GUILTY OH - Johnny Clarke, 21, & Lisa Straub, 20, murdered, Springfield Twp, 31 Jan 2011

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Some Verbatim Transcriptions from the 911 Calls:

-Johnny and Lisa were supposed to pick Tiffany up at 11 pm.

-(Tiffany) heard "all this" going on in the background

-JC told Tiffany "we're on the way out the door, we are coming to get you. ", Then she hears the phone drop.

-They were talking to her on the phone when all this "commotion" went down

-She was on the phone and she heard a guy in the background screaming at my son, then she heard (my son) say "get away from us"

-JC's mother tells 911 "Whoever tried to asssault them and rob them". (How would she know that?)

-LS car is in the driveway

-"I want this girl's plate number, that this girl is driving" (Tiffany and her friend)

-Here is the plate number, these 2 people right here...I have a feeling you set-up my son, I have her blocked in, she can't leave the driveway.

(Tiffany gets on the phone)

-"I was on the phone with his girlfriend Lisa, and he hung up. I called Johnny right back, cuz I was going to tell them I was going out to the store....He was yelling at someone"

-They are my friends and I am worried about them. I was calling and it was ringing, and then it was shut off all of a sudden, I heard him arguing
Lisa's car was in the garage, I think JC's mother was referring to Tiffany when she said and "her" car is in the driveway. But yeah when Tiffany said she was talking to Lisa and then He hung up..That makes no sense unless for some reason Lisa was talking on Johnny's phone and then handed it back to him, and when she called back again he answered. And another thing that is strange, in this day and age, noone calls someone back to say hey come a little later, I'm running to the store. They would most certainly send that message via text.
I would be awfully surprised if there wasn't video of the perps in that neighbourhood.
I would be awfully surprised if there wasn't video of the perps in that neighbourhood.

Yes you are 100% neighbor hood we have home surveillance cameras{middle class suburb}and we do as well.. I can almost guarantee that with them having to travel several roads throughout that neighborhood to reach Lisa's home{there's a google map in this thread that shows this}..I can guarantee that there would be multiple home surveillance cameras that caught their vehicle..its just police had to have thought of this fairly early on to ensure it wasn't taped over..{but come to think of it..tho ours still runs on a type of recordable video cassette[36hr]..I know alot of the more modern are run thru the I'd bet there would be a way to retrieve any/all recordings especially within the last 7-10 days..FWIW}
I don't think this a robbery gone wrong, I agree that whoever did this either knew Johnny, Lisa or both.

sad for all involved
My guess is that they probably drove in off of Pilliod, (the main road) then the house is just a couple in from the entry to the subdivision.
In reference of the cell phones.. I think some of the discrepancies or what appear to be discrepancies is that per the SW the cell phones were not intact..There were various parts of the cell phones strewn throughout an area of the house..

So therefor I can see both being true..that the "cell phones" were found on top of each body as well as that the dad supposedly saw what he believed was his sons "cell phone" in a corner of the room that he was able to partially see thru the small slit in the blinds..

To further explain what I'm meaning is that say the case to Johnny's phone was in the corner and this is what the dad saw thru the small slit..I could see him thinking it was the entire cell phone not just the case..and then when the cousin is hoisted up to look thru the slit he/she sees the actual cell phone lying on Johnny's body..and then possibly the phone battery was found in another area..and the back cover to the phone in still yet another area..

That makes sense to me and would make all of their statements along with the Search Warrant all be consistent as well..
Is the search warrant public information? Can it be obtained online somewhere? I looked on the court's website but was unsuccessful. I did find that Johnny's mom appears to have filed a case in June of 2010 for a civil stalking protection order. I wonder if there is any connection between that and what happened to Johnny and Lisa......
If the police said they are checking phones and computers, what was stolen? Those items are usually at the top of the list for thieves.

Is anyone seeing local coverage with a comments section? I am wondering what the locals think happened.
From what I've seen or heard, the locals think this was drug-related. The people that knew Johnny or knew of him seem certain he was targeted because of drugs or owing people money, etc. and not a random burglary.

Also, as for the pants they found under her, I'm thinking they are the brand called Pink and they were black in color. Not really relevant, I know, but just thought that I'd mention it.
If the police said they are checking phones and computers, what was stolen? Those items are usually at the top of the list for thieves.

Is anyone seeing local coverage with a comments section? I am wondering what the locals think happened.

A lot of the locals have come out with comments pertaining to John being in a gang, dealing drugs & weapons. I've read that more than once from people who claim to have known him, & Lisa. JMO but I think the only thing that is missing from that home, is whatever drugs John had stashed there. If that's the case, no one will ever know, for sure.
Anyone else read her post?

Yes, I read it. But if it's been removed - whether by Grieving Friend or by the mods - we shouldn't be discussing details of it, IMHO. I think it must have been removed for a reason.
Hey Guys - I need your help here before this thread gets any longer, please.

There are several posts talking about Tiffany and a facebook that may or may not be her. My understanding is that Tiffany has been named in the MSM and she is on the 911 calls. We can discuss her in that regard. Any references to a facebook that may or may not be her needs to GO!

WS does not allowing linking to, or referring to sites where it is not confirmed to be the person in question. In addition, if she is not named a POI or suspect, she is to be treated as a bystander. Now, I understand she is in the MSM & 911 calls and we can discuss that, but we can't be perpetuating unconfirmed rumors that she is a criminal.

Some rumors are allowed, but not rumors that insinuate a person is a criminal, kwim?

Also, we do not talk or sleuth other members. That is a serious offense and will result in a TO. It is like talking behind someone's back.

Please review your posts and alert any that I need to snip or remove until we get further info from LE or the media please.

Thank you for your cooperation and your help!


PS - remember - we do not have any verified locals in this thread. All info posted should be taken with the same weight as any other rumor you might hear.
When Lisa's parents were immediately flown back into Toledo from their cruise after lengthy questioning at Police Station they were then taken by the detectives and walked through their home to thoroughly inspect for any/all missing items that were stolen...The parents stated that THE ONLY THING STOLEN FROM THEIR HOME WERE 2 TWENTY DOLLAR BILLS THAT WERE LOCATED IN A JAR OF COINS :(
After reading up on this for a few days, and coming across this thread, I had a few thoughts I'd like to share. I hope you guys will welcome me and I'm excited to hopefully contribute. :)

Some quoted posts in the thread seem to have been deleted so I may be missing some things that you guys have already seen or answered. I also didn't catch Nancy Grace and am only catching up, so forgive me if I'm confused or asking repeat questions. In the beginning there's lots of talk about the locations of the cell phones. I didn't see anyone point this out, but at first, before she says they're on the bodies, Johnny's mother says they're "on the ground." Did I hear this wrong? A minor point, I'm sure, but there was much discussion about it. Was there ever confirmation on this exactly? I've read so many different things... If the phones WERE literally on their bodies, perhaps it's because the perp thought that one or both of them could get free to call 911. Unlikely, but it is something to think about. Def puts a different spin on things.

Another minor point, maybe, but I'm curious. Why did Johnny need to pick Tiffany up if she had her own means of driving by later? Am I assuming that her friend drove her?

What kind of key was it that was found under Lisa? I only read it had a number on it, but that doesn't mean much. Looking at my own key ring, they all have things on them, but from the size and shape I can deduce what is probably for what. Was it smaller? Did it look like a regular door key? Was it described at all besides having numbers?

I think it's easy for us to pick out the discrepancies because we're third parties. In the moment, in panic, information gets jumbled. How many times have we simplified something for explanation... There've been countless studies and surveys done about perception in the moment of events. People get robbed, get the descriptions all wrong for example.

I haven't listened to her 911 conversation, but this friend does sound suspect. And for the sake of argument, maybe she is a concerned friend and didn't set them up...but she has knowledge of someone or something. It sounds to me like these kids were screwing around--Johnny, at least, because I get the 'young entrepreneur' vibe from him--trying to make easy money by selling something, didn't keep it to themselves and so someone knew about it and decided to take it. It's terrible and sad, but not uncommon.

One more (probably stupid) question. I've seen you guys use the abbreviation 'bbm' a lot. What's it mean? Usually I can figure it out!
After reading up on this for a few days, and coming across this thread, I had a few thoughts I'd like to share. I hope you guys will welcome me and I'm excited to hopefully contribute. :)

Some quoted posts in the thread seem to have been deleted so I may be missing some things that you guys have already seen or answered. I also didn't catch Nancy Grace and am only catching up, so forgive me if I'm confused or asking repeat questions. In the beginning there's lots of talk about the locations of the cell phones. I didn't see anyone point this out, but at first, before she says they're on the bodies, Johnny's mother says they're "on the ground." Did I hear this wrong? A minor point, I'm sure, but there was much discussion about it. Was there ever confirmation on this exactly? I've read so many different things... If the phones WERE literally on their bodies, perhaps it's because the perp thought that one or both of them could get free to call 911. Unlikely, but it is something to think about. Def puts a different spin on things.

Another minor point, maybe, but I'm curious. Why did Johnny need to pick Tiffany up if she had her own means of driving by later? Am I assuming that her friend drove her?

What kind of key was it that was found under Lisa? I only read it had a number on it, but that doesn't mean much. Looking at my own key ring, they all have things on them, but from the size and shape I can deduce what is probably for what. Was it smaller? Did it look like a regular door key? Was it described at all besides having numbers?

I think it's easy for us to pick out the discrepancies because we're third parties. In the moment, in panic, information gets jumbled. How many times have we simplified something for explanation... There've been countless studies and surveys done about perception in the moment of events. People get robbed, get the descriptions all wrong for example.

I haven't listened to her 911 conversation, but this friend does sound suspect. And for the sake of argument, maybe she is a concerned friend and didn't set them up...but she has knowledge of someone or something. It sounds to me like these kids were screwing around--Johnny, at least, because I get the 'young entrepreneur' vibe from him--trying to make easy money by selling something, didn't keep it to themselves and so someone knew about it and decided to take it. It's terrible and sad, but not uncommon.

One more (probably stupid) question. I've seen you guys use the abbreviation 'bbm' a lot. What's it mean? Usually I can figure it out!


Welcome to Websleuths...:seeya: Good first post.

"BBM" (like I just used) means "bolded by me" - when you quote someone and bold comments that were not originally bolded. No, it's not a stupid question - I didn't know what it mean until I started posting here either...

Here's a link that may explain even more abbreviations that you may see:
Welcome to Websleuths girlinblue! Thanks for joining us here. Good questions....I hope we get some answers soon.

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