GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #1

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Yes, we went to the radio station and Terry Sr. did an interview live with the DJ Johnny D. this afternoon. I was there, but only as support for Terry if he started to "lose it" :blushing:
The DJ was thinking that TJ was coming, but his emotions are just running so high right now that he doesn't want to talk to anyone in the media-he just wants his baby girl back. Understandably.

Here's the recording of the interview, dear. I'm so sorry for what you and your husband are going through. :grouphug:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Terry Steinfurth Sr.

Terry Steinfurth Sr., grandfather of missing baby Elaina, tells us the latest in the search for his missing granddaughter. If you have any information, contact Toledo Police Department or call Crimestoppers.
just curious... if angela and SK are involved, and they fessed up that baby elaina is alive and told LE where to find her, what kind of charges would they be facing if the baby was found alive and well?

kidnapping? custody interference?

if she's indeed alive, they need to realize that these charges are much less severe than murder or manslaughter. do they think that they will really be able to get away with this? ARE they going to get away with this?

here's to hoping this baby girl magically re-appears tonight... even if angela is involved in magically finding her. we just want her back!
She could be charged with false reporting of a crime, as well as custodial interference and perhaps a judgement for expenses. JMO
I have a question for anyone who knows the answer. Was a search for Elaina happening when her mother told someone that Elaina might have 2 black eyes?
If so, where were LE searching at the time?

I just can't get past this thought---- If Elaina was hidden away until her wounds healed, then why tell LE about the possible black eyes? I think LE was close to finding her while they were searching (if they were at the time). :twocents:

Oh my, I'm not even sure where to start! I've spent the last several hours trying to read all of these posts, then I would take a break only to find myself searching for news stories hoping & praying that this sweet baby had been found :please:

My thoughts are that something happened to this baby before dad got to the house, whatever that something is (I don't want to go to that dark place yet). Something happened, and she was taken away from the house. Don't know if mom or SK hot-footed it with the baby or drove, but someone got her out of there before dad got there. The timeline of someone taking her away, with all of those people around, in such a short amount of time just doesn't jive, imo, especially with all the searches that have been done in their neighborhood.

And moms' tv interview? WTH? "Do for me, comfort me, etc.." And yes, I did read about her 8th grade level (can't remember if it said that was her education level or mentality level) but none of that interview sounded good.
And her FB page, I've been looking at it & I can't believe that she isn't using that to get this childs' picture more out there. Maybe she has a 2nd FB and she's using that?

And a sidenote, regarding bf found throwing up, I know that looks/sounds bad, but there have been times that I've been very upset and cried so much that I've vomited. Maybe he was just that upset (along with getting off of heroin) and that was enough to make him hurl, and not fear that he was about to get caught. Then again, maybe it was guilt because he had heard her say dark things about wanting to go to Florida without one of her babies and his mind automatically went there when he heard her screaming about the baby being gone.
I just hope & pray that when we wake tomorrow that a miracle has happened & she's been brought home SAFE!

Now, has anyone found that box of wine yet?
Enter the name, "Angela TrustnoOne Mories" on Facebook..... I found out that Angela Mories is the <Mod Snip> nickname.....:notgood:
Okay, so that Facebook is already known? On another site, she listed AngelaMories as a nickname--strange. I apologize if this is old information.

Edited to add: I was responding to this: "And her FB page, I've been looking at it & I can't believe that she isn't using that to get this childs' picture more out there. Maybe she has a 2nd FB and she's using that?"

Good morning, babydoll, today's the day we're going to find you, so just hang tight and remember that you Daddy loves you and won't rest until you're back in his loving arms.
Made it to FL and wanted to check in before I try to get some sleep. Did I read this right, NG is covering our baby girl tonight? I normally avoid her but I will make a point of being back in the room in time to watch. I would pay to watch her rip into Angela and SK.
Sending love to Elaina and those that love her. It is late over here, so I will chevk back in the morning. GL on Nancy Grace xxxx
Sitting here just fuming. 11 people in the house including other children and no one saw anything. I call BS to this. This family of SK needs to quit protecting each other and spill it. This beautiful baby girl who I have come to love needs to be home with her daddy and sister. Please let today be the day that this happens.
It's disgusting ! Anyone in that house that saw or heard something ( and you know there is someone who did ) and is not beating down the door to the police station to tell them does not deserve their own children and cannot claim to love children . PERIOD !

ETA I am foul mooded today and really sick to death of adults protecting each other when a child's life is hanging in the balance. I don't know which adult to point a finger at but one of you in that house knows SOMETHING and may you have sleepless nights and restless , manic days until you come clean. Sickening !
People may be talking to police. They may have a lot of information about the mother and the baby. But if no one else knows where she is now, besides the person who put her there, it may not help much.
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