NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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if you want to read about someone who I believe is the most similar to our SK, read about John Edward Robinson ("the white collar SK"-me)

Robinson didn't fit the profile of a SK, he was too old, too nice, soft spoken, not physically capable, looked professional in a tie, etc. which made him so disarming. By the time he was in LE radar he was an older man and his education and skills were more refined than almost all violent criminals. The average person would never suspect him of being a criminal if they came in contact with him. All of which made it very easy for him to manipulate his victims, family and law enforcement. Trusting people were easily fooled by him and believed his lies time after time.

He recruited girls using different methods, but generally under the guise of helping them and making them think he could improve their present and future situation in life. He lured young girls and sometimes young mothers away from halfway house situations.

He both directly and indirectly mislead investigators away from himself through phone calls and letters and even manipulated others to help mislead the investigation away from himself.

He did all of this while playing a visible role in his community, maintaining an image of a do gooder, good neighbor, family man, and was quick to point out his stellar civic life.

Robinson was the type of person that if you didn't look very, very closely at his entire past, dig up all of his smaller, varying, infractions, you would never suspect him and he would have gotten away with the murders.


Do you see the similarities in style between Robinson and the LISK that I do?

Yes. They are in the same waters but different boats. I imagine that LISK is one charming man. He has to be if he was able to convince some of his victims to leave their cell phones at home. He has a grooming style. I think he dated some of those girls a few times before he killed them and he most likely treated them like a queen. On that final date he probably presented to them something like this: "I want you to hang out with me tonight and tomorrow. What do you say that we just paint the town tonight and tomorrow we'll go shopping? Don't bring anything out with you because you're going to need the space after our shopping spree, Dollface. I think you're a real sweet girl and I just wanna do something nice for you." I mean he really gased her up with a mix of humor in his presentation. "Don't bring a cell phone, don't bring a pocket book with the little make-up thingy case you chicks gotta have--NONE OF THAT! You'll be able to buy all that you need tomorrow. We are going to have a nice dinner, maybe catch a show...whatever it is that you wanna do. Don't worry about how much, the cost...and on top of all of that, I'll send you home with $1500 for your trouble of allowing me to spoil you."

He probably made them feel like they were a hoe that was about to turn into a housewife.

They know he drives a real nice car, he's clean cut, friendly and his whole aura broadcasts that he is a man of importance. My heart becomes heavy as I imagine what was going through their minds as they witnessed that mask slide off his face and realized that they were looking into the eyes of the devil.
@Redbird: The term "Torso Killer" is kind of half-official and non-American. Originally, it was coined by someone the London Police Form in about 1887, when London had London Torso II active (who would then be overshadowed so quickly by Jack the Ripper). Since then, Torso killers have become a too common appearance in Europe to ignore their existence while the US had, compared to the total number, not many. Like Strangler, Butcher or Stabber, it's a term from the field not or only rarely used in "official" report language and political correct media statements. But then, they use not many categorizations there anyway beyond the point SK and some wrong used terms like psychopath (which by the way is also no official criminology term).

@Truthspider: Still, there are some differences, or at least, it appears that way. Robinson was not really a dropper, he packed the bodies in barrels. Only one case is known, he moved a body/barrel and that to a place, where he could only roll it from a truck.
Robinson had also some warning signs in his history. Constant stealing, embezzlement and forgery is what you often find in the history of rela psychopaths. Bundy for example stole basically everything and forget ski-tickets.
But there is one point, that should make everyone listen up with Robinson: He hired his victims and used them as income source by directing their income to him. Translated, he met all his earlier victims in person before he decided to murder them. He had to, till the internet was invented. And later, his hunting ground were BDSM chats, but even then, he could only make a pre-selection and had to meet them at some point.

I think, that last point is something, that also would apply to LISK. All concentration on Oak Beach, fine, but there is no hint that one of the GB4 was ever invited to Hatchett or Brewer or any other Oak Beach resident. We know, that Megan Waterman was staying at a motel in Hauppauge some miles away and probably worked summer guests, so, was not just working one client in a gated community. The rub is still, she did so in the summer months, she was in the business for a while and most of her clients over the complete year had to be in NY. She lived in Maine. That's too far to make the trip to NYC and/or LI for any single client, so I still think, she had to have a place in NY, somewhere and even only a crash place nevertheless.
Same for Maureen Brainard-Barness. Her family lives in Norwich. That's a three hour ride is traffic is ok but would mean, every client, she wanted to meet in NYC before 9 p.m. would have brought her guaranteed in a traffic jam. She also had to have a place in NY, somewhere, and probably not a big place, maybe even a place, she shared with someone.
We know, two victims, Barthelmy and Costello had places in the Bronx, even I have no addresses at hand now. From the two other victims in the GB4, we can only logical assume, they had places there, because they worked NYC and LI but LI was a seasonal business mostly. And in the old days pre internet, seeing became before coveting. Which means, someone should check out, whether there is maybe a place, a killer could have actually seen them. Because as of yet, only a little minority of serial killers have changed their operations to pure internet selection, internet would serve only as a contact maker.
To support this, look at the phone calls in the Barthelmy case. One is tracked back to the dump site and was probably the night, he dropped her body. But the other ones are tracked to places in NYC. I've read about Times Square and a stadium. That was interpreted as forensic counter measure, nobody even asked whether those were places belonging into the normally regular life of the killer. What is more likely if someone calls from Times Square? That he is someone who drove for like two hours to make a 2 minute phone call? Or that he is a New York City resident? But if the killer lives at least part of the year in NYC, then it's more likely, he picked his victims there.
My problem is, I can't shake LE to give us information about the places in NYC, not can I make them look at it for themselves (I wrote several mails over time, but no answer and no obvious activity). And I surely have not the time to go to NYC and sleuth around in the field and otherwise, I lack anyway the knowledge of the area and the scene in NY. So, either, someone knows a way to make LE looking into that or has the possibilities to do it on his own, or this is a dead end due to lack of LE interest.
None of your information on the GB4 to support the idea that they and the crimes had no connection to Long Island is incorrect. Amber Costello, who you claim lived in the Bronx actually lived in West Islip. Neither Megan Waterman nor Maureen Brainard-Barnes had apartments in New York. Megan stayed on Long Island with her pimp at the Holiday Inn Express in Hauppage and Maureen lived at 180 Prospect St. Norwich CONN and checked into a 46th St. hotel in New York for one night. She left the hotel that evening, and never has been seen again. Melissa was the only victim who had an apartment in the Bronx. Your facts are so far afield of the many, many news reports on this case, I have to wonder what case it is you are following.
It's not Brewer and it's not Hackett (IMHO).

It's someone younger than them who is flying high on drugs most of the time; lives in a nearby town on LI; frequents prostitutes; and likes fast cars.

I would look at some of the spoiled brat Mafioso sons who live in Long Beach or Point Lookout.

His family knows he's crazy bad and they can't do anything with him.

I guess I'm the black sheep on board....

I still believe Brewer is the guy, and even more so now that we know the Asian man was dressed in women's clothing....(considering Brewer's alleged conversation with Gilbert on the subject of transvestites)
It's not Brewer and it's not Hackett (IMHO).

It's someone younger than them who is flying high on drugs most of the time; lives in a nearby town on LI; frequents prostitutes; and likes fast cars.

I would look at some of the spoiled brat Mafioso sons who live in Long Beach or Point Lookout.

His family knows he's crazy bad and they can't do anything with him.

That thought has crossed my mind, but if the Manorville victims are connected to the GB4, I think he would have to be 40 years or older. It's also crossed my mind that CPH's suspicious, nervous behavior may be from other nefarious activities he fears will now be uncovered.
It's not Brewer and it's not Hackett (IMHO).

It's someone younger than them who is flying high on drugs most of the time; lives in a nearby town on LI; frequents prostitutes; and likes fast cars.

I would look at some of the spoiled brat Mafioso sons who live in Long Beach or Point Lookout.

His family knows he's crazy bad and they can't do anything with him.

Glad you said it first because I am convinced that it's more likely some young spoiled brat than it is one of the old weird geeks who live on Oak Beach. I know many of our members have made up their minds otherwise. Truth is, nothing about this case has followed any normal pattern and nothing about it has been what it appears to be. With that being said, you have to be a local from our area to appreciate the extremely large likelihood that these murders are being committed by a 30-something year old wanna-be gangster.

Those of you who live around here know what I'm talking about. His name is most likely "Joey, Tony or Vinny. He's probably one of those guys who wishes he was from Howard Beach (John Gotti Senior's neighborhood) although he really probably grew up North of the Belt Parkway in Ozone Park. At a very young age he learned how you were considered 'nobody' unless you were in a 'crew' and part of the mob. Only problem was that even though he is Italian-American he was probably (like most of us Italian-Americans) not in a family that had any connections to any of the true crime families. As a matter of fact, I would not be surprised to learn that he had a close relative (mom, sister or aunt) who was foolish enough to go on some sort of half-*advertiser censored* crime spree robbing social clubs around NYC that were owned by the Gambino crime family. This close relative more than likely embarrassed the hell out of our man by either getting arrested for those crimes or even possibly was executed via a bullet through her head by a soldier of the crime family to punish her for robbing from them. This huge disgrace in his neighborhood brought upon by this close woman in his life could be the root of his rage/hatred against all women.

This could have gone on to other neighborhoods pretending like he and his friends were a mafia crew for hire (when in fact this could not have been anything further from the truth). In addition to stealing cars and robbing warehouses, some of the 'jobs' or 'missions' that he and his wanna-be gangster crew could have agreed to carry out could have included the disposable of bodies and/or body parts (they could have even had been asked to make some of the body dumps look like the work of one or more serial killers). Although he may have never been arrested for carrying out any of the more serious acts, it's sure possible that he was arrested as part of larger groups through the years for lesser-degree crimes like when the police occasionally nab all of those people for putting in fraudulent insurance claims for cars they sold to chop-shops (that were really undercover NYPD or FBI sting operations) or he could have been arrested as one of many people who were part of identity theft rings or No-Fault Insurance Fraud rings that are very popular in Queens.

But even though there will probably be a record of his arrests, we probably won't find a single conviction for him. That's because more than likely, his older brother or uncle (or both) is a retired NYPD Sergeant or Lieutenant. This police connection is what makes our suspect so dangerous. His feeling of being above the law makes him feel like he can literally get away with murder. It also gives him an inside edge on all of the things not to do to get caught. In addition, it gives him an 'intel' on what the police department's every next move is before they ever make it (he can know what places to avoid and at what times to avoid them). Having the police in the family as well as having friends with very wealthy families provide him with an invincible wall of protection.

Nowadays this guy is probably divorced from his wife and kids in the Ozone Park area and he could be shacked-up with his arm-candy slutty girl-friend-of-the-month out here on Long Island. Would not be surprised if on paper he is part-owner of some small business with his retired police brother or uncle. Surely it's some sort of business that makes that wad of cash in his pocket look legit. Probably some kind of whole-some sounding business that makes him look like a saint (like a little league baseball uniform supply company or anything else that involves kids and the community).

As far as attitude and presentation, this isn't some homely-looking loser like many serial killers. This type is a well-dressed (even his Facebook profile picture probably has him sporting a $1,000 suit, $300 sunglasses and a really good Rolex knock-off complete with all the diamonds around the rim). He's probably driving around in a hot looking sports car like a Camaro or Corvette. He's 6 foot plus with muscles that are clearly artificially enhanced via taking illegal steroids since he was like twelve years old. He acts like he's worth millions and that anyone who messes with him is clearly suicidal since he truly thinks he is a soldier in the mob. He has access to any type of drug a junkie could wish for and even women who just met him feel completely safe while by his side (yes so safe that they would leave their cell phones home if he gives them some b.s. story about not wanting the Feds to track their footsteps or listen to their conversations through their cell phones).

Everyone who meets him wants this guy to be their friend. So as a result, he's got connections throughout NYC, Vegas, Atlantic City, the Hamptons, Fire Island and most likely yes, Oak or Gilgo Beaches. Everybody wants to party with our wanna-be gangsta and what they perceive to be his crew of Guido-looking pretty boys. These guys make the boys from the show Jersey Shore look prep school students. What everyone fails to see is that this guy is really hurting inside. His temper (and how quickly he can lose it) is legendary. Everyone knows that he's a loose cannon and somebody you are much better off having on your side. But nobody truly knows how dark his dark side truly is. It's only assumed that he and his crew have "whacked" people over the years. Not one person who knows them would ever dare to actually ask them to share precise details of their criminal activity.

This type, my friends, is worse than dealing with an actual soldier of the mafia (because unlike the real "made men", this type lacks the one important virtue that is the glue that holds the real mob together; RESPECT.
Forgot to add (regarding the wanna-be mafioso), because people perceive him to be "connected" and having the police in his back pocket, he is considered by most who know him as being the person to turn to if you ever need a favor (like making an ex-wife and child disappear, supplying drugs, prostitutes, etc...).

No request is out of the question for this guy and his goons so long as the price is right. It is very possible that he may not be our actual Serial Killer but more likely the "Clean Up" guy who gets called to clean up a rich boy's mess. With that being said, he and his crew could be the killer of one or more of the victims while four are from another killer, two are from another, etc... The one common denominator is that he found it incredibly easy to use parklands as disposal sites.
Forgot to add (regarding the wanna-be mafioso), because people perceive him to be "connected" and having the police in his back pocket, he is considered by most who know him as being the person to turn to if you ever need a favor (like making an ex-wife and child disappear, supplying drugs, prostitutes, etc...).

No request is out of the question for this guy and his goons so long as the price is right. It is very possible that he may not be our actual Serial Killer but more likely the "Clean Up" guy who gets called to clean up a rich boy's mess. With that being said, he and his crew could be the killer of one or more of the victims while four are from another killer, two are from another, etc... The one common denominator is that he found it incredibly easy to use parklands as disposal sites.

Sorry Seaslug! I don't see a Guido being our SK. The younger sister said an "older white guy". There is no way some guido punk could pull off the "older white guy" impersonation on 7 different phone calls!

Plus, the mafia has been dead on Long Island for the past 15 years. And there definitely aren't any mafia wanna-be's out there like there used to be back in the 80's.

Sorry but I just don't see it being the type of guy you described. I hope they catch him soon so we can see who was right and who was wrong as far as this profiling goes. But I just don't think it's Vinny Bagadoughnuts or his cousin Tony.
Does anyone else here have any more facts to add? Please do. Does CPH have a false leg? Also, is there a thread that has all interviews and letters (if any) by this guy? I would like to watch them again.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=144551"]Let's talk about the letters - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

We have seen pictures of the sketches in news articles, but I have yet to see clear pictures of the jewelry. I would like to see them.

Sorry Seaslug! I don't see a Guido being our SK. The younger sister said an "older white guy". There is no way some guido punk could pull off the "older white guy" impersonation on 7 different phone calls!

Plus, the mafia has been dead on Long Island for the past 15 years. And there definitely aren't any mafia wanna-be's out there like there used to be back in the 80's.

Sorry but I just don't see it being the type of guy you described. I hope they catch him soon so we can see who was right and who was wrong as far as this profiling goes. But I just don't think it's Vinny Bagadoughnuts or his cousin Tony.

All due respect Goathair, your perception about organized crime is not accurate.

Imagine for a moment, any one of these scenarios;

  • A wealthy family with a problem child who has a thing for killing prostitutes.
  • A drug kingpin who kills his wife & child because she reveals to him that the child isn't really his.
  • A prostitution/human trafficking ring that has one of their female slaves die due to poor living conditions.
  • A bachelor party of a bunch of Wall Street types has a prostitute overdose and die at the party.
  • Same thing happens to a high-profile professional athlete or political figure.

The one thing each of these people with a dead body on their hands has in common is that they have enough cash to hire our guy and his buddies to clean up their mess and dispose of each of the bodies. Not saying our guy is necessarily the killer of any of the bodies. Think about it for a moment with an open mind. If there are multiple killers hiring a handful of clean-up guys, that would explain why this case is so complicated with so many twists and turns (and why some of the bodies don't appear to be related to others).

I ask that you have an open mind. This includes trusting me when I tell you that your statement "Plus, the mafia has been dead on Long Island for the past 15 years" is absolutely 100% incorrect. Remember, I'm not saying that our guy is part of the Gambino crime family. I'm saying that he is a wanna-be gangster who wishes (and pretends) that his is. But just for the record, on both Long Island, Brooklyn, & Queens, organized crime families of many heritages are extremely active. The average person would not be aware of this. Some of the facts would seem totally impossible to be true but they are. If I told you that many former members of the KGB are now residing in our area and are masterminds in the Russian Mafia, you would probably think I was nuts. But that is an absolutely true statement.

Likewise, for every person who is actually a member of a true organized crime family there are literally hundreds of hot-headed copy-cat wanna-be's that fit the mold that I described. It's not surprising that you wouldn't know this because you would have absolutely no reason to be out at 2am on a Friday night in a nightclub in Nassau, the Hamptons or the City (and it's not like you are going to find one of these guys hanging ten at Lido Beach either).

There is this whole other world out there my friend. It's a world full of one macho A-hole bigger than the other.

Oh yeah, as far as your statement "There is no way some guido punk could pull off the "older white guy" impersonation on 7 different phone calls!", everyone knows that age is nearly impossible to determine through a telephone call on a cell phone. Anyone here ever try calling their brother or brother-in-law and when someone answers the phone on the other end, accidentally mistaken your 14 or 15 year old nephew for your 40 or 50 something year old brother or bother-in-law? This kind of stuff happens all of the time. Heck, sometimes women smokers with scratchy voices sound more like a older white guy than most older white guys do! And just for the record, not all Italians fit your Vinny Bagadoughnuts too-dumb-to-fool-anyone assumption. There are indeed many extremely intelligent 30 something year-old wanna-be gangsters out there who you would have no clue how old they are when they are on the other end of the telephone.

By the way, I know much of this because I served as the foreman on the special weekly grand jury at the Federal courthouse in Uniondale every Thursday for two straight years. You guys have no idea how much organized crime is around us (and in some prominent industries too like mortgages, healthcare and real estate).
Sorry Seaslug! I don't see a Guido being our SK. The younger sister said an "older white guy". There is no way some guido punk could pull off the "older white guy" impersonation on 7 different phone calls!

Plus, the mafia has been dead on Long Island for the past 15 years. And there definitely aren't any mafia wanna-be's out there like there used to be back in the 80's.

Sorry but I just don't see it being the type of guy you described. I hope they catch him soon so we can see who was right and who was wrong as far as this profiling goes. But I just don't think it's Vinny Bagadoughnuts or his cousin Tony.

Yeah, Fuggedaboutit!
Glad you said it first because I am convinced that it's more likely some young spoiled brat than it is one of the old weird geeks who live on Oak Beach. ... you have to be a local from our area to appreciate the extremely large likelihood that these murders are being committed by a 30-something year old wanna-be gangster.

right so if he's 30, he killed and dismembered his first victimat the age of 14? or if he's 35 he killed his them when he was 18? :floorlaugh:

Those of you who live around here know what I'm talking about. His name is most likely "Joey, Tony or Vinny...even though he is Italian-American he was probably (like most of us Italian-Americans) .... his Facebook profile picture probably has him sporting a $1,000 suit, $300 sunglasses and a really good Rolex knock-off complete with all the diamonds around the rim).... He's probably driving around in a hot looking sports car like a Camaro or Corvette...... He's 6 foot plus with muscles that are clearly artificially enhanced via taking illegal steroids since he was like twelve years old....This type, my friends, is worse than dealing with an actual soldier of the mafia (because unlike the real "made men", this type lacks the one important virtue that is the glue that holds the real mob together; RESPECT.

holy $h1t slug, how many offensive sterotypes can you ignorantly jam into one paragraph? I guess you have no idea how highly offensive your statements are regardless of your own national origin.
Some advice for you, if you had this conversation at work you could be fired: the NY State Human Rights law makes it illegal to discriminate against age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, prior arrests, genetic disposition etc.

It's 2011, we all need to step up our consciousness, intelligence, and way of thinking and speaking, believing in sterotypes will hinder your own analysis of this case. The 2 sets of male/female victims in Manorville, the mother and child victim, and many of the other victims probably died because they didn't feel threatened by the "older soft spoken white guy" who then chopped them up. I know many of my friends black/white etc would fit your idea of someone who is dangerous but in reality they don't harm flies.

Stereotyping blinds fools.
right so if he's 30, he killed and dismembered his first victimat the age of 14? or if he's 35 he killed his them when he was 18? :floorlaugh:

holy $h1t slug, how many offensive sterotypes can you ignorantly jam into one paragraph? I guess you have no idea how highly offensive your statements are regardless of your own national origin.
Some advice for you, if you had this conversation at work you could be fired: the NY State Human Rights law makes it illegal to discriminate against age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, prior arrests, genetic disposition etc.

It's 2011, we all need to step up our consciousness, intelligence, and way of thinking and speaking, believing in sterotypes will hinder your own analysis of this case. The 2 sets of male/female victims in Manorville, the mother and child victim, and many of the other victims probably died because they didn't feel threatened by the "older soft spoken white guy" who then chopped them up. I know many of my friends black/white etc would fit your idea of someone who is dangerous but in reality they don't harm flies.

Stereotyping blinds fools.


I'm 100% Italian and I wasn't offended at all!

I know the type of guy that Seaslug is talking about. But they just don't exist anymore. 15-20 years ago, Yes, but not now. The mafia is still around but they are not out in the open like they were in the past. And as far as wanna-be mafia punks, I haven't seen one of them in a long time.
None of your information on the GB4 to support the idea that they and the crimes had no connection to Long Island is incorrect. Amber Costello, who you claim lived in the Bronx actually lived in West Islip. Neither Megan Waterman nor Maureen Brainard-Barnes had apartments in New York. Megan stayed on Long Island with her pimp at the Holiday Inn Express in Hauppage and Maureen lived at 180 Prospect St. Norwich CONN and checked into a 46th St. hotel in New York for one night. She left the hotel that evening, and never has been seen again. Melissa was the only victim who had an apartment in the Bronx. Your facts are so far afield of the many, many news reports on this case, I have to wonder what case it is you are following.
Yesterday 05:16 PM

1.) The reason to connect the crimes to LI is, the GB4 were found in LI. If that assumption would be applied for all SK cases, half of them would be still free, because a lot of them dropped the bodies NOT in their backyards. The Son of Sam wasn't living where he killed, Ted Bundy was no Utah resident, and Ridgway didn't live in the Green River Valley.

2.) Amber Lynn Costello:
Read the beginning of page 2

3.) Megan Waterman lived where exactly? Oh yes, she lived regularly in Maine, some hours driving away from NY and LI. Which was probably the reason to go to a hotel while working summer guests on LI. But Megan Waterman was already a while in the business while only since a few days in the Holiday Inn.
Read, when she moved with her "bf" to NY
In fact, a place is already ,menioned, only not where exactly for Waterman

4.) You could also look up the David Schaller story, that tells you more how Costello was organized.

5.) Maureen Brainard-Barnes lived in Norwich? No, her family lives there. It is totally unrealistic to assume, she would drive in at least three hours to NYC to spend an hour or two with a client and then drive three hours back. That isn't in any way practicable. That we don't know where she had a place doesn't mean, she hadn't. Logic dictates, she had. But of course, such a place could also have been a cheap hotel, she regularly used. Interesting is, she used the hotel on 46th street for the first time, as far as I can see from the reports, so this indicates, she had the need for such a place and she just had changed something.

6.) I am used, that some smartie tells me, what I say is so far away and I got it all wrong and blah blah blah ... it happened when I wrote on Yahoo, the Flint-Stabber isn't a racist but someone just looking for weak/sickly persons in an area with a high percentage of black population. Look up Abuelazam. It happened, when I wrote in Germany, an SK had to be a truck driver. It turned to be out Volker Eckert, a truck driver. It happened also in Germany, when I said the Hammer-Killer had to work in LE due to some little details, that betryed some inside information. It was Norbert Poehlke, a police officer. And it happened in half a dozen other cases. So feel free to tell me, I'm nutz and there no this or that. But in fact, I had over the last decades a pretty good hit quota with such questions. And by all means, to look into it instead of just ignoring it, is cheap enough, isn't it?
@Pinkhammer/Seaslug44: Wouldn't such a mafia son have a closer victimology (a preferred type of looks especially)? I can't bring the victimology to fit with such a mafia picture.
@Seaslug: The description "older white guy" from someone who spoke only on the phone with the unsub has to be taken with a grain of salt. Racial recognition in phone calls follows speech patterns. So, an educated black can sound white as well. And estimating age on the phone? Really? I buy, the guy is not a teenager, I buy, he is not in the early twenties anymore. But how old is "older" heard with the eyes of a 17 year old girl? I would bet, most uf us at the age of 17 would have considered 35 as half dead.
@MrsPC: I can imagine, Brewer has to do with SG and so I can for CPH. But not for the GB4 nor for the dismembered bodies. So, if that thought makes you the black sheep, I am at least gray, for whatever it's worth.
@Redbird again: And your evidence, the GB4 and the Manorville victims are connected is what exactly?
@Shadowwraith: Thanks for the better images. This is all from Jane Doe 6?
I'm investigating.

I ain't mad 'atcha! If I didn't have to work and had a lot of money, I would be in NY chasing down that sk myself. I'd hold a press conference and look dead in the camera and let him know, "I'm gonna get you, Sucka!"

And then I woke up.
I do like the idea of the killer having a business of his own. This can give him a basement away from the home, I sense a large storage area...

he may have rented storage somewhere.

I also like the idea of him being in his 50's.

I don't see a young angry type of person...to me this type is easy to catch and almost always screws up...

I see this as a very detailed and careful individual.

I am very curious as to the plastic the limbs were found wrapped in.

I wonder if it was plastic from a new appliance of some sort?

like a vacuum cleaner or was it more like paint tarp plastic or garbage bags?
I would like to note that like the legs that washed up separately in cold spring harbor, the legs that washed up on Davis Park, Fire Island were most likely dumped in the water or somewhere that they ended up in the water and drifted to Fire Island, and Cold Spring Harbor. I'm not just saying that because I have a house at Davis Park both of those instances were described as legs "washing up" in the reports.

I would also like to add that all of the females prior to 2006 had their legs specifically removed, while non of the males nor the child were dismembered. The dismembering seems to have stopped after 2005 or so. Also, the Atlantic city victims were shoeless but not dismembered. If Atlantic city is the same guy, then he seems to have gotten past the leg, foot fetish, completely after 2006. (Unless LE is hiding this fact from us about the gilgo 4, which would be a crazy revelation)

There was one of the gilgo 4 though, where the family was contacted later with more remains of their relative, and we debated whether that was due to dismembering and LE wasnt telling us, or animals/predators spreading the remains.

As more cases of dismembered legs keep coming up in this case, is anyone out there becoming more interested in the suspect who lost his leg in a traumatic accident?
I certainly am...

I'm just gonna throw this out there as crazy as it sounds, Mr Hyde has something in his possession, or discarded near by, that is in some way made from the females victims legs. I'm not saying he made a freaky prosthetic leg for himself that he wears while masturbating or anything crazy like that :crazy: just that he still has parts of those legs as a trophy, and possibly made a piece of clothing, belt, lampshade, furniture, or some other insane keepsake. At this point we shouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be the case. It is getting a little insane around Oak Beach.

Still reading and trying to process all this new info...for now, though, I'll just say that there are ALOT of interesting connections to Mr. Hyde in all this. I need to do alot more digging, though. Somewhere around here I have info about hospitals he either worked at and hospitals his father worked at where bodies have turned up...but I don't have time to put my hands on it at the moment.

Hempstead Hospital comes to mind immediately.

(Sorry I can't offer more at the moment, getting ready to run out the door.)

ETA: Riverhead...is that the one close to the Express Holiday Inn in Hauppauge? Ugh, I seriously need to drag out my notes when I get back. Later, I'll try to shoot you an email about my frustrations with an addy that came up for him in Oak Beach (you might remember it, or you might not have even joined WS when I was pulling my hair out over that)...maybe YOU can see if you can lend your skills to that mystery for me?
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