OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #2

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I was able to view some security footage from 2013 for the south campus gateway on an unrelated matter. I'm not sure if this was the case back when Brian disappeared, but what I noted that that there was only one camera, and it was manually operated by security personnel. So, although you could get a sweep of the alley in front of the garage and the main center sidewalk area for the businesses, the camera would often linger on random people or events for periods of time, thus leaving you in the dark what was going on in one of the alleys for up to ten minutes. If this was the case when Brian went missing, it leaves me with even more questions.
VERY interesting! At the time, it was implied that cameras were actively covering every possible exit (except a small non public exit off the back) and cameras were covering the sidewalks in the front. But if it is like you said...hmmm...
So were these cameras city CCTV cameras- or were they from the business?
VERY interesting! At the time, it was implied that cameras were actively covering every possible exit (except a small non public exit off the back) and cameras were covering the sidewalks in the front. But if it is like you said...hmmm...
So were these cameras city CCTV cameras- or were they from the business?

The South Campus Gateway is an interesting place - there are a bunch of businesses there, as well as offices and apartments, but they rent from the South Campus Gateway developers, I think.


While police do patrol the area, SCG also has private security that it sponsors. The one camera is mounted on the parking garage at the end of the strip, and is operated by SCG security. It's not a city camera. The camera is mounted quite high on the garage, but it's good quality and able to really zoom in when following people. Unfortunately, because the operator was able to see so well, this did result in following people, or watching couples make out on a balcony at a club, or things like that, rather than continually sweeping the area. It's great to be able to zoom in and really follow a chase or fight, but while they are doing that, there's no footage of the alleys, unless there are other cameras that I'm unaware of. We did ask for all security footage though, and that was all we got.

Granted, Brian disappeared a while ago, so this manually operated camera may be a new addition. However, it did raise a bunch of questions for me about how Brian may have left Ugly Tuna.
I would also think that the band would load equipment in and out of the bar through a service exit.

B.- At the end of the night Meredith and Clint went to the car while Brian remained behind to talk with the band. I worked the bars for a number of years it was not uncommon for folks to linger behind at or after closing talking with the band/staff etc.

I am new to this forum, led here by a signature in someone's postings on WS. If he is not seen leaving the building on camera, how did he get out? Most likely a back entrance.

Reminds me of the recent Jack Culolias case. If I recall right there was not footage of him leaving the restaurant he'd been in, but somehow he'd gotten out and was found dead in a river.

We all know that apparently in America...men drinking plus a river near by equals probable body in the river. Something wonky is going on...but that's for another forum.
Reading William Hurley thread reminded me of Brian. Hurley was at a Boston Bruins game with friends and decided to leave early. The friends left with him; he called his girlfriend and gave her his location. The friends left. The girlfriend arrived a couple of minutes later and William was gone. His smashed cell phone was found and his body turned up in the river. His wallet and money were still on him.


Reminds me of the recent Jack Culolias case. If I recall right there was not footage of him leaving the restaurant he'd been in, but somehow he'd gotten out and was found dead in a river.

We all know that apparently in America...men drinking plus a river near by equals probable body in the river. Something wonky is going on...but that's for another forum.

These examples remind me of a similar case... in 2002, a 26 year old businessman named Lon Dowdle traveled to Cincinnati (about 2 hours south of Columbus) and stayed at a Holiday Inn in Covington KY just across the Ohio River. He and his friend went bar-hopping in the nearby pub district, then when the bars closed, took a cab back to their hotel. There was a Waffle House directly opposite so they decided to eat. While his friend paid the cab driver, Lon headed towards Waffle House. Instead of going in, for some reason he walked around the corner of the building, and apparently vanished into thin air. His friend looked all around calling for him, since he had to be nearby, but he never got a response and never found him. The friend was distraught and cooperative, passed a polygraph, and was cleared as a suspect.

Lon's body was found 6 days later about a half mile away. He was lying on the muddy bank of the Ohio River with his feet in the water, barefoot and shirtless, but still wearing pants. His wallet with cash and credit cards, as well as his Rolex watch, were intact -- he had not been robbed. He had no sign of injury, and it was ruled an accidental drowning.

Oddly, his blood alcohol level was just barely over the legal limit, so he wasn't staggering drunk. He apparently wasn't attacked or mugged. By all accounts he was not suicidal. How he ended up in the water is a mystery. Hypothermia and confusion may have played a part. It was April 4th and chilly the night Lon vanished. I note that Brian vanished April 1st (but I don't know the weather). That calls to mind another famous vanished Ohio college student, Ron Tammen, who disappeared April 19th, 1953, on an unusually cold night.

Sometime after 8:30 pm on a quiet Sunday night (time known because he signed out fresh bed linens from the dorm attendant), for unknown reasons Ron left his room, with every appearance of intending to return shortly, but instead disappeared forever. There were no witnesses, no unusual noises, no unfamiliar people around. His lamp and radio were on, psychology book open, jacket hanging on his chair in spite of the cold, wallet and keys on desk, car sitting in the parking lot, bank account left untouched. He has still never been found.

I really wonder about this pattern of 20-something young men vanishing from populous areas yet witnessed by no one, only to be found later drowned in rivers or lakes... or not found at all. Chris24, you seem to wonder too. Any thoughts?
Well, I sure wonder. Obviously, people who are staggering drunk can fall into a river if they are fooling around on the riverbank or if there is a paved walked this becomes slippery or if they are sufficiently drunk to just pass out. That did not appear to be the case with Hurley. I often think of him.

These examples remind me of a similar case... in 2002, a 26 year old businessman named Lon Dowdle traveled to Cincinnati (about 2 hours south of Columbus) and stayed at a Holiday Inn in Covington KY just across the Ohio River. He and his friend went bar-hopping in the nearby pub district, then when the bars closed, took a cab back to their hotel. There was a Waffle House directly opposite so they decided to eat. While his friend paid the cab driver, Lon headed towards Waffle House. Instead of going in, for some reason he walked around the corner of the building, and apparently vanished into thin air. His friend looked all around calling for him, since he had to be nearby, but he never got a response and never found him. The friend was distraught and cooperative, passed a polygraph, and was cleared as a suspect.

Lon's body was found 6 days later about a half mile away. He was lying on the muddy bank of the Ohio River with his feet in the water, barefoot and shirtless, but still wearing pants. His wallet with cash and credit cards, as well as his Rolex watch, were intact -- he had not been robbed. He had no sign of injury, and it was ruled an accidental drowning.

Oddly, his blood alcohol level was just barely over the legal limit, so he wasn't staggering drunk. He apparently wasn't attacked or mugged. By all accounts he was not suicidal. How he ended up in the water is a mystery. Hypothermia and confusion may have played a part. It was April 4th and chilly the night Lon vanished. I note that Brian vanished April 1st (but I don't know the weather). That calls to mind another famous vanished Ohio college student, Ron Tammen, who disappeared April 19th, 1953, on an unusually cold night.

Sometime after 8:30 pm on a quiet Sunday night (time known because he signed out fresh bed linens from the dorm attendant), for unknown reasons Ron left his room, with every appearance of intending to return shortly, but instead disappeared forever. There were no witnesses, no unusual noises, no unfamiliar people around. His lamp and radio were on, psychology book open, jacket hanging on his chair in spite of the cold, wallet and keys on desk, car sitting in the parking lot, bank account left untouched. He has still never been found.

I really wonder about this pattern of 20-something young men vanishing from populous areas yet witnessed by no one, only to be found later drowned in rivers or lakes... or not found at all. Chris24, you seem to wonder too. Any thoughts?

I'm new to this thread, and had a thought. As far as I know, many (most?) of the [college] men/women who have gone missing after frequenting bars and were later found in a nearby body of water went missing *at night.* The combination of drinking and being out at night seem to pose a great danger, whether the victim is walking or driving a car ... The safest route is to have a designated driver place those at risk into a cab (and wait until they get into the cab), or have the designated driver drive the one who's been drinking home (and wait until they get into their home safely). Of course, this advice is coming from a "grandma-type"! BE SAFE.

Okay---most drinking in bars IS done at night--but still--the combination of drinking in bars at night--or just being out alone at night--and going missing (or being found murdered) is just all too common. And sadly, we all see it over and over again ...

I first heard of Brian's disappearance when I saw a flier posted on a light pole on High St. two weeks after Brian's disappearance. I have read many posts here and on other sites as to what may have happened. I feel strongly that Brian did not leave willingly. From what I have discerned after reading what people have said about his character, he would never do that to his family and loved ones. I believe, after being disconnected from Clint and Meredith at closing time at the Ugly Tuna, he decided to walk home. Whatever happened, I don't believe it happened in the bar. I think he was approached, possibly for the purpose of robbery, and abducted. Even tall men in good physical condition can be overpowered by two or more men. Maybe there was a threat by gun. I don't think Brian was the victim of whoever has been causing the deaths of young men in bars who end up deceased in bodies of water. I believe he would have been found within a month or so if that were the case. I pray that his family and friends will get closure in the future. Just my thoughts, after so many years with no answers. I will continue to pray for him and his family.
I was just thinking earlier today I should bump for Brian - glad to see it's already been done and that his case is still getting attention.

Where are you, Brian?

Been thinking about you, Brian. Are we going to find you this year?
Bumping for Brian. Now that we're approaching the 8th anniversary of Brian's disappearance on April 1, I'm hoping there are some news articles to put his case back in the spotlight again. Someone knows something.
I'm praying this is the year Brian's disappearance is explained and that his family gets answers. God bless you, Brian.
Thinking of Brian and his family today. How I wish he could have been the doctor he so strived to be

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Peace for Brian,

No matter where he is, he is not forgotten!

I was worried last night when I didn't get a chance to bump Brian's thread that his anniversary might pass by forgotten. I'm glad to see it wasn't so.

I hope this year is the year we find you, Brian.
I find this forensic astrology site interesting which has an article about how brian shaffer disappeared according to the author:

Not sure how she/he does it but must take a lot of work to make such charts.

So many college male students seem to go missing late at night around closing time at bars/clubs. Most likely due to bad decisions being made.
Another baffling case of someone simply vanishing into thin air without a trace of evidence.

I've read through the threads, etc.

My strong impression is that Brian met his demise at the Ugly Tuna. It may not have actually happened there, but I think it certainly started there if that makes any sense. I am not sure I believe that left willingly though the side/construction door that by the accounts of the detective, would have been difficult to do so. And why would he leave though this door? The only thing I can think of to even entertain this is that encountered a problem at the bar and wanted to get out without being detected. But still....

I really think that the kids in the Psychic Kids episode were probably spot on with their impressions: Brian may have irked someone the wrong way either at the Tuna or the bar he was previously at or someone was jealous of him. Whatever happened wasn't suppose to get to the point of seriousness as it did. Isn't it commonly thought that he stayed behind to talk to the band when the bar was closing? Less crowded--less eyes paying attention.

But then I think about the behavior of his supposed best friend, Clint. Definitely fishy and not how you would expect a friend to act. Why lawyer up and refuse to take a polygraph unless granted full immunity? Immunity from what exactly? I am willing to bet he knows more than what he has ever said. Maybe he didn't actually commit the act against Brian, but I think he knows who did and why.

Though I think something happened to Brian that night either at the bar or outside, what I cannot wrap my mind around is exactly WHAT happened and how there is absolutely no evidence or trace of him since.

I can say that I 100% do not think he is still alive (sorry) and/or disappeared willingly. Seriously, if you are stressed out and want to disappear, you are going to put a tad more planning into than decided to up and leave one night after a night of drinking with friends. Makes no sense. Disappearing and alluded family/LE for now 8 years requires MUCH planning and commitment.

Such a baffling case that reminds me of a few other cases of young guys vanishing without a trace (Michael Negrete, Jason Jolkowski, Kyle Fleischman, Steven Koecher, etc...) It is so hard to believe that people can vanish like this, often in well populated areas, only never to be seen again.
It really makes no sense. I've been to the Gateway area so many times. I've hung out in Ugly Tuna. Brian's case has always stuck with me, because it's so odd. Lots of people go missing; far fewer disappear from somewhere like Ugly Tuna without being seen on security cameras.

That has always made me think of someone who knew exactly where the cameras are. Now, I don't know if this was the case when he went missing, but we recently subpoenaed the security footage for Gateway, and the cameras are very good, and manually operated. They cover so much ground, and can really zoom in. The cameras usually complete and sweep through the area, but the operator does have the ability to stop and focus on things going on. The interesting thing about it however, was that the operator could be zooming in on something that caught his/her attention, and totally miss something happening in another part of the zone they are sweeping. I'm guessing the technology wasn't as good when he went missing, but if this was the case then, it is possible that Brian left by the front door, and was simply missed by the outdoor cameras if they were distracted by something else. At least, if there were blind spots indoors at the main entrance/exit that he could also pass by unseen.
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