NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #4

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DNA from one of the two men was found at a cabin which had been broken into near the town of Saranac, according to WCAX-TV, and The Albany Times-Union reported that one of the men was believed to have broken into a home in Owls Head - close to Mountain View.


Sweat's DNA was in the cabin. Don't know if there's any DNA inside the home that was broken into, or whether that breakin was positively tied to these guys as well.

It does look like they have broken up which some expected.

Both sightings could still be true if Matt hooked up with another person somehow.

If Matt hopped any type of train I have always wondered how its done because I have seen freight trains go by and they usually go by pretty fast. It seems too fast to jump on board a moving train?

Maybe they go to a sharp curve in the tracks where the train has to go real slow?
Great link, thanks for that! Peanut butter is also a staple in most cabins and all flood/emergency weather kits. When our electricity goes out from storms/ice/floods/whatever, we're stuck with peanut butter and water often enough! And bread if we're lucky. Peanut butter from a spoon is still ridiculously nutritious when the alternative is wild strawberries though. JMO. Bet they're sick of peanut butter either way.

Ha! That reminds me of the winter before last when ice storm knocked out our electric for entire day. We had peanut butter but no bread! We were in process of buying a house, and I made sure it had a gas stove and gas fireplace -- no fun having no heat or cook source when it's 0 degrees.
It does look like they have broken up which some expected.

Both sightings could still be true if Matt hooked up with another person somehow.

If Matt hopped any type of train I have always wondered how its done because I have seen freight trains go by and they usually go by pretty fast. It seems too fast to jump on board a moving train?

Maybe they go to a sharp curve in the tracks where the train has to go real slow?

Trains start and stop SOMEWHERE and you can hop on at those points or sometimes grab one that's moving if you're at one of the areas where trains pull over to let another one pass in the opposite direction.

This is WONDERFUL reading IMO. http://www.buildering.net/freight - the guy writes about his journey riding the rails which he does regularly and I guess a whole network of people do for fun.

ETA - from that link - "A siding is a section of double track. Almost all of Canada is single track, and since trains are heading both directions, there needs to be periodic sections of double track to allow trains to pull over and let others pass."
I know, right? I was just thinking about what Dog the Bounty Hunter said .. something like "this is a high IQ escape executed with men who don't seem like they have very high IQs" and that they'll slip up, it's just a matter of time. Not sure exactly the quote but that was what I took from it anyway and seemed to be the gist of it. (I realize that interviews iwth people who've known Matt throughout his life says he is in fact in possession of a high IQ and did well in school etc, but IMO spending most of your adult life locked up like an animal in a cage will limit how far your IQ can take you. JMO)

I keep remembering this episode I watched on TV a few years ago -- it was a show about prison breaks, and I think this one was in Florida, but can't quite remember. Anyway, the criminal figured out an ingenious plan for breaking out of the prison, and he had been courting this foolish, lonely middle aged woman on the outside, and gotten her to pick him up (I think he told her he was completing his sentence and was being released). It apparently dawned on her when she came to pick him up that climbing out a window of the prison isn't the usual way to be released from prison, so then she got scared. She did drive him down the road a bit and left him at a hotel and then went home. And he STAYED at that hotel -- trying to round up some other buddy to come get him. Meanwhile she went home, and within a few hours, LE was at her house, and she told them everything, and they went down to the hotel and arrested him. So...he was brilliant enough to plan the escape, but stupidly didn't have a Plan B in place for once he got out, and didn't even have enough sense to leave the hotel.
Ha! That reminds me of the winter before last when ice storm knocked out our electric for entire day. We had peanut butter but no bread! We were in process of buying a house, and I made sure it had a gas stove and gas fireplace -- no fun having no heat or cook source when it's 0 degrees.

I was out of electric power for 5 days once and the gas grill came in real handy for food preparation.

We boiled water on the gas grill and had coffee, tea, oatmeal, canned beans, canned vegetables, canned soup, rice, and even grilled some pork chops after meat started thawing.

The gas grill was the go to device for cooking since we had electric stove.

For extra heat in the house , we burned wood in the fireplace and put blankets up in the doorways to block off the living room and we slept in the warm living room.

LED flashlights came in real handy and battery radios we had.
"Acting Franklin County District Attorney Glenn MacNeill told WPTZ-TV Sunday that a person had been seen fleeing from a hunting camp in the area. Much of the county is within the Adirondack Park."


"The Adirondack Park is a publicly protected, area in northeastern Upstate New York, United States. It corresponds to the area of the Adirondack Mountains. It is the largest park and the largest state-level protected area in the Contiguous United States, and the largest National Historic Landmark. The park covers some 6.1 million acres (2.5×106 ha), a land area roughly the size of Vermont and greater than the areas of the National Parks of Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Glacier, and Great Smoky Mountains combined."

OT but I don't get why they named it after a fish and then sell chicken. That's weird. Sole is fish, right?

ETA - never mind you mean it's the only restaurant in town. How do you know the menu, are you in the restaurant right now? Is your ATV out front so you can go get 'em? Or do you have a link instead?

Never mind I found the link myself via google. Gotta love google for finding things quickly and easily that you have questions about, right?


Still O/T though IMO unless for some reason you think one or both convicts are there.

ETA they have a live webcam that unfortunately has been turned off since 6/17. http://www.trailsidemtnview.com/snocam.html

The town we go to in the Adirondack Park every year also has a few public webcams turned on all the t ime. There's an interesting avenue I hadn't thought to look up.

whoa Mary who knew you were such a sleuth? <modsnip> Turns out this is in Mountain View on route 27 right exactly where they're searching and the page even has a link for cabins they rent out (all of which have directv and flatscreens). This is a handy resource for anyone wanting to hang out in that area. Interesting. they even have a forum for people wanting to get/share info about the area. http://www.trailsidemtnview.com/design/index.php
Taking a guess based on the latest news.

I think Matt is separated from Sweat for many days now. I think Matt knew Sweat was slowing him down and more risky to have both together so they agreed to split up and Matt took off.

I think Sweat decided to stay holed up generally close to the prison location while Matt was more adventurous and has made his way further South or Southwest.

1 mile feels like a long ways when you are on foot in the woods. So Sweat probably thought he was like 100 miles away when really he was still quite close.

JMO of course.
I keep remembering this episode I watched on TV a few years ago -- it was a show about prison breaks, and I think this one was in Florida, but can't quite remember. Anyway, the criminal figured out an ingenious plan for breaking out of the prison, and he had been courting this foolish, lonely middle aged woman on the outside, and gotten her to pick him up (I think he told her he was completing his sentence and was being released). It apparently dawned on her when she came to pick him up that climbing out a window of the prison isn't the usual way to be released from prison, so then she got scared. She did drive him down the road a bit and left him at a hotel and then went home. And he STAYED at that hotel -- trying to round up some other buddy to come get him. Meanwhile she went home, and within a few hours, LE was at her house, and she told them everything, and they went down to the hotel and arrested him. So...he was brilliant enough to plan the escape, but stupidly didn't have a Plan B in place for once he got out, and didn't even have enough sense to leave the hotel.

BBM - Thinking about the situation here, and I confess I don't know how long each of these guys have been incarcerated, but in a situation where a long time confined person is suddenly set free I would expect quite a bit of adjustment to take place. I guess I shouldn't be surprised they haven't traveled far. They didn't have their lifeline (Tillie) and the area was covered with LE for weeks.
Owl's Head, NY is where the hunting cabin is located - this is Franklin County, NY - is anyone manning the basement thread, anyone know?

I wouldn't be surprised if Sweat's bad back made it so he couldn't hop a moving train and Matt said "see ya!" and left him behind and took off back to the Buffalo area like usual.

Via Binghamton, perhaps, leaving that smiley face to let Sweat know he made it that far?
"Cops were swarming a camp near Mountain View in nearby Franklin County, where a water jug and a jar of peanut butter were discovered on a table Saturday, the Press-Republican newspaper of Plattsburgh reported.

Law enforcement officials confirmed to The Buffalo News that two men matching the description of the escapees were near the prison. The source also cited “forensic evidence” that Sweat had been in the area of the sighting.

The Albany Times-Union reported the evidence showed that one of the prisoners broke into a house in Owls Head, Franklin County."

Via Binghamton, perhaps, leaving that smiley face to let Sweat know he made it that far?

That makes good sense IMO considering the handwriting of the graffiti was clearly NOT Sweat's and the park was located minutes from the train yard in Binghamton where he'd have had to switch from a n/s line to an e/w one. IMO
Seems to me that Palmer either paid for the painting,or was being paid back for favors. Either way, he knew better....or should have. JMO

Do we have any sort of explanation yet on why he hasn't been to work since the escape?
Initially, I believed Matt would have revenge on his mind. Retalliation against his brother or ex gf...guess his freedom (some freedom...) means more to him?

As for Sweat...I hope his back pain is hindering his escape and he is caught today!
It wouldn't surprise me if Matt abandoned Sweat early on. Sweat has a bad back and would be a good diversion for Matt. plus Matt still has a lot of friends and support on the outside who would help him, whereas Sweat's family/friends want nothing to do with him.

I think Matt's family members, former girlfriend, etc. are quivering in fear that he WILL show up and either want to "borrow" another vehicle or something, OR paybacks for testifying against him at trial.

I'm not so sure that Sweat's family and friends really want nothing to do with him. His Mom said that, but then again, she had been regularly exchanging letters with him, several times a month, until he mysteriously stopped writing about 2 months ago. His sister had also apparently been keeping in touch.
BBM - Thinking about the situation here, and I confess I don't know how long each of these guys have been incarcerated, but in a situation where a long time confined person is suddenly set free I would expect quite a bit of adjustment to take place. I guess I shouldn't be surprised they haven't traveled far. They didn't have their lifeline (Tillie) and the area was covered with LE for weeks.

Yeah, time was on their side and so long as they found an isolated cabin with stocked canned goods it would be safer to just stay put and hide out rather than trampling around to maybe get spotted.

I was thinking cabin or house for a long time now since its about the only thing they could do unless they can catch a ride out of there. It seems once Tilly gave them the shaft they got stuck in the mountains and had to find place to break into for food and shelter.

It seems maybe Matt decided to take off while Sweat may have stayed put in the general area.

I wont be surprised if Matt is not too far either from there.

LE will no doubt make a more careful door to door search now and there could be some danger soon. This is where it gets dangerous and I hope nobody ends up hurt.
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