NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #1

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Here he is back then:

The disappearance of the businessman was initially handled as a missing person case. Then a detective noticed specks of blood near a cellar door and a fisherman found a human torso in the Niagara River.It was 1997.....

“You can never have enough security with him,” said Gabriel DiBernardo, a retired captain with the North Tonawanda “You can never trust him. You can never turn your back on him.”

........ said. “I’ve seen him inflict wounds on himself, cut himself; break his collarbone and not seek any treatment. He’s just totally, totally fearless, and doesn’t respond to pain.”

full article at:


At some point, Matt opened the car trunk and broke Rickerson’s neck, then dumped his body on Tonawanda Island, returning later to dismember him and throw the body parts into the river, where his torso and legs were found.

On June 15, 1986, Matt was in the middle of a one-year term for third-degree assault when he took advantage of a guard’s mistake that opened the electronic lock of his cell door. Matt left his cell and scaled a 9-foot brick and metal wall topped with razor wire and an 8-foot-tall wire gate, cutting himself severely in the process.


After his release, Matt was accused of raping a woman in Buffalo in 1989 and, in 1991, stabbing a Buffalo nurse who was the mother of his baby, according to records.

Matt was in the Erie County Holding Center awaiting trial on the rape charge when he became embroiled in a bizarre murder-for-hire case.


full article at:
Anyone have a link to Matt and Sweat being housed in the 'Honor Block'? Besides an unnamed source? Was it Cuomo? DOC? LE?
That's what I was thinking.Got scared and checked into hospital? Weird. JM

If all of this is true, maybe she realized once she drove them away her usefulness was done maybe kill her. Idk what her defense is going to be but she needs to be held accountable for any involvement she had in this plan. Prosecutors should not go soft on her. Jmo

From your link , informing article:

Matt, according to his son, seemed doomed from the start to be on the wrong side of the law......

“He was left as an infant in a car. Everybody is born innocent, but he was raised around crime. Then he went into foster care,” Harris said.


In the City of Tonawanda, where Matt and his older brother, Robert, ended up being raised in foster care, a resident on the block where they lived also said that Matt&#8217;s father was often in trouble with the law and that was why the boys ended up in foster care placement.


&#8220;He makes an impression that lingers with you,&#8221; said Harris, who is on a leave of absence from college to care for his mother. &#8220;My father has always wanted to have a relationship with me.&#8221;


Harris said that although he wrote a letter to his father after their only visit, he decided that a relationship was not for him.

&#8220;I was raised by a stepfather,&#8221; he said. &#8220;I was mature enough at that age to know I already had a father figure. I decided a relationship would not be healthy.&#8221;


And while he doubts his father would surrender, Harris said, &#8220;I&#8217;m hoping for the best outcome for everyone involved.......................

.his earlier trial:

Matt&#8217;s trial for the December 1997 robbery, kidnapping, murder and dismemberment of North Tonawanda businessman William Rickerson has seen some of the most extensive security precautions in recent memory at the Niagara County courthouse.

Among the most potent devices at the disposal of the deputies and corrections officers guarding Matt is a high tech device no one even sees. Every day that Matt is in court he wears a special Taser belt or sleeve under his street clothes.

&#8220;The defendant wears either a belt or a sleeve on his leg and electrodes are attached to his skin,&#8221; Beilein said. &#8220;The public, the jury, can&#8217;t see it, (because) there are always issues about if (a juror) sees a defendant in handcuffs or shackles, they might assume guilt.&#8221;


full article at:
Good to see you here CARIIS.
Thanks for posting these links!

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Joyce Mitchell's son was just on CNN defending his mother. Says she went to hospital with chest pains.
Also, LE are concerned that the fugitives may have or may try to cross over into Canada.
Daily Mail:

Married female prison worker CONFESSES that she was set to drive getaway vehicle for Shawshank escapees but changed her mind while source claims she supplied men with tools used to break free

Clinton Correctional Facility prisoner supervisor Joyce Mitchell confessed that she was set to drive getaway vehicle for escaped prisoners

David Sweat and Richard Matt were part of a cell block where well-behaved inmates sometimes worked alongside private contractors like plumbers

Mitchell's cell phone was used to make calls to several people close to Matt

Mitchell reportedly checked into hospital was 'a case of nerves' after escape was discovered

The two escapees reportedly worked in Mitchell's tailor workshop sewing uniforms for Metro-North rail workers

A retired police detective who once jailed Matt said that he is 'very well endowed' and 'gets girlfriends any place he goes'

A source also claims that she supplied the men with the tools they used to break free from the prison

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...calls-people-close-one-men.html#ixzz3cdAFlRbZ
.his earlier trial:

.his earlier trial:

Matt&#8217;s trial for the December 1997 robbery, kidnapping, murder and dismemberment of North Tonawanda businessman William Rickerson has seen some of the most extensive security precautions in recent memory at the Niagara County courthouse.

Among the most potent devices at the disposal of the deputies and corrections officers guarding Matt is a high tech device no one even sees. Every day that Matt is in court he wears a special Taser belt or sleeve under his street clothes.

&#8220;The defendant wears either a belt or a sleeve on his leg and electrodes are attached to his skin,&#8221; Beilein said. &#8220;The public, the jury, can&#8217;t see it, (because) there are always issues about if (a juror) sees a defendant in handcuffs or shackles, they might assume guilt.&#8221;


full article at:

BBM Well, he sounds like an ideal candidate for the prison's "Honor Block" now doesn't he?
Joyce Mitchell's son was just on CNN defending his mother. Says she went to hospital with chest pains.

That is still a symptom of anxiety. :twocents:

Here's the video segment from tonight's broadcast of NBC Nightly News, containing the interview with Mrs. Mitchell's son (discussing her trip to the ER for a panic attack/chest pain):

Prison Worker's Son Says Mom Wouldn't Help Escaped Killers - NBC News -

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I wonder if he has ASKED his mother if she helped them?
I wouldn't be out defending anyone until I had asked them if the allegations were true. :twocents:
Was the 'source' DOC and/or LE?

I dare say no.

What do you think happened to them? Where do you think they are and who do you think is responsible for their disappearance?
The Daily Mail article is quite the read - salacious headline aside. Thank you Blondie in Spokane for posting the link. It's a must-read (lots of info on the back story and multiple embedded videos).


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That is still a symptom of anxiety. :twocents:

I wonder if he has ASKED his mother if she helped them?
I wouldn't be out defending anyone until I had asked them if the allegations were true. :twocents:

ITA MsF. He made a point of saying there's been a rush to judgment and the truth would come out soon (paraphrasing) in the NBCNN interview (I just watched it again on DVR).

It's not easy for me to reconcile that with the MSM quote that she's been "somewhat cooperative."

That's his mom. He's supposed to have her back. :cow: AFAIK, she's been questioned, but IDK what her current status is. Has she been released? Is she still in custody (being questioned)? Has she lawyered up? :dunno: So far, she's the only CCF employee implicated. Further, no one else has been mentioned as a POI (inside or outside prison walls). That's very telling.

Unless or until that changes, her son is in a most unenviable position. JMO.

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