Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 4

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I believe my google map showed 7 or 8 miles between cell and apartment. Not true. We too went to apartments and hung posters on their mail cabinets and we saw nobody come in or out the ten mind there . Only scant cats in karking lot.

I noticed this as well. 10-12 cars there today. It being a Saturday, perhaps most were out shopping.

I didn't find the neighborhood sketchy but rather more like our grandparent neighborhood as growing up. What I did was we began video taping from apt to cell phone. Different than map. You sit at end of parking lot and make a left to go on street and exactly 5.4 miles is cell phone location!! Right next a huge pile if dirt/mud. Wet thick oozy mud. I taped all. Across street is a long huge mud driveway To a service bldg. I drove very slow. Mud caked vometelu in my tires.

The road you took off of 23 is Moon Hill Rd. To the left of the service building, did you notice that that seasonal road continues? If so, did you notice if any tire tracks were there?

I am now convinced someone pulled into there mud all over...tossed phone and Abandoed car. This days to me...,something happened to Jenn before both situations . What? Did someone or two car jack her ? Did something to her?

I believe JR was killed in her home, was then driven somewhere remote within a 5 mile radius, and dumped in a ravine, after which, her phone was thrown out of her van's window around the intersection of Route 23 and Moon Hill Road to make it appear as though she was kidnapped en route to the mall in Syracuse. Then the van was driven in the opposite direction of the mall, to the Plank Road Manor Apts, where it was abandoned with the keys intentionally left in it, as the assailant assumed it would be stolen by someone living in those sketchy apartments. After that, I believe her assailant left on foot. And I believe this assailant will be caught.
I believe JR was killed in her home, was then driven somewhere remote within a 5 mile radius, and dumped in a ravine, after which, her phone was thrown out of her van's window around the intersection of Route 23 and Moon Hill Road to make it appear as though she was kidnapped en route to the mall in Syracuse. Then the van was driven in the opposite direction of the mall, to the Plank Road Manor Apts, where it was abandoned with the keys intentionally left in it, as the assailant assumed it would be stolen by someone living in those sketchy apartments. After that, I believe her assailant left on foot. And I believe this assailant will be caught.

Amen... you're not the only one.
I agree with everyone else here who feels the "Thanks" button isn't enough! I also wonder if you would consider being a verified insider?

Bear, what made you focus the search in those areas?

I handed out flyers today at the same apartments after the "Shining Hope" event, and the residents I spoke with also seemed to know little, just as you said, and many finished the conversation with "I hope she decides to come home soon." :banghead::banghead::banghead: Some also questioned the color of JR's van, wondering why the flyers show it as maroon, when they remember it looking more orange. They were very nice people. Elderly mostly (at least the ones that I spoke with), and some have lived in those apartments for decades. They said the car was parked neatly in a space two to three spaces west off the garbage dumpster, and two to three spots east of the handicapped spots. The van was parked in the closest row to the road, facing the road (facing north). There are eight units in each of four buildings in the complex.

One lady mentioned that she didn't notice Jr's van as anything out of the ordinary because there's another woman who lives in that complex that has a van with a similar style/color. Another noticed it was out of the ordinary because another van usually parks there. Another said cars "come and go." One lady said the car was only there for two days, not five. One recognized Jennifer from the flyer, saying she remembers seeing Jennifer in local stores, but didn't remember when. She recognized Jennifer from the "heaver" pictures, not her most recent ones. So basically, a wide range of various information.

Also passed out flyers at a few businesses that still, after 67 days, had none up, when I'd swear I saw some up prior. I thought that was odd. I noticed some had flyers that didn't show the car, when again, I thought I saw flyers up that showed pics of Jennifer AND the car. Again, very odd.

There was a local group of people holding up "No Fracking" signs walking up and down Broad St. (which is Norwich's main street). Nice idea, as traffic was heavy today.

The "Shining Hope" event was very sparsely attended. Only 27 adults and a few children. GR's parents hugged the mistress at one point. GR's kids were hanging all over the mistress. Cynthia Caron spoke at length. GR spoke briefly. The flying lanterns were pretty.

As an aside, Jennifer did have a job. She took care of an elderly local gentleman. Not sure for how long, but know she shared information with this man, and that she liked the job.

Someone (momrids6?) mentioned upthread: "I think it has to be that he did not carry her long. Most body builders have little functional strength, and he's not a large man." You are correct. He is a very small man, and not someone I would peg as a weightlifter.

Seems this opinion of her being out there, just needing a break, is doing JR no favours.
People don't feel the need for urgency or even reporting little things they may know. They probably think the poor woman sounds like she needs a break, she's an adult she can do what she wants. IMO
What is "Fracking"?
The poor showing at the event reflects more what people think of GR than how much they care about JR. IMO
Bingo!! One of the first places I looked, and now it is one of our main starting points for searching (found her phone there-note*we had no reception on any phone(Not Verizon Virgin TracPhone ATT etc. at the location found...pinged...right...out of so many places to throw a phone)...and you are dead on about it. the gravel pit has been disturbed. But that is only what I, myself saw...I was unable to post for a long time here, because it hated my email addy (yes, I finally read the FAQS on using my isp addy)...even I could have done the distance from phone to apartment to YMCA...and I am much older and not a marathon runner~!!! You go Lavonda~!!!:rocker: There are also locations that fit right behind the fire station....Next week is Bowman Lake area again for me.

No cell service in all the times I've been up there either, nor at the base of the hill, using both a smart phone and a not-so-smart phone with two different providers. Just about a mile (give or take) further west on 23 is Chan Aldrich Rd. Also seasonal. Steep, and ravines on both sides. Worth checking into. Right now there is a snow bank plowed at the base of it though. There are many underground tunnels in that area as well, some dried up, and some funneling the Canasawacta Creek tributaries under the roads.
There's now a video error! :what:

Yes, I saw it. They cut to a wedding photo of him and Jennifer when he says that exact part, but you still hear him say it, then the camera returns to GR.
Snipped & BBM for focus-

Sky Lanterns

The Office of Fire Prevention and Control has received numerous requests regarding the relationship of the Fire Code and sky lanterns, thus generating a need for clarification on the safety of these devices.
Sky lanterns are airborne paper lanterns, also known as Kongming Lanterns, "wish lanterns," are sometimes also referred to as Chinese lanterns, sky candles or fire balloons.

Unless anchored or tethered, OFPC is of the opinion that sky lanterns cannot be constantly attended and thus present a violation of the Fire Code of New York State.

Well that's a bit of a worry!
:bud: Which is thicker- the mud or BS LE has to wade through??

Will our map person please add the Plymouth Highway building to the map....great catch Lavanda!

The pin on the map that indicates where the phone was found would show the same as where the highway building is. They're only about 100 yards apart. Maybe a little more?

Map person, where are you? Anyone good at google-earthing Moon Hill Road and Chan Aldrich Road and posting pics of the ravines? I see that a lot of people dispose of old tires and other trash over the banks.

Also, does anyone know if I can post pics here? Not *advertiser censored* or anything, just hiking pics and apartment pics? :)
Did any of you that attended the lantern release hear about an after -event social engagement?
There was one sheriff's deputy there. And I counted him in with the 27 adults in attendance. Also included in that 27 group of adults were one local fireman to keep watch over the flying lanterns, GR's mother, GR's father, GR's mistress, Cynthia Caron, Cynthia Caron's staff, plus me, and GR himself. So, that leaves approximately 18 community members, most of whom appeared to be GR's friends and/or other family members.

It is VERY sad that despite HOW JR went missing, that still just a fraction of a percentage of the community showed up. But Walmart, local delis, grocery stores, drug stores, etc. were packed.

I assume that ES's husband was not present? That's very telling IMO
Well that's a bit of a worry!

Yes... I remember some posters commenting that though a pretty,gesture... Letting loose lanterns with fire attached may become problematic when they land.. Since it is not known if they will land in yards, etc...

and they can attach to power lines, etc...

I noticed this as well. 10-12 cars there today. It being a Saturday, perhaps most were out shopping.

The road you took off of 23 is Moon Hill Rd. To the left of the service building, did you notice that that seasonal road continues? If so, did you notice if any tire tracks were there?

I believe JR was killed in her home, was then driven somewhere remote within a 5 mile radius, and dumped in a ravine, after which, her phone was thrown out of her van's window around the intersection of Route 23 and Moon Hill Road to make it appear as though she was kidnapped en route to the mall in Syracuse. Then the van was driven in the opposite direction of the mall, to the Plank Road Manor Apts, where it was abandoned with the keys intentionally left in it, as the assailant assumed it would be stolen by someone living in those sketchy apartments. After that, I believe her assailant left on foot. And I believe this assailant will be caught.

Yep I think a lot of people share your opinion. Again the low turn out today is even more evidence of this
Seems this opinion of her being out there, just needing a break, is doing JR no favours.
People don't feel the need for urgency or even reporting little things they may know. They probably think the poor woman sounds like she needs a break, she's an adult she can do what she wants. IMO
What is "Fracking"?
The poor showing at the event reflects more what people think of GR than how much they care about JR. IMO

I believe it's drilling rocks for natural boyfriend said this same term the other day and I vaguely recall his answer..even though it kind of went over my head!

Prayers for Jennifer...never giving up...and thank you to all those searching and keeping her post up to date. You're all so wonderful...
I am curious, why is this woman that supposedly there 'was' an affair with, being referred to as 'mistress'?
Unless there is a continuing intimate relationship with the said person, it might be a misnomer, in my humble opinion. I don't know, it just bothers me, regardless of the who , what or why that Jennifer is missing. Just wanted to share my thought....please don't hit me.

I didn't know what else to call her. :)

As an aside, because I am very out of the box- I am curious as to this work that Jennifer did, for an elderly gentleman. Could this some how be related to her missing, in some context? Did she take him to appointments, form any friendships connected to those that he knows/related to, use the landline at his home? When was the last time she was there? And I hate to ask, did she have any access to his drugs?

Also , was there any LE presence at the event today?

Home health aide type duties for the elderly.
Not sure of the other answers to your questions.
Wish I had them though.
Did any of you that attended the lantern release hear about an after -event social engagement?

Yes. A party with GR's friends and possibly his family members as well.
Was Jennifer's family there?

When watching the video, I don't see an older couple resembling Jen.
So I would say they were not there, nor was her sister.
So if I am correct the non-attendees were - ES's Husband, Jen's parents, Jen's sister and any of jen's extended family (ie- cousins, aunts etc)
Hmm I wonder why they chose not to attend?
Seems this opinion of her being out there, just needing a break, is doing JR no favours.
People don't feel the need for urgency or even reporting little things they may know. They probably think the poor woman sounds like she needs a break, she's an adult she can do what she wants. IMO
What is "Fracking"?
The poor showing at the event reflects more what people think of GR than how much they care about JR. IMO

This should help explain it, it's been very controversial here in NYS. Alot of lawsuits & town uproars over it.
Hydraulic fracturing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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