GUILTY OH - Annabelle Richardson, newborn, found in grave , 7 May 2017 *GUILTY OF ABUSE OF CORPSE ONLY* *resentencing 2022* #4

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I'm not really sure why people are bashing the DA. He obviously believed she intentionally harmed the baby and that's why he brought this case. I think he did his job. Ultimately, he somewhat conceded that there wasn't enough to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. But that's up to a jury to decide. I thought the prosecutors handled themselves really well throughout the trial. I see no underhanded tactics. Some incompetent expert told them the body was burned, and they believed it. It's not like they made it up! After that was found out to be inaccurate, they immediately gave it to defense like they're supposed to. I think they had every right to be upset with the incompetent expert who tried to weasel out of accountability for making a false conclusion. The burning of the body is not relevant to the intentional homicide. They never argued that she was burned alive. So there's no reason why they would withdraw the charges based on the inaccurate conclusion with respect to the burning of the body.

When they confronted her with what they believed to be a fact during the interrogation she said she tried to burn her. Then to her father she said she cremated her. Those are her words. It's not out of the realm of possibility that she would do it. Why should the state drop it? After she confessed to it? I think if you want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was influenced and suggestible that's a different matter. But the state is not obligated to ignore what they believe to be evidence of a crime. The interrogation is a matter of interpretation and for a jury to decide.
IMO her "confession" was coerced.
... on their phone now which means that everybody knows about this case prior to us beginning this case. the court undertook a Cooperative effort with our friends in the media to make sure that the trial of this case, not all the gossip, not all the press conferences and what goes on in the hallway, but the actual presentation of the evidence and the arguments of the lawyers was available for everybody to see. I allowed the cameras in the courtroom, even the one behind me that I was not very thrilled about, so that people have the opportunity to see... our it people beefed-up our bandwidth, even drilled a hole in the side of the building so that we can run the wires out to the to the van..."
... reason I say this is I think there is some value in the community having the opportunity to actually watch this trial I only have 40 some seats in the courtroom so it's out there so if people want to know what happened in the trial they can go watch for themselves they don't have to rely on what evidence that was presented (e.d. by tweets...etc missed) one of the reasons that I did this is so that the community where they agreed with the verdict or not would have confidence in the way that the decision was somebody comes up to you and talks about how we have a baby killer that got off in Warren County or we have an innocent person who was convicted we can direct them to the actual evidence so that maybe you can get a better idea of whether or not they have an accurate opinion of whether Justice was served in this case..."
So the victim statement on Richardson side is all about the eating disorder. So for 2 years she's been out, NOTHING has changed and its gotten worse. She needs INPATIENT help, NOT going back home. Maybe in jail she'll get a break from Mom and actual help.
So the victim statement on Richardson side is all about the eating disorder. So for 2 years she's been out, NOTHING has changed and its gotten worse. She needs INPATIENT help, NOT going back home. Maybe in jail she'll get a break from Mom and actual help.
She had the eating disorder prior to the burial of the baby.
"... is there anything on behalf of the the case.
grandmother Tracy Johnson would like to make a statement and the state also has a brief statement.
Back to judge
this is a bit of an unusual case because we actually have two individuals who have been designated as victim Representatives because of Ohio is now marsy's law state the victims have constitutional rights in the case we have one person that was designated on behalf of the state one person that was designated on behalf of the defense..."
"So Miss Johnson the floor is yours
2 years 4 months 1 week in case you were wondering that's how my granddaughter would be if she were here today. as hard as I've tried to find the right word to describe broken shattered destroyed, none of them seem to fit the amount of pain I have felt ever since we found out that not only did I lose my first grandchild but my baby that I would lay down my life for without a thought lost his first child. and Skyler had no intention of ever letting us know. I found out from watching her interviews with detectives and her parents did not only did she know from the very beginning that Trey was the father ......also that you try to secure her remains and plan on burying her without any of us ever knowing, and I've been told that the family is now trying to do it again as if we don't exist....."
IMO, I think that the least the judge should've done is to hand the baby's remains over to the father's family.
ETA. I guess i was wrong and he may be ordering this a condition of probation!

This judge does not have the legal authority to do that. The other family will have to go to court on a civil case if they can’t resolve this out of court.

As to the judge thinking she’s guilty well she is here being sentenced on a felony conviction.
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Kim Richardson seeems to be a piece of work. Hard to believe after all these years of Skylar's eating disorder her defense attorneys have to suggest to her mom that she go get medical care. My heart breaks for her dad who at least tries to do the right thing and at least physically reaches out to hold his daughter in times of crisis. The mom acted like it was all she could do to reach out and hold her hand.
....."The baby that she called "it" many times... we're just as much her family as ????..... she said perfectly okay with asking Tori, Trey's cousin, just a 3-month age difference and more like a sister, to be a character witness for her without giving her a few visit crucial information.

such as the baby being Trey's cousin.

and yet she didn't know what she was destroying and dividing the entire extended family. we had that point didn't think we could trust anyone if we couldn't trust the family that was the absolute closest person to Trey.

it was almost a year before I sit down with Tori and found out that she has been lied to.

I don't know if you know how we originally heard the Trey was the father.

DNA test on August 6th 2017 ...on January 29th 2018, on Facebook page, name came as the father because of a subpoena issued. my phone started blowing up while I was at work around 10 p.m. and I headed to the prosecutor's office the next morning on January 30th 2018....."
89 pounds and losing her hair. Sick from an ED and no doubt stress.

I don’t have much of an opinion about the sentence. Nothing can bring the baby (not going to refer to her by the contrived name) to life.

No winners. Losses all around.

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