NY - Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested on sex trafficking charges, 6 July 2019

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Are you aware that Bill Barr's father hired then-two-time college dropout Jeffrey Epstein at the Dalton School? To teach ... kids?

I don't know but if I were paying Dalton School tuition ($51K these days, according to their website) I would want all of the teachers to have degrees if not Ph.Ds.

Anyway, I think the ethical thing for Barr to do would be to recuse himself to avoid any possible appearance of bias. I think it's very strange that he did and then unrecused himself. I'd like to know why.

Source: "This, however, was not the first connection between Barr and his family and the disgraced pedophile. In 1973, Barr’s father Donald, the headmaster at Manhattan’s Dalton School, hired Epstein as a calculus and physics teacher.

While hiring Epstein, a noted mathematics genius, was not strange on its face, the hire was unusual for a number of reasons. Epstein had not earned a college degree as he dropped out of New York’s prestigious Cooper Union. The other odd circumstance was that the new teacher was only 20 years of age."

The Ties That Bind Jeffrey Epstein, William Barr & Donald Trump

What A.G. Barr's father did many years ago is totally irrelevant to this specific case which is why Barr doesn't need to recuse himself.

What A.G. Barr's father did many years ago is totally irrelevant to this specific case which is why Barr doesn't need to recuse himself.


It may be irrelevant to this specific case, but raises the issue of a prior relationship between the Barr family and JE, even if that was limited to a formal (if somewhat unusual) hiring or headmaster/teacher connection. The optics are poor, in a case that is already notably cloudy.

If I'm Barr, I stay as far away from this case as I possibly can.
Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) on Twitter
Items Jeffrey Epstein shipped from his island port that didn't make it into my story about the carpet & tile extractor and the shredder. Not included in this list is a 550 lb "dental unit," which appears to be a dental chair. (link: https://theintercept.com/2019/07/09/jeffrey-epstein-sex-trafficking-shredder/) theintercept.com/2019/07/09/jef…

Now the other items make sense......Hedge fund clients want to make sure the carpet/tiles are spic and span clean, documents are properly shredded, and routinely sit in the dental chair as they heard the percentages that Epstein charged.

The guy is beyond strange. I don't think we know the full level of his perversion with vulnerable people.
You know I really don't care what anyone did except for the guilty one or ones that abused children. All this other stuff is noise to try and divide us over this. Hope it all comes out.

I just want to make sure the no one gets to buy their way out of the behavior regardless of who they are connected to or what their beliefs--political or otherwise.
I just want to make sure the no one gets to buy their way out of the behavior regardless of who they are connected to or what their beliefs--political or otherwise.

This guy has been buying his way through life, I'm so happy he's behind bars! I hope his victims now feel safe enough to come forward. I am still trying to process the enablers of this behavior.
but raises the issue of a prior relationship between the Barr family and JE, even if that was limited to a formal (if somewhat unusual) hiring or headmaster/teacher connection.

And maybe the connection was/is tighter. Barr is being prudent.


NBC News: Former Palm Beach State Attorney Barry Krischer says in a statement that Alex Acosta is "completely wrong." He says a 53 page federal indictment "was abandoned after secret negotiations between Mr. Epstein’s lawyers and Mr. Acosta

Copy of statement is at this link

Wow, Savannah Guthrie asked her if she was sure he knew she did not want it to happen. She was 15.

You need to remember that deference is given by the media to the POTUS simply because of his status and power; yesterday President Trump The president quickly added that he feels “very badly” for Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, who signed off on Epstein’s original sweetheart deal.
Interesting and seems very true. Acosta seems to have forgotten that he could have filed charges--just like SDNY did. Click below to see the DA's statement.

Did he really think there would be no backlash to his statement? The police who investigated were disgusted with Acosta's deal (according to the Miami Herald). Now, this guy says no, no, not the way it went down.

It may be irrelevant to this specific case, but raises the issue of a prior relationship between the Barr family and JE, even if that was limited to a formal (if somewhat unusual) hiring or headmaster/teacher connection. The optics are poor, in a case that is already notably cloudy.

If I'm Barr, I stay as far away from this case as I possibly can.

If it is irrelevant to this case, then it is also off topic.

If it is irrelevant to this case, then it is also off topic.


I have served on govt bodies in my community. We were expected by law to have the highest standards. If we had personal relationships with people were expected to not participate in the proceedings.

I am shocked how people are behaving in the public arena. I would think that one would want to be known as upholding the highest of ethical standards.

There is no reason Barr needs to participate.
You need to remember that deference is given by the media to the POTUS simply because of his status and power; yesterday President Trump The president quickly added that he feels “very badly” for Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, who signed off on Epstein’s original sweetheart deal.

Weird that he feels badly for Acosta but has not, insofar as I am aware, voiced any concern for Epstein's victims.

And somehow I have a feeling that Epstein's plea deal did nothing to deter him from his regularly scheduled activities.
And the plot thickens.

"Acosta, according to himself, backed off on prosecuting Epstein back in 2007, despite the possession of ample evidence proving his guilt, because he “belonged to intelligence.” Whose intelligence, exactly? is the first of many questions that arise here."

From same article:

"What’s not in doubt is that a sex trafficking ring centered on minors, which involved numerous global VIPs in compromising situations, would be of high interest to quite a few intelligence services."

It Sure Looks Like Jeffrey Epstein Was a Spy—But Whose?
The plot's getting thicker than my waistline. BBM

"Mr. Epstein is routinely described as a billionaire and brilliant financier, and he rubbed elbows with the powerful, including former and future presidents. Even after his 2008 guilty plea in a prostitution case in Florida, he promoted himself as a financial wizard who used arcane mathematical models, and he often dropped the names of Nobel Prize-winning friends. He told potential clients that they had to invest a minimum of $1 billion. At his peak in the early 2000s, a magazine profile said he employed 150 people, some working out of the historic Villard Houses on Madison Avenue.

Much of that appears to be an illusion, and there is little evidence that Mr. Epstein is a billionaire."

Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Infinite Means’ May Be a Mirage
And maybe the connection was/is tighter. Barr is being prudent.

I don't understand. Prudence would be recusing himself from the case. But he unrecused himself.

In any case. JMO but if my dad hired someone without a college degree to teach schoolkids at an elite private school, and that hire was later revealed as a sex offender with a penchant for prepubescent girls, I might be tempted, if I were in a position to do so, to try to mitigate any later charges against said sex offender to prove my dad didn't display the worst possible judgment in making that hire.

So I'd recuse myself from any legal action involving that hire.

If I were a person who cared that my actions were, and were seen as, ethical, that is.
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