GUILTY NV - Tammy Meyers, 44, fatally shot at her Las Vegas home, 12 Feb 2015 - #2

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The police/detective incident report that was posted on the last thread did indicate 2 shooting sites. This was specifically mentioned when detectives interviewed 2 of the 'friends' that EN went to see just after 3am that night (morning)......detective mentioned something to the effect that he was confident they were being truthful as they'd mentioned to him (when each interviewed separately) that EN had told them about the first incident of shooting at TM's car........and because LE did not release to the public/media that there had been 2 shooting sites, they could have only known this info if EN had told them.

Here it is, this 7, 2nd last paragraph that starts out with........"The information about the caliber............."


So did I, at one point. This is due to a link from a msm article. It is fairly possible for someone to ask or sleuth on this site and be misinformed-- not from their own opinion-- but from msm articles that do not 'jive' with each other.
There was the sad case of the family that was killed in a murder suicide, who had been renting a mansion from a sports figure. Anyway, one msm reported fireworks supposedly strapped to the victims, while another msm site said that fireworks were used to start the fire, and not strapped to anyone.
Very confusing , and how is anyone supposed to trust the 'news sites' if they disagree with each other ?
Not justified legally, but in the court of popular opinion it would be.

They did claim they were shot at initially while the SON was IN the car, not the daughter, it is in the police report and then AGAIN in front of the house. So strange that images of it were here earlier and now completely deleted. I am looking for them though.

That is entirely possible but it is not supported by any fact.

Again, not supported by facts that I have seen. How do you know a life insurance policy exists at all?

Um, nobody here was claiming TM had a life insurance policy, it was only discussed that if she DOES have one and the investigation shows that she was involved in any kind of criminal activity related to the shooting that most insurance companies will nullify a life insurance policy if client's death was deemed to be related to or the result of criminal activity.
Um, nobody here was claiming TM had a life insurance policy, it was only discussed that if she DOES have one and the investigation shows that she was involved in any kind of criminal activity related to the shooting that most insurance companies will nullify a life insurance policy if client's death was deemed to be related to or the result of criminal activity.

I did not quote you as saying she did have a life insurance policy. I quoted "Miss Muffet" and she implied there was one by saying, "The life insurance is something to take into consideration" as if it does in fact exist.
The court of public opinion clearly shows that it believes it was asinine to go get a son with a gun and go back looking for a man who frightened her. So much so that the public "turned" on the family and publicly questioned them to the point where LE had to state at the press conference that since she is no longer here, they can't find out what she was thinking.

(Fixing spelling and pronouns)
Um, nobody here was claiming TM had a life insurance policy, it was only discussed that if she DOES have one and the investigation shows that she was involved in any kind of criminal activity related to the shooting that most insurance companies will nullify a life insurance policy if client's death was deemed to be related to or the result of criminal activity.

Exactly. We were simply discussing the possible implications - of a potential scenario. Sleuthing 101.

And I appreciate the input and perspectives, BTW. :)

We will eliminate details and such as information becomes available. Considering how this case has evolved from Day One (especially for those of us who have been on this :rollercoaster: for so long we have whiplash!), there will be plenty of facts to consider before we are through!


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I really really really thought in the last thread there were incident reports that show two shooting sites.

There were two shooting sites:

The two drove around for a short time before encountering the gray car, the son said. They followed it and at some point the car stopped and the passenger shot at them. Brandon Meyers told police he ducked and didn't return fire.

Tammy Meyers sped home and when she parked in front of the house, which is at the end of a cul-de-sac, Brandon Meyers got out and raced over to his mother. But before he could help her out, the silver car came down the street and the passenger shot at them.
I hope the family at least likes this guy because if he is guilty, they probably set him up for a sweetheart plea deal.

I think the guy arrested is a defense attorney's dream client. One who may actually be innocent (awaiting ballistics reports).... And if he gets off i guess he gets to go back home around the corner...
I totally understand that. As I think I understand the people involved (depending on who you listen to, or if you just jam it all together).
A drug deal (unless it was a HUGE one, like a warehouse full of bud or something or a few pounds of coke) wouldn't have led to this.
Believe me.
I know a bunch of people that are not only crazy, but (multiple) drug-addled AND crazy. This doesn't make sense. None of it, even from a somewhat "off" mind like mine.
We'll have to wait for it all to come out. I don't even think it will make sense then. To anyone.
When I say drug related, I don't mean a buying/selling small amount of drugs for personal use like, an ounce of weed or a day's worth of heroin. It doesn't need to be a warehouse full because what fits inside a backpack (or smaller) could cause this type of shootout, even among people who appear to be average middle class families. And lots of mid-level dealers live in the middle class neighborhoods.

If dealers don't have their money when it's time to re-up, someone shows up to collect. And lets not forget the ones who are doing the drug runs not showing up with the money or the drugs. Sure, those incidents usually involve someone just "disappearing," instead of a shootout.

Perhaps inner city gangs are more likely to have shootouts over smaller amounts or merely being disrespected, but some middle class kids these days like to act like they're gangsters living in the hood.

I witnessed peace-loving hippies living in the Vermont mountains get scared enough to amass serious weaponry for protection because they're getting robbed by other drug dealers.

It could have been a drug theft that resulted in a shootout once one side figured out who did it. It could have even been a retaliation for a home invasion that happened earlier. It could have been a million things, and we may never know the truth. What we do know is it wasn't road rage and this family apparently likes to take the law into their own hands.

Why does it matter if it was drugs or whatever? Because motive is relevant. Unless this suspect raped the daughter, drugs seem to be the only explanation that makes sense considering the suspect is a drug dealer and the Meyers own a head shop.
There were two shooting sites:

The two drove around for a short time before encountering the gray car, the son said. They followed it and at some point the car stopped and the passenger shot at them. Brandon Meyers told police he ducked and didn't return fire.

Tammy Meyers sped home and when she parked in front of the house, which is at the end of a cul-de-sac, Brandon Meyers got out and raced over to his mother. But before he could help her out, the silver car came down the street and the passenger shot at them.

Thank you. This one helps me.
The court of public opinion clearly shows that it believes it was asinine to go get a son with a gun and go back looking for a man who frightened her. So much so that the public "turned" on the family and publicly questioned them to the point where LE had to state at the press conference that since she is no longer here, they can't find out what she was thinking.

(Fixing spelling and pronouns)

That is because she wound up dead in the end. But had she lived and the suspect died there would probably be a completely different opinion. For example... the Zimmerman/Martin case. Take the race issue out of it and the law was on his side. The law itself in most states would say that a person has every right to legally arm them-self and is not required to back down in the face of a threat.

On 2nd thought maybe "popular opinion" was a bad choice of words, but never the less, I do believe she could legally justify getting a gun to go back out. Especially since she did not seem to know he was armed and probably did not intend to kill him.
I think the guy arrested is a defense attorney's dream client. One who may actually be innocent (awaiting ballistics reports).... And if he gets off i guess he gets to go back home around the corner...

I wouldn't hold my breath. Sounds like he was admitting it right and left to his friends. At least from what his friends say. He also claimed an albit which didn't check out.
Weed can be mixed with various things that make people more paranoid than that.

I probably shouldn't be saying this, but this is my experience with the paranoia part. I grew up in central KY and it's common around here. Back when I was in high-school, I drank some and most of my friends smoked and would "make" me smoke (yelling and wuss-calling in high school amounts to "force"). I hated it! I would get scared to death and be on the verge of crying. Basically, for the next couple years, I just begged/bribed not to make me smoke! I would panic.

Now for some reason it calms me and mellows me out.

But there are situations where it could make you paranoid, I just don't catch it here (with the gunfights, etc). I know a girl that cried and screamed whenever she heard the Ginuwine "My Pony" song when she was stoned. Another friend acts the same way for another song by Ennio Morricone, but I don't think she has to be on anything to spaz for that.

*She was scared of the Pony song because of "the clowns." I just remembered that and don't know how I ever forgot. I don't think there really were any clowns. Anywhere in the song or the car.
Here is something else I'm curious about: BBM

"One of the witnesses told investigators that the 19-year-old suspect said he "got those kids. They were after me, and I got them."

Does this mean that he didn't know who was in the car? TM wasn't a kid, maybe this isn't important but something doesn't fit, then again it was dark out.
Here is something else I'm curious about: BBM

"One of the witnesses told investigators that the 19-year-old suspect said he "got those kids. They were after me, and I got them."

Does this mean that he didn't know who was in the car? TM wasn't a kid, maybe this isn't important but something doesn't fit, then again it was dark out.

From what was told to the police by the daughter, the suspect promised to either kill both mother and daughter, or come back for mother and daughter, during the "road rage" part of the incident. So he obviously knew they were mother and daughter, and how could he not have recognized them?
But apparently he didn't admit that to his friends.
From what was told to the police by the daughter, the suspect promised to either kill both mother and daughter, or come back for mother and daughter, during the "road rage" part of the incident. So he obviously knew they were mother and daughter, and how could he not have recognized them?
But apparently he didn't admit that to his friends.

Didn't that mother & daughter quote come from the M family? Not saying they're lying this time, but...
This caused me to raise my eyebrow, too. couple of things i thought:

1. EN was intentionally making up the "kids" bit (would sound better than telling anyone he shot someone's mother/a woman)
2. Maybe he was referring to the "Meyer kids".......maybe there was more than just TM and daughter in the car initially?...or later?
3. Maybe TM was never originally in the car to begin with......maybe it was just the daughter/one or more of the brothers.....on their way back home from the one brother's birthday party? Maybe the family thought it would 'sound better' to make it like the Mom had been taking daughter for driving lesson.....when in fact that wasn't the case at all. And who knows, seems there were no witnesses (other than maybe the perps) as to who really was in that car/when/where.

Something else I wonder. If the one son's birthday was that night and they'd all been at his party earlier in the evening prior to the shooting, isn't it strange that Dad Bob was out of town and missing his son's birthday?

Here is something else I'm curious about: BBM

"One of the witnesses told investigators that the 19-year-old suspect said he "got those kids. They were after me, and I got them."

Does this mean that he didn't know who was in the car? TM wasn't a kid, maybe this isn't important but something doesn't fit, then again it was dark out.
with all due respect, I have to say that I do NOT believe that anyone/the perp threatened to TM that he was going to kill her and her daughter. It just doesnt have the ring of truth to me. IMO that assertion was made by either Dad or brother Br to help 'justify' why TM and BrM went out looking for the car, complete with Br packing heat. If that threat had really been made to them, does it make a lick of sense that TM would have dropped off her frightened daughter at home? Not to me. I call BS.

Didn't that mother & daughter quote come from the M family? Not saying they're lying this time, but...
Las Vegas Road Rage Suspect Allegedly Told Friends He ‘Got Those Kids’ | KTLA


Nowsch told his friends he was sitting in a park when he saw a green car. He thought the people were looking for him.

Apparently the car’s driver was KM. She was driving a green 1993 Buick sedan around the adjacent parking lot at the junior high school, getting a driving lesson from her mother, the girl told police. KM also took a few loops around the block before switching seats with her mother.

Tammy Meyers took an indirect route home and as she was on a six-lane road, a silver car pulled up next to them. Kristal Meyers told police she reached over and honked the horn. The driver of the other car then followed them as the Meyers turned twice before the other car passed them in a bicycle lane and stopped sideways in front of them.

Kristal Meyers told police that the driver got out and yelled: “I’m going to come back for you and your daughter.” The man was 6-feet tall, the daughter told police. Nowsch is much shorter.

Reading this narrative still leaves me feeling as though there are (many) pieces of the puzzle missing. :moo:

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