NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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Unlike you and your friends, Shannan Gilbert's family and friends did know that she was bipolar. They also knew that she didn't take her meds, but self-medicated with cocaine and other drugs.

Again, you set impossible standards. Even police officials describe her 911 call as rambling and disoriented. (But I forgot, they're part of the conspiracy too.)

And forensics do not, contrary to next post, show it all.

Obviously, for some people, this detective story is too good to give up.

so jaded.
The key points are IMHO:

The FACT that Dormer said it was totaly impossible to get into that marsh area, even for the police, they HAD to cut down all the vegiation with their special heavy machin vehicle to be able to search the area.

The FACT that Dormer said it was totaly impossible to search that very marsh area back in 2010 and until now because it was all WATER, and the only reason why the could now search it was because they have DRAINED the area + removed the vegetation.

SO I´ll ask again:

HOW on earth was it then possible for Shannan to get her way through, at least 1/4 mile of that flooded and totaly owergrown marsh???

Please explain that to me???

And by the way I´m NOT trying to put a square into a round hole, I have always stated that I belived that Shannan was NOT connected to the LISK case, so what I´m saying does not really fit my own theories and my POI, but I STILL find that this scenario just DOES NOT ADD UPP with what police are saying!

Time will tell...I HOPE!
what purpose would it serve for SG's family to perpetuate untrue details and stories about phonecalls and knowing the perp???

what would be the motive to lie?

things that could help a SK

leather pants
waders For fishing
the path
the water ( more water could have moved her body , even causing it to float above and over to where she was found)
animals could drag her remains
a scythe
an off road vehicle

heavy jacket

heavy gloves

I want to see it....maybe no one would want to go in there...which is why it was chosen.

we are still looking for a killer... a killer who doesn't f around....look at what he has done already...

O, my god, the mystery novel has become a movie.

Victim's families might have the best intentions, but they don't make the best witnesses. Members of the Gilbert family have, at different times, told reporters that they have and they have not heard the 911 tape. Mari Gilbert has said that Hackett spoke to her, but has more recently said that she is not certain that it was him. It has been established that the end of the 911 call occurred several minutes before Shannan was sighted elsewhere, making the story of her being pushed into a car at that point logically impossible.
Are you talking about the white object in the middle of the picture? That looks as though it's east of the street light whereas the police are standing right in line of the street light in the picture that scandi posted

I wondered if that white spot is someone dressed in white forensic clothing - like a HVAC suit for wearing out in the field. It looks about the same size as the officers IMO
The key points are IMHO:

The FACT that Dormer said it was totaly impossible to get into that marsh area, even for the police, they HAD to cut down all the vegiation with their special heavy machin vehicle to be able to search the area.

The FACT that Dormer said it was totaly impossible to search that very marsh area back in 2010 and until now because it was all WATER, and the only reason why the could now search it was because they have DRAINED the area + removed the vegetation.

SO I´ll ask again:

HOW on earth was it then possible for Shannan to get her way through, at least 1/4 mile of that flooded and totaly owergrown marsh???

Please explain that to me???

And by the way I´m NOT trying to put a square into a round hole, I have always stated that I belived that Shannan was NOT connected to the LISK case, so what I´m saying does not really fit my own theories and my POI, but I STILL find that this scenario just DOES NOT ADD UPP with what police are saying!

Time will tell...I HOPE!

Hi, theforeigner. Thanks for your honest response. Marshes become more dense as you go into them. A quarter mile is 440 yards, not that challenging if you're wired on drugs and adrenalin and think the way out is more promising than the way back.

Also, one would assume that bones would drift from less tangled areas into denser marsh areas over time.
I've seen a few posts saying its crazy to think the police would have a vested interest in saying SG drown on her own. These posts have contained the word "conspiracy" as well as some sarcastic remarks referring to how foolish it is to think the police would be hoping SG drown that morning.

Well I don't know about you but if I were LE and a girl went missing in May who made a 23 min phone call to 911 where help didn't arrive and I did practically nothing to solve her case and then 2 bodies of women who went missing AFTER that were found....I would be praying she drown!

Because if I were the family MW AC I would have to believe that LE lackadaisical response to the SG case could have cost my daughters/sister her life.
what purpose would it serve for SG's family to perpetuate untrue details and stories about phonecalls and knowing the perp???

It keeps SG's case alive. Without the media frenzy, without the international attention and without the other victims, the case probably would have went cold. It turns a missing person case which they apparently ignore into a homocide. Its really that simple. It also draws attention to MP in hopes that he is scrutinized by police and media.

Think of it this way, you're driving and someone cuts you off, what will the police say if you call them? nothing will happen.

Lets say you tell the police the driver was waving a gun and watch them take it seriously.

Another thing to think about is the SG's missing poster. It says she named the person pursuing her, was pleading with him and that the Lie Detector test was inconclusive.

But MP passed the test and if he didn't he would be dumbass to say he did on national tv,
I've seen a few posts saying its crazy to think the police would have a vested interest in saying SG drown on her own. These posts have contained the word "conspiracy" as well as some sarcastic remarks referring to how foolish it is to think the police would be hoping SG drown that morning.

Well I don't know about you but if I were LE and a girl went missing in May who made a 23 min phone call to 911 where help didn't arrive and I did practically nothing to solve her case and then 2 bodies of women who went missing AFTER that were found....I would be praying she drown!

Because if I were the family MW AC I would have to believe that LE lackadaisical response to the SG case could have cost my daughters/sister her life.

Maybe. By that reasoning though, they could also be hoping they don't find anything because it makes it look like they didn't look in the most obvious place. There have also been plenty of sarcastic remarks towards views that SG isn't related to GB4, or that she might have died by accident.
We only get a tenth of the picture though.

Here's the big question though. Why the hell didn't the FBI hyperspectral camera's pick her body up? Did the water wick away and dilute whatever trace elements it picks up?
I've seen a few posts saying its crazy to think the police would have a vested interest in saying SG drown on her own. These posts have contained the word "conspiracy" as well as some sarcastic remarks referring to how foolish it is to think the police would be hoping SG drown that morning.

Well I don't know about you but if I were LE and a girl went missing in May who made a 23 min phone call to 911 where help didn't arrive and I did practically nothing to solve her case and then 2 bodies of women who went missing AFTER that were found....I would be praying she drown!

Because if I were the family MW AC I would have to believe that LE lackadaisical response to the SG case could have cost my daughters/sister her life.

No one used the word "crazy" <modsnip>.

Shannan's 23-minute phone call was rambling, sometimes incoherent, and didn't give a location. Hundreds and hundreds of hours of police work have been spent looking for Ms. Gilbert.
Hi, theforeigner. Thanks for your honest response. Marshes become more dense as you go into them. A quarter mile is 440 yards, not that challenging if you're wired on drugs and adrenalin and think the way out is more promising than the way back.

Also, one would assume that bones would drift from less tangled areas into denser marsh areas over time.

Sorry but your explantion does not work for me, at all.
<modsnip>, we are talking about a large area that even grown up pro police officers gave up entering because of TWO reasons; TOO MUCH WATER and TOO OVERGROWN, Dormer contradicted himself several times today saying that it was IMPOSSIBLE to enter the area BOTH back in sping 2010 AND now, until they drained the water and cut down all the vegitation.
To then, at the same time, claim that it was possible for Shannan to do it is IMHO just really far out, and totaly unbelivable.

Does anyone know how deep the water was in that area back in May 2010?
We need to know!

It's a crime scene.

so there ya go.
Unlike you and your friends, Shannan Gilbert's family and friends did know that she was bipolar. They also knew that she didn't take her meds, but self-medicated with cocaine and other drugs.

Again, you set impossible standards. Even police officials describe her 911 call as rambling and disoriented. (But I forgot, they're part of the conspiracy too.)

And forensics do not, contrary to next post, show it all.

Obviously, for some people, this detective story is too good to give up.

Does being bi-polar preclude one's ever being taken seriously about anything? She ran out of a house screaming for help, in fear for her life, and then disappeared. Why isn't that being taken at face value? And she may in fact have been or drugs, she may in fact have been disoriented and incoherent - that doesn't mean she didn't have a reason to flee and/or think someone was after her. You know what they say - just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't after you! Please don't act like it is unreasonable to question this and be suspicious. It obviously isn't. I am the farthest thing from a conspiracy theorist-type of person.

Do you know anyone who is bi-polar? People bandy that word around a lot, but don't in fact really know what it means. It's a lot more likely that it was the "down" aspect of being bi-polar, if anything, that would have affected Shannan if she didn't take her meds. People seem to think that people who are bi-polar flip into crazy, ultra-manic episodes and become raving maniacs at the drop of a pin. Not so! In fact, there's no evidence Shannan EVER had mania, never mind severe manic episodes. By all accounts, she was functioning just fine. We don't have details on this and it irritates me to no end that people take this one piece of information, which has never been fully expounded upon, and use it to essentially discredit her.

"A good detective story"? You think that scenario is fantastical, but I and others think the prospect of her drowning or dying somehow on her own in that brush is more fantastical. I don't say it's impossible. I say I'm going to need more information to be convinced of that - and we don't have it yet. We don't even know for certain if it's her. So it's a little to early to be belittling people for their suspicions, I would say.

One thing I do know - if they decide it was in fact an accidental drowning, they need to release the 911 call to the public.
I've seen a few posts saying its crazy to think the police would have a vested interest in saying SG drown on her own. These posts have contained the word "conspiracy" as well as some sarcastic remarks referring to how foolish it is to think the police would be hoping SG drown that morning.

Well I don't know about you but if I were LE and a girl went missing in May who made a 23 min phone call to 911 where help didn't arrive and I did practically nothing to solve her case and then 2 bodies of women who went missing AFTER that were found....I would be praying she drown!

Because if I were the family MW AC I would have to believe that LE lackadaisical response to the SG case could have cost my daughters/sister her life.

that doesn't make sense. why would the LE try to hide the real cOD in Shannan's case just because they don't want to look incompetent? in the case of the other victims who went missing, the police weren't also very thorough in their response and efforts to look for them, and yet they (Le) never tried to hide or deny that they had all been murdered when their bodies were found. what would make them do so in Shannan's case?
Sorry but your explantion does not work for me, at all.
Please be realistic, we are talking about a large area that even grown up pro police officers gave up entering because of TWO reasons; TOO MUCH WATER and TOO OVERGROWN, Dormer contradicted himself several times today saying that it was IMPOSSIBLE to enter the area BOTH back in sping 2010 AND now, until they drained the water and cut down all the vegitation.
To then, at the same time, claim that it was possible for Shannan to do it is IMHO just really far out, and totaly unbelivable.

Does anyone know how deep the water was in that area back in May 2010?
We need to know!

So if it's unbelievable that Shannan was able to get in there is it also unbelievable that the SK could get in there?
The marsh is more penetrable now because they are using heavy equipment.

Marsh becomes more tangled the more you wade in.

People want this to be a serial killer because the Shannan Gilbert narrative is the most complicated we have to play with. With all the named players, people can pretend that it's an Agatha Christie mystery.

It's easy; if your theory no longer fits, just add more conspirators. In this case, the police.

I recall you taking this position back in the spring. <modsnip>

It's a crime scene.

so there ya go.

IIRC Dormer said they are treating it like a crime scene, not that it is a crime scene.

Of course they are going to treat it like a crime scene. They're not going to let anyone in the area until they are sure they found everything and the ME has determined a COD.
No one used the word "crazy" and what you're describing is precisely a conspiracy.<modsnip>.

Shannan's 23-minute phone call was rambling, sometimes incoherent, and didn't give a location. Hundreds and hundreds of hours of police work have been spent looking for Ms. Gilbert.

1) I said these posts contain the word "conspiracy" <modsnip>.

2) You're taking my words out of context...obviously nobody wants to see someone drown. <modsnip>. I was alluding to the fact that they will have a lot to answer for if SG was murdered.

3) Did you hear the call now too? I wasn't aware it was releases.

4) I'm sure they have spent hundreds of hours on this case...that's their job. I'm saying I don't think they didnt enough when she was reported missing. That's my OPINION <modsnip>.
Sorry but your explantion does not work for me, at all.
Please be realistic, we are talking about a large area that even grown up pro police officers gave up entering because of TWO reasons; TOO MUCH WATER and TOO OVERGROWN, Dormer contradicted himself several times today saying that it was IMPOSSIBLE to enter the area BOTH back in sping 2010 AND now, until they drained the water and cut down all the vegitation.
To then, at the same time, claim that it was possible for Shannan to do it is IMHO just really far out, and totaly unbelivable.

Does anyone know how deep the water was in that area back in May 2010?
We need to know!

Hi, theforeigner. No need for apologies. There is a difference between wading ever deeper into a marshy thicket and seeing what has settled into its tangles. The investigators didn't try to get across; that would have told them nothing. And what would it have told us? That it would have been foolish for a woman who has already run from help more than once to attempt to cross to the other side?
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