GUILTY NV - Tammy Meyers, 44, fatally shot at her Las Vegas home, 12 Feb 2015 - #2

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"Neighbor Melissa Mour said she talked with Nowsch the day after the shooting and asked him about the screeching tires and gunfire she heard the night before."

"He was like, 'Whoever did this is going to pay for it. I've known that family a long time,'" Mour said. "The way he spoke that day, it was like he liked them. It was like he was upset at whoever did it."
What? Friend of EN says he was her dealer??? Did I hear that right?


This would certainly explain why both sides of the story are so sketchy. Meyers family doesn't want to admit that their mother is buying drugs and EN doesn't want to admit that he is selling drugs. This would explain the walks together, the reason for giving EN money, why TM was circling the parking lot at 11pm, why EN assumed the people in the car were looking for him. And also explains the reason why EN was hanging out in a middle school parking lot at 11pm.
The "got those kids" comment coupled with the interview from E's friend on TV (I lack a link, but will search for it...was a black kid who, to me, looked younger than 19) that said, "I don't think he shot THAT GIRL" make me feel (even more so, if that's possible) that something in the ever evolving stories is totally amiss.

Hello run on sentence!
My mistake. LE states it as fact but I don't see any admission statement.

I hope he didn't admit it. I hope he had the good sense to remain silent and ask for an attorney.
I'm hoping for the opposite. He's a cutie pie and I feel bad about him losing his dad but I still want to see him locked up. (Not just him either but anyone that was waving around a gun that night.)
Small consolation but Anderson Cooper, Mark Geragos, and Jeffrey Toobin are saying pretty much the same things you are.

I watched it, I couldn't believe Mark(alldefendantsareinnocent:rolleyes:)Geragos didn't defend the families actions. I was SHOCKED I tell ya, SHOCKED.:moo:
I am wondering if the reason Bob was banging on the defendants door for several days.. but not telling police that they knew/suspected him... did he want to talk to EN and 'coordinate' stories??? For some reason I dont see the family doing a little vigilante justice when the neighbors could see them banging on the door. Bob wanted to talk to him. Before the police did.
Apparently the car’s driver was KM. She was driving a green 1993 Buick sedan around the adjacent parking lot at the junior high school, getting a driving lesson from her mother, the girl told police. KM also took a few loops around the block before switching seats with her mother.

Tammy Meyers took an indirect route home and as she was on a six-lane road, a silver car pulled up next to them. Kristal Meyers told police she reached over and honked the horn. The driver of the other car then followed them as the Meyers turned twice before the other car passed them in a bicycle lane and stopped sideways in front of them.
<snipped for focus>

BBM. This is the first we've heard of anyone admitting that KM was driving around on public roads outside of the school parking lot. I don't know if it's significant in any material way, but it's one more example of how this family's story continues to evolve.

It's also the first reference, AFAIK, to TM taking "an indirect route home." As reported, it sounds like the indirect route happened before the "car speeding up to them and honking at it" incident. So why would TM have been taking an indirect route home? (If, in fact, she was the driver at that point, which isn't at all certain.)

It's entirely possible that the daughter was driving the entire time. It seems possible that the whole story of the late-night parking lesson blossomed from the daughter trying to avoid admitting that she was driving on a public road without a license. That fact alone, in the great scheme of things, isn't all that important, but we have to remember the daughter is only 15 and may have blurted out such a lie on the spur of the moment. Then, once that lie was out there, the rest of the story, as it evolved, had to accommodate that lie.
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The link to the Warrant and Declaration were released via CBS News through their local affiliate KLAS.

This is the link to the story (there's a hyperlink within the text of the article):

Las Vegas Cops: Son told "road rage" mom Tammy Meyers to call police, but she wanted to go after suspect Erich Nowsch - CBS News

CBSNews does not have to meet the same standards as WS TOS. I probably should have cleared posting the images of the PDF onto the thread with a Mod beforehand. :dunno: :sigh:

Anyhow, that's the path for a WSer who wishes to access what the FOIA allows everyone else to.

:sleuth: on :websleuther:

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"Neighbor Melissa Mour said she talked with Nowsch the day after the shooting and asked him about the screeching tires and gunfire she heard the night before."

"He was like, 'Whoever did this is going to pay for it. I've known that family a long time,'" Mour said. "The way he spoke that day, it was like he liked them. It was like he was upset at whoever did it."

According to other news sources, EN admitted being the shooter to a couple of his friends, but talked about it as if he didn't know the people he was shooting at. But when talking to a neighbor, he freely admits to knowing them but talks about the shooting as if he wasn't involved. Weird.

If you're going to shoot somebody and then lie about it, you should at least tell consistent lies. Oh well, nobody ever said that criminals are smart.
From what was told to the police by the daughter, the suspect promised to either kill both mother and daughter, or come back for mother and daughter, during the "road rage" part of the incident. So he obviously knew they were mother and daughter, and how could he not have recognized them?
But apparently he didn't admit that to his friends.

Maybe it didn't happen. I really don't at this point believe anything the family states as fact. self serving.:moo:
Playing Devils Advocate here... could the sketch be of the driver of the silver car? Could HE have not recognized TM and her daughter since he did not know them? And EN did not get out of the car so HE did not realize it was TM and her daughter? ( of course if the driver said he was going to come back for TM and her daughter.. he obviously recognized that it was a mother / daughter... but that assumes what the family said is true...)
But.. if the sketch is of the driver, SOMEONE would have to say " hey! THat looks like so and so.. and HE has a silver Audi..."... but no one is. And if he came that quickly to rescue EN from the circling green car, he must be pretty local. ( and if EN lives that close to home from the park.. why did he need a ride??)
I am curious if his mom said anything about being threatened by anyone ( as EN said something about people who were threatening his mom and her newborn IIFC) Did HIS dealer/supplier threaten his family over ENs non payment- and he panicked and thought "they" were coming for him/his family?
Here is something else I'm curious about: BBM

"One of the witnesses told investigators that the 19-year-old suspect said he "got those kids. They were after me, and I got them."

Does this mean that he didn't know who was in the car? TM wasn't a kid, maybe this isn't important but something doesn't fit, then again it was dark out.

I dont think TM was in the car. BM and KM looking to make a buy at the school perhaps?
Playing Devils Advocate here... could the sketch be of the driver of the silver car? Could HE have not recognized TM and her daughter since he did not know them? And EN did not get out of the car so HE did not realize it was TM and her daughter? ( of course if the driver said he was going to come back for TM and her daughter.. he obviously recognized that it was a mother / daughter... but that assumes what the family said is true...)
But.. if the sketch is of the driver, SOMEONE would have to say " hey! THat looks like so and so.. and HE has a silver Audi..."... but no one is. And if he came that quickly to rescue EN from the circling green car, he must be pretty local. ( and if EN lives that close to home from the park.. why did he need a ride??)
I am curious if his mom said anything about being threatened by anyone ( as EN said something about people who were threatening his mom and her newborn IIFC) Did HIS dealer/supplier threaten his family over ENs non payment- and he panicked and thought "they" were coming for him/his family?

Police say sketch they circulated is no longer relevant. If it was of the driver, why would it be no longer relevant? The driver is still out there.
I am curious why the family never mentioned the FIRST gunshots? But EN did.
DA: Evidence against shooting suspect Nowsch substantial

On Friday, Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson talked about the case. He said police have the right man and the evidence against him is substantial.

Tammy Meyers' 22-year-old son, Brandon Meyers, participated in a gun battle, but Wolfson doesn't anticipate bringing charges against him.

&#8220;His initial motivation was to not be involved. His mother came home seeking help from him,&#8221; Wolfson said. &#8220;He made a decision that he probably regrets today, but the bottom line is we all make decisions at the moment, so I'm not going to fault Brandon Meyers at this point with doing anything wrong. I mean, hindsight is 20/20, but at the end of the day Brandon Meyers didn't kill anybody; our defendant did.&#8221;
&#8220;The bottom line is I think this qualifies as a road rage case.&#8221;
Police say sketch they circulated is no longer relevant. If it was of the driver, why would it be no longer relevant? The driver is still out there.

I think because LE already knows who was driving the Audi that night. He may have left town and they have the US Marshall's looking for him.

Imo, they already know who he is just like they already knew EN was the killer before they arrested him.
I think because LE already knows who was driving the Audi that night. He may have left town and they have the US Marshall's looking for him.

Imo, they already know who he is just like they already knew EN was the killer before they arrested him.

Didn't you argue that EN looked like the sketch?
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