GUILTY NY - DM, 6, & FM, 12, Huevelton, 13 August 2014 - #1

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" Vaisey's lawyer, Bradford Riendeau told The New York Times that Howells had abused Vaisey and treated her submissively. He said she made a "voluntary statement" to investigators after her arrest and was obtaining an order of protection against him.

"She appears to have been the slave and he was the master," Riendeau told the newspaper".

Yeah, I need to check that, and southern Maine, and also RI and CT.

If he was driving, Vermont is also a possibility.

Remember the unidentified girl who ran out of the woods? When was that?


" Vaisey's lawyer, Bradford Riendeau told The New York Times that Howells had abused Vaisey and treated her submissively. He said she made a "voluntary statement" to investigators after her arrest and was obtaining an order of protection against him.

"She appears to have been the slave and he was the master," Riendeau told the newspaper".

I figured that was coming. true hmm I dont know, but maybe she is the one that let them go, I guess the girls would have that in there statement

just thinking out loud, maybe she let them go, when the neighbors were taken them home and saw the car he was looking for them. again just thinking out loud.
When you look at his FB, he looks like fun father of the year.

Swimming, skiing, model,airplanes. Fun fun fun.

And he has friends
Lengthy new article..
initialed bm.

"HERMON — A neighbor of a Hermon couple charged with kidnapping two Amish children said he had an “eerie feeling” about his neighbors but never dreamed they were capable of allegedly kidnapping and victimizing two young girls.

Stephen M. Howells, II, 39, and Nicole F. Vaisey, 25, on Friday each were charged with two counts of first-degree kidnapping with the intent to inflict physical injury or sexually violate or sexually abuse F M, 12, and her sister, D, 6.

J M, who lives at 1406 County Route 21-A, about 100 yards from the couple’s house, said his daughter and his neighbor’s children only have to cross a small bridge to play at each other’s homes.

“I have an 8-year-old daughter who played with his children,” Mr. M said. “It’s gut-wrenching for us. She was crying. It’s hard to get her to understand what’s happening.”

Mr. M said although he was on friendly terms with his neighbors, he never felt “quite right” allowing his daughter to go next door for extended periods of time. Mr. M said he would let his daughter play for only 45 minutes at a time before checking to see that she was OK. “We want her to get outside, get fresh air and play with kids,” he said. “We would just be a little cautious. We would always have one eye on them when our daughter would go over there.”
More and more I am falling on the side to make sexual abuse public. I am sick and tired of it being a stigma and the stigma is reinforced every time we hide it. It stops children and adults from disclosing, it makes people live under a shadow as far as others go when if we can make it be treated as a horrific thing done to the victim that doesn't need to be hidden as there is no shame in it, i think it would be better for victims. jmo

You think it would be better for victims, to publicly reveal their abuse?

I am assuming you have never been abused.

“We’re in shock,” Mr. Taylor said. “Everyone is quiet and can’t wrap your head around it. We, as a staff, are beside ourselves. We are surprised and disgusted. It feels like a dream, and you can’t wake up. You would never know. She is quiet. She always seemed to be a nice person. She was good with the animals. There were no signs to make you think that this was going on.”

Hermon Mayor Cathy L. Race said she met Mr. Howells briefly while taking her mother to an appointment at Claxton-Hepburn.

“He noticed we were from Hermon, and he said he was also. We live in such a small town here. I found it unusual that we never met before.”

Neighbors have said that Mr. Howells was friendly but mostly kept to himself. “I guess I was shocked when I heard the news,” Ms. Race said. “It took me a little while to figure out who he was and I thought about it. I was thinking an RN whose job it is to help people would not do something like this regardless of where they are from. And then when you find out they are from Hermon, it is very sad.”

" Vaisey's lawyer, Bradford Riendeau told The New York Times that Howells had abused Vaisey and treated her submissively. He said she made a "voluntary statement" to investigators after her arrest and was obtaining an order of protection against him.

"She appears to have been the slave and he was the master," Riendeau told the newspaper".

OMG I've been gone all day and just caught up with this horrible news about those little girls being abused. :(

I am sickened by this! How can people do this to children?!?!?

God please bless these two sweet girls and give them and their family the strength to work through this!
If the 2 perps haven't been charged yet with abuse, why didn't the person who released that info wait until they are charged? Why the rush to yap to the media? Especially about sexual abuse?? I get it that some people just want to know....really want to know....but, what's the rush? It will all come out eventually. Thank God that the girls and their family don't have TV or internet....

“We’re in shock,” Mr. Taylor said. “Everyone is quiet and can’t wrap your head around it. We, as a staff, are beside ourselves. We are surprised and disgusted. It feels like a dream, and you can’t wake up. You would never know. She is quiet. She always seemed to be a nice person. She was good with the animals. There were no signs to make you think that this was going on.”

Hermon Mayor Cathy L. Race said she met Mr. Howells briefly while taking her mother to an appointment at Claxton-Hepburn.

“He noticed we were from Hermon, and he said he was also. We live in such a small town here. I found it unusual that we never met before.”

Neighbors have said that Mr. Howells was friendly but mostly kept to himself. “I guess I was shocked when I heard the news,” Ms. Race said. “It took me a little while to figure out who he was and I thought about it. I was thinking an RN whose job it is to help people would not do something like this regardless of where they are from. And then when you find out they are from Hermon, it is very sad.”

This article also states that NV previously worked at a center for the developmentally disabled. It is frightening to think of the possibilities of potential victims at the center.
It will be interesting to see if they are only interested in girls or if both genders are fair game. Unlikely to be connected, but Collin Gillis is missing from Tupper lake which is south of Potsdam.
When you look at his FB, he looks like fun father of the year.

Swimming, skiing, model,airplanes. Fun fun fun.

And he has friends

You just never know. It'll be interesting to find out how they got away and why they were let go.
Could the couple have had sex in front of the girls? Would that constitute as abuse?

If Nicole Vaisey's senior grant project, "THE EFFECTS OF VIEWING SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE IMAGES ON RAPE MYTH ACCEPTANCE AND THE ROLE OF PHYSIOLOGICAL AROUSAL", is any indication, they may have forced them to view *advertiser censored*.

Study description: (RMA means rape myth acceptance) "To test this hypothesis, one group of participants will view a slideshow containing sexually suggestive images and the other will view images of everyday objects like animals and architecture. All participants will then be asked to read a series of vignettes and answer questions that will be used to indicate level of RMA. Physiological measures of heart rate and galvanic skin response will be used as an independent variable to see if level of physiological arousal affects RMA "

" Vaisey's lawyer, Bradford Riendeau told The New York Times that Howells had abused Vaisey and treated her submissively. He said she made a "voluntary statement" to investigators after her arrest and was obtaining an order of protection against him.

"She appears to have been the slave and he was the master," Riendeau told the newspaper".

Of course he has. Note there was sarcasm used in this statement.
If Nicole Vaisey's senior grant project, "THE EFFECTS OF VIEWING SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE IMAGES ON RAPE MYTH ACCEPTANCE AND THE ROLE OF PHYSIOLOGICAL AROUSAL", is any indication, they may have forced them to view *advertiser censored*.

Study description: (RMA means rape myth acceptance) "To test this hypothesis, one group of participants will view a slideshow containing sexually suggestive images and the other will view images of everyday objects like animals and architecture. All participants will then be asked to read a series of vignettes and answer questions that will be used to indicate level of RMA. Physiological measures of heart rate and galvanic skin response will be used as an independent variable to see if level of physiological arousal affects RMA "

Very interesting! As a Psychology and Sociology lecturer, I am often tempted to manipulate little situations to do action research on my students (just little things like getting one class to do one task on a topic and another to do a different one, to see which group gets better grades, balanced of course over their different natural aptitude in the subject and matching participants working at the same grade.)

As a social science person, I can see how you can get drawn into always studying people and testing. But if she did kidnap those girls for that purpose, then that is SICK!!!! That's just beyond anything I could ever imagine!

I wonder if they're both just a pair of sick freaks who have mentally justified testing on these girls. It's called "rationalization" according to Freud.

In psychology and logic, rationalization (also known as making excuses[1]) is a defense mechanism in which controversial behaviors or feelings are justified and explained in a seemingly rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means.[2] It is also an informal fallacy of reasoning.[3]

Rationalization encourages irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings and often involves ad hoc hypothesizing. This process ranges from fully conscious (e.g. to present an external defense against ridicule from others) to mostly unconscious (e.g. to create a block against internal feelings of guilt). People rationalize for various reasons - sometimes when we think we know ourselves better than we do. Rationalization may differentiate the original deterministic explanation of the behavior or feeling in question.[4][5]
(taken from Wikipedia - yes, I know!)

They may (particularly NV) have justified it to themselves so deep down that they GENUINELY believe they have done nothing wrong!

Are you sure this is the correct Nicole? There is a NV who is 42 and has lived in NY, MA, Virginia, and PA. However she could have lived on campus or with family and didn't show in PA. Especially since she was very young. Usually don't see young adults on intellus because they don't usually pay their own bills when in school.

Yes, the female perp definitely attended college in PA -- I have 2 links a couple postings up, one that shows her photo as a student
If Nicole Vaisey's senior grant project, "THE EFFECTS OF VIEWING SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE IMAGES ON RAPE MYTH ACCEPTANCE AND THE ROLE OF PHYSIOLOGICAL AROUSAL", is any indication, they may have forced them to view *advertiser censored*.

Study description: (RMA means rape myth acceptance) "To test this hypothesis, one group of participants will view a slideshow containing sexually suggestive images and the other will view images of everyday objects like animals and architecture. All participants will then be asked to read a series of vignettes and answer questions that will be used to indicate level of RMA. Physiological measures of heart rate and galvanic skin response will be used as an independent variable to see if level of physiological arousal affects RMA "

The plot thickens.

Couple of sickos.
You really have to wonder in cases like this, where the perps have a FB page where everything looks so... normal. I mean, we've got Joe Average and his gf Jane Average, posting pics of bbqs, kids playing outside, pets, pics of trips to here or there, talking about needing a new pool pump, funny vids, their friends and families commenting on their posts, etc. Honestly, if you just changed the pics and the location, it looks like my hubby's FB or my FB.

What are their friends thinking?
What are their families thinking?

It has to be even more shocking to them, than it is to strangers on the outside looking in. Especially for those who thought they really knew them but had NO idea this kind of thing was being planned on the sneak.
So different accounts of what happened. Please, has it been verified for sure that the perps dropped them OFF or did the girls escape their home? Could the perps have intentionally targeted them because they are Amish and thought , really naively , that because parents don't have phone and tv that they may not involved LE ? So they let them go thinking that was the end of it ? But by then, it was all over local tv, right?
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