GUILTY NY - Evanna Tranberg-Bennett, 12, died, parents failed to get her medical care, 6 Dec 2019 Probation

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There is corruption and abuse of power everywhere, literally everywhere. This family has a lengthy history with DSS in more than one state over the course of 18 years. And now, a child is dead. If anything, it looks like DSS did not do their job because the children kept being returned to the parents and now we have a 12-year-old dead. I would love to believe that there is some real concern regarding the children but what I've been seeing is a concern to prove how someone is right and someone is wrong, how someone's way of living is superior to everyone else, how the education someone is providing is so much better than public school, how someone's diet is the most healthy of the healthiest diets, how someone is so educated and erudite and everyone else is just a plain old rustic who does not get the superior way of raising children and living. Come on. Evanna is dead and this could've been avoided. That child, a 12-year-old little girl suffered for days, weeks, maybe months, and of all the adults in her life, nobody decided to seek medical help on her behalf until she couldn't be saved anymore. I respect the family, they lost a child, a sister that they loved, but she did not have to die. And the other children don't have to keep living that way, I'm sorry if this offends or hurts someone but we keep talking badly about how Child Protective Services more often than not don't do their job, how children keep ending up dead because of that, and then when children are removed AGAIN, we scream corruption and abuse of power? I'm not saying they're lying or making things up, I believe that's how they see what's happening to them, it's their truth. But I don't want another child to get hurt or worse.
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All that follows is only my own personal opinion. It is strange to me that no one in this thread has seemed to express any forthright consideration of the huge amount of information re: possible corruption within the DSS that the family has posted about online. IMO it is hard to forget that this family violently and tragically lost one of their own, and I do find the family's writing style and content to be quite idiosyncratic, but, to me, it does read as the (understandably) impassioned writing of an intelligent person, overwhelmed and angry. And, IMO, if even SOME of the claims made on the Facebook page are true, it would make sense to write in this way. Once I get past my own initial surface level criticism of the rhetoric in the posts, I find that some serious claims are leveled, sometimes accompanied by links to pieces written by others living in the area, involving the DA presiding on this case Paul Czajka, an attorney on the case Pamela Joern, the DSS commissioner Robert Gibson. From my own personal experience alone, it is obvious that people in law enforcement and the judicial system can and will take advantage of their position to the detriment of others' well-being or livelihood; so, IMO it's really not far out of the realm of possibility that the family's claims of such corruption could actually be legitimate, regardless of how these claims are presented. The aspects of this situation that could call the adults of the family into question have been discussed in this thread at length, with plenty of projection, assumption and speculation, but I have seen very little discussion of the evidence the family has shared and/or alluded to, such as the seemingly redacted autopsy report and the DSS paperwork falsely claiming one of the children is adopted and has no family history; nor any discussion about the children's mention of being "slapped" in foster care, or how one of the older girls still in foster care kept being taken away by the staff to be alone with Robert Gibson, or how during the DSS examination of the family's home there were no possible dangers to the children to speak of, and yet they were taken right back into foster care after two weeks with no new evidence that hadn't already been available for the past year. The family says they have attempted to introduce information into court but are being railroaded. Following links and doing a bit of research yields enough rumors or claims of corruption within the county of jurisdiction, the DA and DSS to raise questions. It is entirely possible that this is a unique family with an unconventional lifestyle, who are genuinely being traumatized by this experience.
IMO this situation is an example of a major clash between over-reaching child protective services and a very tight-knit, somewhat counter-cultural family unit, centering on the tragic death of a child. My personal interpretation of the facts available is that there has been neglect of human rights for children in this situation, that the local government is reacting with compounding authoritarian and punitive measures, and the family is being further traumatized and goaded all the while. All MOO.

IMO the neglect of human rights was on the part of the unvaccinated children, the child who had untreated hydrocephalus, and the child for whom the family only reached out for help for only after she went into cardiac arrest.

The aspects of corruption described have to be weighed against the fact that the only truly public information that is being released is by a family FB page. My understanding is that the authorities aren’t allowed to discuss aspects of an ongoing crimininal investigation. That is why this is such a hard case to discuss under TOS IMO and why everything from that FB page must be taken with a grain of salt. It has been said by others that they (understandably) delete unfavorable comments, IMO that page is a propaganda machine. We need to wait and see what evidence and trial information comes out.

The FB page keeps producing lackluster (IMO) evidence such as “redacted documents” and “medical evidence of fraud” but to me these all seem like standard documents that have gone through standard bureaucratic process. If they really do have a smoking gun that would prove everyone’s innocence, I agree with previous posters that it would prove them cruel for not having produced it over the course of the last year. I personally believe whatever this phantom evidence is, it is as lackluster as the other documents or fictional.

Governments can be corrupt but I doubt very much they are the ‘bumbling buffoons’ the FB page would like the public to imagine they are.

I personally believe this family is in for a very serious wake up call in the not too distant future. The fact that the state is publicly insinuating charges against multiple adults, and maintaining a case and separation of a family for this length of time suggest to me IMO a very strong case, and one they are not trying to win in the court of public opinion, but rather legally.

The only ‘smoking gun’ I have seen so far was the family’s alleged admission of the existence of lewd photos of children, which horrified me. Frankly it has made me consider no longer following this case.
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All that follows is only my own personal opinion. It is strange to me that no one in this thread has seemed to express any forthright consideration of the huge amount of information re: possible corruption within the DSS that the family has posted about online. IMO it is hard to forget that this family violently and tragically lost one of their own, and I do find the family's writing style and content to be quite idiosyncratic, but, to me, it does read as the (understandably) impassioned writing of an intelligent person, overwhelmed and angry. And, IMO, if even SOME of the claims made on the Facebook page are true, it would make sense to write in this way. Once I get past my own initial surface level criticism of the rhetoric in the posts, I find that some serious claims are leveled, sometimes accompanied by links to pieces written by others living in the area, involving the DA presiding on this case Paul Czajka, an attorney on the case Pamela Joern, the DSS commissioner Robert Gibson. From my own personal experience alone, it is obvious that people in law enforcement and the judicial system can and will take advantage of their position to the detriment of others' well-being or livelihood; so, IMO it's really not far out of the realm of possibility that the family's claims of such corruption could actually be legitimate, regardless of how these claims are presented. The aspects of this situation that could call the adults of the family into question have been discussed in this thread at length, with plenty of projection, assumption and speculation, but I have seen very little discussion of the evidence the family has shared and/or alluded to, such as the seemingly redacted autopsy report and the DSS paperwork falsely claiming one of the children is adopted and has no family history; nor any discussion about the children's mention of being "slapped" in foster care, or how one of the older girls still in foster care kept being taken away by the staff to be alone with Robert Gibson, or how during the DSS examination of the family's home there were no possible dangers to the children to speak of, and yet they were taken right back into foster care after two weeks with no new evidence that hadn't already been available for the past year. The family says they have attempted to introduce information into court but are being railroaded. Following links and doing a bit of research yields enough rumors or claims of corruption within the county of jurisdiction, the DA and DSS to raise questions. It is entirely possible that this is a unique family with an unconventional lifestyle, who are genuinely being traumatized by this experience.
IMO this situation is an example of a major clash between over-reaching child protective services and a very tight-knit, somewhat counter-cultural family unit, centering on the tragic death of a child. My personal interpretation of the facts available is that there has been neglect of human rights for children in this situation, that the local government is reacting with compounding authoritarian and punitive measures, and the family is being further traumatized and goaded all the while. All MOO.

Welcome to WS goat88!
Thanks for sharing your views and opinions. I personally have read the posts made by the family on FB since last December. I was initially engrossed in the story, and by the family's posts here at WS at the same time. It took me a few hours to come to believe that the family was telling their story in a truly defensive manner. ( Is that reflective of guilt, I wonder?) There was INSTANT blaming of others, little self reflection, and when questioned by members here and elsewhere regarding Evanna and her health and death, the "Wheel of Excuses" was spun. Most, if not all of these excuses blame the government in one way shape or form. Yet, lost in this story and excuse nonsense is the answer to...WHY did they not get Evanna to a doctor sooner?
That non-answer they give...snow storm unacceptable to me. A normal healthy 12 year old child does
not suddenly appear with a distended belly and weeping swollen calves and feet. Poor Evanna, (who is lost in the story telling and blame game displayed on FB, IMO ) was sick for quite some time, before those symptoms would appear. She was ignored, IMO. And fed candy. Healthy candy, per FB posts.

I have seen multiple cases here on Websleuths, where truly government agencies have failed. The last one in my mind is close to home for me. Two DCF agents are on trial now, for failing to act in a responsible manner. Had they acted in a proper and responsible manner, tragedy might not have happened. The boy, aged 5 is dead. His mother murdered him, and his father helped bury the boy. DCFS was called and opened a case, but failed. Look up Andrew (AJ) Freund, Crystal Lake Ill.
In my opinion, I strongly believe that Evanna's case is not one to hang your hat on government failure. The failure lies elsewhere.
I encourage you to keep posting, and keep reading here also. We all have much we can learn from each other.
I'm not sure but I wouldn't be okay with exposing my children like that. I don't know, just feels weird. And since I'm assuming the parents don't have custody of the children, since they're in foster care, do they really have a right to film AND post those videos? I just assumed that filming those visits would be a no-no, but I have no experience on that.
OMG. The family has now posted an audio file of the youngest child on their FB page. A man asks the child if anyone was mean to him. The child answers something like "Carrie." The man asks the child if Carrie slapped him. The child answers "yes, she did." A woman interjects with "Somebody slapped you?" and the man asks how many times did Carrie slap you. The child hesitates then says "I don't know."

This is the family's so-called "evidence." Why would a parent or grandparent do that to a 2-3 year old baby? All it tells me is that the parents have no actual evidence and therefore have to use their own children in an attempt to... what, show the world that they've been wronged? Again? In a second state? 20 years later?

I can't say this is the worst case I've ever followed on WS but it's one where the parents are willing to throw their kids under the bus - in public - to take the blame off themselves.

I hope LE thoroughly investigates that lewd film of the children. Something's off. MOO.
Ok I've been following this since I stumbled on their page... first the 5 child services investigations and at least 3 removals of the children blows me away .... and in one post they say something to the effect of oh well this happens to people with a lot of children

the heck it does!

there's also this is a result of one of Evanna's removals because she was put on formula....

and now lewd pictures... they have taken literally zero responsibility ...any parent any family... we should have done this, maybe we could have done that

in my opinion the only thing they would have changed is not getting her treatment at all

also in my opinion the proof that they're showing is traumatized children that they're traumatizing more... instead of trying to help them they're more worried about vaccines and glasses and sugar

sorry been saving that for a year .. all of this is absolutely my opinion I have no facts other than what I've read here and on their page
Ok I've been following this since I stumbled on their page... first the 5 child services investigations and at least 3 removals of the children blows me away .... and in one post they say something to the effect of oh well this happens to people with a lot of children

the heck it does!

there's also this is a result of one of Evanna's removals because she was put on formula....

and now lewd pictures... they have taken literally zero responsibility ...any parent any family... we should have done this, maybe we could have done that

in my opinion the only thing they would have changed is not getting her treatment at all

also in my opinion the proof that they're showing is traumatized children that they're traumatizing more... instead of trying to help them they're more worried about vaccines and glasses and sugar

sorry been saving that for a year .. all of this is absolutely my opinion I have no facts other than what I've read here and on their page

Welcome to Websleuths craftyhistorynerd!
Many here have been following Evanna's case also for the last year or so. Information has been almost non-existent, other than the family's Facebook updates. All opinions are welcome. Glad you could join us!
Welcome to Websleuths craftyhistorynerd!
Many here have been following Evanna's case also for the last year or so. Information has been almost non-existent, other than the family's Facebook updates. All opinions are welcome. Glad you could join us!
thank you, I'm really happy to be here. I'm so angry for this little girl... she seems like such a secondary consideration in this family... I'm glad to find a group like this that cares
All that follows is only my own personal opinion. It is strange to me that no one in this thread has seemed to express any forthright consideration of the huge amount of information re: possible corruption within the DSS that the family has posted about online. IMO it is hard to forget that this family violently and tragically lost one of their own, and I do find the family's writing style and content to be quite idiosyncratic, but, to me, it does read as the (understandably) impassioned writing of an intelligent person, overwhelmed and angry. And, IMO, if even SOME of the claims made on the Facebook page are true, it would make sense to write in this way. Once I get past my own initial surface level criticism of the rhetoric in the posts, I find that some serious claims are leveled, sometimes accompanied by links to pieces written by others living in the area, involving the DA presiding on this case Paul Czajka, an attorney on the case Pamela Joern, the DSS commissioner Robert Gibson. From my own personal experience alone, it is obvious that people in law enforcement and the judicial system can and will take advantage of their position to the detriment of others' well-being or livelihood; so, IMO it's really not far out of the realm of possibility that the family's claims of such corruption could actually be legitimate, regardless of how these claims are presented. The aspects of this situation that could call the adults of the family into question have been discussed in this thread at length, with plenty of projection, assumption and speculation, but I have seen very little discussion of the evidence the family has shared and/or alluded to, such as the seemingly redacted autopsy report and the DSS paperwork falsely claiming one of the children is adopted and has no family history; nor any discussion about the children's mention of being "slapped" in foster care, or how one of the older girls still in foster care kept being taken away by the staff to be alone with Robert Gibson, or how during the DSS examination of the family's home there were no possible dangers to the children to speak of, and yet they were taken right back into foster care after two weeks with no new evidence that hadn't already been available for the past year. The family says they have attempted to introduce information into court but are being railroaded. Following links and doing a bit of research yields enough rumors or claims of corruption within the county of jurisdiction, the DA and DSS to raise questions. It is entirely possible that this is a unique family with an unconventional lifestyle, who are genuinely being traumatized by this experience.
IMO this situation is an example of a major clash between over-reaching child protective services and a very tight-knit, somewhat counter-cultural family unit, centering on the tragic death of a child. My personal interpretation of the facts available is that there has been neglect of human rights for children in this situation, that the local government is reacting with compounding authoritarian and punitive measures, and the family is being further traumatized and goaded all the while. All MOO.
1. There's an 18 year history of DSS involvement with this family, spanning two states. That makes an overzealous department extremely unlikely.

2. There is a dead girl. Children do not just drop dead out of nowhere, and kidney disease has visible symptoms (which they wrote about: swollen ankles and belly in the days and weeks prior to her death) and is very painful. It is indisputable, IMO, that there was, at a minimum, negligence.

3. Given the preventable death of one child, the care of other children in the household is automatically a concern and merits DSS involvement and removal of the other children.

4. They make many accusations, but they never post the actual proof they claim to have. I'll believe it when I see it.

5. The accusations by the family made against posters here at websleuths are, quite frankly, paranoid and delusional. The vast majority of posters here have been here many years, and are from all over the country and the world. In the prior thread, someone posted information that is publicly available and quite easy to look up. The purported family member posting here at that time incorrectly decided that posters here were personally involved in her case and posting confidential information. Not true by any stretch of the imagination.

6. The crazy and false accusations against posters here make me extremely skeptical of all the other accusations the family is making.

7. The Facebook ramblings, in my opinion, demonstrate a surprising lack of understanding basic medical and legal procedures. Again, this makes me skeptical of their accusations.

I could go on, but I'll leave it there. All the above is solely my opinion on the situation, having followed this case from the beginning.
1. There's an 18 year history of DSS involvement with this family, spanning two states. That makes an overzealous department extremely unlikely.

2. There is a dead girl. Children do not just drop dead out of nowhere, and kidney disease has visible symptoms (which they wrote about: swollen ankles and belly in the days and weeks prior to her death) and is very painful. It is indisputable, IMO, that there was, at a minimum, negligence.

3. Given the preventable death of one child, the care of other children in the household is automatically a concern and merits DSS involvement and removal of the other children.

4. They make many accusations, but they never post the actual proof they claim to have. I'll believe it when I see it.

5. The accusations by the family made against posters here at websleuths are, quite frankly, paranoid and delusional. The vast majority of posters here have been here many years, and are from all over the country and the world. In the prior thread, someone posted information that is publicly available and quite easy to look up. The purported family member posting here at that time incorrectly decided that posters here were personally involved in her case and posting confidential information. Not true by any stretch of the imagination.

6. The crazy and false accusations against posters here make me extremely skeptical of all the other accusations the family is making.

7. The Facebook ramblings, in my opinion, demonstrate a surprising lack of understanding basic medical and legal procedures. Again, this makes me skeptical of their accusations.

I could go on, but I'll leave it there. All the above is solely my opinion on the situation, having followed this case from the beginning.
Very fine post, Wile E -- Solid deduction & opinion, IMO. I, like you and many of us, have indeed been "here" from the beginning of this thread.

Good to see a post from you! ;):cool:
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now they're posting some unsubstantiated claims that the head of children's services slept with drug addicted 12 year old... unnamed .. their proof is some unnamed person sent a message... and Evanna was 12 and he spent 2 days at her bedside... and one of the other children is now 12 and she's been acting "weird" .... UGH!

oh and we're all going to be sued ... see y'all in court :D
now they're posting some unsubstantiated claims .........

RSBM ( Respectfully snipped by me)

As far as I am concerned, all these claims are as you stated...unsubstantiated. The posts on FB are all deflection, IMO.
The State of NY has a very sad but strange case in their hands. The parents are charged with neglect. The answers, excuses and claims against any and all who question them are non answers. IMO, they have ignored the elephant in the room while attempting escape via FB. The elephant is the pure inexcusable refusal/ denial to obtain proper medical care for Evanna. Prove that she was taken to a doctor prior to her death. Prove that a doctor was called in the days prior to her death. IMO,they cannot provide this evidence, no matter what is said about whom on FB. And the elephant is still in the room. And I like many,wait for Justice for Evanna.
RSBM ( Respectfully snipped by me)

As far as I am concerned, all these claims are as you stated...unsubstantiated. The posts on FB are all deflection, IMO.
The State of NY has a very sad but strange case in their hands. The parents are charged with neglect. The answers, excuses and claims against any and all who question them are non answers. IMO, they have ignored the elephant in the room while attempting escape via FB. The elephant is the pure inexcusable refusal/ denial to obtain proper medical care for Evanna. Prove that she was taken to a doctor prior to her death. Prove that a doctor was called in the days prior to her death. IMO,they cannot provide this evidence, no matter what is said about whom on FB. And the elephant is still in the room. And I like many,wait for Justice for Evanna.

well since the paramedics, hospital, and head of children's services apparently are the ones that killed her.. not them..she was fine, she had a cold... psht her feet were swollen, and she looked 9 months pregnant she was so swollen.. cold ... it's not their fault... nothing is...

I genuinely do not understand these people
now they're posting some unsubstantiated claims that the head of children's services slept with drug addicted 12 year old... unnamed .. their proof is some unnamed person sent a message... and Evanna was 12 and he spent 2 days at her bedside... and one of the other children is now 12 and she's been acting "weird" .... UGH!

oh and we're all going to be sued ... see y'all in court :D

for people who get their panties in a huge bunch over being “defamed”, they sure have zero problem defaming others.
for people who get their panties in a huge bunch over being “defamed”, they sure have zero problem defaming others.
someone told them... an anonymous someone in an anonymous message ... so you know reliable to accuse the head of children's services of child molestation

and the uncle they were doing all the research online for ... his health issues that weirdly matched Evanna's at the same time she was so sick.. his name seems to be Facebook User per the screenshot they posted ... weird ... they seem to be losing it

I can not imagine their lawyer either knows about, or is happy about their page... though I do imagine the prosecution is dancing a jig every time they make a post

My heart just breaks for those kids, they are the only victims..what they're going through has to be horrible.. and instead of trying to help the family interrogates them to get ammo when they talk to them .. no tell me what good is going on, what do you like about where you are, what makes you happy ... none of that
Yeah for a family so eloquent and intelligent their constant excuses seem so childish Come on the lone wolf uncle experiencing the same symptoms as Evanna is facebookuser? Really? Their main concern seems to be that one of the little ones needed glasses? Really? Your 12 year old daughter died , you first lost custody when she was 12 days old because her older sibling fainted due to calcium deficiency That should have been a teaching moment and it's very concerning even back then there was allegations of sexual abuse within that family I pray and hope that's not true and I get that whole government officials not being ok with that whole self sustaining lifestyle of that family bit they need to self reflect and realize how much they are hurting the other children after already loosing one forever by holding on to beliefs it's just so tragic I hope the sexual accusations turn out to be baseless This is about justice for Evanna I hope she got to experience the things that 12 year olds love, hanging out with friends, sleepovers,malltrips,movies,talking about cute boys etc
Yeah for a family so eloquent and intelligent their constant excuses seem so childish Come on the lone wolf uncle experiencing the same symptoms as Evanna is facebookuser? Really? Their main concern seems to be that one of the little ones needed glasses? Really? Your 12 year old daughter died , you first lost custody when she was 12 days old because her older sibling fainted due to calcium deficiency That should have been a teaching moment and it's very concerning even back then there was allegations of sexual abuse within that family I pray and hope that's not true and I get that whole government officials not being ok with that whole self sustaining lifestyle of that family bit they need to self reflect and realize how much they are hurting the other children after already loosing one forever by holding on to beliefs it's just so tragic I hope the sexual accusations turn out to be baseless This is about justice for Evanna I hope she got to experience the things that 12 year olds love, hanging out with friends, sleepovers,malltrips,movies,talking about cute boys etc
nothing has ever been their fault ... 5 children's services investigations ... most were oh landlords trying to get us out... that just happens ... the freek it does! 3 removals that they've admitted to ... and Evanna's issues are all from the removals and that she was on formula ....rage inducing!
I find it interesting how they suddenly started noticing that a 12-year-old in foster care has started to “act weird”, as a moody 12-year-old does, but were not able to notice that 12-year-old Evanna was suffering up until the point where she couldn’t have been saved anymore. At least now they seem to be “worried” about their children, not for the right reasons and not about the right things though. That video of the little boy, super happy and excited to tell his parents that he got glasses broke my heart. He was so happy, and the second they started drilling him with questions and with those “oh no, that’s so bad” faces, the smile on his face fades away and he just wants the conversation to be over. Come on, man. This is not okay, let the kids live and be kids.
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