NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 4

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When did we get so obsessed with their being problems with the marriage and the extent of them? The "traditional" means of dealing with a troubled marriage is called "divorce", IIRC. (lol) While I do tend to believe he chose to escape rather than deal with the long term legalities, etc. of the alternative, or even that he intended just to runaway temporarily, I wonder why the rancor on WS?

I dont know, if at anytime it looked like someone even might be taking what I said personal, I have tried to make it clear that It was not by any means intended. I simply wanted it to be at least recognized that everything she (IM) says or does is not a conspiracy to mislead everyone....or at least that it is a possibility it is not a conspiracy, it is simply stress.

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I too just want a truce. I think frustrations run high because we dont have many facts, and we all want this man found, so sometimes we stretch things to "find" an explanation. It is only natural. We all care.

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I too just want a truce. I think frustrations run high because we dont have many facts, and we all want this man found, so sometimes we stretch things to "find" an explanation. It is only natural. We all care.

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Well said. Truce.

Now we are still all :banghead: :please: :scared: :waiting:
Wondering if the car has been released by LE yet. Not expecting any forensics to be revealed, but curious if its been released. This is one of the many things that have puzzled me.

Does anyone know the "standard" processing time for something like this? I do find it quite odd that it would take over 2 months. In my city it would be a matter of a week tops, however, I realize this is NY and there is a lot more activity than where I live..but IMO this seems like. A ridiculous amount of time even if backlogged. I mean a man's life could depend on it!

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Just wonderin', when was the last time any of you spoke on the phone for 45 minutes, (holding for outsourced customer service not counted)?

For me, it was when I was 12 years old. I know because my mother never let me forget it. That was back in the day when you were charged by the minute.

This biases me and I can't fathom a 45 minute call especially with a male. I do not know a man who would speak that long on a phone. (It was a gf I was talking to at 12).

But phone call and concrete facts about RM's happiness in the marriage aside, JMO but I think there is enough to substantiate that he took a hike and have been (alternately) saying that. Though in a more recent post I considered a random crime scenario.

Without a body, we may never know. I personally hope it wasn't suicide. That is just such a devastingly lonely way to end it.
my boyfriend likes to talk on the phone, and if I wasn't constantly insisting I HAD to go, or pretending to lose service, he'd keep me on the phone forever. (we live together, anything he says will be repeated once were home together). also, when I'm not the one stuck on the phone wih him, he does it to his friends. I've watched him get home from work and sit in his car outside for an hour or more talking on the phone. some people are talkers, I prefer texts.
Just wonderin', when was the last time any of you spoke on the phone for 45 minutes, (holding for outsourced customer service not counted)?

For me, it was when I was 12 years old. I know because my mother never let me forget it. That was back in the day when you were charged by the minute.

This biases me and I can't fathom a 45 minute call especially with a male. I do not know a man who would speak that long on a phone. (It was a gf I was talking to at 12).

But phone call and concrete facts about RM's happiness in the marriage aside, JMO but I think there is enough to substantiate that he took a hike and have been (alternately) saying that. Though in a more recent post I considered a random crime scenario.

Without a body, we may never know. I personally hope it wasn't suicide. That is just such a devastingly lonely way to end it.

Lol, I agree. I have never spent more than a couple of minutes on the phone (other than sitting on hold with customer service, and even then I usually hang up and try again later or ask them to call me when they have the answer) so I cannot imagine a man being on that long. Well, any normal emotionally healthy male...lol I did once have this man I dated, call me two and three times a day and just want to hang on the phone (Plus he would text inbetween calls!) Needless to say, after a couple days of this I made it very clear I was no longer interested.:screwy:

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If you go to board #1 and post #772 (not sure if I'm allowed to link there, so I won't), you'll find the post about the texts. It looks like it was a male RM was texting, according to our insider.
What happened to NYCY? I dont recall reading anything and eyes going blurry from searching, did he just stop posting? Or was anything said?

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If you go to board #1 and post #772 (not sure if I'm allowed to link there, so I won't), you'll find the post about the texts. It looks like it was a male RM was texting, according to our insider.

I always thought it was a male involved in the texting based on the wording. I went back and re-read all of those posts this morning just to see if I could tie anything together with most recent info. But, alas, I got nothin.
What happened to NYCY? I dont recall reading anything and eyes going blurry from searching, did he just stop posting? Or was anything said?

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NCNY. Go to thread 1, around page 30 I think. He just stopped posting after a few days.
What happened to NYCY? I dont recall reading anything and eyes going blurry from searching, did he just stop posting? Or was anything said?

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he just stopped posting, at least under the NYCY name, no one knows the exact reason he stopped but we do know it was completely on his end. (he no longer felt comfortable sharing, or family requested he stop).
Since I was the one who started this whole debacle earlier, about the original call being 45 minutes, maybe I should just rephrase things. My *impression* of the last call between RM/IM was so different from what I read in the last article, that I taken aback. I pictured them having a leisurely conversation, that covered at least three topics (what to make for the Father's Day get-together, the trip to Italy, and their son's upcoming concert). The call ended on a nice note. The phone call as described in the article just sounded...different. It may not have anything to do with the case whatsoever, other than the fact that what little details we've been given, have had us going in circles. :scared:

Once again, after looking (an embarrassingly long time), I could not find "45 minutes" mentioned by IM or msm. Sorry.


Angel629--- don't beat yourself up over it or think you are losing it--the facts are precious few that are being given and said facts have changed. Its frustrating. I remember about that 45 minute call also that covered many of the topics--it could have been from a print interview or a televised one.
I am definitely not an insider but when I first heard about Rob - I reached out to Ida with a PM. As a result (since I'm not tech savvy) a friend of mine set up the first FB page. IM stated that she had spoken to Rob for 45 minutes that morning. She didn't say who called whom? She said they discussed their trip to Italy, the concert that their son,Robbie, was going to play at the next day and their Father Day's celebration.....She did not say the call was dropped....... All this infor was on the first FB page that was later deleted by another person who then started the page that is now in existence........
NCNY. Go to thread 1, around page 30 I think. He just stopped posting after a few days.

Sorry, I have two left hands and unfortunately. My brain works faster than my hands :blushing:

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I am definitely not an insider but when I first heard about Rob - I reached out to Ida with a PM. As a result (since I'm not tech savvy) a friend of mine set up the first FB page. IM stated that she had spoken to Rob for 45 minutes that morning. She didn't say who called whom? She said they discussed their trip to Italy, the concert that their son,Robbie, was going to play at the next day and their Father Day's celebration.....She did not say the call was dropped....... All this infor was on the first FB page that was later deleted by another person who then started the page that is now in existence........

THANK YOU! I was following the first FB page. Remember going back to re-read something and it was gone. I remember thinking maybe he was found or called or something like that. Then the new FB was created. I'm glad you posted this. It is an important detail.
I am definitely not an insider but when I first heard about Rob - I reached out to Ida with a PM. As a result (since I'm not tech savvy) a friend of mine set up the first FB page. IM stated that she had spoken to Rob for 45 minutes that morning. She didn't say who called whom? She said they discussed their trip to Italy, the concert that their son,Robbie, was going to play at the next day and their Father Day's celebration.....She did not say the call was dropped....... All this infor was on the first FB page that was later deleted by another person who then started the page that is now in existence........

Knew we saw it somewhere! Thank you!
We're going to take Websleuths off line for about an 2 hours on the morning of Sunday, 18 August. We're going to fix the problem that causes the database errors that have been popping up.

Current schedule is to begin around 10:00 AM Eastern/7:00 AM Pacific time.

Thank you !​
Okay...I might be wrong... however, It appears to me as if initially IM was completely forthcoming in reporting what she remembered on the first page, and then someone else took control of things and she has been since told what to say and what to release to public. Now this is JMO after all I have seen and heard, I am not saying there is purposeful deception (although it has crossed my mind) but something is definitely going on and I am not liking what it appears to be..IMO

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Does anyone know the "standard" processing time for something like this? I do find it quite odd that it would take over 2 months. In my city it would be a matter of a week tops, however, I realize this is NY and there is a lot more activity than where I live..but IMO this seems like. A ridiculous amount of time even if backlogged. I mean a man's life could depend on it!

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Well I know another case where LE still has the vehicle after 3 years and no crime has been determined. It could be a matter of the rightful owner showing up to claim it. I just don't know.
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