NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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<modsnip> I'm now considering that SG possibly died of accidental death, such as drowning, while she ran from JB's house. From all accounts, she was having a drug or psychological episode, and running into a marsh is probably a pretty reasonable thing to do in such a state of mind.

If so, I'd like to reconsider the "Halfway House" call. I'm not sure if my theory has been mentioned before. Here's the theory:

After the police report was filed, Diaz or Pak (or both of them together) arranged for someone to call MG to say that SG was at a halfway house and left with her driver. Their motive would be to quash any investigation into themselves. I would think that Pak had a greater motivation to arrange for this call, since he was the last to see her alive and wouldn't want to be the target of any missing persons investigation. If Diaz were dealing drugs or pimping, he would also want to avoid being a target, which he admits he eventually was given the phone taps. They both had CPH's name, because they had his business card. The timing fits. This would seem to explain their insistence that CPH call the family, once in person, once via phone. If their goal was to divert police attention from themselves, they wildly succeeded.

I doubt that this particular question (did you or someone you know impersonate CPH to MG) would come up in a lie detector exam.
@inspector gadget - <modsnip>.

to quote mari gilbert - if shannan is found in a teaspoon of water - someone - the killer - put her in that marsh.

she did not drown in water deep enough to go up to your ankle.

<modsnip>. thank you for thinking out loud but shannan could not swim - she would Not go near water - she'd turn around..(if she could) and go another way.

mari said it herself on the news
if she is found in a puddle - it is because the killer put her there.
She was not in the right frame of mind because she was fearful for her life.

she repeatedly said they were trying to kill her.

she was a smart girl and had a good head on her shoulders.
She was not a druggie - drugged out girl. she was a smart smart savvy girl.

she was running for her life. She was frantic -
Let's pray she gets found today and comes home to her family.

Please - be saying positive prayers all day long for her to get home to her family.
She was not in the right frame of mind because she was fearful for her life.

she repeatedly said they were trying to kill her.

she was a smart girl and had a good head on her shoulders.
She was not a druggie - drugged out girl. she was a smart smart savvy girl.

she was running for her life. She was frantic -
Let's pray she gets found today and comes home to her family.

Please - be saying positive prayers all day long for her to get home to her family.

She had a history of drug abuse. She also had a history of mental illness and not taking her medication.

So you believe that both JB and MP killed her?
but police have her on tape being pulled into a vehicle...

so, yes she could have slipped and fallen into the marsh...but common sense says otherwise.

and if she got away once again only to drown in the marsh, then who is the person in the truck?

what is the potential?

she is surrounded by criminal elements

Pak, Brewer, Drifter ( who we heard zip about on A&E , but supposedly)
but police have her on tape being pulled into a vehicle...

so, yes she could have slipped and fallen into the marsh...but common sense says otherwise.

and if she got away once again only to drown in the marsh, then who is the person in the truck?

what is the potential?

she is surrounded by criminal elements

Pak, Brewer, Drifter ( who we heard zip about on A&E , but supposedly)

They do? I thought that her mother said that she was pulled into a truck but it was never verified by police or anyone else.
Please stand united and say prayers that Mari Gilbert and her other 3 daughters get CLEAR on what happened to Shannan on May 1, 2010.

Please say prayers that Mari stands strong today - through this rough and turbulant day of news feeds and sound bites - about what is going on in Oak Beach.

Please keep shannan's 3 sisters in your prayers, as well as Mari Gilbert.

They are about to clear the marshes.
She will be a skeleton, we may never know what happened.
but if she is a victim of our killer we may know if she was strangled
I feel sort of frightened about all this now...like a perma-chill setting in.
but if she is a victim of our killer we may know if she was strangled

Right on. A ligature would be the current MO of the SK. There are way to see if she was strangled. Maybe the Marsh preserved some of the remains.
How deep is the water in the marsh? If SG is in the marsh, I wouldn't think she would be buried?? It would almost impossible to shovel the wet soil and the hole would fill up with water. If she is in the marsh, I would think she either (1) OD'ed and passed out - then she could have died from the OD or drowning (2) was chased into the marsh and drowned with assistance - if that is the case, MP would be my top suspect.
Lord, give the family some rest today that they may have their loved one found. Lift this burden from them and pull the covers clean off of the devil and expose him. Stop that demon in his wicked tracks. Expose everything, let there not be another victim but bring peace healing and closure. Amen.
Don't you get the impression that the police are taunting the LISK?
with all this cloak and dagger stuff?
Is it possible that Shannan Gilbert may have drowned in waist deep water? Maybe in her distress she panicked and stumbled and fell into the water and therefore drowned.

Cameron &#1109;&#1072;&#1110;d th&#1077; marshland th&#1072;t borders Anchor Way &#1110;n Oak coastline, th&#1077; road wh&#1077;r&#1077; Gilbert w&#1072;&#1109; last seen running, h&#1072;d b&#1077;&#1077;n searched before b&#965;t th&#1072;t th&#1077; land sinks, m&#1072;k&#1110;ng &#1110;t hard t&#959; walk through.
&#8220;Y&#959;&#965; sink &#1110;n sometimes up t&#959; &#1091;&#959;&#965;r knees,&#8221; &#1109;&#1072;&#1110;d Cameron.

P&#1072;rt&#1109; &#959;f th&#1077; area h&#1072;d &#1072;l&#1109;&#959; b&#1077;&#1077;n covered b&#1091; water &#1072;ll through previous searches th&#1072;t now aren&#8217;t, according t&#959; Cameron

Police Commissioner Richard Dormer &#1109;&#1072;&#1110;d investigators d&#959; n&#959;t believe th&#1072;t Shannan Gilbert&#8217;s disappearance &#1110;&#1109; related t&#959; th&#1077; &#959;th&#1077;r 10 murders, b&#965;t th&#1072;t Gilbert &#1110;&#1109; believed t&#959; b&#1077; dead &#1072;nd h&#1077;r body located &#1110;n th&#1077; Oak coastline area.
At th&#1077; time &#959;f h&#1077;r disappearance, Gilbert, unfamiliar w&#1110;th th&#1077; area, w&#1072;&#1109; running alongside th&#1077; tall reeds th&#1072;t line Anchor Way. In th&#1077; darkness, &#1109;h&#1077; w&#959;&#965;ld n&#959;t h&#1072;&#957;&#1077; b&#1077;&#1077;n &#1072;bl&#1077; t&#959; see th&#1072;t those reeds w&#1077;r&#1077; hiding flooded marsh th&#1072;t, &#1072;t times, &#1089;&#1072;n b&#1077; filled waist-deep w&#1110;th water.

okay...we all know the cops got a tip.

this is no accident if someone tipped the cops on her body.
Lord, give the family some rest today that they may have their loved one found. Lift this burden from them and pull the covers clean off of the devil and expose him. Stop that demon in his wicked tracks. Expose everything, let there not be another victim but bring peace healing and closure. Amen.


Don't you get the impression that the police are taunting the LISK?
with all this cloak and dagger stuff?

Was wondering that myself. There seems to be a lot of misinformation going around and maybe it's deliberate? I wonder if this isn't very unsettling to the killer.

Others have speculated that maybe the police know who the killer is and I'm starting to think that myself.
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