NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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I'm still not convinced she just wandered out there and perished until I hear more info. I guess, it looks pretty expansive, that she could have got lost out there, passed out and accidentally drowned.
Lol....too true.

In all seriousness though, let's just say LI and the Chicago area are similar in size. The pop density of Chicago is much more dense of course. Right now we have the current SK, Rifkin and a possible one dumping around Manorville (someone linked to this article earlier http://www.longislandpress.com/2011/03/24/long-islands-other-serial-killer/ in LI. All within about a 10-20 year span. That's scary. I vaguely recall maybe a 4th but I'm not confident enough on that. Let me know if there are others.

Is this not insane? I would love to know "professional" theories on this (and I know you're out there). Is it the chemical and biological environment (literally, is there something in the water)? Does it tie into the types of people that immigrated to this area and the DNA associated today (meaning, many Italians immigrated to New York while many Germans immigrated to Wisconsin as one example and certain things have been attributed to different races, such as some races being more susceptible to heart disease as one example)? Or is it that major metro areas on average have a number or SKs at work every 10 years or so and we just don't know about them?

Respectfully BBM.


On Long Island, the serial killers seemed to prefer sex worker victims. LI, a densely populated area, may allow the SK to have easier access to such victims. Other geographic areas could have just as many SKs or more, but a pattern [the work of a SK] had not been established or discovered yet.


Because serial killers often prefer to live in densely populated areas — for easy access to potential victims — it is not a surprise that three of them who specialized in sex workers had turned up over two decades in a place with a population of 2.8 million. “The odds that you would have these three guys in rural Mississippi in that time period are far less likely than in a densely populated area like Long Island,” he said.
This is a photo of the actual terrain they are searching right now;

And here is another photo of the wetlands up close;

Anyone still think that SG removed her pants and ran through this area barefoot??
Anyone still think that SG removed her pants and ran through this area barefoot??

Howz about ballet flats, or black strappy sandals? (tongue in cheek emoticon please)

Thanks for the pics Seaslug.
This is a photo of the actual terrain they are searching right now;

And here is another photo of the wetlands up close;

Anyone still think that SG removed her pants and ran through this area barefoot??

I still think it's possible. Shannan didn't seem to be acting rationally that night, according to witnesses who last saw her alive. I also believe she may not have been in the right state of mind given that she apparently asked for help from one of the neighbors, and yet still ran off even while the neighbor was already calling the cops.
Lol....too true.

In all seriousness though, let's just say LI and the Chicago area are similar in size. The pop density of Chicago is much more dense of course. Right now we have the current SK, Rifkin and a possible one dumping around Manorville (someone linked to this article earlier http://www.longislandpress.com/2011/03/24/long-islands-other-serial-killer/ in LI. All within about a 10-20 year span. That's scary. I vaguely recall maybe a 4th but I'm not confident enough on that. Let me know if there are others.

Is this not insane? I would love to know "professional" theories on this (and I know you're out there). Is it the chemical and biological environment (literally, is there something in the water)? Does it tie into the types of people that immigrated to this area and the DNA associated today (meaning, many Italians immigrated to New York while many Germans immigrated to Wisconsin as one example and certain things have been attributed to different races, such as some races being more susceptible to heart disease as one example)? Or is it that major metro areas on average have a number or SKs at work every 10 years or so and we just don't know about them?
bolding mine
I am unsure what you are trying to say here?
Is it that you think that some social groups are more suitable to becoming SK's?
That would be completely wrong.
The area that I saw them searching on the news this morning looked like it was all high beach grass not thorn bushes.
I am unsure if this marsh area is similar to mine. (South FL)
I live on the inter-coastal with plenty of "marsh" type of land around but, mine is what we call mangroves with lots of sticks and brush and animals/bugs.
We have plenty of mud and the tide does effect the water level.
There is no way one could walk through this area barefoot.
I am not even sure if this is beneficial at all to mention but thought I would throw it out there as an opinion.
one last thing that sticks in my mind
The male that was found clothed, was he mistaken as a female and then killed why his clothes are still on. Then Brewer it was said was angered thinking Shannan may have been a man.
I know I read that last part in one of these articles, forgive for not having that link at the moment.
The fact that they found her shoes doesn't necessarily mean she was barefoot. Everything could have been scattered by animals over the last year and a half.
Good point. I'll point out though that during his threatening calls, he called the Manorville victims "*advertiser censored*". That was prior to 2005. Wasn't the fact that the Manorville victim, Jessica Taylor, was a prostitute only recently revealed in 2011?

Also, his probation included intense inpatient counseling, which may have included medication that mellowed him out and allowed him to control his compulsions better.

What strikes me as odd too is that the phone call M.O. is the same - he called to taunt his victim from payphones while on the road, suggesting a level of technical sophistication and desire to avoid detection. We know Melissa's sister was called multiple times (like 17?) over the course of many, many months from busy areas where he would not be detected. This was brash, but it seems like a compulsion. He used the word "*advertiser censored*" whereas CM Jr used the word "*advertiser censored*".

Ok, I can see where he might fit. But the *advertiser censored* comment, to me, seems to sum up his view of women in general. I mean, he wanted to control where his 3 victims made appearances, he wanted to terrorize them with the whole "boogeyman is watching you" thing. IIRC, he threatened to cut off the breasts of one of his targets.

I will hope that LE kept an eye on his whereabouts after he was punished for the stalkings.
The area that I saw them searching on the news this morning looked like it was all high beach grass not thorn bushes.

I agree with you totally. On my beach....down Ocean Parkway a bit, it is tall beach grass, reeds and mucky sand. One of my adventerous sons tried to go in to get a horseshoe crab and it is like a soft sand that you can sink in. I am going to try to get someone to help me post some pictures, from this past summer and it will show you the area I am talking about. I can honestly see someone who is disoriented and getting caught in that muck and drowning.
Here are more photos of them searching the marshland;

Yesterday they used the chopper;

They also brought in this heavy equipment yesterday in addition to the ditcher;

Standing guard to keep out anyone from wandering in;

More photos to follow...
More photos...

Entrance to one of the trails they are searching;

Entrance to a new trail they made on the North side of the marshland (just East of the tennis court/tool sheds). In the background on the South side of the swamp you can see the roof of CPH's home and the homes of all of his neighbors. Most notably, look at how many windows look down upon the wetlands. If a body was out there, about a half dozen homes had a birdseye view of it.

Another view looking into the bad lands. Still think someone would run take their pants and shoes off in here?

More photos coming...
The "Ditcher" in action;

This is just North of CPH's home;


Like I said earlier I don't necessarily think she took her pants and shoes off. But yes I do think it is a possibility. We're talking about someone who is bipolar and and has a history if not taking her medication and also a history of drug abuse. She thought someone was trying to kill her. So yes I think it is quite possble that she would run in there.

Under normal circumstances I would never run into thorn bushes. But if I thought someone was chasing me and trying to kill me I sure as heck would.

I have no way if knowing what happened but I do think it' feasible
bolding mine
I am unsure what you are trying to say here?
Is it that you think that some social groups are more suitable to becoming SK's?
That would be completely wrong.

Is it? It is known that different races of people are more susceptible to different diseases, such as alcoholism or addiction and others such as heart disease or metabolic disorders. I don't see why this wouldn't include mental illness as well. It's all about genetics. Not trying to stir the pot here, just trying to find answers.



I don't normally use wikipedia as a citation but this article has a lot of citations for its information and a nice easy to read chart.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_health"]Race and health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Hey all! I too definitely don't buy the drowning theory...there is too much involved in her disappearance, like the doc's calls, her statements reportedly made during her flee, the fact that all accounts have her in either sandals or boots, and they found ballet flats, the fact that they haven't recovered a single bone of her remains yet? Where is her shirt, bra, underwear, other jewelry? The items they found could have definitely been dumped there. Maybe not even by the killer/abductor, but by someone who was afraid the items could implicate him in her disappearance...

I am curious if they asked JB if those were the jeans and shoes he remembered seeing her in...depending on what they find in the purse, I wonder if she would even have brought that in. I assume she was going by a stage name with JB, why would she need the ID on a date, especially when she had her driver outside. I would definitely leave all my personals in the car of the person i was supposed to trust (MP), and maybe just bring in some makeup and perfume...GC gave a pretty detailed description of what he saw her wearing/carrying, and I don't remember a purse being one of those items. If you were running for what you believed was your life, would you take time to grab your purse?

As to whether or not the items are actually hers, MG confirmed on the private SG FB page that the items found were Shannan's. But the question is whether or not those were the actual items she was wearing when she went missing...
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