NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 9

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The house is worth alot more now than when first purchased--she is unemployed--and sell it --cash enough to buy something outright-and put $$ aside for kids.
People can lose their minds when it comes to money---I know of a young boy that inherited $50, 000 from his father's life insurance policy. A few of his uncles lined up to take him in--------just b/c they thought they would get some of that money.

I have a feeling that house was totally remodeled (inside too). Possibly, the previous owners did some work, but it looks very Italian in contrast to the other homes (IM's influence and taste?). Possibly, the facade was changed too, by the Mayers. The original value of the home was probably a lot less, because there has been major renovations since. Although, the back and forth of selling the home within the family circle was probably ways to get cash out of the house. In my experience, refinancing, adding or subtracting a spouse to or from the deed only requires a one dollar sale for the books—not the entire value of the house. JMO
(HINT TO LE - If you release a comment about looking at a particular site for a body, watch all of your suspects and see if one runs off to check a remote site)

They also tend not to carry a body very far off an access road or trail.

If this was mob related, we should be looking in the South Jersey Pine Barrens or in a concrete mixer.

I like your ideas, Tracker.
shutting it off because it was the end of the work week doesn't make sense to me since IM said he used it for work and personal use and no other phone. IMO

Was it possible he was getting calls and voice mails from someone (IM?) and didn't want to take those calls, so he finally chose to shut the phone off?
shutting it off because it was the end of the work week doesn't make sense to me since IM said he used it for work and personal use and no other phone. IMO
Possibly -
1) No need for work use on the wkend.
2) Landline, doesn't need it unless he leaves the house.
3) He detests the annoying thing so he tucks it away until he "has" to have it at work + so his family can reach him if need be when away from home.
4) He had no plans to go anywhere further than the yard for the weekend. You know if he was a homebody who rarely went out. ;)

Many think it needed to be on a charger. If one doesn't use the phone very much it doesn't need to charge as often.
Possibly -
1) Charged it in the car on the way home. Battery full.
2) Would charge it on the way out next time.
3) It had plenty of battery left because he hadn't used it since 9am.
4) He didn't give a fig because he wasn't going to use it + shut it off.
IF we can take the description of him into account (paraphrased) of 'not being techie', then maybe he didn't use it much or hardly at all + only had it because work required it Mon-Fri. I know plenty of people who most days wish the cell phone had never been invented + plenty who have them permanently attached to their texting digits. :phone:
Possibly -
1) No need for work use on the wkend.
2) Landline, doesn't need it unless he leaves the house.
3) He detests the annoying thing so he tucks it away until he "has" to have it at work + so his family can reach him if need be when away from home.
4) He had no plans to go anywhere further than the yard for the weekend. You know if he was a homebody who rarely went out. ;)

Many think it needed to be on a charger. If one doesn't use the phone very much it doesn't need to charge as often.
Possibly -
1) Charged it in the car on the way home. Battery full.
2) Would charge it on the way out next time.
3) It had plenty of battery left because he hadn't used it since 9am.
4) He didn't give a fig because he wasn't going to use it + shut it off.
IF we can take the description of him into account (paraphrased) of 'not being techie', then maybe he didn't use it much or hardly at all + only had it because work required it Mon-Fri. I know plenty of people who most days wish the cell phone had never been invented + plenty who have them permanently attached to their texting digits. :phone:

I do not know one person that could live without their Cell Phone! lol true!
Many of my friends and neighbors have gotten rid of their landlines
My cell phone is my lifeline to my family!
Running late
car trouble!
My kids don't even know our landline number and I don't either!
Thankfully my experience is that 98% of those who attempt to dispose of a body tend to be stupid, inept or both. Thrown in a ditch, shallow grave that gets dug up by wildlife or wrapped in a rug/blanket/sheet and dumped in the open. On rare occasions, they might leave some markers if they want to revisit the site from time to time to see if it was disturbed.

(HINT TO LE - If you release a comment about looking at a particular site for a body, watch all of your suspects and see if one runs off to check a remote site)

They also tend not to carry a body very far off an access road or trail.

If this was mob related, we should be looking in the South Jersey Pine Barrens or in a concrete mixer.

Actually, Farmingdale area has been targeted by LE and many areas were dug up in the recent years in search of missing mobsters. And it is VERY close to West Babylon scrap yard. Just sayin...
Actually, Farmingdale area has been targeted by LE and many areas were dug up in the recent years in search of missing monsters. And it is VERY close to West Babylon scrap yard. Just sayin...
Jerry516, the area you speak of is literally diagonally across from my warehouse. I have driven the area regularly for the past 3 months looking for any sign of LE, or anything that looks slightly out of the norm. S far, absolutely NOTHING. When they were "digging" a few years back, we couldn't get near our back building entrance with all the LE and equipment.
At any rate the cell phone has been found. What has NOT been found or appears to be missing?
Robert Mayer

Ray Ban Sunglasses
Black Workboots
White Sneakers
Gray Polo shirt with "JG Electrical" inscribed
Light Blue Jeans
Gold Wedding Band

Baseball Cap

Green Mountain Bike
The above article mentions the car being found without a club on it. I have never seen clearly that it was located. It may be missing. It may have been located. I still don't know. Just sayin'. :p
So if he is lured away why leave the wallet and phone behind? Did he know he was going to die? Is there a note? Not sure we have all the facts here. Big chunks are missing in this case.
What ever happened to the HBO guy? He just disappeared too. Very strange.
i think the wife knows something and is hiding important details or LE has advised her not to say anything as they may have a lead and want to throw people off.:seeya:

That is how predators get kids - they tell them a parent is in danger. He would run out without thinking if he thought one of his kids was in danger and time was of the essence. It would work to get my attention. I worry about my kids all day. It would be an effective way to get his attention.
Possibly -
1) No need for work use on the wkend.
2) Landline, doesn't need it unless he leaves the house.
3) He detests the annoying thing so he tucks it away until he "has" to have it at work + so his family can reach him if need be when away from home.
4) He had no plans to go anywhere further than the yard for the weekend. You know if he was a homebody who rarely went out. ;)

Many think it needed to be on a charger. If one doesn't use the phone very much it doesn't need to charge as often.
Possibly -
1) Charged it in the car on the way home. Battery full.
2) Would charge it on the way out next time.
3) It had plenty of battery left because he hadn't used it since 9am.
4) He didn't give a fig because he wasn't going to use it + shut it off.
IF we can take the description of him into account (paraphrased) of 'not being techie', then maybe he didn't use it much or hardly at all + only had it because work required it Mon-Fri. I know plenty of people who most days wish the cell phone had never been invented + plenty who have them permanently attached to their texting digits. :phone:

We know he was a TEXTER because he was texting someone to communicate with them behind his wife's back. The verified insider NCNY confirmed this.
IIRC there was a statement from his job as to his hours. (cite anyone?) Have we been able to figure out his timeline TO work? IM has stated (and contridicted) that he left at 4:30 and was running late. He was usually home at 3. I am trying to figure out what his work hours would have to be if he was usually home at 3. Something is not adding up for me unless I am looking at it wrong. Can someone clarify?
You quoted this from the article......

"Shepherd is the only missing person Suffolk police alerted the media to in recent memory who wasn’t over the age of 64."

But if you look at when the article was posted, it was May 1, 2013, which was about a month and a half Before Robert Mayer went missing.
Maybe I am misunderstanding why you posted that quote?



"As the manhunt for the Boston bombing suspects showed last month, if law enforcement focuses all of its resources on finding someone, it’s only a matter of time." This is a good point in the article.
Please tell me about the HBO guy. I missed this one - not aware of anything regarding this HBO guy.
Interested in what blackout tells you...OC?

They have narrowed the field to one or two scenarios and are running down evidence to support one of them. Releasing information could cause individuals to go to ground/endanger the investigation/endanger the family. If they had hard evidence that RM had left the area, I doubt they would keep that from IM or have kept the public in the dark.
They have narrowed the field to one or two scenarios and are running down evidence to support one of them. Releasing information could cause individuals to go to ground/endanger the investigation/endanger the family. If they had hard evidence that RM had left the area, I doubt they would keep that from IM or have kept the public in the dark.

His family could be protecting him, knowing that he wanted out and was safe may be enough for them. They can endanger themselves and him by speaking out.
We know he was a TEXTER because he was texting someone to communicate with them behind his wife's back. The verified insider NCNY confirmed this.
We have no idea how many texts were exchanged or how frequently or if he texted anyone else or how frequently he did that. JMO
ETA - IIRC We were told there was no usage of his phone after the 9am phone call with IM on June 14th.
I am confused. Going back to thread number 1, post 786 from July 12, 2013 ,
NCNY states:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - #1

Originally Posted by ElizaAvalon
"Oh and did he pull the car into the garage when he got home? And if not did the neighbor's camera see him put anything in the back seat?"

"no, the camera shot shows the vehicle on the road, its clearly his car and they only checked that camera because they know rob tended to drive down their block on his way back from work... there is no shot of the car pulling in to the driveway or of him getting out..."

So, did the information change again?

On the NamUS site is states under circumstances:

"Last seen going out of driveway with red 2004 pontiac gto. Car was found Saturday June 15 at Deer Park Train Station. He has no identification, no wallet.."


If it was a hit, maybe he was lured away from the house quickly on false pretenses. It seems too staged that he was the only one at that house on Friday afternoon, and nobody, I mean NOBODY, not even a neighbor, saw him. In those well-to-do houses over in Dix Hills, I am more than positive that there were neighbors or kids home, especially since school was not in full session yet.

I see people mentioning the car being found in. "His space". From what I read earlier on he did not take the train anywhere. He didn't trust the security of that station in particular and he always had used "the club" to secure his older and prized car. I don't i know where in the site I read it but it wasn't stated as speculator, though of course we can't be sure it's a fact. His bike was missing. Did he take his ID with him in his pocket when he left the garage maybe with his bike behind the seat to take a ride from somewhere else? That would explain why the seat was forward. Also I read here that his so. Might have been off school that day, and if not he would have been out of school by then anyways. Was his son home? With the Mom?
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