Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 8

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I was speaking more about the affects on the children then GR's ego - I am in no way concerned about his ego. Yet, seeing everything that has been both written about these childrens mother and father IMO is only going to hurt the kids more. Obviously never having their mom back is the main thing that will be with them for the remainder of their lives, just wondering what all the rumor, speculating, gossip, theories etc if read in its entirity at some point, how much extra pain and emotional distress could be caused.

The point of WS is to assist in finding missing persons and bringing the people who caused them harm to justice when needed. While I know that in many cases it could be hurtful to families to read here, I also think it is worth the site existing for the help it does, and I don't see that it could if people were to hold back for fear of causing hurt.

It's unfortunate, but I hope that when the kids are of an appropriate age to read here, should they wish to, they'll find solace in that fact that a number of strangers were so desperate to find out what happened to their mom. If GR is innocent, and proven so, there will also, I imagine, be a large number of extremely apologetic posts from members who were wrong, at some point.
The point of WS is to assist in finding missing persons and bringing the people who caused them harm to justice when needed. While I know that in many cases it could be hurtful to families to read here, I also think it is worth the site existing for the help it does, and I don't see that it could if people were to hold back for fear of causing hurt.

It's unfortunate, but I hope that when the kids are of an appropriate age to read here, should they wish to, they'll find solace in that fact that a number of strangers were so desperate to find out what happened to their mom. If GR is innocent, and proven so, there will also, I imagine, be a large number of extremely apologetic posts from members who were wrong, at some point.

Good post!
Hi Marly, Denota's post about GR reporting his wife missing very early struck me as another similarity with Allison's case. Could you please add that to your similarity list.

Ahh yes..good point!!...thanks ali...will add it shortly!
The point of WS is to assist in finding missing persons and bringing the people who caused them harm to justice when needed. While I know that in many cases it could be hurtful to families to read here, I also think it is worth the site existing for the help it does, and I don't see that it could if people were to hold back for fear of causing hurt.

It's unfortunate, but I hope that when the kids are of an appropriate age to read here, should they wish to, they'll find solace in that fact that a number of strangers were so desperate to find out what happened to their mom. If GR is innocent, and proven so, there will also, I imagine, be a large number of extremely apologetic posts from members who were wrong, at some point.

I will be grovelling on my knees, until they bleed. I HOPE that happens, but I think my knobbly bits are safe for now.
I was speaking more about the affects on the children then GR's ego - I am in no way concerned about his ego. Yet, seeing everything that has been both written about these childrens mother and father IMO is only going to hurt the kids more. Obviously never having their mom back is the main thing that will be with them for the remainder of their lives, just wondering what all the rumor, speculating, gossip, theories etc if read in its entirity at some point, how much extra pain and emotional distress could be caused.

It is the saddest thing that the children will feel the repercussions of this bad situation for a long, long time. None of this is their fault. Community silence is never the answer though.
No offence taken. Im sure it is more then obvious i have never posted on a site like this, and it was a huge post, and I'm sure if it wasn't so early in the morning, if i had thought to consume some coffee first or what not i would have been able to cut the size and make it more 'read'able' to others.

Lol. I invariably do the same thing!
I was speaking more about the affects on the children then GR's ego - I am in no way concerned about his ego. Yet, seeing everything that has been both written about these childrens mother and father IMO is only going to hurt the kids more. Obviously never having their mom back is the main thing that will be with them for the remainder of their lives, just wondering what all the rumor, speculating, gossip, theories etc if read in its entirity at some point, how much extra pain and emotional distress could be caused.

I can't remember when, but one of our insiders here posted that GR had told his eldest child that Jennifer had run off and left them. I honestly think that, his total disinterest in looking for their mother and his constant subtle assassination of her character, will be the thing that causes them most pain down the line. If they came here, I think they will see painful things - but what they will also see is that everyone here understood from the get-go that Jennifer would never, ever leave her children. They will also see people who wanted desperately to help, either on the ground or by getting her name out round the world, being blocked by their father. People who have tried never to forget how beautiful Jennifer was - and that was without knowing her true story (girl scouts, carer etc) - because the person who should have been singing that to the skies thought it was more important we saw Jennifer as an internet addicted middle life crisis.

Unfortunately it happens in many cases that things will be out there that those involved will be hurt by if they read or hear them - but that is part of life, and it happens on and off the internet.
I hadn't followed this case closely but have recently been reading on the threads trying to catch up. I've been reading the most recent and back to the beginning, but I'm not up to speed on those middle threads yet. Reading today, I see that no purse was found (or at least not known to be found) which is something I'd been wondering since there was no bank activity since Jennifer was reported missing.

One of things that struck me as odd is that Jennifer was supposed to be home at 5:30 PM, and GR reported her missing at 8 PM. Usually, it's a red flag for me when there is a delay in reporting, but this stood out as strange to me because it was early. She was supposed to be an hour drive away and shopping, Christmas shopping at that. I would think a husband would figure she shopped longer than expected, maybe met up with a friend and decided to have dinner or a drink before coming home, was tied up in traffic, lots of possible explanations for her to be late, especially since the mall was some distance away. I just can't imagine my husband jumping to the conclusion that I was missing because I was a couple hours late from Christmas shopping.

Something else that stood out for me was the attempt to paint Jennifer in what I considered a negative light as a sort of flighty individual who would have just taken off and left her children because she'd made a friend online.

From this early article of Dec. 19

Jennifer Renz Ramsaran, the 36-year-old stay-at-home mom missing for a week under suspicious circumstances, had begun discussing the possibility of separating from her husband and had made new online gaming friends through her iPhone account, a family friend said Tuesday.

“It sounded like she was developing an emotional attachment to somebody,” said a source who spoke to The Daily Star on the condition of anonymity. “If there was somebody showing her an awful lot of attention, I could see her being misled.”

Has this "family friend" ever been identified? I have my suspicions, but like I said, I am still trying to catch up. Sorry if my questions are most likely subjects that have already been discussed exhaustively. All MOO


Great post!

JR was expected home at 5:00. GR wanted to report her missing at 5:30. He stated that he wanted to call sooner but was told not to by someone in JR's family. This made it sound like JR's family wasn't concerned. They were concerned, but not at 5:30 that night. They thought that calling at 5:30 was too soon, and made no sense, and they were right. He had called them in a panic at 5:30. That's pretty telling, IMO
I was speaking more about the affects on the children then GR's ego - I am in no way concerned about his ego. Yet, seeing everything that has been both written about these childrens mother and father IMO is only going to hurt the kids more. Obviously never having their mom back is the main thing that will be with them for the remainder of their lives, just wondering what all the rumor, speculating, gossip, theories etc if read in its entirity at some point, how much extra pain and emotional distress could be caused.

I've said it in previous posts but I'll go ahead and reiterate and add to my opinion on this.
I think controlling what the children see and read on things like facebook and forums like this one is very easy to do for someone in the IT industry(if they are being parented as they should be). What is written and said in MSM however, not so easy. I say this because even if they don't see or hear it with their own eyes, the likelihood of people or kids they know reading or hearing and talking about MSM increases drastically.

If you look at it that way (and likely even if you don't) will see that the things that have been said about Jennifer, much of which can not even be backed up by real proof, are extremely hurtful.

I.E.-Jennifer had a mental "break".
Jennifer had unhealthy weight loss (it has never been proven that it was "unhealthy", but implying so is very hurtful).
Jennifer was so different and had changed so much that GR and the kids didn't even miss the person she had become (again-no one has come forward to back up this claim).
Jennifer had become obsessed with gaming (proven? Nope!)
Jennifer probably took off with an online companion (the only person who came close to corroborating this wanted to remain anonymous, which speaks volumes imo).
All of the above has been said in MSM by either a "close friend" of their mother or their father.....about their mother!!!

Now lets look at what has been said about GR in MSM....
He was last to see her alive (FACT!)
He had a "tryst" and admitted to it himself. (FACT!)
Am I missing other things? If so, please feel free to add...

Who is saying things that could potentially hurt the kids feelings? Who has a fighting chance of defending themselves about the things being said? Those are things he has had the nerve to bring up in MSM. Why would a man say all of those things about his missing/deceased wife, and not mention the wonderful things she had done? If someone can talk like that about their missing/deceased spouse to anyone willing to listen, I can only imagine what is being said behind closed doors!

So....people can throw guilt trips out at me like the one above all day long. I'm not phased by it. I'll start regretting, feeling guilty, and apologizing for the things I've said just as soon as GR does the same.
on't worry..I have an airtight alibi...I was some place I am not usually at...but they saw you had to be an accident...or a stranger....really?


This is what interests me. Now if it was somewhere he was seen at regularly, that throws up a problem. But doing this.. it removes that problem.

I work in an office of about 70 people, we sit in teams. I've lost track of how many times someone has walked past and asked if I've seen a member of one of the other teams and I've said yes, sure, saw them this morning - only to find out they're on leave. But because I see them pretty much every day - could even picture what they were wearing - I expect them to be there. Often I don't even pause to think. But if it's a new person to the office, or a visitor I'm asked about, I have to stop and check.

I do wonder.. when he saw the off duty deputy did he :panic: or think what luck...
Random thought: I wonder if ES and GR are shacking up right about now, playing house with all the kids? I wonder if now that Jennifer is out of the way, if they've moved on to the next phase in their relationship?

It was my understanding that ES is back home and denying any trysting, so hopefully it's not happening.
It was my understanding that ES is back home and denying any trysting, so hopefully it's not happening.

My understanding was the same. It is not my understanding any longer. Things have changed.

This is what interests me. Now if it was somewhere he was seen at regularly, that throws up a problem. But doing this.. it removes that problem.

I work in an office of about 70 people, we sit in teams. I've lost track of how many times someone has walked past and asked if I've seen a member of one of the other teams and I've said yes, sure, saw them this morning - only to find out they're on leave. But because I see them pretty much every day - could even picture what they were wearing - I expect them to be there. Often I don't even pause to think. But if it's a new person to the office, or a visitor I'm asked about, I have to stop and check.

I do wonder.. when he saw the off duty deputy did he :panic: or think what luck...

I thought I read previously (a Rick Blaine post?) that him and this deputy were friends? I think it's possible that he knew the deputy would be there. No better person to confirm your whereabouts in my opinion.

“Jen would NEVER EVER leave our kids and I willingly,” the posting continued. “She has never left home and not keep in contact within 2-3 hours via phone or text. She would never miss our daughters’ Winter Concert last night or her birthday tomorrow. I hate to say this but I have given up hope that she’ll be found safe and sound. The kids and I miss her so much, her laugh, her quirkiness, just everything. Today I went to Walmart and I grabbed my cell to call home and ask her a question about which item I should purchase and reality smacked me in the face and I started crying uncontrollably! That was rough! I am strong and I know the kids and I will get through this.”

Elaborating on the ordeal, Ganesh Ramsaran went on: “All I want is for Jen to come walking through our front door safe and sound and giving us all hugs, but I have lost all faith that will be the case. The helplessness and the not knowing is an additional nightmare which I can’t escape from right now. The lack of sleep, the loss of appetite, the stress of not knowing, the worrying where and how she is doing is a burden that I never thought I would have to carry but life comes with some curve balls.”

Lost hope and faith a week after she went missing, yet was convinced she met someone online and formed a relationship with him?
And to add to the mystery of wanting to call LE so soon... GR called Jen's OUT of STATE (AZ) parents so early... Before calling LE... Why call THEM so early, too?

If it were my child who was not responding to texts and calls and was two and a half hours late, I'd probably be worried enough to call LE. My husband...well, I'd be rehearsing the arse chewing he would be getting as soon as he walked in the door.
Originally Posted by interested101
I was speaking more about the affects on the children then GR's ego - I am in no way concerned about his ego. Yet, seeing everything that has been both written about these childrens mother and father IMO is only going to hurt the kids more. Obviously never having their mom back is the main thing that will be with them for the remainder of their lives, just wondering what all the rumor, speculating, gossip, theories etc if read in its entirity at some point, how much extra pain and emotional distress could be caused.
'The Shame Game'

Innocent victims and their children are our primary concern, or should be..
Many times since coming to this thread, I have noticed patterns or strategies of deflection utilized in an attempt to silence debate; theories, opinions, and observations by others.

The emotionalism effects on the children of the victim should never be used as a narrative to quash intellectual debate.
Imo, there is not an ounce of appropriateness in this tactic. I find it despicable and deplorable. Imo, GR has used this tactic many times in his chosen media appearances by select media outlets.

Imo, GR & associates, uses this tactic to silence anyone who disagrees or counters his/their malarkey...
Avoiding an intellectual debate is the obvious intent, imo..
'The Shame Game'

Innocent victims and their children are our primary concern, or should be..
Many times since coming to this thread, I have noticed patterns or strategies of deflection utilized in an attempt to silence debate; theories, opinions, and observations by others.

The emotionalism effects on the children of the victim should never be used as a narrative to quash intellectual debate.
Imo, there is not an ounce of appropriateness in this tactic. I find it despicable and deplorable. Imo, GR has used this tactic many times in his chosen media appearances by select media outlets.

Imo, GR & associates, uses this tactic to silence anyone who disagrees or counters his/their malarkey...
Avoiding an intellectual debate is the obvious intent, imo..

This is precisely why he refuses to speak with reporters from the Daily Star now, and will now only give interviews to media outlets that appear to sympathize with him.
I've been wondering about the polygraph.
If GR did indeed take one the results either way perplex me.

If he passed it seems LE would clear him as to any wrong-doing on his part. They must know that many people eye him as a POI, so why not get it off the table? I also wonder if it was implied that he was not being truthful and that's why he finally came clean on the tryst. As if he's saying "Yeah, it may have looked like I was deceptive because I had this little fling going on that I didn't want to disclose". Maybe he has no idea how a polygraph actually works...

If he failed it then does anyone fear for the children? I would be concerned.
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