree. I don't see her leaving on her own. Someone made her disappear IMO.
Thanks Nancy2441. I have not heard about many searches,although I'm sure the holidays put a hold on that.I would hope that by her being a showgirl has nothing to do with the lack of searches.This is someone's loved one!I can't even begin to imagine what her family is going through right now.I am on the east coast,but if I was there I would be happy to search.
I saw the sister Celeste (under Spanish eyes) on the ex-boyfriend Blu myspace as well. The only thing I could think of is, perhaps Debbie deleted herself or Blu deleted Debbie from his page. I'm not understanding why there are only 9 friends on the myspace account of the ex boyfriend Blu that I've viewed. Recently, I was able to view Blu's twitter a few times. Since then, someone has deleted his twitter account. Blu's twitter account was the first pic on Debbie's account. It is now gone.

I've also checked some of Debbie's friends from her twitter. One of the last people she tweeted back on July 24th to: @brunotalledo where she states: I MISS U TOO!!! I know it's from a while back but still wanted to check him out. He is a popular photographer (it appears). From reading his tweets, he's constantly asking females to meet with him to go hang out, grab something to eat or set up appointments for photo shoots. He often wants to know where the females are located, what time do they get off of work (things of that nature). Strange that he's normally on twitter most days. Yet, was not on twitter the 2 days Debbie went missing. Absolutely could be nothing but, they always say leave no stone unturned. I just feel as if (at least 2 people were somehow involved in Debbie's disappearance).

I also discovered another one of Blu's sites (web-site called tagged) nothing too interesting. (Vegas females for friends)

I think it's safe to say that we can tell how Debbie felt about Blu and it appears that Blu was a lil upset with Debbie. I wonder how he felt on the day of their incident in Oct? He probably was pretty upset when he got arrested. He probably said to himself, "I can't believe I'm getting arrested when this female was following me in her car, she bumped my car, I was the one trying to go on about my business and she wouldn't leave me alone"....We already know he was upset (because of his actions that caused him to get arrested) I think he was even more upset because of the arrest.

If he invited Debbie over to his apt the day she showed up, he would have let her in. Maybe he did let her in and he's just not telling the truth. People lie for a reason though. I find it strikingly odd that Debbie decided to update her emergency contact (text her MOTHER) in the mist of all this drama. I'm not accusing anyone. Yet, this was the drama occurring in Debbie's life before she went missing

investigate1 said:

.......It has not been stated that Debbie had any issues with anyone other than the ex. Again, He is not considered to be a suspect. Debbie did express concern of perhaps having stalkers but didn't say that anyone had been stalking her (to my knowledge)

What I do know is at the time of the fall out with her ex, one thing he did was take her phone away from her. When Debbie came up missing, someone turned her phone off so it could not be pinged. Phone off, car relocated (2 issues Debbie had with the ex) car and phone.......

<<<<According to information that was released by the media last week Debbie seemed to have had issues with quite a few people-not just her current "X". Three different men and one woman had tried to take out protective orders against her and three had been granted. I have never heard of someone having that many p.o.'s taken out on them-by different people-to me that's strange and says something about her emotional and/or mental health. It was also stated that Debbie spoke to her sister after she left her ex's house that evening about a Christmas gift for her
Thank you Willow57. I have heard of the peace orders taken out on Debbie.

Not certain what the dates were either that these peace orders were taken out on Debbie. Was it years ago or recently? Not certain what the circumstances were either. Such as, did the individuals take the order out on Debbie at the same time? Were these people friends and took the orders out on Debbie individually or was it 4 separate incidents?

With this last incident with Debbie and her ex-boyfriend, I did read the document or statement that was taken, where it stated Debbie was following behind Blu in her vehicle as Blu was driving his vehicle as well. Then, bumped his vehicle.

I'm not certain what State the peace orders were taken out on Debbie. However, I will attempt to send a link from a certain State where her name does pop up in the system. If the link works, you have to place a check in the box after reading the guide lines. It will then send you to a page where you can then type Debbie's name. I typed 'Debbie Narvaez' and a record can be viewed.

With the understanding that Debbie had issues in the past with certain individuals, it could have been some years ago (perhaps) I can't be certain. Her record in this certain State is from 2003 and not in Vegas.

I'd like to add, although, Debbie had issues in the past, it doesn't (necessarily) mean those issues continue to exist. Yet, absolutely one can not leave no stone unturned. Also, what ever the case may be, people do not have the right to take the Law into their own hands. I think at this moment and time, Debbie's issues were with Blu. Again, I'm not accusing Blu. Yet, Debbie's mind was occupied on Blu and perhaps the other female Blu was keeping company with from time to time.

I must say, I did see a complaint from Debbie and I also saw where someone placed a complaint against Debbie in the State the link connects to. (a man is involved).

Thank you for your reply.
I did a little research tonight on the female's name who is Blu's (allegedly) other ex-girlfriend. (whose name was in the police report) from the Oct incident. Named: Agnes Roux. Also, re-read the police report. I didn't know on the day of the incident in Oct, Debbie and Agnes followed behind Blu.

Blu stated that Debbie followed him from his place of work to Agnes Roux place of residence. Debbie states that she was already there, sitting in her vehicle. (for me, this part of Blu's statement) sounds more logical. Yet, it doesn't sound logical when he stated that he never touched Debbie.

It kind of appears that both females had feelings for Blu. What disturbs me is (how both females get into their vehicles to follow Blu. I wonder if there was any animosity amongst the 2 females? I wonder did Blu have company the night Debbie dropped by Blu's apt? It was stated that Debbie called her sister once leaving Blu's place of residence but, was she being followed? I'm observing the (behavior patterns) from the Oct incident.

I attempted to research the name: Agnes Roux and discovered a such name that does reside in the Nevada area. I read where she is also a dancer (but couldn't come to the final conclusion) that it is the same Agnes Roux in the police report. Most likely (it is) the same person.

If something bad happened to Debbie, (I'm not stating that something did) yet, (if) something did, I wonder if a confrontation took place again between the 3 parties, that got out of control. I strongly believe 3 people were involved in Debbie's disappearance. One of course being Debbie, along with 2 others. Someone had to get a ride home after relocating Debbie's vehicle.

On a personal note: (I don't know WHAT those females see in Griffith).
Something else I forgot to add is part of the article which states:

Speaking exclusively to, close pal Merriliz Monzon revealed Debbie, 31, confided to her that she had recently made an unsettling discovery about Griffith.
"She believed he cheated," Monzon said.

The pair had spent the day together on December 9, eating dinner and shopping at Victoria's Secret where Debbie bought a belated birthday gift for her best friend.
Three days later, the former Washington Redskins cheerleader disappeared.

But shortly before they said their goodbyes, Monzon said Debbie took a call from her ex-boyfriend Griffith, a fellow Vegas dancer, who police say was the last person to see her alive.

Monzon told that while her friend was on the phone
with Griffith, she was crying and said: "Just wait for me, wait for me, respect me, respect me don't leave, don't leave!
I don't understand why there hasn't been more in the media or newspapers about this
case. Maybe because all of the bad things that have been said about her.Regardless,
she needs to be found just like any other person missing.I don't know why people
think violence is the answer to their problems.It only creates more problems.Even if
they never get caught they have to live with it everyday for the rest of their life
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