NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 6

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Why didn't LE ask the man who works at Arrow who I recall said he was very composed, ask him if RM had ID??? That man obviously saw him and remembered him.
Or ask the person who made the transaction with RM?
Is it confirmed from Arrow that RM had no ID that day??

I would love to see the video of him, to see if he was wearing his ID around his neck.

I would love to know what was in his wallet. (now thinking about that commercial) :floorlaugh:

My DD threw out her washing machine and it was at the curb. Several minutes later her neighbor came to her door asking if it was OK to take it. I asked him the next day if he went to a scrap yard, he said yes. So I asked him-Did you have to show ID? He said, no...they know me there. :banghead:
My thought is Warwick is not far from Boston.

That's right.
I remember reading a young girl may have seen RM but it wasn't really taken too seriously because of her age.
Anything is possible now.
We have to wait and see if someone comes out with more clues better yet some real facts.
Welcome, Drib. I am not sure about which video you are referring to, but there have been several and one of the videos I have seen, I clearly see tears from IM in her eyes. I will try to find that video.....



At 20 seconds in the video, IM is crying and her eyes are welled up with tears, and the reporter mentions that she was fighting back the tears.

This is the one I was referring to. It was posted on here a day or so ago.

UOTE=MomWhoLovesDragons;9801351]Why didn't LE ask the man who works at Arrow who I recall said he was very composed, ask him if RM had ID??? That man obviously saw him and remembered him.
Or ask the person who made the transaction with RM?
Is it confirmed from Arrow that RM had no ID that day??

I would love to see the video of him, to see if he was wearing his ID around his neck.

I would love to know what was in his wallet. (now thinking about that commercial) :floorlaugh:

My DD threw out her washing machine and it was at the curb. Several minutes later her neighbor came to her door asking if it was OK to take it. I asked him the next day if he went to a scrap yard, he said yes. So I asked him-Did you have to show ID? He said, no...they know me there. :banghead:[/QUOTE]

We will never see that video. It's just so strange that now there is a video and RM is seen on it, confirming he was at ARROW.
Definitely, I would think if he is well known there he would walk in say hi how you doing, they look up his name and give a receipt.
I'm wondering if LE asked if RM had ID???
Did LE ask? That question will never be answered. It would explain the wallet mystery a bit.
Exactly!!! Why are we NOT hearing from anybody else???Why are reporters not zeroing in on co-workers, friends etc....why is LE have no pressers??? When Lacey Peterson went missing we heard from everybody...friends family you name it

IMO, it is common for the media not to indulge in most missing persons cases. Seems like most of the the time there is a interesting back story they are unaware exists in some of these cases. Yet, reporters pretty much just report. They don't dig. They ask simple questions, get it in an article or on the evening news and then that is it. This is not enough to catch people's attention. Often the story is forgotten.

Missing children get the most attention, because it scares the general public. The public wants answers, because they fear a monster is on the loose.

IMO, a missing middle age man doesn't capture most people's attention, as well as the media's, unless he is a public figure of some sort. They figure he left on his own, committed suicide, or he caused his own demise by being involved in something shady.

You know in some 33 years of marriage I never looked for wife's purse if she were late, thought just doesn't occur to me.
Exactly Steve. Of course not, because you'd assume the purse was WITH her, being that she's late + not home, right? Car not home, wife not home, no reason to look for her purse. Here I go wondering "why" again. Why would someone look for a wallet/purse so quickly when the other half is late, by 1 hour? :waitasec:
Hi all, I'm new here. Been following this case on and off and recently read the FAQ's and started wondering, googling and found you guys. My very first thought when I read about this was he abandoned his family, maybe committed suicide. What is so weird is the stop at home for 10 minutes. I can't help to think it is so odd to leave your wallet, cell phone and money in drawers in the garage. Also, since it took so long to find the stuff it seems it wasn't his normal spot for putting those things. It's clear that LE hasn't done much proactive investigating like of the home or interviewing people. Seems they are reacting to leads that come in based on the lack of evidence of foul play. It does surprise me that LE took a missing persons report so quickly, especially for an adult. Another thing I noticed was in the interview posted on the Patch website with the wife. She is crying but no tears are coming out. I do think the money was for his work and that is why he left it. I also think he left the phone because its a work phone. The wallet I'm not 100% on. Okay rambled on long enough for my first post...
Welcome DRIB!!!! good post! you pretty much on the same page as the rest of us :scared:
Yes. That's my point. He may have had it all day and left it at 2:45. That's how he got the scrap deal done. A week after going missing, Ida knew of the surveillance video. So how can anyone claim with certainty that he didn't have the wallet with him all day if the wallet was discovered at 4pm and there was knowledge that Rob's car was seen in the video at 2:45. If Ida gave that info the day he was reported missing, then yes, she did not know of the video and the possibility that Rob left it at 4pm. That's why I asked if the FAQ page still says, "he never had the wallet with him that day". It was never corrected after week one?
Why didn't LE ask the man who works at Arrow who I recall said he was very composed, ask him if RM had ID??? That man obviously saw him and remembered him.
Or ask the person who made the transaction with RM?
Is it confirmed from Arrow that RM had no ID that day??
Wouldn't the surveillance video from inside the scrap yard confirm whether or not he had his wallet at that time? Show him pulling it out for ID or tuck away the cash he got for the scrap? :twocents:
IIRC - Waaayy back someone commented, if you're a regular customer, they photocopy your ID to keep on file for future transactions. This of course would mean he didn't need ID on his person. Does anyone knows if that is accurate?
Wondering... what does that have to do with Warwick being close to Boston?
nice Clem--and I love the pic!!!

If RM didn't have his wallet--how could he have gotten the transaction done at Arrow??? He was know as someone who came in every so often (IIRC)--I'd think logically he would have been asked for ID and if he could not provide it, he was ID'd by another method.

Is it possible that once you are entered into Arrows computer, they scan your license in, and now you're on file in their system? So now every time you walk in there, you give them your name, the license pops up on their screen, they confirm its you from the pic, perhaps asking you to confirm your address or something, and then you're all set. Point being, you don't need the actual drivers license each and every time, especially if you are a "regular".

IM has some sort of receipt, since according to her once again, the $300 approximately matches the total from the scrap yard. So they have a record of the transaction in their system.
Exactly Steve. Of course not, because you'd assume the purse was WITH her, being that she's late + not home, right? Car not home, wife not home, no reason to look for her purse. Here I go wondering "why" again. Why would someone look for a wallet/purse so quickly when the other half is late, by 1 hour? :waitasec:

We don't know the circumstance behind her finding it. For all we know it was in a place where other things are kept and she just happened upon it. We don't really even know if it was found in a drawer in the garage, IMO.
My thought is Warwick is not far from Boston.

I'm very familiar with Warwick, RI. I grew up very close to there. Maybe RM lived there for a while or he had some financial connections (real estate? Secured some kind of loan--co-signer?). The people search engines are databases of public documents such as, mortgages, tax obligations, car loans, etc.

Warwick is fairly close to Boston (about an hour or more depending on traffic), but people there do not consider that they are in the Boston area at all. Chances are they rarely go there on a regular basis--if at all. Although, there is a new train stop in Warwick that goes directly to Boston. It is a commuter train, but supposedly it doesn't run that often. It mostly serves the airport in Warwick, which is Rhode Island's main airport (TF Green). Amtrak goes into Providence and I believe stops in the town of South Kingstown, RI too. The stop in Providence is the same stop for the commuter train to Warwick. RM could have taken Amtrak and then jumped on a commuter train to Warwick. The commuter train is the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority). MA and RI got together to extend the routes to help the region. Buses from NYC are available too.

Just info I know about the area . .
Is it possible that once you are entered into Arrows computer, they scan your license in, and now you're on file in their system? So now every time you walk in there, you give them your name, the license pops up on their screen, they confirm its you from the pic, perhaps asking you to confirm your address or something, and then you're all set. Point being, you don't need the actual drivers license each and every time, especially if you are a "regular".

IM has some sort of receipt, since according to her once again, the $300 approximately matches the total from the scrap yard. So they have a record of the transaction in their system.

It was said by an arrow customer on "another" site that arrow scans ID into their computer so you dont need to provide ID each time...especially if youre a regular.
Welcome DRIB!!!! good post! you pretty much on the same page as the rest of us :scared:

Thanks Clever! Couple of other questions and observations I had.

-Does Ida work? If not, how do they afford to live in DH?

-I saw something mentioned regarding someone having a record? RM or IM? What was the crime/issue?

-For the 10 minutes RM was home, was any of his belongings taken? Did he go there with the sole purpose of leaving his cell phone, scrap money and wallet?

-If they spoke in the morning wouldn't RM mentioned leaving his wallet behind if in fact he did?

I just feel if there was some random crime RM was a victim of we would know by now or a body would have been found. That is why I lean more to left on his own then suicide. Foul play is a real stretch at this point.
IMO, it is common for the media not to indulge in most missing persons cases. Seems like most of the the time there is a interesting back story they are unaware exists in some of these cases. Yet, reporters pretty much just report. They don't dig. They ask simple questions, get it in an article or on the evening news and then that is it. This is not enough to catch people's attention. Often the story is forgotten.

Missing children get the most attention, because it scares the general public. The public wants answers, because they fear a monster is on the loose.

IMO, a missing middle age man doesn't capture most people's attention, as well as the media's, unless he is a public figure of some sort. They figure he left on his own, committed suicide, or he caused his own demise by being involved in something shady.
BBM - Same choices we are left with. I still don't think he left on his own free will. What little we know leads me to believe that is the least likely option, though it would have the best outcome. If we knew more (or anything) about his mood, actions + interactions in the days, weeks, months leading up to this, I believe the picture would be much clearer. As in whether he was spiraling down the rabbit hole to suicidal tendencies or whether he was getting nervous / paranoid about something shady. OTOH it might not show 1 indication of anything. JMO
I meant that maybe LE formed an impression of why he may have left, but not actual evidence of such. As in someone telling LE about some personal issue or depression etc.

If LE really does not believe a crime occurred, though, it is hard to know if they have a reason, or just the "no evidence of a crime" which kind of equals "no evidence a person is dead" kind of thing that LE just says sometimes. JMO

I see . . after LE interviewed a few co-workers, family, friends, etc., they could have seen a possibility something else happened (suicide, ran off) rather than RM being a victim of a crime. I agree, this is a big possibility why LE thinks a crime wasn't committed at this stage of the investigation.
So what it RM is alive and well hiding out for whatever reason in the Boston Area? Maybe he left work early to, pick up his sister for whatever reason. Maybe his sister is with him waiting in the car at the scrap yard. (seat pulled up) .....she drives him home so he can quickly hop out and leave his personal belongings (again for whatever reason). She now drives him to the train station in his car, they both hop on the train and head there?

His sister was at the search, right? Does she reside on LI or in Warwick?
I see . . after LE interviewed a few co-workers, family, friends, etc., they could have seen a possibility something else happened (suicide, ran off) rather than RM being a victim of a crime. I agree, this is a big possibility why LE thinks a crime wasn't committed at this stage of the investigation.

I keep coming back to this. If they suspected a crime, IM would not be complaining about the lack of communication with LE. They would be in her face.
So what it RM is alive and well hiding out for whatever reason in the Boston Area? Maybe he left work early to, pick up his sister for whatever reason. Maybe his sister is with him waiting in the car at the scrap yard. (seat pulled up) she drives him to the train station in his car, they both hop on the train and head there?

His sister was at the search, right? Does she reside on LI or in Warwick?

His sister was at searches. She lives on long island.
I see . . after LE interviewed a few co-workers, family, friends, etc., they could have seen a possibility something else happened (suicide, ran off) rather than RM being a victim of a crime. I agree, this is a big possibility why LE thinks a crime wasn't committed at this stage of the investigation.

Do we know for sure that LE did indeed interview people?
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