NY NY - Patrick Alford, 7, Brooklyn, 22 Jan 2010 - #2

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You're not supposed to lose your kids for shoplifting. I've seen no evidence that he was abused or neglected plus there were family members that wanted him. Foster care is supposed to be a last resort, the state failed this child and the foster mom lost him. He wasn't missing until they took him from his mother.

Chicana, I understand your frustration, and it is unclear why Patrick and his sister were not placed with aunts or grandparents. However:

1. First of all, just because a child is not abused or neglected (or may not appear to be), does not mean he is not living in a negative, damaging environment.

2. Secondly, CPS/DSS has in so many cases NOT removed a child from a dangerous living situation. So they MUST have felt it was beneficial to remove Patrick.
See here:

3. Thirdly, everyone knows the low level of quality CPS/DSS often provides and how kids fall through the cracks---so OF COURSE the foster care system is to blame. Maybe parents should take better care of themselves and their kids so they don't wind up there!

In an article listed below, Jennifer, Patrick's mother, decided (before Patrick went missing) that, probably out of jealosy, she would prevent Patrick from seeing his Dad by stating in court that his girlfriend was abusive toward the children.

Clearly, Jennifer, with her shoplifting and spreading such a terrible lie, and drug use, was a terrible influence for a child, but moreso---led to her losing her son. She told authorities that her ex's girlfriend was abusive, and that lie came back to BITE HER and Patrick. The mother who cried wolf.

Her poor decisions led to her children's placement in a negligent/flawed system.

It was obvious Patrick hated fostercare and wanted to be with is family, and that he loved his mother. Children often never stop loving their parents, even if they are abusive or negligent (not saying that Jennifer is), it's just a need for parental love. BUT--CPS at the time had reason to believe he needed to be placed elsewhere--whether that was right or wrong---it happened.

I think the woman in Patricks care was negligent that night and the foster care system chose her prior to that incident. I also think Patrick could have avoided foster care altogether if Jennifer led a crime-free life and did not lie under oath to get back at her ex. KARMA is out there.

No one should have to go through the pain of have a missing/hurt/deceased child. But the fact is, Jennifer was not being a responsible parent.

G-d bless Patrick and his little sister too. I hope Jennifer helps herself or gets the help she needs to live a safe, clean life for her children. My prayers also go out to Patricks family.
Chicana, I understand your frustration, and it is unclear why Patrick and his sister were not placed with aunts or grandparents. However:

1. First of all, just because a child is not abused or neglected (or may not appear to be), does not mean he is not living in a negative, damaging environment.

2. Secondly, CPS/DSS has in so many cases NOT removed a child from a dangerous living situation. So they MUST have felt it was beneficial to remove Patrick.
See here:

3. Thirdly, everyone knows the low level of quality CPS/DSS often provides and how kids fall through the cracks---so OF COURSE the foster care system is to blame. Maybe parents should take better care of themselves and their kids so they don't wind up there!

In an article listed below, Jennifer, Patrick's mother, decided (before Patrick went missing) that, probably out of jealosy, she would prevent Patrick from seeing his Dad by stating in court that his girlfriend was abusive toward the children.

Clearly, Jennifer, with her shoplifting and spreading such a terrible lie, and drug use, was a terrible influence for a child, but moreso---led to her losing her son. She told authorities that her ex's girlfriend was abusive, and that lie came back to BITE HER and Patrick. The mother who cried wolf.

Her poor decisions led to her children's placement in a negligent/flawed system.

It was obvious Patrick hated fostercare and wanted to be with is family, and that he loved his mother. Children often never stop loving their parents, even if they are abusive or negligent (not saying that Jennifer is), it's just a need for parental love. BUT--CPS at the time had reason to believe he needed to be placed elsewhere--whether that was right or wrong---it happened.

I think the woman in Patricks care was negligent that night and the foster care system chose her prior to that incident. I also think Patrick could have avoided foster care altogether if Jennifer led a crime-free life and did not lie under oath to get back at her ex. KARMA is out there.

No one should have to go through the pain of have a missing/hurt/deceased child. But the fact is, Jennifer was not being a responsible parent.

G-d bless Patrick and his little sister too. I hope Jennifer helps herself or gets the help she needs to live a safe, clean life for her children. My prayers also go out to Patricks family.

Again, there's no law that states you have to be a perfect parent. You don't have to even be a good influence. There's supposed to be evidence of physical abuse before a child is taken. Otherwise, it's based on the opinion of a caseworker who may or may not be qualified to make that kind of decision.
A child shouldn't be ripped from his home and traumatized because his mom lied. If she lied under oath, why didn't they charge her with perjury instead of taking her child ?
I looked at her charges, and I didn't see one for perjury. Why not ? Lack of evidence ? Why the heck should we believe the social worker when there were no charges filed ?
I think she said negative things about her ex because she wanted to keep her kids, not because she wanted to get back at him, and in her opinion she might have thought the step mom was abusive. Again, all it takes is the opinion of a CPS worker to lose your child. Mom's also entitled to her opinion.
But, if they knew she was lying about the dad & stepmom, why didn't they send Patrick there ? It's ridiculous that they would say that mom was lying about the dad's home and then not let him go there. Is child welfare now about punishing parents instead of doing what's best for a child ? I don't get the karma thing here. The state was supposed to do what was best for Patrick, not make him pay for his mother's mistake.
Let's imagine that I go out with some girlfriends this weekend and leave my kids with their dad or grandma. I drink, drive, and get a DWI. I'm a criminal. My kids were safe and never in any danger. Their parent made a bad choice that did not put them at risk. CPS decides I'm not a good influence, takes them and gives them to someone who loses them, their likely raped, tortured and murdered when they were never abused before. They leave bruised and battered children with their abusers, yet they take children from parents who make bad choices and are bad influences.
What's the point of taking them, when they're not any better off ?
The mother of a 7-year- old boy who ran away from a Brooklyn foster home is a drug-addicted, habitual liar incapable of telling the truth about her own kids, a caseworker testified yesterday.


This isn't fact. It's a biased opinion made by a social worker who placed a child with a foster parent who neglected him. Now he's gone and probably dead and those involved are trying to cover their azzes by blaming the mom for Patrick's disappearance. And the idiot judge ordered mom to jail until she 'produced' Patrick while the foster mom has never been held accountable for her negligence.
Hi Chicana, thanks for responding. I just want to clarify that I DO think that CPS plays a role in this and that they did mess up, BUT, I think the mother needs to really realize that her life choices were not in the best interest for her child. Whether or not CPS was RIGHT, Patrick was taken, and it was because of Jennifer (according to CPS). Patrick DID NOT DESERVE THIS and SHOULD NOT BE PUNISHED for his mother's choices. I want to confirm that.

I understand what you mean by this:

Is child welfare now about punishing parents instead of doing what's best for a child ? I don't get the karma thing here. The state was supposed to do what was best for Patrick, not make him pay for his mother's mistake.

It may be that CPS was really unsure if the girlfriend was abusive or not. Jennifer may have said, "I was lying!", but her being known for lying, they were stuck. HOWEVER, looking over this scenario, it DOES seem like the court/CPS was punishing Jennifer, without any care or regard for HELPING Patrick. I totally agree with what you are saying.

CPS does play a role in this tragedy. But, at the root of everything, I still feel that if you don't want your kids in foster care, lead a safe, legal, life---not a perfect life, but stay out of prison, and out of trouble.

We do not know Jennifer's full story. CPS may have had more reason to take her kids away. I know it does not state that in articles, but we don't know.

I agree that if CPS is only allowed to take kids away if there is a sign of abuse or neglect, and there WAS NO evidence, then they messed up. But frankly, we, the public, don't know if there was or wasn't any?? Maybe CPS did?

I agree that CPS should have placed Patrick and his sister with family members if they were capable of taking care of them.

As to the Karma remark--it was directed at Jennifer, but I mean no harm or direction toward Patrick. But I guess they go hand in hand.


If you drive drunk and you are a parent, but your children are not in the car, who's to say they won't be in the car the next time you drive drunk?? Not saying they should be taken away--unless you are a repeat drunk driver---but just a thought.

(Unrelated to Jennifer):

If you abuse drugs, get into violent verbal or physical altercations, abuse animals, that should be a direct link to how you treat your children. It might not always be, in all cases. How you treat yourself or others is often (not always) times reflected on the treatment of your kids.

If CPS is only allowed to take kids based upon proof of abuse or neglect, that is one thing, but frankly, if you are causing harm to yourself or others, you ARE hurting your kids. They need you to survive. This is just an opinion. Maybe it's not the law, but it needs to be discussed.
I'm thinking of your handsome little face today Patrick.

Yes, you can discuss any aspect of any case on the appropriate thread for a missing person watchful_eye. This is the appropriate thread for any discussion for Patrick. :)

I see you joined not too long ago, if I didn't welcome you, welcome!
Hi Chicana, thanks for responding. I just want to clarify that I DO think that CPS plays a role in this and that they did mess up, BUT, I think the mother needs to really realize that her life choices were not in the best interest for her child. Whether or not CPS was RIGHT, Patrick was taken, and it was because of Jennifer (according to CPS). Patrick DID NOT DESERVE THIS and SHOULD NOT BE PUNISHED for his mother's choices. I want to confirm that.

I understand what you mean by this:

It may be that CPS was really unsure if the girlfriend was abusive or not. Jennifer may have said, "I was lying!", but her being known for lying, they were stuck. HOWEVER, looking over this scenario, it DOES seem like the court/CPS was punishing Jennifer, without any care or regard for HELPING Patrick. I totally agree with what you are saying.

CPS does play a role in this tragedy. But, at the root of everything, I still feel that if you don't want your kids in foster care, lead a safe, legal, life---not a perfect life, but stay out of prison, and out of trouble.

We do not know Jennifer's full story. CPS may have had more reason to take her kids away. I know it does not state that in articles, but we don't know.

I agree that if CPS is only allowed to take kids away if there is a sign of abuse or neglect, and there WAS NO evidence, then they messed up. But frankly, we, the public, don't know if there was or wasn't any?? Maybe CPS did?

I agree that CPS should have placed Patrick and his sister with family members if they were capable of taking care of them.

As to the Karma remark--it was directed at Jennifer, but I mean no harm or direction toward Patrick. But I guess they go hand in hand.


If you drive drunk and you are a parent, but your children are not in the car, who's to say they won't be in the car the next time you drive drunk?? Not saying they should be taken away--unless you are a repeat drunk driver---but just a thought.

(Unrelated to Jennifer):
If you abuse drugs, get into violent verbal or physical altercations, abuse animals, that should be a direct link to how you treat your children. It might not always be, in all cases. How you treat yourself or others is often (not always) times reflected on the treatment of your kids.

If CPS is only allowed to take kids based upon proof of abuse or neglect, that is one thing, but frankly, if you are causing harm to yourself or others, you ARE hurting your kids. They need you to survive. This is just an opinion. Maybe it's not the law, but it needs to be discussed.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but allowing state workers to opine on what they 'feel' is harmful is dangerous.

They get away with it because it's so easy for them to hide the truth. Since they can't disclose anything, many assume there's 'more to the story' and they just can't tell us because they have to protect the child. I think this is BS as it also helps them cover up their mistakes that we (and the children) pay for.

That's why these cases and records need to be open to the public.

You commented that "If you drive drunk and you are a parent, but your children are not in the car, who's to say they won't be in the car the next time you drive drunk? "

My response is -- exactly, who's to say ? Who gets to decide that ?
It's abusive to traumatize kids by ripping them out of their homes and families based on maybes.
Does the state just get to guess that you're capable of driving your kids around drunk ?
IMO, that is the equivalent of saying a woman who has an abortion is capable of killing a newborn.
And why does the state have to get involved with every imperfect parent ? If you have a young mother doing dumb, irresponsible things and grandma is willing to take care of her child until the mom gets her act together, they should leave them alone. Let family take care of family unless the child is truly abused or neglected.

I don't think foster care was used as a last resort in this case, and there's nothing that leads me to believe that Patrick would be missing and possibly/probably dead if he had been left with his family.

BY Simone Weichselbaum and Alison Gendar
Sunday, September 26th 2010, 4:00 AM

It's been eight months since 7-year-old Patrick Alford disappeared in Brooklyn - and cops now say his mother may not be behind it, after all.

But Jennifer Rodriguez, 23 - whose lawyer says she's taken and passed two lie-detector tests - is not relieved the cloud of suspicion is drifting.

Instead, she's angry police focused on her instead of chasing other leads.

"He is still missing. It's killing me," said Rodriguez, who fears the public has forgotten about the second-grader.

"They thought I was behind it, but now all these months later, where is my son?"
I didn't like a few of the sentences in that article, but that was just me. I felt there were a few statements about Patrick's Mother that didn't need to be included in the article because it had no bearing on the circumstances that lead up to Patrick being with a foster Mother. JMHO. (They could have just said she has 3 children, and not notated how many men fathered those children)

I wonder, did the Foster Mother take a LDT? I hope so. She was the last person known to have been with and to have seen Patrick. LE has never said that they saw him on camera leaving the bldg by himself. JMHO.

Thank you!!! OMG this makes me so ANGRY!!! LE has really dropped the ball in this case. and they should be held accountable, but of course they wont be. She should also sue the judge who in the beginning had her held because he thought she was behind it, even after passing the poly. I agree with those in the comment section, if this had been a white family things would have been treated diffrent. I am white but I know what racism is when I see it. UGGGGGG
"He is still missing. It's killing me," said Rodriguez, who fears the public has forgotten about the second-grader.

"They thought I was behind it, but now all these months later, where is my son?"​

That's the burning question, isn't it. Where is Patrick???

Through it all, there has been no trace of the boy - and no evidence tying his disappearance to his mother, her family, or the foster mom, police sources said.

"It is an actual mystery," one source said. "There are lots of theories, and some still believe that the mother is still somehow involved, but there is no evidence, and, unfortunately no signs of the little boy.

"There are no productive leads. We can't tie anything to the mother or the foster mother. There is nothing concrete on where this kid is. It's as if this kid disappeared from the face of the Earth."​

So basically, after 8 months of investigation, they have absolutely nothing. Nothing tying his disappearance to mom, family, foster mom, stranger, or even alien abduction. NOTHING. I do thank the LE that have done so much. There's an article (maybe on the first thread) that talked about how much they have done looking for him. But that just makes it that much more frustrating! Where is Patrick?!?!?

Quotes from: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local..._months_after_son_vanishes.html#ixzz10ftaYNnw
Hi to everyone who's been posting on Patrick's page. I haven't checked in in 10 days (I used to post every day or two to keep Patrick's name at the top). But I'm doing hospice care for a dying friend and just can't get here that much. So sorry to see there's no news, but thanks to everyone who posts for Patrick. I'm glad to see he is in caring hands all the time whether one WSer is available or not.

A prayer for Patrick and his family.:angel2:
I could only get the title and one sentence to pull up. It stated Le may be wrong about Jennifer being behind this.... What else does it say? and it doesn't take a genius to figure out she was not behind this, at least from my point of view.

Sorry. I posted it from my cell phone and didn't realize that it wasn't the link from the original article til afterwards.
Little boy lost and nobody's manning up

If she were an uptown mother with a trust fund and a blue-blood family name that rolled off society tongues like caviar, the eight-month-old case of her missing son would still be a big deal to the people who lost him.


“It bothers me a lot,” Jennifer says. “It frustrates me. It aggravates me. He was in foster care, somebody else’s care. He hasn’t been around for eight months and they don’t know where he is. If I don’t have him, and the foster mom don’t have him, they think he got hurt. He tried to go somewhere, and we can’t find him.

“I think somebody abducted my son. And I’m really scared for my son. I’m terrified.”

Nobody else seems to be, at least not those responsible for turning a scared little boy out to the wolves.

More: http://blog.silive.com/around_the_block_column/2010/09/little_boy_lost_and_nobodys_manning_up.html
Kids turn out to support missing kids

By the whooping of the hundreds of A.W. Becker kids lined up outside the school’s entrance Friday you would have thought Miley Cyrus was on the way.

But what had the kids cheering was the third annual Greater Capital District Ride for Missing Children bike caravan snaking southward down Rte. 9W and onto the school grounds.


Another rider sported a badge with the picture of Patrick Alford, a seven-year-old Brooklyn boy who went missing in January 2010.

Kids turn out to support missing kids

By the whooping of the hundreds of A.W. Becker kids lined up outside the school’s entrance Friday you would have thought Miley Cyrus was on the way.

But what had the kids cheering was the third annual Greater Capital District Ride for Missing Children bike caravan snaking southward down Rte. 9W and onto the school grounds.


Another rider sported a badge with the picture of Patrick Alford, a seven-year-old Brooklyn boy who went missing in January 2010.

Just wanted Patrick's LostNMissing poster to be in this thread.


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