OH OH - Harley Dilly, 14, walking to Port Clinton High School, 20 Dec 2019 #2

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The parents have made mistakes, we know this. But from someone who grew up in foster care, it is absolutely the opposite of conducive to letting kids flourish. The outcomes are horrific for foster children - less than 3% will earn a degree, 20+% end up homeless, 5-10x more likely to end up in prison, etc. Harley clearly loved his home and his mom, he was stressed when he had to stay at his aunt and uncle's for even a week when his mom had a medical emergency. It is nothing personal to your comment whatsoever, I just really wish people would stop promoting the narrative that Harley should be taken away without understanding the extreme trauma removal and foster care truly entails and the extreme cases it should be reserved for.

All good points, and thank you for sharing your personal experience.
I did not intend to suggest Harley should live with a foster. I am suggesting an alternative that may not be as emotionally demanding, with more structure and attention. Hopefully a relative might be able to offer that. Let’s hope there will be reason to debate this further in the near future!
amateur opinion and speculation
It was 34 out and he was walking and yet his Mom was gonna start taking him to school. The day he went MIA it was 18, why was this child walking?? I live the same distance from the school where I live (4 blocks) and when it got below freezing (32) I had a ride to school so I didn't get frostbite or sick on my way to school. Also there could have been ice on the sidewalk and that is asking for you to fall and injure yourself. Just what ya need on your way to school, fall and bust your *advertiser censored* or your face on the pavement

Oh please, I live in the Rocky Mountain area and I am old. I am one of those people that walked a mile just to catch the bus for a 45 minute ride to high school (and yes it was up hill both ways.). :(

I am concerned about how he is dressed in the video, but I don't see it a lot different than how I see kids going to school here. I live where it can get down to -11 but I see kids standing at the bus stop in shorts in the middle of the Winter. But come to think of it, 55 years ago, when girls had to wear dresses to school, they also stood out at the bus stop with bare legs.

If he was wearing the puffer jacket pictured, they are either polyfilled or down filled; they are guaranteed to keep you warm to 2 degrees. It is the lining and the sewing that make them so lightweight and thermo efficient. I have one and I have purchased one for every member of my family.
I want to make a comment about locals and “weather appropriate clothing”.

Um. We eat snow for breakfast 4-5 months a year. What’s cold to many isn’t cold to us. I just ran out a moment ago to do errands in a light but breezy sweater, slip on shoes and jeans. Kinda wish I went with boots to keep my feet warmer but otherwise I wasn’t cold and it’s currently 30 degrees F. My son is often in shorts and a long sleeve tee or hoodie lately.

We’ll start bundling up when it gets well below freezing or if it’s windy. Other than that I’d be impressed if we even have a jacket and not just a t-shirt under a sweatshirt.

Which is why the way Harley was dressed being indicative of anything is weird to me. Especially a teen boy. They just throw things on and regret it later. Lol

True we fail to remember what is cold for one isn't cold for another. I'm in Illinois and I HATE cold weather. Then again I can't regulate body temp. My son on the other hand will run around with a tshirt and track pants or NO shirt and boxers and I wonder where he left his brain. He WILL bundle up when we have wind. Then when we go to the next town over (15 miles) we freeze b/c of the River.

But HD wearing what he was when he left was almost like a kid on his way to school, not expecting to be in the elements that long. IMO
True we fail to remember what is cold for one isn't cold for another. I'm in Illinois and I HATE cold weather. Then again I can't regulate body temp. My son on the other hand will run around with a tshirt and track pants or NO shirt and boxers and I wonder where he left his brain. He WILL bundle up when we have wind. Then when we go to the next town over (15 miles) we freeze b/c of the River.

But HD wearing what he was when he left was almost like a kid on his way to school, not expecting to be in the elements that long. IMO

It's worrisome to me that if mom only spoke to Harley that morning before he left, and didn't see him --- that no one knows what he was wearing or even if he took a backpack with him.
<modsnip: removed duplicate quotes>

That's true he might not have been thinking straight, but idk just moo it doesn't sit right with me. Also, he's the only one that seems emotional (from the family) during the vigil. The camera was on the Mom for a bit and it looked like she rolled her eyes, but that could just be what I saw.
I want to know the real reason why the chief doesn’t want people to search.it has been long enough for them to search now the public should be able to.i want to know what the mayor is thinking about this case.why didn’t the chief speak on live pd last night?my own thought on this is Harley never went home on Thursday after he left his friends and that pic is not him.this case to me is pointing at someone he knows very well.sorry Harley the system is letting you down.
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This is one video he has (Harley Dilly original channel) that keeps drawing me back.

I keep praying this is NOT the route that HD took. I know things can seem worse than they are to a 14 y/o and everything they are exposed to online makes them more and more aware of suicide and the individuals that commit it. Some even in the community that they are in on Youtube. Keeping my prayers going for HD. Praying he knows just how many people care about him and his safety
Unfortunately kids this age idolize YouTubers. I hope this isn’t the case
The parents have made mistakes, we know this. But from someone who grew up in foster care, it is absolutely the opposite of conducive to letting kids flourish. The outcomes are horrific for foster children - less than 3% will earn a degree, 20+% end up homeless, 5-10x more likely to end up in prison, etc. Harley clearly loved his home and his mom, he was stressed when he had to stay at his aunt and uncle's for even a week when his mom had a medical emergency. It is nothing personal to your comment whatsoever, I just really wish people would stop promoting the narrative that Harley should be taken away without understanding the extreme trauma removal and foster care truly entails and the extreme cases it should be reserved for. Children are abused in foster homes too, especially in group homes you likely end up in when you're a teenage boy like Harley with a juvenile record.

There is a lot out there that currently can't be discussed on WS.
We have to keep that in mind.
Just because Harley was stressed about being away from mom doesn't signify a close relationship and could also indicate problems. I used to freak when separated from my mom as a child but mostly because it meant no one would be there to mange her. My being away meant no one would find her after her next suicide attempt or over dose and call for help to revive her. That's a huge burden on a child. I was eventually removed for a time (and went back and was removed) to foster and group homes that were my safe havens. I'm sorry you had a horrible experience in them but I'd not be half the person I am if it wasn't for my many foster families that raised me in ways my mom never did.
There's no one "right answer" when it comes to what is best for any one kid.
I do think that someone needs to seriously intervene if Harley is found.
Just stopping by to drop my two cents.
Mom now says she didn't see him, she just talked to him.
Gets rid of 17 bags of clothes that day but refuses to answer any phone calls from the school even though she's posting all her good deeds on social media.
Dad's garbage truck was at the house (unusual).
Fire at Dad's place of work the same day Harley goes missing.

<modsnip: sleuthing family social media is not allowed for discussion>

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It was 34 out and he was walking and yet his Mom was gonna start taking him to school. The day he went MIA it was 18, why was this child walking?? I live the same distance from the school where I live (4 blocks) and when it got below freezing (32) I had a ride to school so I didn't get frostbite or sick on my way to school. Also there could have been ice on the sidewalk and that is asking for you to fall and injure yourself. Just what ya need on your way to school, fall and bust your *advertiser censored* or your face on the pavement

When I was a kid, we walked up hill both ways, (lol) didn’t matter what the weather was like. We didn’t whine & complain about it either. It was NORMAL. My mom would have driven me if I asked, she got up every morning and cooked me a hot breakfast with fresh squeezed OJ!
Only times I WANTED & ASKED for a ride is when I had a bulky project to turn in.
When I was in school, we LOVED being outside walking & playing. Back then, there may have been ONE fat kid in your class. ONE. Compare that to now.
Just stopping by to drop my two cents.
Mom now says she didn't see him, she just talked to him.
Gets rid of 17 bags of clothes that day but refuses to answer any phone calls from the school even though she's posting all her good deeds on social media.
Dad's garbage truck was at the house (unusual).
Fire at Dad's place of work the same day Harley goes missing.

And now that I've investigated the SM of his family members I'm basically sick to my stomach.

Saving this post.
That's a lot to get rid of; even if it's clothes that a person has outgrown from weight changes.
I'd read about the clothes being tossed but didn't know how many bags.
17 bags !

And the garbage truck being there at an unusual time.
Didn't the employer ask questions ?
This is crazy insane.
Something happened at home - Harley's "scared" video proves that. And even if someone here think's he's manipulative, no child should be in a position where they're locked out of their house and are afraid to visit a friend because his mother will call the cops.
Just have to say if it was my teen who was missing; police chief's advice to 'give it a few more days' notwithstanding--- I'd be out there looking for him day and night and calling his friends.
And so would my DH.
You couldn't keep us from searching unless you had to lock us in our house.
And IF my child was missing-- I'd not be in the frame of mind to do any house cleaning/clearing out (17 bags of clothing thrown out) !

Everything would stop and I'd be begging for help and searching.
I wouldn't be doing anything else, not my nails, nor even eating -- and barely sleeping.
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I watched this video yesterday. The kids seem to be just playing around. So I didn’t mention it. Still, it left me a little uneasy. Now that a quarry is being mentioned, I went back to it just now. Probably nothing. The video is a year old.
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