OCSO Claims No New Charges On The Horizon

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God, I hope you are right!! I was so happy last week when they said charges would be forthcoming (did I dream that?) & then to read these new claims from OCSO, it just blindsided me.

I just listened to a recent Sheriff Beary interview in which he discusses the magnitude of this investigation...time consuming. ... 85 witnesses so far according to the report...

I took it as more explaining delay with the public so antsy and not in any way shape or form throwing in the towel.

I call it his "It's not Walker Texas Ranger Interview"...just cuz he said that.

I truly belief this Sheriff was calming our concerns and letting us know they have to get it right the first time!!!!....as he said, I believe.
I posted this in july:

12.6 gallon road trip
http://www.automotive.com/1998/09/po...ire/index.html the Car the poi was driving was a 98 Pontiac Sunfire. The above link demonstrates that for this particular car, the miles per gallon is 24 miles per gallon in the city and 34 miles per gallon on the highway.

June gas prices in Orlando florida were an average of 3.95. Grandpa stated around fifty dollars of gas were stolen 24 June. Not knowing when he filled those cans I will estimate at the June average price... which means there were arounnd 12.6 gallons of gas.

She now has 12.6 gallons of gas in her pontiac sunfire. We know her car, when abandoned at amscott, was out of gas. 12.6 gallons of gas in a sunfire will go 302.4 miles. That would be 151.2 miles each way. So what locations can be around 150 miles from Orlando? Where could the poi have went on a 150 mile road trip... could she have dumped the body at this time?

They say her pings show that she never left orlando, so who knows.
I just listened to a recent Sheriff Beary interview in which he discusses the magnitude of this investigation...time consuming. ... 85 witnesses so far according to the report...

I took it as more explaining delay with the public so antsy and not in any way shape or form throwing in the towel.

I call it his "It's not Walker Texas Ranger Interview"...just cuz he said that.

I truly belief this Sheriff was calming our concerns and letting us know they have to get it right the first time!!!!....as he said, I believe.

I don't know. Sheriff Beary is like my hero, I count on him to give me the truth, the facts, not change what we were told last week. Ever since he told CA he was not going to be apolgozing, I have had huge respect for him. I expect him to be on the people's side and not be putting out lies or inuendos to pacify the public.

I want to hear, People Casey is going down, we are looking here for Caylee's body, we got her, don't worry folks. Not we can't prove it was Casey who put Caylee dead in the trunk.

Very very disheartened, and they will NEVER find Caylee. I think they have all they will ever have, and they think it is not enough.
Respectuflly, Seranade, Neither LE or the DA or the States Attorney has said they are NOT going to try Casey. They just have not arrested her YET on any type of homicide charge. I did not read Sheriff Beary's statement as saying they won't charge her, he is saying its a long, difficult road.

Of course we all have our opinions and we won't know who is right or wrong until the case comes up for trial. Even then, whether Casey is convicted or not, there will always be differences of opinion on this case. It's going to be an interesting ride, one way or another!

Well, it certainly is an interesting, polarizing, and controversial case that is for sure.

But, if they plan to charge her with homicide anytime in the future, the first thing they need to do is turn the case over to the Homicide Squad.
If LE comes out saying they DO have more than enough to charge her, the public will become angry if they don't go get her in a day or two. They have to say things like this everyone.

Think of the absolute mountain of circumstantial evidence they DO have and they (the prosecution) is taking their time in order to make certain Baez will not be able to punch holes in their case. If they act too quickly, they could wreck it all. I have no doubt whatsoever that charges are coming. It maybe 2 or 5 months away but they are coming! They are putting all their ducks in a row.

Everyone keeps saying 'if they had evidence she'd be charged by now'. Really? Why? You don't think the prosecution wants all the answers possible first (ie: dna tests, etc) before having to hand it all over to Baez to rip apart. Clock starts ticking once the charges are laid. I don't buy that argument at all that 'she would be charged already'. Makes no sense to me. They have a very strong circumstantial case and they are working it all through. Can you imagine how angry the public would be IF they acted too quickly and Baez found a loop hole in their evidence?

(Bolded by me) WELL SPOKEN!!! :clap:
Sorry if this has been posted but does anyone remember Sheriff Beary saying that this case would be wrapped up before he left office? He made that statement when ambushed by the press.
I've spent 14 years working in prisons, some in FL, and if I've learned one thing it's when Beary speaks people listen.
Well, it certainly is an interesting, polarizing, and controversial case that is for sure.

But, if they plan to charge her with homicide anytime in the future, the first thing they need to do is turn the case over to the Homicide Squad.

IIRC, Homicide agents became involved some time ago.
It's a bit dissapointing. At least she has the other charges on her that give them plenty of time.
But, if they plan to charge her with homicide anytime in the future, the first thing they need to do is turn the case over to the Homicide Squad.

If you read the PDF interviews, you can see that the interviews were conducted by the Homicide squad. For example Amy H.'s interview was conducted by Detective Dorothy Riveria - Homicide and Corporal Eric Edwards- Homicide. This interview was conducted July 23rd. So I completely believe that Homicide has had this case for quite some time now.

Another interview done on the 30th of July was conducted by Corp. Eric Edwards - homicide unit and Mike Erickson - homicide unit.
If they so desparately need a body to pin this on her then why hasn't OCSO asked TES to come back and search. Surely the water has receded and areas can now be searched that couldn't weeks ago.
Reference the Kevin Beary statement earlier today.

Something that was added by the newscaster that I found odd is that LE does not have the one piece of forensics evidence that ties the decomposition in the car to Caylee in a positive manner. This means that even though they found decomp in the car, the body farm confirmed decomp smell in the car, and they found hair in the car with the "death ring" around the folicle, they can't tie it all together and prove that the hair is Caylee's. This to me, is very disturbing. Why on earth can't they prove the hair is Caylee's through DNA? Something very "hinky" is going on with the DNA then in that family. If they can't definatevely prove that the hair strand is Caylee's, there HAS TO BE a DNA anomoly going on there, and I would like for a DNA expert to explain to us what that anomoly is and what causes it.

Something else my husband mentioned while we were watching NG last night. The body farm also has some type of equipment (soil content reader) that allows them to detect death in soil samples, based on the amount of flouride that is found in soil that surrounds a dead person (buried or just placed on the ground). When the normal person drinks water and brushes their teeth, a certain amount of flouride is retained in the body. When the body dies, the flouride is released along with other body fluids. This has been proven through decomp tests that have been performed through the years at the body farm. THAT SAID, and I know this is a long shot, but couldn't the body farm work with LE to identify where the cell phone pings where, and then do soil samples in the same areas where the cell phone pings were, to essentially direct them to a dead body? My husband compared it to Geophysics people looking for gold in the ground - you test the ground and mark the areas where you find gold flakes, and then once you have the areas marked, you look at your "marked map" to see where the flakes lead you to the source of the gold (he studied geophysics in college).
That has bothered me also, just why wasn't that car impounded it is EVIDENCE and a key piece at that. It boggles my mind that it was left in garage.

The car was impounded within 24 hours (per the CA interview) and is still in possession of LE. At the time CA made the call to LE on July 15th, this was a missing persons case, not a homicide case. A better question to me is why the A's felt that it was okay to mess with the car - wash the pants, clean the trunk, etc., if they felt that the car smelled like 'death'? Not making any accusations, but that stinks of a cover-up to me.

But, being lost is not how Caylee died. She did not die, if my instincts (and the apparent evidence) are correct, as a result of KC neglectfully "losing" her". Instead, she died because "mom" killed her. Those are two different things. KC was neglectful in not reporting the disappearance for 31 days (or ever) and in lying to LE about leads that could help find the child. Caylee did not die as a result of that neglect (or, in other words, as a result of her mom failing to report her missing or because mom lied about where she was or the "leads" she had). Caylee was dead before she went "missing". Thus, per the news report you quoted, double jeopardy would NOT attach.

Gitana - respectfully, I never said that is how Caylee died. I only said that I contacted my lawyer friend to confirm. I know the difference between neglect and murder - just hoping that there isn't a loop hole for the "mom" to get out of this on. Crazier things have happened!

For one, I don't understand how a real Mom could 'lose' her child. Much less go about her life as if nothing happened for 31 days before someone else made the phone call to LE to report Caylee missing. :bang: IMO only the neglect case is a 'slam dunk'. I will have to wait to see/hear more evidence before the muder case is a 'slam dunk' although I believe wholeheartedly that KC is responsible for Caylee's death.

I just don't want to see another OJ case! (Albeit, I wouldn't have convicted him based on the evidence presented. :eek:)
Today, 02:03 PM

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Originally Posted by Crafter
I do agree with you...things were definitely botched. I was very surprised to learn in CA's interview that she has not turned over her credit card statements. Why were the police just waiting for those? If they hadn't gotten them in a certain amount of time why didn't they get a court order for them? Why did they let the car sit there when even the police could smell something was wrong with that car? And in LA's interview he told police that his mom emptied CA's purse and took stuff out of it; they acted like they didn't even know that happened. But I will say this: CA did have a month's headstart in her lies, etc and I think LE is trying to fit all her lies together on their huge calendar. No doubt, this has been one challenging case for them to unravel. And I do not believe CA will serve any time other than what she's spent in jail in the past for her check fraud/forgery case. I believe, unless they find baby CA's body, CA will never be charged. JMO

Cindy said there were things that she offered LE that they didn't want. And why did it take 3 weeks for LE to send CSI to the Anthony home? And it did take 24 hours for them to take possession of the car. That is too long to wait.

Quotes for above post is not working on my end,
CA only wanted to give up bits and pieces, that's not acceptable. What was CA being charged with, nada. Why wouldn't she release FULL info to help LE? Don't need that answered. I know why, protecting KC maybe or did CA have something to hide, IF NOT THEN WHY NOT? There was no crystal ball for LE on what was within the A's confines, aka held back in regard to this matter. CA spent plenty of time running her mouth on national news, surprise, surprise, knock, knock. The veh was removed under 24 hrs. and the washer is still in spin cycle.
She now has 12.6 gallons of gas in her pontiac sunfire. We know her car, when abandoned at amscott, was out of gas. 12.6 gallons of gas in a sunfire will go 302.4 miles. That would be 151.2 miles each way. So what locations can be around 150 miles from Orlando? Where could the poi have went on a 150 mile road trip... could she have dumped the body at this time?

When you drive back and forth to every Target in town you burn up a lot of gas.

As much as I want her buttinski behind bars I think that LE is moving nice and smooooooooth with this. They don't want any holes for JB to jump thru.
IIRC, Homicide agents became involved some time ago.

If you read the PDF interviews, you can see that the interviews were conducted by the Homicide squad. For example Amy H.'s interview was conducted by Detective Dorothy Riveria - Homicide and Corporal Eric Edwards- Homicide. This interview was conducted July 23rd. So I completely believe that Homicide has had this case for quite some time now.

Another interview done on the 30th of July was conducted by Corp. Eric Edwards - homicide unit and Mike Erickson - homicide unit.

Doesn't change the fact that the Missing Person's Unit is still in charge of the case.
I posted this in july:

12.6 gallon road trip
http://www.automotive.com/1998/09/po...ire/index.html the Car the poi was driving was a 98 Pontiac Sunfire. The above link demonstrates that for this particular car, the miles per gallon is 24 miles per gallon in the city and 34 miles per gallon on the highway.

June gas prices in Orlando florida were an average of 3.95. Grandpa stated around fifty dollars of gas were stolen 24 June. Not knowing when he filled those cans I will estimate at the June average price... which means there were arounnd 12.6 gallons of gas.

She now has 12.6 gallons of gas in her pontiac sunfire. We know her car, when abandoned at amscott, was out of gas. 12.6 gallons of gas in a sunfire will go 302.4 miles. That would be 151.2 miles each way. So what locations can be around 150 miles from Orlando? Where could the poi have went on a 150 mile road trip... could she have dumped the body at this time?

Apart from the cell phone pings, I think it was ZooMom who said that?
I can't get past the fact that we do not know that all the gas went into her own car. She may have generously gassed up a friend's car with stolen gas... Friend wouldn't know the difference.

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