Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 4

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I recall a post made by Lavanda that said something like she had a "light bulb moment" about what might have been going on in JR's life before she left and she brought it up to GR and he agreed or said that could very well be or something like that and started to cry. I can't find the post now, but I'm really really hoping that if Lavanda is reading here that she might be willing to elaborate on this a little more. I'm not asking for all the details, just would like to know a little about her theory and maybe that could point us in the right direction of more possible reasons/ motive for JR leaving.

I'm probably recalling the post wrong (definitely not word for word), but I think that was the message of it.

Sorry for quoting myself, but I'm still searching for this post, I think maybe it was removed.
But I wanted to add that after going over Lavanda's posts (sorry-not stalking, I promise! Just trying to get his side of the story again) It has been stated that her change was like a sudden overnight change, but also described by GR to her that it was over the past few months. So I'm even more confused. I'm sorry I'm REALLY trying here.
Also wanted to add that as far as I've read (still not done) I don't think Lavanda ever said it was NOT a medically related change as I said earlier today. I apologize for that error.
Does any local have an email to send in tips to? I do not want to call and their online tip line does not have an attachment link. I need to send in an attachment. TIA

I am not certain of the best way to send in a tip to LE regarding this case....

I hope someone answered your question...

And... Thanks you for sending in the tip!

While we are throwing out other theories ….

Jen could have been asked to run an errand in the morning, ‘hired help’ was hiding in her car waiting, took Jen elsewhere, came back after dark, left the car, wiped and tossed the phone, took off having been careful not to be seen or leave evidence.

It was a quiet time of day, no parents next door, children were in school, other people were working, could have happened with no-one seeing it happen.

Could help to explain the random places in which Jen’s car and phone were left (hired help left them in unrelated places to be found later, to help throw others off the scent and so GR could eventually have the car back).

Could help to explain GR’s ability (other than his obvious charms, of course) to convince people of his apparently solid alibis, and lack of direct involvement.

Could help to explain the lack of motivation to spend more money (on billboards).

Wouldn’t be the first time hired help has.. …. helped.

Very possible. Once again, we have no independent verification of her intentions or destination that morning. We rely on one person who controls all the information. She didn't tell a friend or anyone that she was going to the mall.
Do we know if police still have the van as evidence? Just how muddy was it? Was it tracked inside or just outside?

Were searches conducted in the area the van was found?

While it isn't my number one scenario, I'm still considering that JR might have run off or worse. (And I wouldn't blame her one bit based upon the way GR has been acting!:moo:) I can't figure out why the van would be abandoned muddy...that to me is more indicative of foul play. :moo:
Do we know if police still have the van as evidence? Just how muddy was it? Was it tracked inside or just outside?

Were searches conducted in the area the van was found?

While it isn't my number one scenario, I'm still considering that JR might have run off or worse. (And I wouldn't blame her one bit based upon the way GR has been acting!:moo:) I can't figure out why the van would be abandoned muddy...that to me is more indicative of foul play. :moo:

The van was described to be VERY muddy, as if someone had been 4-wheeling in it. My theory is that the mud was either to make the van less noticeable or to obscure the (exterior) view of the driver. My opinion only. Still not sure why it would be left in such a visible spot if it was to camouflage it. I also think it may have just been a byproduct of using a back road as an alternate route to the YMCA. Again, my opinion only.
I still think the gas in the van is key if we know how much was put in and how much was left, providing there was no tampering, i.e., siphoning or refilling. How many miles could the van have gone in those few days prior, probably just a few local trips? He filled it up 2 days prior. It would give a radius to consider, with the turnaround point being the starting point. Say 10 gallons was used, and the van gets 20 mpg, then basically the van went 200 miles, so go 100 in any direction and start looking for clues.
I still think the gas in the van is key if we know how much was put in and how much was left, providing there was no tampering, i.e., siphoning or refilling. How many miles could the van have gone in those few days prior, probably just a few local trips? He filled it up 2 days prior. It would give a radius to consider, with the turnaround point being the starting point. Say 10 gallons was used, and the van gets 20 mpg, then basically the van went 200 miles, so go 100 in any direction and start looking for clues.

My thoughts are that this is WHY it was mentioned - if LE take this as being correct - any calculation based on what was said would make the Radius incorrect and any searches would be conducted in the wrong area's. moo
My thoughts are that this is WHY it was mentioned - if LE take this as being correct - any calculation based on what was said would make the Radius incorrect and any searches would be conducted in the wrong area's. moo

Exactly my thinking as well.
Just thinking about Jennifer and still firm in my opinion that she didn't leave her family. Her kids and parents especially!

I'm curious as to this:

What benefits would GR have with her being gone?

I don't think that she harmed herself as we have zero evidence. Yes, she could have left, we have valid reasons but where would she and how is she surviving?

Just my thoughts before bed.
After spending every free minute of my day, I finally found that darn post! Seee....I'm not crazy lol.
I'm hoping Lavanda can elaborate maybe just a little more on this. It might point us in the right direction, in a different direction than the one we've been stuck in.
I don't know how to quote from a closed thread so I will copy what was stated and also link to the individual post:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NY NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #3
I am going to have to go with my gut feeling and say no that it had nothing to do with any kind of "affair." I believe I see more into the situation than what even GR saw or experienced when Jennifer was home. I've discussed it with him and he cried. He wanted to know "how I knew?" It was like a light bulb went off and things he never thought twice about "came rolling out." Trust me when I say, the man is truly devastated, confused and is doing all he can to cope with his own emotions and his priority right now are his children and finding Jennifer.
"Root changes" cannot be divulged.
Just thinking about Jennifer and still firm in my opinion that she didn't leave her family. Her kids and parents especially!

I'm curious as to this:

What benefits would GR have with her being gone?

I don't think that she harmed herself as we have zero evidence. Yes, she could have left, we have valid reasons but where would she and how is she surviving?

Just my thoughts before bed.

BBM - My first guess would be that he thought it would get his mistress back to have JR out of the way. The timing is so suspicious, with the affair ending right before Jennifer went missing, and ES being the one who ended it. Maybe ES even told him at some point, "It's her or me, and I'm done until you make up your mind." Jennifer was supposedly begging GR not to divorce her, so he took the quicker and less messy route (in his eyes). JMO.
BBM - My first guess would be that he thought it would get his mistress back to have JR out of the way. The timing is so suspicious, with the affair ending right before Jennifer went missing, and ES being the one who ended it. Maybe ES even told him at some point, "It's her or me, and I'm done until you make up your mind." Jennifer was supposedly begging GR not to divorce her, so he took the quicker and less messy route (in his eyes). JMO.

Or, "I can't keep doing this to my best friend". Friend gone, problem solved.
Just thinking about Jennifer and still firm in my opinion that she didn't leave her family. Her kids and parents especially!

I'm curious as to this:

What benefits would GR have with her being gone?

I don't think that she harmed herself as we have zero evidence. Yes, she could have left, we have valid reasons but where would she and how is she surviving?

Just my thoughts before bed.

I'm willing to start this list, since we have others going and once again for the sake of fairness.
Benefit #1:No risk/threat of having to pay child support
#2: No risk/threat of having to pay"maintenance"
#3: No risk/threat of losing his home to her
#4: No risk of public smearing of his image once his shenanigans were revealed by her
#5: No risk/threat of losing custody of the kids
#6: He would be free to chase after ES or whoever else he wanted

I'm sure I could list more, but my brain is about fried right now.
Just thinking about Jennifer and still firm in my opinion that she didn't leave her family. Her kids and parents especially!

I'm curious as to this:

What benefits would GR have with her being gone?

I don't think that she harmed herself as we have zero evidence. Yes, she could have left, we have valid reasons but where would she and how is she surviving?

Just my thoughts before bed.

BBM - He also wouldn't have to share any assets or the children.
If JR was using this item, I can't see how she would be losing weight 'in an unhealthy way'

Or should I say check this out?

Parking car further away from stores/restaurants/ etc..

Using this device sounds like a great way to watch one's activity level...

It looks to gauge activity of the user...

It reminds me of making efforts to lose weight by incorporating such ideas as using stairs rather than elevators..... Parking car further away from stores/restaurants/etc..... Seemingly little things that can add up...

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