Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #11

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I added spartan chick, running, protege, tryst, shopping, and joe Mahoney. Ill try and think of some more. I don't even know how tags work so mine might be useless!
Tags are looking nice now, and we've all been good.

Now that I think about it, I'm not 100 per cent certain how they work - I think they just make the threads here come up more times on searches because people use lots of different phrases and words?
I've been thinking......why would the Sheriff's Office/DA need to wait on toxicology reports before progressing the case/making an arrest? What's that got to do with anything?

If the toxicology reports come up completely negative or completely positive I can't see how that would have any bearing on Jennifer being found dead at the location - and in the circumstances - she was found in.

I don't believe they could make an arrest in this case based on tox reports - I just don't see it. Can someone enlighten me if I'm missing something?
Tox results may be the only chance at determining a cause of death. If they are waiting on tox (still) then they may not have been able to figure out how she died.
I have always thought they were looking for sedation/high alcohol levels or poison. Since sometimes decomposed bodies won't show cause of death (maybe strangulation/smothering), they could see if drugs were found. I guess the perp could say she took drugs herself.
I hope that's why they are waiting! Because no matter what she didn't roll herself in that ditch!

Totally off topic, but my trip coming up this week was originally not going to include seeing family in NY because we couldn't make it work. Unfortunately my father in law has been in the ICU this past week (he's ok now!) and we were able to arrange our trip for a quick 3 day stop in NY to see him. I'm hoping I have time to look around so I can get a better feel for the area...not sure if I can we probably won't be renting a car at that point if the trip since we are staying with family, but nothing is set yet so maybe.
I hope that if any fatal dosages are found in her system, they can prove she did not take them herself. It may be very difficult, especially if people can be rounded up to say how she had "changed" etc.

It will be up to the DA or prosecutor to decide if they can prove a murder case. Not all are created equal, in skill or in bravery to take on difficult cases.
I guess it depends on what the drug is....if that's what it turns out to be of course. I'm hoping they have more!
It would seem even if it was found to be drugs or something of that nature and someone claimed she took them herself, there is zero possibility she walked from the location of the car to where her body was found- especially naked. I am pretty sure someone would have seen something and called LE. That alone screams foul play.... If someone didn't harm her before she died, they most definitely had a hand in improperly disposing of a human body as well as falsely reporting a crime and lying.

Was there ever any mention anywheres again about the blood found in the van?
Yupikgirl -- hope all goes well with your daughter and father-in-law.

With regards to waiting on tox feeling (and this is only a guess) is that LE is already fairly confident about the cause of death. I believe they already have enough from the original autopsy and preliminary tox reports to be 95% sure of how Jennifer died and who her killer is, but are waiting for some confirmation from further testing -- perhaps have asked some outside experts in forensic sciences to confirm what the Onondaga Medical Examiner has concluded.
Here is my guess as to what happens if LE is brave and brings charges against the husband; via his lawyer, we will hear a tale of Jennifer disintegrating mentally and emotionally over the past year, witnesses will be found who will back him up, taking things she may have said or written out of context to make her sound crazy and suicidal, and then as a kicker, they might try to say that she not only killed herself, but tried to make it look like murder to frame him. He may have to go back on his statement that he claimed she did not know about the affair, but will say he was just protecting her dignity when he said that.

Not saying he would get away with such a defense; but if she was on meds, the defense will jump on that and try to blame a combination of side effects, depression and revenge.

That is why I am hoping a definitive cause of death can be established, one that does not reflect suicide in any way. As we know, you cannot depend on a jury to do what seems logical all the time.

Anyway, JMO.
This is what waiting on the tox reports suggested to me, that authorities were trying to rule out drugs as a cause of death. But I thought I must be wrong because it just seems so illogical to me. I can't even see why it would have crossed their mind for one second that Jennifer's cause of death could be some sort of OD. It makes no sense.

I don't think they need to wait any longer - without a shred of knowledge of drugs and what they can do, I can state with confidence that there is no drug in Jennifer's system capable of killing her, undressing her and then somehow transporting her car to another location.

Not only is LE barking up the wrong tree with this one, I can't even see why they're in that particular forest. I just don't see how tox reports can help them arrest the person who put her at the side of the highway.

I'd rather see them waiting on soil and pollen results from the wheels of Jennifer's car, and other items that the soil and pollen may have contaminated. That would be more likely to tie someone to the crime, imo.
I've lost all faith in LE if they are even considering suicide. No clothes around, no car.

I've lost all faith in LE if they are even considering suicide. No clothes around, no car.


Oh I am not saying that they are...just that the hubby might try it on at some point.
That sort of thing is what I call a defence of last resort. It's not a legal term because I'm not a lawyer, but it fits the bill for me!

Talking of unlikely scenarios - I know we have a rock in this thread that can turn on phones, but in England we went one better; we had a rock that was a spy.....maybe they should get together.
First up on my google for Jennifer just now was this:

Threads Tagged with jennifer ramsaran - Websleuths Crime ... › Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community › Tags‎
Apr 16, 2013 – Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #10 ( Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page). imamaze ...

This is how Tags should work.
I doubt LE is considering suicide as means of death. And it wouldn't really work as a defense. For one thing, I don't think any credible witnesses could be found who could testify to that credible I mean people who were local, around Jennifer a lot in the past 6 months before she died, and who were not involved in an illicit relationship with her husband. Secondly, it would be hard to explain why her body was dumped nude off the side of Center Road. The jury would probably only convene for 30 minutes before throwing that out as a bunch of malarky.

The perp's best strategy would be to turn himself in to law authorities now -- before he is arrested, and negotiate a plea of manslaughter in the first degree which carries a sentence of 5 to 15 years for a perp with no prior felony convictions. If he waits until he is arrested, he will most likely be charged with 2nd degree murder, which carries a life sentence in New York state, and Mr. McBride may not be willing to negotiate a plea bargain at that point (he does have political aspirations, after all).
Trouble is with people who commit this sort of crime, they are often arrogant, with an over-inflated view of their own abilities. The never believe they'll get caught and when they are, they never believe a jury will convict them. They think they can manipulate anyone into believing anything.

Luckily, even people who have fallen under their spell often come to their senses when it comes to the crunch. They tend to be more realistic and know when they need to tell what they know. After all, the first one past the post to the DA wins.......
First up on my google for Jennifer just now was this:

Threads Tagged with jennifer ramsaran - Websleuths Crime ... › Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community › Tags‎
Apr 16, 2013 – Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #10 ( Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page). imamaze ...

This is how Tags should work.

Strange, I get the J4J site first on the first page. WS is number 4. Not quite sure how that's working - google's pulling up different results because we're in different countries?
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