NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 1

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I don't think it would be such a stretch for LE to check any and all video cameras in and around the train station, including the ATM and ticket machines.
If the way it went was that he left his wallet because he was in a rush and then they talked about it on the phone because he realized it was missing, then I would think she would have said, "He doesn't have ID on him because he was in a rush that morning and left his wallet in the garage."

The way she talked about the wallet, it sounded to me like she and he did not discuss it. I could be wrong but that's the feeling I get from the words she chose when explaining that he doesn't have his wallet.

You have me thinking.

Left in a rush in the morning, unshaven. Why?

Talked to IM when he got to work and the wallet is apparently not discussed. What was his state of mind that he either he did not even realize that his wallet was missing or, if he did know, he didn't mention it?

Concerning the leaving in a rush, not shaving : got up late.May have been out the night before ?

MOO : had a GF. Decided to leave his marriage. Met up with the GF.Is either staying with her, or they left together. jmo moo
Concerning the leaving in a rush, not shaving : got up late.May have been out the night before ?

That would explain his car being seen (pulling out of?) in the driveway at home on June 14 at 2:50 AM, if indeed it was AM and not PM (according to NAMUS).

MOO : had a GF. Decided to leave his marriage. Met up with the GF.Is either staying with her, or they left together. jmo moo

We can only hope. But if that's a feasible scenario, why are we looking in the woods?
Unless LE requested video in the early days, everything was probably taped over in the weeks since. But I am not sure they would do so right away; they did not know if they had a crime or not and still don't appear to think so.
I have also been fixated on that word denial ever since I heard the video and read her quoted as saying that. I also noticed the use of the past tense "Was" as in, Robert "was" a nice man, etc etc.

I was concerned about the use of the tense "Was".... anyone else?
I have also been fixated on that word denial ever since I heard the video and read her quoted as saying that. I also noticed the use of the past tense "Was" as in, Robert "was" a nice man, etc etc.

I was concerned about the use of the tense "Was".... anyone else?

Can you post a link to the video that you said has Ida referring to Robert in the past tense?
Yes, that was the video- she uses past tense, "was" and also says her daughter is in denial. I liked the post where another WS'er analyzed the use of the word denial- great post!
Train station...haven't there been some other missing cases involving adult males and train stations? I know there's one in Co (possible voluntary disappearance), but I thought I remembered hearing about another one(s). Just throwing this out there to mark this initial thought while I get caught up here. Just coming on board.
If the way it went was that he left his wallet because he was in a rush and then they talked about it on the phone because he realized it was missing, then I would think she would have said, "He doesn't have ID on him because he was in a rush that morning and left his wallet in the garage."

The way she talked about the wallet, it sounded to me like she and he did not discuss it. I could be wrong but that's the feeling I get from the words she chose when explaining that he doesn't have his wallet.

You have me thinking.

Left in a rush in the morning, unshaven. Why?

Talked to IM when he got to work and the wallet is apparently not discussed. What was his state of mind that he either he did not even realize that his wallet was missing or, if he did know, he didn't mention it?

What about this scenario:
What if they argued the night before. He left in the middle of the night (as some reports allege), came back later, and didn't get much sleep. Hence he was unshaven and in a rush, and forgot his wallet. Later in the morning she called him at work and they had another long conversation. He might not have realized that he forgot the wallet because he was tired, upset and preoccupied. Maybe that's when he decided he wouldn't go back, he would leave her. Maybe he even told his wife as much, which is why she talked about him in the past tense and said her daughter is in denial. The wife knows he won't come back to her, the daughter doesn't believe it yet.
Elainera now pretend the husband is the wife and vice versa in your scenario. Is the missing person missing by their own accord?

And again I ask, why are we searching in the woods?
Is everyone absolutely convinced that it is impossible that he ever made it back to the garage after work? Is there factual evidence that rules that possibility out? I am not ruling it out. Please help me if I've missed something that proves he couldn't have done so.
Elainera now pretend the husband is the wife and vice versa in your scenario. Is the missing person missing by their own accord?

And again I ask, why are we searching in the woods?

LE has said they see nothing criminal since the beginning.
I suspect they are not releasing details.
A few MSM articles and a small sampling of wife's perspective is all we have.

We know very little.

If he was a union electrician, I think he may have had to go to work at 6 AM or 7AM to put in his day and be expected home at 3PM.

Leaving his wallet in garage had me perplexed from the beginning. If his wallet made it out to garage as he was off to work, why didn't he just put it in his pocket? You need your license, cash, and cards. What if he needed gas or lunch etc? He could ask a work buddy I suppose.

Wife said, he never took the train, then flip flopped a bit.

One thing I've learned is we know very little about what really goes on behind closed doors, and others personal life.

I just don't know.

They are searching today, let me tell you it's hot as heck here today and I wish them well.
Unless RM is a pilot I don't think he left via plane at any of those airports unseen. Commercial jets are not taking off and landing there. We are talking small planes. He would have had to have rented a plane and hired a pilot.

I personally find it interesting these 3 airports keep no record of who comes and goes. Does that violate customs?

If some wanted to, with small planes coming in and out of the Hamptons/Montauk...... I think it would be easy to hire a charter flight.

I'm not saying that he did, but it is an interesting fact.

Very easy to take the train east in that direction.
I personally find it interesting these 3 airports keep no record of who comes and goes. Does that violate customs?

If some wanted to, with small planes coming in and out of the Hamptons/Montauk...... I think it would be easy to hire a charter flight.

I'm not saying that he did, but it is an interesting fact.

Very easy to take the train east in that direction.

Ronkonkoma branch goes to the north fork. Not that it makes anything impossible. Just inconvenient. Babylon branch goes to south fork (Hamptons/Montauk). Robert probably knows Babylon is a much busier station and is more likely to be seen though. They probably have surveillance cameras as well.
Ronkonkoma branch goes to the north fork. Not that it makes anything impossible. Just inconvenient. Babylon branch goes to south fork (Hamptons/Montauk). Robert probably knows Babylon is a much busier station and is more likely to be seen though. They probably have surveillance cameras as well.

So, different train line? I am not familiar with LIRR. TIA
We do not have any suspects or person's of interest named at this point. Until or unless someone is named as such we can not discuss anyone in this manner.

We can discuss what is known thru main stream media and law enforcement. Rumor is not allowed. You can speculate but only with the facts we know at this time.

What about this scenario:
What if they argued the night before. He left in the middle of the night (as some reports allege), came back later, and didn't get much sleep. Hence he was unshaven and in a rush, and forgot his wallet. Later in thew morning she called him at work and they had another long conversation. He might not have realized that he forgot the wallet because he was tired, upset and preoccupied. Maybe that's when he decided he wouldn't go back, he would leave her. Maybe he even told his wife as much, which is why she talked about him in the past tense and said her daughter is in denial. The wife knows he won't come back to her, the daughter doesn't believe it yet.

That's what I took it to mean also. The past tense is in regards to him living with them. moo
Thank you for the welcome.....I apologize in advance for this long post! I am very intrigued by this case and have been following closely.....let me try and speculate while staying within the rules of this forum….

Whether it’s just the stress on the family, or miscommunication, there seems to be too much conflicting information------was the car last seen at 2:45pm in the driveway as someone stated earlier? (to possibly leave/forget his wallet, grab a bag of CASH (possibly hidden in the garage?), and go back out to the train station for some reason? Was Ida Home during this time? Or was he last seen by co-workers around 12—12:30 and NEVER made it home? (which is what the initial report was).

He was due home at 3 pm according to the reports…and “he never made it home” She got worried about 5pm. To me that means she was home at around 3pm, so the report that his car is seen leaving the house at 2:45 doesn’t seem to hold water as she never mentioned him being home at that time. The initial report was, last seen by co-workers at 12-12:30, and her position is she last saw him in the early morning (unshaven).

The other problem I have is, we don’t know exactly what time the car made it to the train station. Deer Park is a heavily congested station, and parking is packed. Wouldn’t it be highly unlikely to get a spot so close to the ticket booth if he went before cars cleared out at the rush hour of 5-7pm? People are still at work, and there are MANY CARS there…what are the chances he pulled right in and got a great spot? Is this confirmed that the car was close to the ticket booth?

Maybe he didn’t go right to train station from the last ping on the cell phone of 2:45pm. The car was found the next day, so the car could have been dropped off any time that night, (lets say when it got dark, and the station was empty and better spots were available, after 8pm-ish into the early hours of the next morning). So at the very least, there is a huge time gap from 12:30pm of his co-workers last seeing him, to anytime that night when the car was dropped off.

Also, If she spoke with him AT work at 9am, and he was running late, what time does he normally start? 6am? 7am? 8am? They claim he forgot his wallet because he was running late for work….the ride to Brooklyn is a bit of a hike, lets say an hour one way.

If he was late for work, he was already there for 9am, -then while he was there they SPOKE for 45 minutes….that would put the time the call ended at 9:45…..co workers last saw him at 12:30----and he’s due home at 3pm? What are his normal hours that day? 8 or 9am—2pm ? (she said he was due home at 3pm---since he would need at least an hour to get home from Brooklyn, that means he gets off at 2pm). Day sounds short, and I am not even taking lunch into account….even for a union electrician? Unless his company is based in Brooklyn, but the jobsite this particular day was closer to home?

I DO NOT think this is some random act of violence. If he was suspect to foul play, this was definitely planned in advance. Many Long Island Towns have their own train station (Farmingdale, Massapequa, etc..). The perp(s) would have had to know that Dix Hills DOES NOT have its own station, residents use Deer Park. Why would the perp(s) go to Deer Park Train Station? If the phone pinged in Huntington and RM was kidnapped and in the car, the perp(s) would have looked for the fastest and closest way out not go way out of the way…Deer Park Station is NOT near Huntington.

The perp(s) could have gone to any of the other train stations and gotten away. But no, the car ended up neatly parked at Deer Park, the victim’s home town station.

Or-- RM was forced to drive there by the perp…. but why go all the way to Deer Park?

Or, the side I am leaning on, is the RM drove there himself….For what reason I don’t know. I figure to either sadly run away from his family, solicit drugs, or meet someone to pay a debt and ran into trouble of some sort. Maybe he stashed a bag of cash under the driver’s seat and pulled the seat up to retrieve it after he got out. Or, he simply disappeared on his own, vanished as per a plan he had, whether that meant to hop on a train and disappear, or leave his car there to throw every one off his trail.

Of course, the other possibility is he knew trouble was brewing, but maybe it wasn’t SO IMMINENT…so he leaves his wallet behind, either purposely or he was too consumed in thought and just forgot it, but went to work anyway hoping for the best, hoping for just another typical day. Then he gets the call from Ida at 9, they spoke for 45 minutes, which is a LONG time to speak WHILE you are at WORK in one conversation (what were they discussing for so much time?? If he was already running late for work, could he afford to kill another 45 minutes speaking to his wife if it wasn’t really important???)---something possibly set him off from this conversation—whether is was marital issues or money issues, -----he then contemplated what to do all day (from 12:30 to when the car was dropped off), perhaps drove around, somehow wasted the day away and finally figured his only way out of trouble to spare himself and/or his family was to disappear---ditch the cell phone somewhere, leave the car behind, hop on a train and vanish.

Do we know if the phone was found in the car? Was the car locked and alarmed? And the Keys are missing presumably?

The wallet being home is huge, which is another reason I believe he doesn’t want to be found. It’s just too coincidental to me that he happened to run into foul play on the same exact day he “forgot” his wallet at home.

Hopefully the best case for everyone is that he is alive and well, and just needed to escape for a while.

Sorry to be all over the place with my thoughts, this case is just extremely puzzling, and without more facts from the family it is extremely difficult to figure out.
Thank you for the welcome.....I apologize in advance for this long post! I am very intrigued by this case and have been following closely.....let me try and speculate while staying within the rules of this forum….

Whether it’s just the stress on the family, or miscommunication, there seems to be too much conflicting information------was the car last seen at 2:45pm in the driveway as someone stated earlier? (to possibly leave/forget his wallet, grab a bag of CASH (possibly hidden in the garage?), and go back out to the train station for some reason? Was Ida Home during this time? Or was he last seen by co-workers around 12—12:30 and NEVER made it home? (which is what the initial report was).

He was due home at 3 pm according to the reports…and “he never made it home” She got worried about 5pm. To me that means she was home at around 3pm, so the report that his car is seen leaving the house at 2:45 doesn’t seem to hold water as she never mentioned him being home at that time. The initial report was, last seen by co-workers at 12-12:30, and her position is she last saw him in the early morning (unshaven).

The other problem I have is, we don’t know exactly what time the car made it to the train station. Deer Park is a heavily congested station, and parking is packed. Wouldn’t it be highly unlikely to get a spot so close to the ticket booth if he went before cars cleared out at the rush hour of 5-7pm? People are still at work, and there are MANY CARS there…what are the chances he pulled right in and got a great spot? Is this confirmed that the car was close to the ticket booth?

Maybe he didn’t go right to train station from the last ping on the cell phone of 2:45pm. The car was found the next day, so the car could have been dropped off any time that night, (lets say when it got dark, and the station was empty and better spots were available, after 8pm-ish into the early hours of the next morning). So at the very least, there is a huge time gap from 12:30pm of his co-workers last seeing him, to anytime that night when the car was dropped off.

Also, If she spoke with him AT work at 9am, and he was running late, what time does he normally start? 6am? 7am? 8am? They claim he forgot his wallet because he was running late for work….the ride to Brooklyn is a bit of a hike, lets say an hour one way.

If he was late for work, he was already there for 9am, -then while he was there they SPOKE for 45 minutes….that would put the time the call ended at 9:45…..co workers last saw him at 12:30----and he’s due home at 3pm? What are his normal hours that day? 8 or 9am—2pm ? (she said he was due home at 3pm---since he would need at least an hour to get home from Brooklyn, that means he gets off at 2pm). Day sounds short, and I am not even taking lunch into account….even for a union electrician? Unless his company is based in Brooklyn, but the jobsite this particular day was closer to home?

I DO NOT think this is some random act of violence. If he was suspect to foul play, this was definitely planned in advance. Many Long Island Towns have their own train station (Farmingdale, Massapequa, etc..). The perp(s) would have had to know that Dix Hills DOES NOT have its own station, residents use Deer Park. Why would the perp(s) go to Deer Park Train Station? If the phone pinged in Huntington and RM was kidnapped and in the car, the perp(s) would have looked for the fastest and closest way out not go way out of the way…Deer Park Station is NOT near Huntington.

The perp(s) could have gone to any of the other train stations and gotten away. But no, the car ended up neatly parked at Deer Park, the victim’s home town station.

Or-- RM was forced to drive there by the perp…. but why go all the way to Deer Park?

Or, the side I am leaning on, is the RM drove there himself….For what reason I don’t know. I figure to either sadly run away from his family, solicit drugs, or meet someone to pay a debt and ran into trouble of some sort. Maybe he stashed a bag of cash under the driver’s seat and pulled the seat up to retrieve it after he got out. Or, he simply disappeared on his own, vanished as per a plan he had, whether that meant to hop on a train and disappear, or leave his car there to throw every one off his trail.

Of course, the other possibility is he knew trouble was brewing, but maybe it wasn’t SO IMMINENT…so he leaves his wallet behind, either purposely or he was too consumed in thought and just forgot it, but went to work anyway hoping for the best, hoping for just another typical day. Then he gets the call from Ida at 9, they spoke for 45 minutes, which is a LONG time to speak WHILE you are at WORK in one conversation (what were they discussing for so much time?? If he was already running late for work, could he afford to kill another 45 minutes speaking to his wife if it wasn’t really important???)---something possibly set him off from this conversation—whether is was marital issues or money issues, -----he then contemplated what to do all day (from 12:30 to when the car was dropped off), perhaps drove around, somehow wasted the day away and finally figured his only way out of trouble to spare himself and/or his family was to disappear---ditch the cell phone somewhere, leave the car behind, hop on a train and vanish.

Do we know if the phone was found in the car? Was the car locked and alarmed? And the Keys are missing presumably?

The wallet being home is huge, which is another reason I believe he doesn’t want to be found. It’s just too coincidental to me that he happened to run into foul play on the same exact day he “forgot” his wallet at home.

Hopefully the best case for everyone is that he is alive and well, and just needed to escape for a while.

Sorry to be all over the place with my thoughts, this case is just extremely puzzling, and without more facts from the family it is extremely difficult to figure out.

Thanks for a great first post. Well done. I will hold off on Bolding what I see relevent.

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