GUILTY OH - Johnny Clarke, 21, & Lisa Straub, 20, murdered, Springfield Twp, 31 Jan 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If Lisa only had pants on (as per 911 call), AND there were interband pants under her neck, then where did the 2nd pair of pants come from?

What about the towel around Johnny?

The search warrant details "a" DVD was taken. Funny they only took a single DVD.

This clothing information seems peculiar.
<modsnip>. The FBI does not get involved in local crimes, it has to impact the federal interest or at least cross state lines. Trash bag purchase....well I purchased trash bags just last week...

40% of murders go unsolved. If the police cannot identify a suspect within 2 weeks chances are they won't ever identify one, the suspect is usually someone the victim knows (barring dna or ballistics, if there is not a direct connection it goes cold in 2 weeks).

This is not the Lindenberg baby...this was a drug related killing. Unfortunate yes, but I bet the police have a lot more gritty details and they aren't thinking "if I don't solve this one I can't sleep at night". More likely they are thinking "one less on the streets".

Hi Sonya,

Where are you getting the stats that 40% of murders go unsolved? Also as far as the trash bags/plastic bags go, you may want to check out the Caylee Anthony murder case here on WS. There is much science related to the plastic bag stuff. It is all pretty interesting.

Also, we have a lot of cases where there is no arrest for several months. MacKenzie Cowell comes to mind, but there are others. So I'm having a hard time, just from my own personal experience right here on WS, putting much credibility in your stats.

And ... this is completely o/t but I was listening to a radio show last Sunday and there was a guy on there that said he WAS the Lindberg baby. I didn't believe him, but it was kind of interesting.

Some of that CSI comment might be true, but I don't have cable or satellite or even watch much TV (I'll catch programs at gym but that is about it, mostly news). I'll take it as a compliment I guess? I like to read as much as I can about crimes and forensics. History tends to repeat itself.

But the information listed above is factual. I would like to think that I might as well post a logical and constructive thought process about the topic, since my mind is always going.

The police stated that the FBI offered assistance and they immediately accepted. The FBI commonly offers assistance. Many times this is given in the form of use of the FBI Laboratory. The FBI only has the authority to intervene in an investigation when it meets the criteria you listed above.

The FBI was on scene the morning of the murder to assist in collecting evidence and also walked the Straubs around the house when they returned from their cruise.

They may be thinking "one less on the streets" but you can't carry that argument over to discuss the girlfriend, a full time nursing student and full time server.

I think some people overlook the importance of minute details in a case. People can polish an alibi, and lie all they want. Something as small and insignificant as a piece of duct tape, brand of zip tie, or, yes, even a unique plastic bag can link someone to a crime and focus the investigation on them.

I was just trying to supply a unique viewpoint about the situation in my previous post.


Stolly, your unique viewpoint is much appreciated. You think outside the box and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. I look forward to reading more.
I think this case will be solved fairly quickly. I dont think we are dealing with experienced robbers here. One thing about the bags over the heads is that would be no guarantee that they wouldn't survive. I just watched a true story not too long ago where a woman was attacked and a plastic bag placed over her head. She was able to bite through the bag and free herself. It is possible. Of course, the killers could have stuck around long enough to make sure that didn't happen but that brings us back to them spending a lot of time in a house when they knew that Johnny was on the phone with someone who could have reported that something was going on there.


I don't believe Lisa and Johnny died from the bags. I believe they were strangled to death. I don't believe the perps spent a lot of time in the home. It would take some time to suffocate in a bag. If the perps left them alive that way, I believe Lisa and Johnny would have gotten the bags off of each other.
And I believe it was drug/drug money related and it was someone familiar with them. Not a close relationship, perhaps someone who knew someone that had shared information about the couple, the home, the drugs.

We seem to have had our share of crap this past year in our area....the skelton boys and this manyof you may know, I'm in toledo..holland is a suburb of Toledo..take me 10 mins to drive there. <modsnip>, Tiffany needs to be interrogated til she cracks IMO, and it is also known that there is a loose cannon, ex-boyfriend in the picture (I don't think the ex-boyfriend angle has been publicized, this is what my nephew tells me)...I'm extremely annoyed that our LE is being so "secretive" with info. None of the stuff on NG has been reported locally..AT ALL. I meanAT ALL! A robbery gone bad?? The whole town is laughing about that! Everyone that I have talked to locally believes this was NOT a random case of violence..
There was a home invasion out in Lenawee County (right around where the Skelton boys lived) of a whole family, including 2 small children. Everyone was tied up (even the children) the mother was raped, and the invaders were dressed all in black, including masks, and stole NUMEROUS items...guns, money, etc...Everybody out that way was completely freaked about that cuz they have not been caught yet, and that WAS a random act (my sis lives close to the area)
I have to explain...what I meant about not reporting things..I meant in our local paper THE TOLEDO BLADE, it has not been reported what was recovered during the search warrant, etc. I know online news and newscasts have reported that, but I personally am sick of the Blade for not being current on things and picking and choosing what they do report. Alot of people do not look on newsites online, nor do they catch the news on tv....but most everyone in this town gets the BLADE.


Hi Sonya,

Where are you getting the stats that 40% of murders go unsolved?

I'm not Sonya, but I had to look it up and found this from the FBI:

If I understand the table right, in 2009, 66.6 % of murders/ manslaughters were solved/ cleared nationally.
In 2006 clearance rates were 60.7 %.
(and where is Midwest - North East Central? Their clearance rates for any crime look appalling )
I too am a local and extremely frustrated with the local information provided to us pertaining to this case. Even though we are all way too intellegent to believe them when they announce that it was a robbery gone bad, how fair is it of them to report it to be such. This is a small community, why make people panic thinking that they're in danger of a random "robery gone bad".
I too am a local and extremely frustrated with the local information provided to us pertaining to this case. Even though we are all way too intelligent to believe them when they announce that it was a robbery gone bad, how fair is it of them to report it to be such. This is a small community, why make people panic thinking that they're in danger of a random "robbery gone bad".

It does make it easier when LE does come out and explain why they are believing a crime is either random or personal but sadly most LE never are going to give up that information to the public as it is part of their ongoing investigation and they arent going to compromise their case.

Now they don't get it right every time that is for sure. We have seen cases right here that have been discussed where LE told the town folk they didn't have to worry because the killing wasnt done by a random killer and many times it turned out that it WAS random.

So I suppose they are basing it on what they have found thus far at the crime scene that makes them believe this was a robbery gone bad.

It is better imo to alert the citizens to be vigilant than give them false ease that they don't have to worry about anything.

Imo, they have their reasons...........what they base them on at this time........none of us knows.

Hi Sonya,

Where are you getting the stats that 40% of murders go unsolved?

From the FBI.

Fewer Murders Are Being Solved in the U.S.

According to the latest FBI figures, just over 60% of murders were solved in 2007.

Every year in America, 6,000 killers get away with murder. The percentage of homicides that go unsolved in the United States has risen alarmingly even as the homicide rate has fallen to levels last seen in the 1960s.
From the FBI.

Thanks Sonya.

Nearly 185,000 killings went unsolved from 1980 to 2008.

That is a lot of unsolved cases.

I have always felt if a murderer gets away with their first murder they are more likely than not to murder again.

I am not ruling in altogether that this had anything to do with drugs. Maybe it did but maybe it didn't.

I also feel that is why Lisa had injuries that caused bleeding. She most likely resisted and they overpowered her by hitting her with something when they were raping her. That is why her ankles werent bound up, imo.

For it to be drug related the manner in which they were killed are not common to other drug dealing ending in murder to me.

It seems to be a premeditated plan. Bringing what they would need to bind them up.

I think whomever this was knew what they were going to do before they arrived.

So my options on motives are still open.

I just don't think Johnny was some big drug dealer or had stiffed someone out of a large amount of drugs or money. This just seems to be a little overkill for that, imo. Usually a drug dealer will have someone go in the home and put a bullet in the victims brain and walk out or burn the house down. This seems either very evil or very personal.

If Lisa was sexually assaulted it wouldn't surprise me if she was the first one murdered instead of Johnny. There is some kind of evilness going on here and imo they would make him watch as they raped her.. then kill her and then him.

I hope evidence left behind in the home will bring the killer or killers to justice and quickly.

With no witnesses it may be hard for the police to find enough evidence. They are probably going to have to get a confession out of someone or find a snitch.

Knowing who did it is not the same as PROVING who did it. Plus if the killer was over at the house before that makes it harder to prove any found dna is linked to the murders (unless it is actually on the bags or other tools used in the crime).

You would think if a large amount of drugs were stolen others would be aware of the booty, then again I can understand why some people wouldn't want to get on this killer's wrong side.
Why do the first reports say they were found in the kitchen/dining area, but the 911 call says they were in the basement? Did someone move the bodies?

the bodies were found in kitchen area. i think mom just assumed it was basement when her cousin came running out from the back of the house screaming. i think there was just alot of chaos at the time. as far as someone mentioning a towel. there was no mention of a towel. that is what it almost sounds ike in the call but it's not. lisa was not sexually assaulted. i am extened family. i think she was half dressed because she wasn't ready to leave yet. tif was waiting and like alot of females she wasn't dressed and ready to go yet. johnny was known to have a big mouth and flaunted that he was staying at such a nice place. i think he told one of his friends to come hit the house at 11 cuz we will be gone. he had to say "who are you" otherwise lisa would know that he was in on it. as far as tif goes i just dont know. i think she had to get them out of the house by 11. i think they were probably friends of friends and quite possibly he really didn't know them. they were not suppose to be there and that's when things went horribly wrong. i think after the bags they just placed their hands over nose and mouth and killed them quickly. just some thoughts. and i have read and viewed everything about this and i don't recall mention of black tape, but i could have missed it. the only duct tape we have is black and i am a local.
the bodies were found in kitchen area. i think mom just assumed it was basement when her cousin came running out from the back of the house screaming. i think there was just alot of chaos at the time. as far as someone mentioning a towel. there was no mention of a towel. that is what it almost sounds ike in the call but it's not. lisa was not sexually assaulted. i am extened family. i think she was half dressed because she wasn't ready to leave yet. tif was waiting and like alot of females she wasn't dressed and ready to go yet. johnny was known to have a big mouth and flaunted that he was staying at such a nice place. i think he told one of his friends to come hit the house at 11 cuz we will be gone. he had to say "who are you" otherwise lisa would know that he was in on it. as far as tif goes i just dont know. i think she had to get them out of the house by 11. i think they were probably friends of friends and quite possibly he really didn't know them. they were not suppose to be there and that's when things went horribly wrong. i think after the bags they just placed their hands over nose and mouth and killed them quickly. just some thoughts. and i have read and viewed everything about this and i don't recall mention of black tape, but i could have missed it. the only duct tape we have is black and i am a local.

Thank-you, Anthony.

If you are extended family, would you be so kind as to take a moment and send Salem, the mod, a message, requesting to be verified. All locals/family/friends need to be verified as such for cases at WS.

I was pondering what you say yesterday, about Johnny being "in on" the set-up, and then, things taking an unexpected turn.

I think the time of deaths for both Johnny and Lisa may shed some light on this.

In the interview with JC's parents that I posted upthread, they say "black" tape. Thanks for the insight on it mostly being black duct tape where you are. Silver is the most prevailing colour in my region, and I don't think I have ever even seen black duct tape, so that is helpful, what you say (and others too).

Can you clarify where the window is that the cousin peered in, in relation to viewing the Longacre home from the road? The media has been showing a window with long curtains, on the front left side of the home (as viewed from the road). Is that the window?

Why do the first reports say they were found in the kitchen/dining area, but the 911 call says they were in the basement?

Reading the Phylicia Barnes thread a few days ago I learned some people actually call the first (bottom) floor of a house the basement. Maybe that's the explanation?

The pants underneath Lisa's head makes me wonder if someone tried to be compassionate or hoped the bleeding would go away?
What a horrific crime... : (
sorry. i didn't know that i had to be verified. i will send salem a message. the window is not shown in any pictures. they peaked thru a window in the back of the house where there are blinds that were turned downward. that is why the cousin had to be hoisted up to see.
Duct tape is not usually black. Could they have been bound with black electrical tape?

Hardware stores usually sell duct tape in all colors. Another black tape is gorilla tape (like duct tape only narrower and incredibly strong). Electrical tape is pretty stretchy, though I guess it is possible, though Gorilla tape would be a better choice.

I just assumed they used trash bags, seems like grocery bags would be an odd choice. Trash bags would likely be hard to trace, grocery bags are not only easier to trace but rather flimsy.

As far as Johnny setting this up so someone could rob the house, that doesn't make sense since not much was taken (except very likely drugs that belonged to Johnny).

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