GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #7

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Why do I get the feeling that this will be postponed...once again...until maybe the first of the year??

pneumonia...DAY 3...not fun! Cough! Cough! Cough! Wheezing, Breathing treatment, antibiotics, prednisone, and start all over again...every 4 hrs...

BBM. You know this how? I think a dead child with multiple broken bones does indicate a household of domestic violence.


BBM. Who told her not to take the children there and why was she expected to obey that command? Her choices were her's to make but she isn't sitting in jail because she took her children to King's home. The child endangerment charges were dropped. I think she's still sitting in jail because she feels safer there.
my snip for space

Punished for what? It's not a crime to take your children to somebody's filthy house. I don't blame Angela for the condition of King's home, I blame Mr. King and his mother. That said, if there was piles of trash or obstacles through the house, is very possible Elaina fell because of it. And I do believe Angela has been punished. She's lost her child and been in jail for six months.
Domestic violence also takes place in the cleanest of homes.


The broken bones of a child are certainly an indication of domestic violence: violence directed towards a child.
Child bone fracture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It seems possible that SK's home could have been the scene of domestic violence on the night of Elaina's death, and that the perpetrator/s of that violence were present in the home and had access to Elaina.

According to Lynn Stahell (Practice of Pediatric Orthopedics Second Edition. Philidelphia : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins: 2006, p. 272), the bone fractures resulting from abuse may lead to the death of a child. (Perhaps someone with medical accreditation could elaborate on this.)

Paraphrasing the entry: Symptoms of fractured bones in children include: pain, swelling, and deformity in the injured area. The child will not be able to move in a normal manner. It is vital that the child receive medical treatment immediately. In other words, it would be not be hard to tell if a child had been injured in such a way that one, or more, of their bones have been broken.

It should be noted that there are several different kinds of bone fractures., p. 434
Charles C. Turner includes an illustration in his article which shows the difference between simple, comminuted, butterfly and spiral fractures. According to Turner, a simple fracture happens from a low energy impact while high energy impacts cause fragmented fractures. In examining the fractures, medical professionals, especially forensic specialists, can determine the likely cause of the injury.

The coroner's report declared that Elaina Steinfurth's injuries were "severe" fractures "consistent with non-accidental trauma".
So "severe" does not, IMO, refer to the kind of simple fractures which happen from low impact household accidents. Elaina Steinfurth was not injured by falling over a pile of papers, or slipping on dog or human waste. Elaina's body was deliberately broken. (Definitely abuse if the injuries happened before death, IMO. Five different broken bones sounds like torture to me. If, as was suggested up-thread, some of the bones were broken post-mortem in order to fit the Elaina's body into the computer box, that act could be considered defilement of a dead human body. Perhaps when the 19 page report is released to the public, it will clarify when the coroner and investigator believe the injuries were inflicted.)

The people who told AS not to take her children to SK's home were RS, MS, TJ, and "Frank". They all knew that the house was dangerous--the presence to toxic substances probably a concern to all of them. IIRC from previous threads, it has been established that Elaina was afraid of SK, which could be another reason TJ told AS that he did not want his daughters to go to that house. (FM and CC, please correct me if I've misstated this.) In other words, all these people were concerned, not about limiting the time AS could spend with her x, but about the safety of the two very young girls.

Late on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, AS was arrested.
The arrest affidavit for AS states that on or about June 2nd of 2013, AS violated 2919 22 (A) constituting a charge of Endangering Children.
It further states that AS "did violate a duty of care, protection and support with respect to her minor child (NAME REDACTED) 18 months of age...(AS) did admit to law enforcement officers that she was aware that her minor child had sustained serious physical injury and that her minor child required medical treatment...(AS) further admitted that she failed to ensure that her minor child received the necessary medical treatment for said injury."

IIRC, this charge was later dropped and replaced with a charge of obstruction of justice in order that, should it later be found that Elaina had died, AS could then be prosecuted for a more serious offence with more serious consequences. A conviction on the lesser charge of Endangering a Child would have precluded the possibility of prosecution for a greater charge. (Please correct me if I've misstated the reasoning here.)

Whether or not AS inflicted some or all or none of the injuries to Elaina, she was responsible for getting medical aid for her daughter. Elaina, and sister KS, were in AS's care and custody. AS admitted to LE that she knew her daughter needed medical attention, and further admitted that she did not make sure her daughter received that attention. Although there were people to whom she could have turned for help, AS did not ask her daughters' father or her daughters' grandparents, or her own relatives for help. She is, IMO, by her own admission, at a minimum guilty of endangering both of her precious minor children. Given the potential for untreated injuries to lead to a child's death, IMO, AS bears a huge part of the responsibility for beautiful baby Elaina's death as well whether she inflicted those injuries herself or not.

Somehow six months just does not seem to me to be an appropriate punishment for AS's willful neglect of Elaina which, it could be argued, directly led to the baby's death.

Perhaps as the week progresses LE will release more information regarding further charges which may arise now that the investigator's report has been completed.

We are another day closer to finding Justice for Elaina.
Why do I get the feeling that this will be postponed...once again...until maybe the first of the year??

pneumonia...DAY 3...not fun! Cough! Cough! Cough! Wheezing, Breathing treatment, antibiotics, prednisone, and start all over again...every 4 hrs...

Oh no :( Hope you feel better very very soon!!!! I cannot even inagine how yucky you feel. I have never had that but my hubby had it 3 times this spring/summer (or one long time that would not go away and was in hospital) He has bad lungs and is on portable oxygen and is very susceptible. Take care of yourself!!!!!
I find it sickening when some excuse a woman who is involved in her own child s abuse and death,had it been reversed and the father sitting in a jail cell with the same charges they would feel differently.If she was abused then she never should have taken her children into his home.She is no victim IMO.
Underline by me. AS is obviously a very self-centered person, so as long as she wasn't being hurt, anything goes. She deserves to be exactly where she is, just for being a huge failure at parenting 101 (Lesson #1 - Don't let your child stay in an addict's drug den, especially when you have other options that are far safer and appropriate.) :twocents:
BBM. Thanks. I've not seen any media report AS' mother was even in the picture or such a complaint existed. Apparently Childrens Services took no action on your complaint or found it unfounded at that point in time, which is unfortunate.


Angela's mother was not her life but they reconnected when Angela was a teenager.
They had remained in contact though not extremely close.

Angela's half sister Mary also said on JVM that Angela was welcome to stay at HER HOUSE.

She also said that Angela had gone to live with their mother a week before this happened.
Due to not being able to live at the King's anymore. TJ came and got the kids and she went with her mother.

It was also said on JVM that Angela's mother had been in the hospital since 3 days before Elaina's murder.

Someone better than me will have a link for this next part I'm sure.

I SWEAR it was said that Angela's mother didn't have room for the girls.
I don't remember if it was the week before when Angela stayed with her or the weekend Elaina died.
If Angela claimed it was that weekend, that would be odd since her mother was supposedly hospitalized?
Just wondering if maybe Angela was trying to blame her mother for not allowing her to stay there?

Someone come with a link?
I've searched and I can't find anything except the article above about Angela's past.
Oh no :( Hope you feel better very very soon!!!! I cannot even inagine how yucky you feel. I have never had that but my hubby had it 3 times this spring/summer (or one long time that would not go away and was in hospital) He has bad lungs and is on portable oxygen and is very susceptible. Take care of yourself!!!!!

I'm sorry about your hubby...must be hard on everyone :( Will keep him in my prayers (and you too).

Meds have finally kicked in, feeling better today. Still tired, not coughing so hard and not taking the breathing treatments as much and running a bit of fever, but on the mend...thanks for the get well post. God Bless!
Re: the question of why didn't AS continue to stay with RS and MS.

Mary Schiewe told JVM "She was supposed to stay at my house. Me and my dad both told her she was welcome to stay there with the girls. She chose not to."

When JVM asked MS why AS went to SK's house, MS responded:

"She told my dad that--she had asked if she could stay the night, and we told her yes. She had texted my dad later on Saturday night and told me--told my dad, I'm sorry, that she was going back to Steven's house, because he's the only one that can help her through this. That was her text to my dad."

I couldn't find a time that the text was received. It may be of no real importance, but, in retrospect, it does seem a bit ominous.

We are another day closer to finding Justice for Elaina.
clipped to save space and BBM
The broken bones of a child are certainly an indication of domestic violence: violence directed towards a child.
Child bone fracture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to Lynn Stahell (Practice of Pediatric Orthopedics Second Edition. Philidelphia : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins: 2006, p. 272), the bone fractures resulting from abuse may lead to the death of a child. (Perhaps someone with medical accreditation could elaborate on this.)

Paraphrasing the entry: Symptoms of fractured bones in children include: pain, swelling, and deformity in the injured area. The child will not be able to move in a normal manner. It is vital that the child receive medical treatment immediately. In other words, it would be not be hard to tell if a child had been injured in such a way that one, or more, of their bones have been broken.

It should be noted that there are several different kinds of bone fractures., p. 434
Charles C. Turner includes an illustration in his article which shows the difference between simple, comminuted, butterfly and spiral fractures. According to Turner, a simple fracture happens from a low energy impact while high energy impacts cause fragmented fractures. In examining the fractures, medical professionals, especially forensic specialists, can determine the likely cause of the injury.

The people who told AS not to take her children to SK's home were RS, MS, TJ, and "Frank". They all knew that the house was dangerous--the presence to toxic substances probably a concern to all of them. IIRC from previous threads, it has been established that Elaina was afraid of SK, which could be another reason TJ told AS that he did not want his daughters to go to that house. (FM and CC, please correct me if I've misstated this.) In other words, all these people were concerned, not about limiting the time AS could spend with her x, but about the safety of the two very young girls.

Late on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, AS was arrested.
The arrest affidavit for AS states that on or about June 2nd of 2013, AS violated 2919 22 (A) constituting a charge of Endangering Children.
It further states that AS "did violate a duty of care, protection and support with respect to her minor child (NAME REDACTED) 18 months of age...(AS) did admit to law enforcement officers that she was aware that her minor child had sustained serious physical injury and that her minor child required medical treatment...(AS) further admitted that she failed to ensure that her minor child received the necessary medical treatment for said injury."

IIRC, this charge was later dropped and replaced with a charge of obstruction of justice in order that, should it later be found that Elaina had died, AS could then be prosecuted for a more serious offence with more serious consequences. A conviction on the lesser charge of Endangering a Child would have precluded the possibility of prosecution for a greater charge. (Please correct me if I've misstated the reasoning here.)

Other than one correction (it was KS, not Elaina, who said she was afraid of SK), I agree and thank you for this well-written post. The links to Wikipedia and Charles C. Turner's article offer great information.

I clipped a lot from the quoted post to save a bit of space, but hope everyone read the entire post.
snipped by me for space
It was also said on JVM that Angela's mother had been in the hospital since 3 days before Elaina's murder...
I SWEAR it was said that Angela's mother didn't have room for the girls.

I remember the same thing, MsF. IIRC, Tammy Mories (AS's aunt) said that her sister, Lisa Mories-Schiewe, was recuperating at home following her open-heart surgery. This involved temporarily having more furniture than usual to accommodate LMS's needs, and, as a result there was not enough space to for LMS to give three people a comfortable place to stay. I'm hunting for that reference, but have a couple of others which corroborate your reference.
Posted June 28th, 7:30 pm Elaina's great-aunt states that Elaina's grandmother was hospitalized for open-heart surgery three days before the "disappearance".
In the article, reporter Mike Sigov says TJ said that a week before the disappearance, AS stayed at her mother's place where there was no room for Elaina and KS.

I'm surprised that more background material on AS and SK was not more readily available in MSM reports and interviews.

We are one day closer to finding Justice for Elaina!
Re: the question of why didn't AS continue to stay with RS and MS.

Mary Schiewe told JVM "She was supposed to stay at my house. Me and my dad both told her she was welcome to stay there with the girls. She chose not to."

When JVM asked MS why AS went to SK's house, MS responded:

"She told my dad that--she had asked if she could stay the night, and we told her yes. She had texted my dad later on Saturday night and told me--told my dad, I'm sorry, that she was going back to Steven's house, because he's the only one that can help her through this. That was her text to my dad."

I couldn't find a time that the text was received. It may be of no real importance, but, in retrospect, it does seem a bit ominous.

We are another day closer to finding Justice for Elaina.

Thanks is not enough ! Of course, this little GEM and what did it mean? SK could help her through ' this' ? What was ' this' ? Either way, thanks for finding this. I forgot all about it. AS chose where to stay that night all on her own,,,,,no domestic violence forced her to that house !
Thanks is not enough ! Of course, this little GEM and what did it mean? SK could help her through ' this' ? What was ' this' ? Either way, thanks for finding this. I forgot all about it. AS chose where to stay that night all on her own,,,,,no domestic violence forced her to that house !

I do BELIEVE that her statement reflects something had happened at that point that started this all.
If there is a plea deal going on, I still hope they get the maximum penality, and are NEVER released from prison. I'm waiting on those other arrests as well!
I do BELIEVE that her statement reflects something had happened at that point that started this all.

I remember reading that JK said she had seen Elaina the night before. I have to find the article ....the text must have been possibly later on that night then.Of course just speculation here.....Ferret, Didn't K say she slept next to Elaina on the floor that night or am I remembering wrong?

I think that JK is lying and covering up and will be in jail very soon! JMO
I'm sorry about your hubby...must be hard on everyone :( Will keep him in my prayers (and you too).

Meds have finally kicked in, feeling better today. Still tired, not coughing so hard and not taking the breathing treatments as much and running a bit of fever, but on the mend...thanks for the get well post. God Bless!

Glad you are starting to feel better :)
Meds have finally kicked in, feeling better today. Still tired, not coughing so hard and not taking the breathing treatments as much and running a bit of fever, but on the mend...thanks for the get well post. God Bless!

Great to hear you're doing better. I've found essential oils of Eucalyptus, Swiss Pine, Lavender, Thyme and Peppermint diffused into the air were really helpful when I was fighting off congestion and bronchitis. Could be just the placedo effect, though. Sort of like comfort foods for one's nose. (Also seasonally appropriate for this time of year.)
I remember reading that JK said she had seen Elaina the night before. I have to find the article ....the text must have been possibly later on that night then.Of course just speculation here.....Ferret, Didn't K say she slept next to Elaina on the floor that night or am I remembering wrong?

I think that JK is lying and covering up and will be in jail very soon! JMO
I think JK and that whole bunch are . Living in the filth, trying to protect one of their own instead of a child just burns my hide. I want her charged. Actually, I want everyone in that pig sty charged as I think they all knew. Makes me want to scream.


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