NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #6

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I agree about Palmer. Someone who posts quite a bit on this thread...not enough sleep to remember who it is, sorry...has a quote that says, "when someone shows who they are, remember it..or take note". Something like that. Well, Palmer showed who he was when he first started to lie to the police. A liar and opportunist. Jmo

Btw...if you want the link that says he first starting lying when interviewed, I'll need more sleep. Hoping today is the day that Matt and Sweat go down!

At first I did not think being lazy (xray meat) was not a felony, a write up maybe. But as more about this pr*ck comes out one can kinda see how all three of em could become friends...............
Hm. Interesting idea, though I am not sure how well they work

That is very interesting, cause one would think canines would have a feild day from the DNA find, no?
Maybe the poop. Hopefully they have stomach issues from being forced to drink unclean water.

I live in a very shallow valley that has hills around it. We call it mountains, but truly tbey are hills. I have a cheap cellphone, but not as cheap as a burner phone. I cannot get cell service at my home. And in order to have internet, I have to use my landline., i am nowhere as remote as this area.

I highly doubt they have internet access nor do I think they have cellphones that work.

But let us say that I am wrong. Can't LE get a court order to monitor the cell phone traffic to see if the criminals are on phones? Or is this not possible because of the change in the authority to monitor cell traffic?

What does a GPS need to work? Can that kind of signal be monitored?

Doesn't GPS operate off satellites?
How the heck are they traveling at night? Do they have night vision goggles? This terrain is difficult enough during the day, I can't imagine they are using flashlights. They must have GPS, IMO.
Is 'prosecuting a target' some sort of higher-up-police-lingo-slang? Or did this guy simply misspeak (from nerves???) and meant to say 'PURSUING AS A TARGET' ??:thinking:

The second and third definitions of "prosecute" fit the situation:

2. to follow up or carry forward something undertaken or begun, usually to its completion:
to prosecute a war.

3. to carry on or practice.

You know what just struck me? With July 4th coming, I would not go to my cabin, when two killers are running amuck, there are roadblocks everywhere, long lines of LE at grocery store etc, people walking around with machine guns, endless walkie talkie chat, I would assume sirens at times, wonderful doggies barking, cops crawling all over my property, day or night, helicoptors buzzing around.

Just does not sound like a "relaxing" cabin visit IMO! NOt two mention two killers who are dirty and hungry

I would pass on going to my cabin if it was in that area. My point is (!) LE is counting on July 4 holiday to fill up area - it shall be interesting to see if it actually does the opposite where people pass on July 4 at their cabin in "the jungle"!

How many of you would go to your cabin?
Geez...I googled "how to hide your scent from dogs" and plenty of info came up. I am not going to post links but if you are interested, just google. Perhaps these 2 have also googled that info.
I know at out cottage in Northern Ont. (Matt and Sweat please dont go there) satellite tv works just fine. Cell not so much. Sometimes if not too much cloud cover I can walk out to the end of the dock away from all the tree cover and get service. Which is why we have a land line in case of an Emergency. If these guys are nervy enough to pop out in an open field in the night they may have service.
I think LE discovered illness in the poop and know that it is only a matter of time before they are down fir the count. They need water and I am not sure hiw much clean water they can get.


Disease and Transmission Microbial Agent Sources of Agent in Water Supply General Symptoms
Amoebiasis (hand-to-mouth) Protozoan (Entamoeba histolytica) (Cyst-like appearance) Sewage, non-treated drinking water, flies in water supply Abdominal discomfort, fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, bloating, fever
Cryptosporidiosis (oral) Protozoan (Cryptosporidium parvum) Collects on water filters and membranes that cannot be disinfected, animal manure, seasonal runoff of water. Flu-like symptoms, watery diarrhea, loss of appetite, substantial loss of weight, bloating, increased gas, nausea
Cyclosporiasis Protozoan parasite (Cyclospora cayetanensis) Sewage, non-treated drinking water cramps, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, fever, and fatigue
Giardiasis (fecal-oral) (hand-to-mouth) Protozoan (Giardia lamblia) Most common intestinal parasite Untreated water, poor disinfection, pipe breaks, leaks, groundwater contamination, campgrounds where humans and wildlife use same source of water. Beavers and muskrats create ponds that act as reservoirs for Giardia. Diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, bloating, and flatulence
Microsporidiosis Protozoan phylum (Microsporidia), but closely related to fungi Encephalitozoon intestinalis has been detected in groundwater, the origin of drinking water [6] Diarrhea and wasting in immunocompromised individuals..
Parasitic infectionsEdit

Disease and species Microbial Agent Sources of Agent in Water Supply General Symptoms
Schistosomiasis (immersion) Members of the genus Schistosoma Fresh water contaminated with certain types of snails that carry schistosomes Blood in urine (depending on the type of infection), rash or itchy skin. Fever, chills, cough and muscle aches
Dracunculiasis (Guinea Worm Disease) Dracunculus medinensis Stagnant water containing larvae, generally in parasitised Copepoda Allergic reaction, urticaria rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, asthmatic attack.
Taeniasis Tapeworms of the genus Taenia Drinking water contaminated with eggs Intestinal disturbances, neurologic manifestations, loss of weight, cysticercosis
Fasciolopsiasis Fasciolopsis buski Drinking water contaminated with encysted metacercaria GIT disturbance, diarrhea, liver enlargement, cholangitis, cholecystitis, obstructive jaundice.
Hymenolepiasis (Dwarf Tapeworm Infection) Hymenolepis nana Drinking water contaminated with eggs Abdominal pain, severe weight loss, itching around the anus, nervous manifestation
Echinococcosis (Hydatid disease) Echinococcus granulosus Drinking water contaminated with feces (usually canid) containing eggs Liver enlargement, hydatid cysts press on bile duct and blood vessels; if cysts rupture they can cause anaphylactic shock
coenurosis multiceps multiceps contaminated drinking water with eggs increases intracranial tension
Ascariasis Ascaris lumbricoides Drinking water contaminated with feces (usually canid) containing eggs Mostly, disease is asymptomatic or accompanied by inflammation, fever, and diarrhea. Severe cases involve Löffler's syndrome in lungs, nausea, vomiting, malnutrition, and underdevelopment.
Enterobiasis Enterobius vermicularis Drinking water contaminated with eggs Peri-anal itch, nervous irritability, hyperactivity and insomnia
Bacterial infectionsEdit

Disease and Transmission Microbial Agent Sources of Agent in Water Supply General Symptoms
Botulism Clostridium botulinum Bacteria can enter an open wound from contaminated water sources. Can enter the gastrointestinal tract through consumption of contaminated drinking water or (more commonly) food Dry mouth, blurred and/or double vision, difficulty swallowing, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, slurred speech, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. Death is usually caused by respiratory failure.
Campylobacteriosis Most commonly caused by Campylobacter jejuni Drinking water contaminated with feces Produces dysentery like symptoms along with a high fever. Usually lasts 2–10 days.
Cholera Spread by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae Drinking water contaminated with the bacterium In severe forms it is known to be one of the most rapidly fatal illnesses known. Symptoms include very watery diarrhea, nausea, cramps, nosebleed, rapid pulse, vomiting, and hypovolemic shock (in severe cases), at which point death can occur in 12–18 hours.
E. coli Infection Certain strains of Escherichia coli (commonly E. coli) Water contaminated with the bacteria Mostly diarrhea. Can cause death in immunocompromised individuals, the very young, and the elderly due to dehydration from prolonged illness.
M. marinum infection Mycobacterium marinum Naturally occurs in water, most cases from exposure in swimming pools or more frequently aquariums; rare infection since it mostly infects immunocompromised individuals Symptoms include lesions typically located on the elbows, knees, and feet (from swimming pools) or lesions on the hands (aquariums). Lesions may be painless or painful.
Dysentery Caused by a number of species in the genera Shigella and Salmonella with the most common being Shigella dysenteriae Water contaminated with the bacterium Frequent passage of feces with blood and/or mucus and in some cases vomiting of blood.
Legionellosis (two distinct forms: Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever) Caused by bacteria belonging to genus Legionella (90% of cases caused by Legionella pneumophila) Contaminated water: the organism thrives in warm aquatic environments. Pontiac fever produces milder symptoms resembling acute influenza without pneumonia. Legionnaires' disease has severe symptoms such as fever, chills, pneumonia (with cough that sometimes produces sputum), ataxia, anorexia, muscle aches, malaise and occasionally diarrhea and vomiting
Leptospirosis Caused by bacterium of genus Leptospira Water contaminated by the animal urine carrying the bacteria Begins with flu-like symptoms then resolves. The second phase then occurs involving meningitis, liver damage (causes jaundice), and renal failure
Otitis Externa (swimmer's ear) Caused by a number of bacterial and fungal species. Swimming in water contaminated by the responsible pathogens Ear canal swells, causing pain and tenderness to the touch
Salmonellosis Caused by many bacteria of genus Salmonella Drinking water contaminated with the bacteria. More common as a food borne illness. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and abdominal cramps
Typhoid fever Salmonella typhi Ingestion of water contaminated with feces of an infected person Characterized by sustained fever up to 40 °C (104 °F), profuse sweating; diarrhea may occur. Symptoms progress to delirium, and the spleen and liver enlarge if untreated. In this case it can last up to four weeks and cause death. Some people with typhoid fever develop a rash called "rose spots", small red spots on the abdomen and chest.
Vibrio Illness Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio alginolyticus, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus Can enter wounds from contaminated water. Also got by drinking contaminated water or eating undercooked oysters. Symptoms include Abdominal tenderness, Agitation, Bloody stools, Chills, Confusion, Difficulty paying attention (attention deficit), Delirium, Fluctuating mood, Hallucination, Nosebleeds, Severe fatigue, slow, sluggish, lethargic feeling, weakness.
Viral infectionsEdit

Disease and Transmission Viral Agent Sources of Agent in Water Supply General Symptoms
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) Coronavirus Manifests itself in improperly treated water Symptoms include fever, myalgia, lethargy, gastrointestinal symptoms, cough, and sore throat
Hepatitis A Hepatitis A virus (HAV) Can manifest itself in water (and food) Symptoms are only acute (no chronic stage to the virus) and include Fatigue, fever, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, itching, jaundice and depression.
Poliomyelitis (Polio) Poliovirus Enters water through the feces of infected individuals 90-95% of patients show no symptoms, 4-8% have minor symptoms (comparatively) with delirium, headache, fever, and occasional seizures, and spastic paralysis, 1% have symptoms of non-paralytic aseptic meningitis. The rest have serious symptoms resulting in paralysis or death
Polyomavirus infection Two of Polyomavirus: JC virus and BK virus Very widespread, can manifest itself in water, ~80% of the population has antibodies to Polyomavirus BK virus produces a mild respiratory infection and can infect the kidneys of immunosuppressed transplant patients. JC virus infects the respiratory system, kidneys or can cause progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in the brain (which is fatal).
Algal InfectionsEdit

Disease and Transmission Microbial Agent Sources of Agent in Water Supply General Symptoms
Desmodesmus Infection desmodesmus armatus Naturally occurs in water. Can enter open wounds. Similar to fungal infection.
How the heck are they traveling at night? Do they have night vision goggles? This terrain is difficult enough during the day, I can't imagine they are using flashlights. They must have GPS, IMO.

If someone (Tillie?) gave them a burner phone, there's GPS apps they could use to guide them. Not sure how good their data service would be up in the woods though.
Speaking of scents... After trudging through woods for three weeks without bathing, can you imagine the foulness of the odor these two must be emanating?
I also have been wondering about cell phone boosters. At my family's camp in the ADK (way west of search area) we never had cell reception unless you stood on 1 foot on 1 square foot of the upper porch whilst simultaneously saying a verizon chant...then my uncle got a cell booster and poof! Cell service! I don't know how it works or if it can be tracked but I do know, they work.
Thx verbonica -- makes sense cop'per would choose such a word (with its intonations of 'attack' LOL).

Anyhow, I am GUESSING, from the press'er, and from the posts here, that one of the 2 dropped a cell phone!! and so cop'pers got gps info' off it, and that's how cop'pers know those 2 are headed to Canada - 'following the North Star', aha !!!

Hmmmm - about that travelling at night.......... hmmmmm - it would seem to me that area is super duper dark, so it's not making sense to me how they could get anywhere except wind up with bumped heads and poked eyes and tripping, etc. ?????

COULD SOMEONE HERE KINDLY CREATE & POST A TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP, WITH DATES/TIMES, of Monroe, Owls Head, Subway dumpster located next door to the 'Palmer Art Gallery', Sewer Lid Cover/Tillie Rendevouz site ?? Am I missing anything, or are these all the CONFIRMED sites for 1 or the both of those 2 ? I'd like to be able to get the 'big pic' of what we know now. tyia

A note: It sure made zero sense to me in that press conference: I thought I heard that cop say that they are tracking those 2's 'every move' through night, and day ?????????? Didn't I hear that right? Cannot be true cuz' if so, this all shoulda been over a whole long time ago ?!
You know what just struck me? With July 4th coming, I would not go to my cabin, when two killers are running amuck, there are roadblocks everywhere, long lines of LE at grocery store etc, people walking around with machine guns, endless walkie talkie chat, I would assume sirens at times, wonderful doggies barking, cops crawling all over my property, day or night, helicoptors buzzing around.

Just does not sound like a "relaxing" cabin visit IMO! NOt two mention two killers who are dirty and hungry

I would pass on going to my cabin if it was in that area. My point is (!) LE is counting on July 4 holiday to fill up area - it shall be interesting to see if it actually does the opposite where people pass on July 4 at their cabin in "the jungle"!

How many of you would go to your cabin?

Not me for sure. It was unnerving enough after (former) Col. Williams was caught and we are not near Tweed. He freaked me out. Vaycay spots should be for fun and relaxation. Hope folks can soon get their lives back they deserve.
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