GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #1

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I, too, have thought the same thing and pray with every thread of my being that I'm wrong and Elaina will be found safe somewhere - and SOON!

It pains me to think it is possible and I really DON'T want to cause you or your loved ones more pain.
I PRAY I am wrong and Elaina is returned to her father safely VERY SOON!
I pray for all who loved her as well as Elaina.
I can't say I completely agree because there were definitely huge searches, sightings all the time, and massive media coverage for Caylee and Madeleine, and most people thought the parent(s) were involved. There's been a lot of high-profile cases in which there was a clear suspect(s).

Is NG still talking about Jodi Arias?

Those two very high profile ones you talked about are the ones I'm thinking about ( along with a few others) that are going to make it harder in the future, though. I would say about 10 or 15 yrs ago , when I child came up missing, almost everyone 'assumed' it was a stranger abduction and that parents were not involved ( i said ALMOST everyone, I know I know there are exceptions) But now days with more and more parental involvement in these kinds of cases, people will start to tune it out. I know of people who don't even share or think twice about an amber alert if it says the noncustodial parent is the 'suspect' . See what I mean? It's just muddies the waters in some peoples' eyes about whether or not to put a lot of effort into looking. Thankfully not LE !
Those two very high profile ones you talked about are the ones I'm thinking about ( along with a few others) that are going to make it harder in the future, though. I would say about 10 or 15 yrs ago , when I child came up missing, almost everyone 'assumed' it was a stranger abduction and that parents were not involved ( i said ALMOST everyone, I know I know there are exceptions) But now days with more and more parental involvement in these kinds of cases, people will start to tune it out. I know of people who don't even share or think twice about an amber alert if it says the noncustodial parent is the 'suspect' . See what I mean? It's just muddies the waters in some peoples' eyes about whether or not to put a lot of effort into looking. Thankfully not LE !

But what about examples like Susan Smith, the Ramseys, Danielle Van Dam's parents, Sabrina Aisenberg's parents, Jessica Lunsford's family, there were people who suspected Elizabeth Smart's father, etc? Those are all high-profile cases from 10-20 years ago, where many people thought the parent(s) had something to do with it, or weren't telling the whole truth. I think people have always been skeptical against the parents.
In video interview with Julie King, she says that Angela called at 6:30 or 7:00 Saturday, also says she and SK went out the back door, looked in the pool, and garage.Then she says SK and her nephew went out to look for Elaina up and down the alley. Is this nephew one of the friends that were inside the house that Sunday, or were there a couple friends of SK there as well as JK's nephew?

JK goes on to say that SK told her he saw the baby at 12:00 or 12:30 when AS changed Elaina's diaper and given Elaina a cup and laid her down for a nap. What was in that cup? JK then says she guessed that was the last time SK saw Elaina. JK says it was SK who came out of the house and told JK the baby was missing after AS had been in the house for 15 minutes or so, after JK says they talked AS into getting the baby for TJ and TS.

We need a timeline! Maybe we can somehow unravel all the times given in these interviews to see what the most likely scenario is. I don't understand why LE did no further searching today. I really hope they stay on top of this as well as the media! Somewhere I read that LE would be bringing dogs in to search tommorrow? I'll try to find where I read that later, but I hope this does not mean they haven't done this yet.

Where is baby Elaina?
But what about examples like Susan Smith, the Ramseys, Danielle Van Dam's parents, Sabrina Aisenberg's parents, Jessica Lunsford's family, there were people who suspected Elizabeth Smart's father, etc? Those are all high-profile cases from 10-20 years ago, where many people thought the parent(s) had something to do with it, or weren't telling the whole truth. I think people have always been skeptical against the parents.

I cannot explain my point sufficiently . I'm sorry !
Hopefully, NG will devote some time to Elaina on her show before the Arias trial starts up again.
I was sitting here and an awful scenario came to mind. Man I pray I am way off.

When Dad came to pick up the girls it is reported that at one point SK's mom went into the house and they heard Angela screaming that if he took her she would never see her daughter again.

She also reportedly told someone she "forgot" to tell police about the baby having a black eye, broken nose and crusted blood on her nose.
ETA: to clarify, reports are that she now is blaming SK. Maybe she is telling LE that SK gave her the black eye, etc.

What if SK or Angela beat the baby and she died. Then when mom came in and Angela was screaming that she would never see her again if HE took her - maybe she was talking about SK taking the baby from the home to hide her so her death wouldn't be discovered? Then SK left, stashed the baby somewhere and returned. They may think that if the baby's body is found later they could blame it on the alleged "abductor".

Wow, this scenario makes me ill to think about. Please someone tell me some fact of this case that would make this impossible/unlikely...

Just now hearing about Elaina...poor sweet baby!

BBM How the hellO does someone forget to tell LE about a baby having a black eye, broken nose and crusted blood on her nose and just exactly what excuse did "mother of the year" give for such injuries?

I'm not seeing a good outcome here for lil' Elaina. :cry:
Hopefully, NG will devote some time to Elaina on her show before the Arias trial starts up again.

As much as I dislike Nancy DisGrace, I hope she will cover this case. I really feel like somebody would crack if LE and the media would put more pressure on them. If there were friends in the house then I would start there. They would have less motive or incentive to remain silent.
I so hope Elaina wasn't beaten. A black eye a broken nose, crusted blood? Who did Angela tell this to? She forgot to tell police this, for real?! I hope the detectives and FBI are being told all this. Angela was NOT at the search today either according to news article posted earlier today. No, unfortunately its not looking good for baby Elaina.

Dear God, this precious baby Elaina must be found.
The longer this goes on the less sure I am that she really knows where her child is or what happened. I think we need to be taking a long look at the motive that others in that home had for making the statements they did right off the bat.

I am afraid that I am more disillusioned. I look at the amount of interviews that Billie Dunn gave, and yet I am all but certain she knows what happened to Hailey. Julia has yet to talk about little Sky even though she knows exactly what happened to him. Clay Waller claimed innocence right up to the point that they offered him something in return for the location of Jacque. Unless there is something in it for them, they can and will stay quiet forever. I pray that LE has enough information in is case to find baby Elaina.
I was sitting here and an awful scenario came to mind. Man I pray I am way off.

When Dad came to pick up the girls it is reported that at one point SK's mom went into the house and they heard Angela screaming that if he took her she would never see her daughter again.

She also reportedly told someone she "forgot" to tell police about the baby having a black eye, broken nose and crusted blood on her nose.
ETA: to clarify, reports are that she now is blaming SK. Maybe she is telling LE that SK gave her the black eye, etc.

What if SK or Angela beat the baby and she died. Then when mom came in and Angela was screaming that she would never see her again if HE took her - maybe she was talking about SK taking the baby from the home to hide her so her death wouldn't be discovered? Then SK left, stashed the baby somewhere and returned. They may think that if the baby's body is found later they could blame it on the alleged "abductor".

Wow, this scenario makes me ill to think about. Please someone tell me some fact of this case that would make this impossible/unlikely...

I hate to say it, but this scenario was my very first thought. Hope I am wrong.
Now that I've read the entire thread and watched a few videos...I can render a fairer opinion on this situation.

First and foremost, "mother of the year" is a liar, a self centered, self serving liar...jmo of course.

Secondly, "mother of the year knows exactly what happened to her baby and she knows she isn't coming home, reference at the 20 sec mark.

Reporter: When you see the out pour of support here, does that help at all?

Mother of the year: It does, but it still doesn't bring her doesn't bring her home at all. I mean I appreciate all the support of everybody being here, but it does not bring her back at all.

She knows that baby isn't coming back! She knows!

Surly LE can charge her with something...failure to protect, criminal neglect, suspected child abuse....anything to put her in an interrogation room for a few hours with a couple of good det.'s who can press the carp out of her.

And to round out my well thought out opinion... I don't like "mother of the year." Everything about her is just all kinds of wrong.
I don't like "mother of the year." Everything about her is just all kinds of wrong.

SBM - that pretty sums up what 99% of WS is thinking, I believe. If this case was a "caption the photo" contest, you'd have just won it. IMHO of course.
I was sitting here and an awful scenario came to mind. Man I pray I am way off.

When Dad came to pick up the girls it is reported that at one point SK's mom went into the house and they heard Angela screaming that if he took her she would never see her daughter again.

She also reportedly told someone she "forgot" to tell police about the baby having a black eye, broken nose and crusted blood on her nose.
ETA: to clarify, reports are that she now is blaming SK. Maybe she is telling LE that SK gave her the black eye, etc.

What if SK or Angela beat the baby and she died. Then when mom came in and Angela was screaming that she would never see her again if HE took her - maybe she was talking about SK taking the baby from the home to hide her so her death wouldn't be discovered? Then SK left, stashed the baby somewhere and returned. They may think that if the baby's body is found later they could blame it on the alleged "abductor".

Wow, this scenario makes me ill to think about. Please someone tell me some fact of this case that would make this impossible/unlikely...

i posted something about that earlier in this thread. it's something i really feel probably happened :(
UGH UGH UGH and Damnit I am sick, sick, sick of these "Mothers of the Year"!!!!! Where is this precious baby?
Now that I've read the entire thread and watched a few videos...I can render a fairer opinion on this situation.

First and foremost, "mother of the year" is a liar, a self centered, self serving liar...jmo of course.

Secondly, "mother of the year knows exactly what happened to her baby and she knows she isn't coming home, reference at the 20 sec mark.

Reporter: When you see the out pour of support here, does that help at all?

Mother of the year: It does, but it still doesn't bring her doesn't bring her home at all. I mean I appreciate all the support of everybody being here, but it does not bring her back at all.

She knows that baby isn't coming back! She knows!

Surly LE can charge her with something...failure to protect, criminal neglect, suspected child abuse....anything to put her in an interrogation room for a few hours with a couple of good det.'s who can press the carp out of her.

And to round out my well thought out opinion... I don't like "mother of the year." Everything about her is just all kinds of wrong.

These cases continue to infuriate me, no charges are ever filed against these mothers when they neglect and abuse their children. Lisa's mother admitted her child was sick and didn't check on her at all after 6:30pm when she put her to bed for the night and proceeded to get drunk. How is that not neglect?

Where is Elaina? Sadly I do not have the same optimism that many do. I can only hope I am wrong.
I'm afraid that when Angela was heard screaming that if he took her she'd never see her again, she meant that Elaina had visable injuries that would result in her being taken away from Angela via CPS. I think the bf took Elaina out the back door and soon after she died from those injuries, or he just outright killed her and he hid her body.

I'd like to think that somebody is hiding the baby until she recovers but I guess I've read too many cases on here, I just don't think that's going to be the outcome.

Poor, beautiful, baby Elaina :(
The only other case I can think of where a child went missing, possibly for good, at the time of a visitation exchange of any sort is the Powells. I keep thinking about that every time I open this thread.

Until I heard the convoluted circumstances of Elaina's going missing I thought I would never again in my lifetime hear of any case that could possibly be in the same realm as that one, but here we are, wondering how showing up to pick up your child could go so terribly wrong.

A young father who was just trying to work to support himself and his children - just doing the right thing - and now he's missing a child. I feel for TJ so deeply right now. It's not easy doing the right thing, especially when you're relatively young, but he was doing it as best as he knew how and somehow he's lost a baby now. Just so very tragic. Young men who stand by their children and worrk hard and love them deeply should be comended for it, they shouldn't have to worry that while they're out working, someone else...... SO COMPLETELY NOT WORKING FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR CHILD.....would end up.... doing God knows what with the poor little precious gift of life they were so blessed to be able to have, when so many people who want children so desperately can't even have one....

oh I could go on forever but I have to get my own sweet child ready for school. They're going to the waterslide/mini golf/ rollerskating place today as an award for doing so well on State Tests... I so hope that Elaina gets to go out with her classmates and do mini golf some day, and come home complaining about blisters from her rollerskates, or how some kids cut in front of her in line on the water slide.

I really, really can't express how much I hope this.
I am afraid that I am more disillusioned. I look at the amount of interviews that Billie Dunn gave, and yet I am all but certain she knows what happened to Hailey. Julia has yet to talk about little Sky even though she knows exactly what happened to him. Clay Waller claimed innocence right up to the point that they offered him something in return for the location of Jacque. Unless there is something in it for them, they can and will stay quiet forever. I pray that LE has enough information in is case to find baby Elaina.

Maybe they can offer her something for her comfort. Like an extra pillow for her prison cell. I'm so angry and upset this baby still hasn't been found.
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