Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #10

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Respectfully BBM


"The family friend" is a friend of Jen's. She was one of the first ones called when Jennifer didn't arrive home. In being such a caring person, she was also there for GR in his time of need. After hours and hours of phone conversations with GR and interview after interview with LE, she was either asked by GR, or offered to do the interview with DailyStar on her own. I believe this person to be genuine and not coached in the sense of "say this or don't say this" but persuaded by the words GR spoke during, at very lengthy conversation she had with GR, in what she believed, were going over every possible scenario that could have happen to her friend that she loves dearly. Hence the "It sounds like"

My guess, two separate friends - at this time, these 2 friends are in shock and desperate to help in any way. Vulnerable and naive to the reality that GR could have in fact done this to Jennifer. Really, this kind of stuff doesn't happen in real life - it all still seems like a nightmare.

How do you know? The family friend you're referring to must have been interviewed for and made comments in a *different* article, not the one I cited, if she did make any comments at all.

Can you find out where and when she had commented, and post a link to it here? I can't remember seeing another "anonymous family friend" sited in the Daily Star, but could have easily missed it.


How do you know? The family friend you're referring to must have been interviewed for and made comments in a *different* article, not the one I cited, if she did make any comments at all.

Can you find out where and when she had commented, and post a link to it here? I can't remember seeing another "anonymous family friend" sited in the Daily Star, but could have easily missed it.


I will ask if she can give me some dates

Interesting take from YNN...NORWICH, N.Y. – There are still several unanswered questions surrounding the death of Jennifer Ramsaran. Her body was found in late February after being reported missing by her husband back in December.

The Chenango County Sheriff's office is still investigating the circumstances surrounding her death, but still don't have a lot to go on. They're still waiting on the autopsy results to determine the cause of death.
Good morning...
OT- I wanted to share an experience, that changed how I view correct versus incorrect information, in a missing/deceased person case.

Many years ago, I lost track of my best friend. We did not have internet then, so searches were done face to face, and mile by mile. I was given information regarding my friend's disappearance, from two credible sources in the beginning of my quest....our school and our church.

I had no reason to disbelieve either one. So for 35 years, I searched. One day a minute detail, from the last time, that I saw my friend alive, popped into my wee brain, and from there, thanks to technology, in a matter of minutes, I located her sister, and that she had died.

This is why the most important details, may be that tiny detail that brings this case home for Jennifer Ramsaran. While no one mislead me on purpose, by default, the initial contacts and info were incorrect, leading me on a hunt for much of my adult life...when in reality...I had literally driven by where she was many times.

Getting the correct information online and offline, will be crucial to Justice for Jennifer. The question now is...what tiny detail could we have missed? Many have gone over every post...and it helps refresh our memory...and when I said think outside the meant to look at all the info gathered, and find the forgotten details.

PS. Even though I did not locate my friend alive, that 35+ years did not deter me EVER and will not deter me one ever said it would be am off to see what details I can find, that perhaps, will be the link to the whole case...Lord knows there is enough info available...the trick is to put it all into context for Jennifer.:rocker:
Who is this meant for and where is the link to whatever this means? This post could be misconstrued as being against people coming to their senses. May I ask for an explanation? Very confusing

No, certainly not against people coming to their senses. Doing cartwheels if it's really happening! :skip:

And, if so, has the person come into recent information? Or...just come out from the spell?
paraphrased -- hard to understand horrifying cruelty (referring to body left on roadside like trash) -- tears from heaven -- pray that truth and justice prevail

Other stuff on personal FB -- but there's like a gabillion postings on there, so couldn't find the Justice for Jennifer racecar posting -- but it's there somewhere.
Good morning...
OT- I wanted to share an experience, that changed how I view correct versus incorrect information, in a missing/deceased person case.

Many years ago, I lost track of my best friend. We did not have internet then, so searches were done face to face, and mile by mile. I was given information regarding my friend's disappearance, from two credible sources in the beginning of my quest....our school and our church.

I had no reason to disbelieve either one. So for 35 years, I searched. One day a minute detail, from the last time, that I saw my friend alive, popped into my wee brain, and from there, thanks to technology, in a matter of minutes, I located her sister, and that she had died.

This is why the most important details, may be that tiny detail that brings this case home for Jennifer Ramsaran. While no one mislead me on purpose, by default, the initial contacts and info were incorrect, leading me on a hunt for much of my adult life...when in reality...I had literally driven by where she was many times.

Getting the correct information online and offline, will be crucial to Justice for Jennifer. The question now is...what tiny detail could we have missed? Many have gone over every post...and it helps refresh our memory...and when I said think outside the meant to look at all the info gathered, and find the forgotten details.

PS. Even though I did not locate my friend alive, that 35+ years did not deter me EVER and will not deter me one ever said it would be am off to see what details I can find, that perhaps, will be the link to the whole case...Lord knows there is enough info available...the trick is to put it all into context for Jennifer.:rocker:

Very interesting reading the old posts -- when nothing much was known yet (and yet...VERY insightful thoughts) ...and some ideas were thrown out there...but then got skipped over or not paid attention to much...anyway... agree, there may have been some early things that were considered, that may need revisiting.

For one thing...many of JR's and GR's FB postings were deleted very early on (and then GR's shut down)...but were discussed in early threads.

Have started a little log of clues, thoughts, ideas, etc. and where they can be found in the threads. It's slow going, because I keep following up on links, and then going off on bunny trails...
I sure hope so! :please: Wonder if LE has any plans to revisit the apartment complex to redo interviews & mention the different color van?

Ooops...Caring4Many...I somehow missed your post (don't know how, because I read the ones before and after)...anyway, I posted almost the same thing, and now it's not letting me go back and delete.:blushing:
No, certainly not against people coming to their senses. Doing cartwheels if it's really happening! :skip:

And, if so, has the person come into recent information? Or...just come out from the spell?
paraphrased -- hard to understand horrifying cruelty (referring to body left on roadside like trash) -- tears from heaven -- pray that truth and justice prevail

Other stuff on personal FB -- but there's like a gabillion postings on there, so couldn't find the Justice for Jennifer racecar posting -- but it's there somewhere.

Isn't she a relative of Jen's that has been standing by GR throughout this very verbally on fb? It seems I remember her name. I haven't seen her posts, she was mentioned by one of Jennifer's family members as causing the family some anguish. I see what you mean, but I guess I can't see from this single post, as I would imagine she loves her cousin dearly - with not knowing her, just an assumption - sounds like she might be a little off according to her relatives.
Not that she, another friend - IMO a true friend that wouldn't have done such a thing to a friend. IMO, but I believe Jennifer had confidants, friends more casual, and more trustworthy. Follow me?

Sorry, that made me LOL as I couldn't agree more and sorry it came across as that she because everyone knows how I feel about that she - you must have missed my 25 deleted post about her ---

... "A true friend WOULDN'T have done such a thing" is how this should have read. Just a typo!
Respectfully BBM


"The family friend" is a friend of Jen's. She was one of the first ones called when Jennifer didn't arrive home. In being such a caring person, she was also there for GR in his time of need. After hours and hours of phone conversations with GR and interview after interview with LE, she was either asked by GR, or offered to do the interview with DailyStar on her own. I believe this person to be genuine and not coached in the sense of "say this or don't say this" but persuaded by the words GR spoke during, at very lengthy conversation she had with GR, in what she believed, were going over every possible scenario that could have happen to her friend that she loves dearly. Hence the "It sounds like"

My guess, two separate friends - at this time, these 2 friends are in shock and desperate to help in any way. Vulnerable and naive to the reality that GR could have in fact done this to Jennifer. Really, this kind of stuff doesn't happen in real life - it all still seems like a nightmare.

Reality being, yeah she discussed leaving GR, he had an affair with her best friend. JMO, but Jennifer knew about the affair and confided in people with this information - GR is the naive one to believe anything different. In my very own opinion, these confidants have passed this information on to LE already. I believe everyone interviewed by LE was very honest and forthcoming. I don't believe anyone purposely said anything to harm Jen or to throw blame away from GR. I believe, just like we see what is being said, LE heard heartfelt, honest responses and know the difference between emotional pleas and honestly spoken answers given because the ones interviewed want to know who did this as much as they want to believe GR didn't.

With all this being said, yes all information being given to the public and to LE is coming from GR's point of view (dead naked mother's on the side of the road can't speak - that is where we all come in) I KNOW everyone has an opinion and in my opinion, everyone interviewed by LE spoke the truth. Which would also make me believe Jennifer's confidants, if she does in fact have them, would have also told LE what she confided in them -- I hope there is enough "physical evidence" (sorry, too tired to look up proper terminology) to bring Jennifer's murderer to justice

IMO this person has only been referred to as anonymous in msm. This anonymous person aka "family friend" started off as Jen's friend only and has since became friends with GR. IMO a shoe in for all the other odd things in this case and how it has been handled.

Out of curiosity, if someone were a VI would they be able to talk in facts or only answer questions?
Get back to me on this question and remember this post for future questions. I obviously am not translating into ws language ...

:please: With all that I am, Justice for Jennifer :please:


How do you know? The family friend you're referring to must have been interviewed for and made comments in a *different* article, not the one I cited, if she did make any comments at all.

Can you find out where and when she had commented, and post a link to it here? I can't remember seeing another "anonymous family friend" sited in the Daily Star, but could have easily missed it.


1-Jillian-I do recall 2 different Daily Star articles with quotes from "friends" if that helps. IIRC we all debated I the subject discussed & were warned not to discuss who we all thought made both comments. I can't look now but wil search for links later.

2-Upstate-I understand this person also be a friend if yours, but IMO this want the right thing to do by any means. This statement alone validates any accusation of GR that Jennifer running was possible. This gives LE the idea that maybe GR wasn't just playing CYA. JMO of course.

As for the rest of the statement I have to disagree-I can think of 2 people that most likely aren't being completely honest with LE & Id bet you'd agree if you thought about it. For example-GR-you really think he's being honest with them?
Interesting take from YNN...NORWICH, N.Y. – There are still several unanswered questions surrounding the death of Jennifer Ramsaran. Her body was found in late February after being reported missing by her husband back in December.

The Chenango County Sheriff's office is still investigating the circumstances surrounding her death, but still don't have a lot to go on. They're still waiting on the autopsy results to determine the cause of death.

UBM. The still don't have a lot to go on makes me think they are a long ways from solving. :(
Isn't she a relative of Jen's that has been standing by GR throughout this very verbally on fb? It seems I remember her name. I haven't seen her posts, she was mentioned by one of Jennifer's family members as causing the family some anguish. I see what you mean, but I guess I can't see from this single post, as I would imagine she loves her cousin dearly - with not knowing her, just an assumption - sounds like she might be a little off according to her relatives.

Oh goodness no...the person I'm referring to isn't a relative of Jennifer at fact she never met Jennifer. But she does seem to have become emotionally attached to GR (AFTER JR's disappearance). If he were paying her a lot of attention, I could see her getting led astray....
Oh goodness no...the person I'm referring to isn't a relative of Jennifer at fact she never met Jennifer. But she does seem to have become emotionally attached to GR (AFTER JR's disappearance). If he were paying her a lot of attention, I could see her getting led astray....

Who are you talking about?
And why so cryptic?
Is it not in MSM or a paraphrase from FB?
Any links?
Was there anything in the local paper? I got it yesterday and today, didnt see anything.
:( I have been away for a bit and hoped to come back to an arrest.
:( I have been away for a bit and hoped to come back to an arrest.

Well the sheriff's office has figured out what color van Jen was driving when she went missing, so you can't say they're not making progress.
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