NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 6

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SERIOUSLY???? :shakehead: :no: :no: :no:
So you are thinking he went to Italy a month before the rest of them? He left the picture perfect family, went on vacation without them, and hasn't contacted them in over 2 months? I am sure he would have at least called them or his other family members when they didn't arrive at the airport in Rome, don't ya think?? :needdrink:

"Picture perfect"---- that jumped out at me Jerry--thinking of that picture frame.

I think he may be in touch with family members---just shutting IM out:twocents:
Seems staged to me too. Don't understand why he would bother to go to the scrap yard, if he was just going to take off without the money. Something seems amiss, unless the info we are getting is flawed.


The more I think of the trip to Arrrow--the more strongly I feel that that was money to be divvied out from the job. Just finishing up the day's work so to speak
Imagine the zero interest and lack of "support system" if we weren't thrown a bone every now and then. :snooty:

funny how that is happening right???? An article-well blogicle here a "sighting" there.....................................
Refresh my memory, since it's late and I don't want to go back over our million threads here. Who's house was IM at that day? Her parents or his parents?

she was at her parents home---the one on LI--IIRC not far from IM and RM
The idea that Rob left the $300 in the garage to be divided up amongst the boys at work doesn't fly with me. Do we really think that in those 10 minutes in the garage as he's turning off the phone, leaving the wallet and contemplating leaving FOREVER he says to himself, "oh crap, I forgot to leave the $300 for the boys at work. Ida will probably know to bring the money to the job site and dole it out?" I find this highly unlikely.
I wonder if the silence (lack of documented statements) is in any way telling? Was there something (a family secret) that was/is known -but for reasons of privacy has not been openly discussed - at least not in any public domain.?

So many of the known details just keep tangling up like noodles. Though we have a wide span of suggested theories (from mob to ambush to someone else) it just seems to be more of a planned decision (maybe or maybe with assistance). I could very well be wrong. Soooooo, :fence:

The problem is that many of the details are given with an interpretative spin instead of as straight facts.

For example, for "he left his wallet in the morning", we haven't been provided with the basis for the "in the morning" interpretation (such as, he mentioned it in the AM phone call, he had to get a temporary ID at the job site that morning, etc.). We don't know if "in the morning" is true or not without knowing the evidence that suggests it.

Why does this matter? Because the wallet being put there in the afternoon (as opposed to the morning) could be part of a collection of evidence that indicates it was RM who drove the car to the house that afternoon and not a bad guy.
Way back I remember "he never had his wallet with him that day". Is that still on the FAQ page? How could "someone" make that claim if the wallet was "supposedly" discovered at 4pm after Rob was only about an hour late?

nice Clem--and I love the pic!!!

If RM didn't have his wallet--how could he have gotten the transaction done at Arrow??? He was know as someone who came in every so often (IIRC)--I'd think logically he would have been asked for ID and if he could not provide it, he was ID'd by another method.
Any follow up to mention of Warwick RI that was touched on in the last thread?

Wedding ring: I noticed in one vacation photo, RM is clearly wearing his wedding ring.

Namus site says RM's fingerprints on file. That may very well be from a gun permit. Fingerprints are required.

I am leaning towards the theory that much was staged.
The idea that Rob left the $300 in the garage to be divided up amongst the boys at work doesn't fly with me. Do we really think that in those 10 minutes in the garage as he's turning off the phone, leaving the wallet and contemplating leaving FOREVER he says to himself, "oh crap, I forgot to leave the $300 for the boys at work. Ida will probably know to bring the money to the job site a dole it out?" I find this highly unlikely.

No but how about the possibility that he changed his clothes and took those items out of his pockets out of habit? The fliers have said that he may be wearing work boots or sneakers. Does this mean both are missing?

Again I am sounding like a broken record but were the personal effects found in their usual places?
One angle might be:
RM felt bad about the scrap. What if scrap was illegal and he was doing it for the extra $$$. What if he just didn't want to do any more because his conscience was getting to him?

What if he left the $300 as a message;
"Here's your @#!%&*@ scrap $$$ I'm done. I'm outta here!"
And then he left.

The other angle is someone else staged the whole thing.
nice Clem--and I love the pic!!!

If RM didn't have his wallet--how could he have gotten the transaction done at Arrow??? He was know as someone who came in every so often (IIRC)--I'd think logically he would have been asked for ID and if he could not provide it, he was ID'd by another method.

Yes. That's my point. He may have had it all day and left it at 2:45. That's how he got the scrap deal done. A week after going missing, Ida knew of the surveillance video. So how can anyone claim with certainty that he didn't have the wallet with him all day if the wallet was discovered at 4pm and there was knowledge that Rob's car was seen in the video at 2:45. If Ida gave that info the day he was reported missing, then yes, she did not know of the video and the possibility that Rob left it at 4pm. That's why I asked if the FAQ page still says, "he never had the wallet with him that day". It was never corrected after week one?
One angle might be:
RM felt bad about the scrap. What if scrap was illegal and he was doing it for the extra $$$. What if he just didn't want to do any more because his conscience was getting to him?

What if he left the $300 as a message;
"Here's your @#!%&*@ scrap $$$ I'm done. I'm outta here!"
And then he left.

The other angle is someone else staged the whole thing.


I believe there are way too many inconsistancies and coincidences with
This case. The changing of "facts" and timeline are troubling, only to be compounded by the silence from LE/family/friends/coworkers AND the single source of info. IMO.
I was thinking about how the trip to Italy doesn't seem to have been planned very far in advance. A trip like that, IMO, is usually planned several months in advance, not just one month.

Did RM have take those days off from work?

I'm wondering if RM was going through some sort of emotional crisis and this trip was IM's attempt to get the family together and lift his spirits.

I just can't get her pleas to him out of my head.
Yes. That's my point. He may have had it all day and left it at 2:45. That's how he got the scrap deal done. A week after going missing, Ida knew of the surveillance video. So how can anyone claim with certainty that he didn't have the wallet with him all day if the wallet was discovered at 4pm and there was knowledge that Rob's car was seen in the video at 2:45. If Ida gave that info the day he was reported missing, then yes, she did not know of the video and the possibility that Rob left it at 4pm. That's why I asked if the FAQ page still says, "he never had the wallet with him that day". It was never corrected after week one?

Why didn't LE ask the man who works at Arrow who I recall said he was very composed, ask him if RM had ID??? That man obviously saw him and remembered him.
Or ask the person who made the transaction with RM?
Is it confirmed from Arrow that RM had no ID that day??

I believe there are way too many inconsistancies and coincidences with
This case. The changing of "facts" and timeline are troubling, only to be compounded by the silence from LE/family/friends/coworkers AND the single source of info. IMO.

Timing is everything.
Hi all, I'm new here. Been following this case on and off and recently read the FAQ's and started wondering, googling and found you guys. My very first thought when I read about this was he abandoned his family, maybe committed suicide. What is so weird is the stop at home for 10 minutes. I can't help to think it is so odd to leave your wallet, cell phone and money in drawers in the garage. Also, since it took so long to find the stuff it seems it wasn't his normal spot for putting those things. It's clear that LE hasn't done much proactive investigating like of the home or interviewing people. Seems they are reacting to leads that come in based on the lack of evidence of foul play. It does surprise me that LE took a missing persons report so quickly, especially for an adult. Another thing I noticed was in the interview posted on the Patch website with the wife. She is crying but no tears are coming out. I do think the money was for his work and that is why he left it. I also think he left the phone because its a work phone. The wallet I'm not 100% on. Okay rambled on long enough for my first post...
According to HIPAA, your husband would have had to have filled out (many) forms giving you permission (living will, so to say) to be his proxy in the event that he was unable to make health decisions for himself.

Thats why i think that if RM checked himself in for any treatment, he is covered by HIPAA.

I definitely agree with that.
But...I was thinking more like IM does some sleuthing herself.
Scenario: IM calls RM insurance co his health ins. Has someone say they are him and give all information that's required IM has his info I'm sure. I know this is probably illegal to do but really now, if a family member goes missing you do what you need to do and try to find out if that person was hurt. You call hospitals and get no answers due to laws. Honestly I don't know what's true and false now but something is wrong here. So as soon as IM has permission to talk to the health ins person she can 'fib' and say my husbands card is missing and it may be possible someone used it, can you tell me the last date that it was used.
I'm just saying that in a crisis like this you would do anything to find a loved one and calling health ins isn't really a major crime. A person is missing here, at least have peace of mind he isn't in a hospital. Maybe IM already did this??

Other scenario: RM is there of his own free will and gave his health ins some kind of security password in case someone calls.

I just wouldn't know what to do at this point. I'm sorry if I offended anyone by this post. I don't mean to suggest doing something illegal. I just want to know that this man is ok and safe.
Hi all, I'm new here. Been following this case on and off and recently read the FAQ's and started wondering, googling and found you guys. My very first thought when I read about this was he abandoned his family, maybe committed suicide. What is so weird is the stop at home for 10 minutes. I can't help to think it is so odd to leave your wallet, cell phone and money in drawers in the garage. Also, since it took so long to find the stuff it seems it wasn't his normal spot for putting those things. It's clear that LE hasn't done much proactive investigating like of the home or interviewing people. Seems they are reacting to leads that come in based on the lack of evidence of foul play. It does surprise me that LE took a missing persons report so quickly, especially for an adult. Another thing I noticed was in the interview posted on the Patch website with the wife. She is crying but no tears are coming out. I do think the money was for his work and that is why he left it. I also think he left the phone because its a work phone. The wallet I'm not 100% on. Okay rambled on long enough for my first post...

Welcome, Drib. I am not sure about which video you are referring to, but there have been several and one of the videos I have seen, I clearly see tears from IM in her eyes. I will try to find that video.....



At 20 seconds in the video, IM is crying and her eyes are welled up with tears, and the reporter mentions that she was fighting back the tears.
My thought is Warwick is not far from Boston.

And that Posting on a missing persons FB page by the young girl from Boston who stated she may have seen him on the train, appears to have been basically ignored or dismissed. Or silenced. Very peculiar. :waitasec:
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